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Philipscom’s Comment Policy – A Note To My Esteemed Readers On Comments

Posted in Blog Comments, Blogging, and Comment Policy Of Philipscom

Last updated on July 30, 2021

 Our new comment policy:

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Comment Policy of Philipscom is a note to my esteemed readers.  As many of my readers know that I give much importance to readers’ comments on my blogs.

We the writers/bloggers eagerly look for the readers’ response or feedback. This appears in the form of comments in our blog posts.

In fact, I entered this arena of blogging as a comment author and I still love to comment on other fellow bloggers pages as often as I can.

Likewise, I prefer to get return comments from my fellow bloggers.

Yes, I was a comment author before having a blog of my own.  You can read more on this line here in this post,  an interview I had with one of the Non-Resident Indian Blogger

These days I am getting a lot of generic comments (one word or one line comments) on my page and I am fed up with that and thought of making a notification in this regard to my readers, thus this post, “Philipscom’s new comment policy”. 

When I make a comment on others’ posts I do take utmost care to stick to the subject and do drop a constructive comment relevant to the topic. 

I prefer not to post a one-line comment just for the sake of getting some backlinks. 

When I take that care while posting comments I do expect the same from others too.

As I said, I do give much importance to my visitors and readers’ especially to the ones who do drop their feedback on our posts.  

Philipscom is presently using CommentLuv comment option, that does not mean that one can just drop one comment and get some link juice.   No this never happens on these pages!

Please note that your first 4 comments will not get a do-follow link, but the 5th comment onwards you get that facility.

Since I do share valuable comments on fellow bloggers posts, why I would allow others to post a generic comment on my page. Sorry, this will not happen on the pages of Philipscom.  

We hope our readers take this note in the right sense…

There are few friends start asking me hey, Philip why my comments are not showing or approved on your pages.  

I did post some comments in the recent past, why you are not accepting it. 

To such readers, my sincere answer is this post.  Hope you take this note in the right sense.  

Is Blog Comments Dead?

No, never,

But, if we look at some of the blog posts, (even some of the top bloggers’) we see literally no comments.  

Seeing such posts one may get that kind of feeling that blog comments are dead.

Though the post is a well-written and a classic one, we do not find any comments on such wonderful posts.   Why? 

There may be a lot of reasons for such happenings.  

I am not going to write anything about it.

But I am sure if the blog writers follow some comment policy very diligently we will get solid or constructive comments on our posts.  

The Power of Blog Comments

In recent times, I have posted an article on this subject under this title: “The Power of Blog Comments” elsewhere on these pages.  Which very clearly talks about the power or impact our comments make on fellow writer’s page.

Keeping this great effect in mind I follow those strategies in my blog commenting.

In short that brought in a lot of benefits in my blogging journey.

I request my visitors/readers who would like to drop their opinion in the form of a comment, to read the said article.  So that before making a comment on these pages you can make a constructive and worth discussing feedback.

A Constructive Comment Make the Day of a blogger

Yes, indeed a single comment which talks in an elaborate way will surely make the day of the writer.  

It may not count the number of comments but one worth or solid comment will talk more than a hundred comments with one word or one-line praise.  

Though some may accept generic comments on their pages,  Philipscom will not encourage such comments.  

Sometimes this may reduce the present flow of comments here, but that does not matter. 

So, No More One word or One-line Generic Comments Here… 

comment policy‘Great Post’, ‘Good One’, ‘Very Nice’, ‘Excellent’, ‘Wonderful Post’ ‘Awesome Post’  ‘Well Done’  ‘Keep it up’ such generic comments are no doubt just meant for getting some link juice!

Mostly these comments are made not even reading a sentence of the content.

It is very clear that such one line comments they post are no doubt to get some traffic back.  The intention may be good but I am sorry to say that this will not be encouraged on these pages.

Comment policy 

Readers, please avoid posting such comments.  Such comments will not find any place on these pages.  If you do, you are just wasting your time over here.

Even after repeatedly emphasizing these facts about our Comment Policy some readers/visitors are just repeating the same by posting one-word comments or one line comments.



Debatable Comments Are Welcome, Not Hateful one 

I wholeheartedly welcome debatable comments on these pages.  But hate to entertain hatefully or hurting comments.  No doubt such notes will surely go to the dustbin!

Some people just for the sake of creating some kind of confusion, post controversial notes, such comments too will not be entertained here.

If anyone tries to do that they are just wasting their time, instead they can go to some other place where such comments are entertained.

Philipscom's Readers, Please make note of these new comment policy Share on X

Sprinkling Links in Comments Are Not Accepted

Though we are using the CommenLuv comment box option, that does not mean that you can just pour out any irrelevant links here. 

Some have the habit of sprinkling irrelevant links in the comment box.   

Sorry, this is not a good trend and we never encourage such practices on these pages.  

Use Your Real Name And Picture in the Comment 

Since we are using the Akismet spam checker, we can easily find the spam comments. Though there are some genuine comments without the comment author’s original name and image.  Sad to say most of the time such comments will appear as spam comments and there are chances to go such comments in the spam folder and the blog author may not find it immediately.  

If you post your comments with your real picture the blog owner can easily recognize and approve the comment.

Most often if the comment does not carry your profile image there is a great chance to unnoticed by the blog owner and thus that solid comment goes into the spam folder and will not see the light of the day.  

There are many such comment authors who do not use their real name and image and miss their chance.  

To avoid this I would suggest you create a gravatar image for you.  

There is a wonderful tutorial, (Guest post) written by the pro blogger Chery Schmidt on these pages under the title “Adding Your picture to WordPress Blog Comments”

It is always good to show our identity to the general public or the readers.  So use your original image as your profile picture while you make comments.

BONUS NOTE: Please note that, the value-added comments you make on fellow bloggers posts will get noticed by the readers and that ultimately bring traffic to your blog.

Typos in Comments Are Not A Good Sign

I know for sure many of my readers are not experts in English, but they want to say something solid via the comment, but sad they make mistakes in their language while typing the comment. Such comments sometimes I try to fix it and approve but this is not practical all the time.

So use Grammarly the amazing grammar and spell check tool which helps you fix most of such typographical errors.


You can download this amazing grammar checking tool from this link:  Grammarly

Do you have a Comment Policy for your blogs?

As said before  let me repeat, No Doubt, “Comments are vital in Blogging.”

Do you approve one word or one line comments you receive on your blogs?

We do not accept or approve such generic comments.

We have a comment policy and we add a detailed note in this regard on all our blog posts (at the bottom of every published post)

Do you agree to this?

Would like to hear from fellow bloggers. Share your thoughts in the comment box.

Thanks for your kind responses.


Concluding Note… BEWARE!!!

These are some of the real facts I wanted to convey to my esteemed readers who want to make their voice heard via these pages.

Yes, BEWARE, Our comments on others’ pages will show our identity and it can silently talk volume about us! :-)

So make sure you make relevant, constructive, or debatable and engaging comments on fellow bloggers’ posts, which draws the attention of its readers.

I once again appreciate your valuable time over here to read this as well as other posts elsewhere on Philipscom.

I encourage you to make relevant and value-added comments by following these tips.  It will surely bring in more monetary benefits to your sites.

Remember and I repeat, that we do reciprocate your comments by visiting your page if you do drop a solid comment here! 

With Kind Regards,

For Philipscom Associates  

Philip Verghese ‘Ariel


Hope you will follow these tips while making comments on these pages!

I am sure if you follow these it will bring benefits to you and your page!

Updated on: Apr 18, 2019  

Updated on June 15, 2018

Published on: Sep 26, 2017 @ 01:51


Dear Reader,
Thank you so much for your valuable time.
I appreciate!
I love your feedback/comments!
Some of you know I entered the blogging arena as a blog comment author.
Yes, once upon a time I was a comment author without a blog!
Yes, I do visit fellow bloggers pages and drop valuable comments and that lead me to start a blog of my own.
Of course, that is a big story and you can read that elsewhere on these pages
Coming to the point, I accept feedback from my readers and often I do reciprocate.
Your feedback negative or positive, I would like to hear from you.
But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard.
Please read our comment policy before you make a comment,
otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get approved!
So please do share your views in the comment box keeping the comment policy of philipscom,
In short, Philipscom will not approve comments that
1.  Are One word or one line.
2.  Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory
3.  Make offensive generalizations
4.  Ramble without a point
5.  Use offensive or insensitive language
6.  Typed all in CAPITAL Letters.
7.  Typed in a language other than English
8.  Are irrelevant to the post in question
9.  Contain self-promotional materials or links
10.  Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom
Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy.
If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments.

Check your domain ranking


  1. frank

    thats good when you do something to a fellow blogger of course he/she will return the favor, great post!

    September 26, 2017
  2. Hello Pv,

    Glad to know the new comment policy of PVariel dot com.

    Hopefully, you are getting fruitful results. As a blogger, it’s our responsibility to take care of our blog comments. Because a quality comment plays a constructive role for the betterment of any blog.

    Keep sharing :)

    Warm Regard’s


    September 26, 2017
    • Hi Mairaj,
      Good to see you back after a while. :-)
      Thanks for the visit, I am so glad to note that you liked this post.
      Yes, we need to be careful while accepting comments on our pages. As you mentioned, ‘a quality comment on our page can do a lot in return.
      I appreciate your insight into this post.
      Keep sharing.
      Have a great weekend.
      ~ Philip

      September 30, 2017
  3. I do not blame you for the post above. I have a huge problem with poor quality comments on my website and most of it is people just trying to 1. Sell something, or 2. get a backlink. I try to leave meaningful comments that reflects my real life and situation and how your blogs might affect that. Good luck with a better flow.

    September 27, 2017
    • Hi John
      Thanks for your maiden visit here. :-)
      I appreciate your thoughts you shared on this subject.
      Yes, there are many out there to get somehow some link juice!
      This is not acceptable at all.
      Yes, one needs to be genuine when he or she makes comments on others posts.
      Keep visiting.
      As i said I do reciprocate! :-)
      Best Regards,

      September 30, 2017
  4. Hi Phillip,

    I agree with you one hundred percent! Those one liner’s or even one word, would never be accepted on my blog. The only way I would accept a one liner is if I knew it was a beginner blogger. Then I would let it in, and pm that person to explain my policy.

    I’m so glad you wrote about this because so many are trying to “break into” our blogs only for back links. You know they aren’t reading it, nor do they care, but rather are selfish and we don’t want them as our readers.

    Sprinkling links is a big no no! And anything hateful doesn’t belong on our blogs, in fact not online at all.

    When it comes to commenting you know me well enough that I always say it is the backbone of blogging. We need to leave a good comment by first addressing the person who wrote the article. Then give some feedback. If one disagrees, there is a polite way to say that in a comment. “I disagree because…..but I do agree with ……” can be acceptable.

    Comments reflect who we are. People read comments often and if they see a good one they just may follow it back to its original source…our blogs.

    Thanks again!


    September 27, 2017
    • Hi, Donna,
      What a joy to see you here again! :-) :-) :-)
      It is indeed a great joy to read your value-added comment on this post about comments.
      Yes, we don’t want such comments which aim only to get some links back.
      That is indeed a kind of cheating, I am not afraid to use that word! I think that is an appropriate word. Just to bluff the blog author by saying something and going!
      Yes, I am very much aware of your attitude towards blog comments, and in fact, I quoted or mentioned you somewhere in the comment or in a blog post as “You are a “Comment Queen” Yes, Indeed you are! Of course, few others too are in the same line. As they are known as Queens and Kings! :-)
      Keep up that mark my dear friend.
      Yes, as you said the comments we get on our posts are indeed the backbone! I fully agree with you on that statement.
      Let us be firm on our policy so that what we get should be worth readable ad worth debatable.
      Thank you so much for your kind time over here.
      Thanks again for the wonderful share on FB and Twitter.
      Have a great weekend.
      ~ Phil

      September 30, 2017
  5. That’s true that some so-called Internet marketeers comment on other blogs just to get that backlink.

    They don’t even think about the impression they are leaving. Some of them are so lame that they keep on commenting the same line again and again on different blog posts.

    One should realize the power of commenting. Yes, it does give you a backlink but if you are commenting on a blog from a long time, it creates a relationship with the author and that is the beauty of blogging and commenting.

    Hope this new comment policy works for you.
    Keep sharing.

    Thank You

    September 29, 2017
    • HI Jayant,
      Thank you so much for your valuable time here with an insightful feedback.
      I fully agree with you that there are many out there to apply that strategy of posting the same comment over and again on different places. This type of trend is not a good sign and one should not encourage by approving such comments.
      I appreciate your meaningful thought.
      Keep visiting
      Keep sharing
      Have a great October 2017

      October 2, 2017
  6. Hi, Philip Sir,
    That’s a good move. The comments with one word or online looks like spam and I think and believe that the, One word or one line comments as a spam only.
    It’s indeed a good way to let people know through a blog post about commenting policy.
    Nice that you brought out this fact in a wonderful way. As you said, though the comment flow may reduce I am sure it is better to have some constructive comments than some odd ones. Nice that you shared a wonderful truth very well. These days many are out there to post such generic comments to get some link juice back.
    Thanks for telling this truth very well thru this post.
    That is the reason why I shared this long comment too!!! LOL :-) -) :-)

    September 29, 2017
    • Hi Robin,
      good to see you here again, I appreciate your relentless support to this philipscom.
      Yes, i fully agree with you that just for the sake of getting some backlinks people drop irrelevant comments. May are out there with this kind of policy, we need to put a full stop to it. Thus I thought of a shoutout in this regard and thus this post.
      Good to know that you liked it.
      Keep sharing.
      Have a great time of interaction ahead.
      ~ Philip

      October 12, 2017
  7. Great blog..when you do something to a fellow blogger, of course, he/she must return the favor. Indeed a very timely and nice post!
    Good that you brought out a naked truth via this post, I appreciate you for sharing this truth very emphatically.

    September 29, 2017
  8. Hey Philip,

    Great content.. will definitely apply to my blog. I have a blog that is very poor according to my opinion. I think i should work on my writing skills. Thanks

    September 30, 2017
  9. Scott Adlhoch
    Scott Adlhoch

    Nothing is dead in the world of Digital Marketing even directory submission still working but make sure you didn’t spam anywhere.

    Blog comment is still an effective way to get backlink and also provides traffic to your website.

    October 3, 2017
    • Hi Scott,
      THanks for your maiden visit here,
      I appreciate for the value added comment.
      Keep visiting
      Have a great time of interaction ahead,

      October 12, 2017
  10. Riju Debnath
    Riju Debnath

    Hi, Phillip,
    You did the right thing by setting up a rule for your readers to leave a comment.
    Comments on your blog show how engaging readers you are making with your writing.
    As a blogger, I know how important every comment is. One good comment can really make our day.
    Some people leave a comment with one or two words to create a link or to get some visitors but that is not the right thing to do. It will not work in the long run.
    Anyway, keep it up. You are doing a wonderful job.

    October 3, 2017
    • Hi Riju,
      Thank you so much for your valuable presence with a solid comment.
      I appreciate your time.
      Yes, I agree with you that it is a sad state of affairs some bloggers practice this to get some backlink visit and drop one word and go.
      This is indeed not a good trend and it will not fetch any results as they think
      Thanks again for adding more value to the post.
      Keep visiting
      Best Regards
      ~ Philip

      October 12, 2017
  11. Hi Philip Sir,

    Your Do’s and Dont’s of how comments should be made, their importance are extremely useful for bloggers like us who are often unclear about certain aspects.
    Your mention of hateful comments going to the dustbin is something which will send clear signal to those who may be looking for the same. Similarly, people won’t be posting irrelevant links now as well
    Thanks again for enlightening one and all :)

    October 4, 2017
  12. Thanks for this initiative Philip.I must say you took an constructive step on comments.

    I personally believe Comments should be meaningful and relevant.This kind of initiative always encourage

    me to write something very positive.Comments are made not only for getting back links sometimes I follow

    other’s comment to understand the entire ideology about the blog. Short comments never help readers like

    me to understand the entire topic.

    October 4, 2017
  13. Hey Philip Verghese
    I read your post , and em totally agreed with you , most of people used GSA ranker and auto bot for commenting , and other backlinks , but your policies are great
    Thank you for sharing

    October 4, 2017
  14. Hi Philip Sir,

    Sorry for the much delayed comment. I missed this post as I took a small break from blogging for few days. But, really glad to see the link of the post where I made an interview with you. Regarding blog commenting, you made the points clear to everyone who just leave a one line comment for the sake of getting link juice. Writing constructive and meaningful comments will add value to the content and make the post more engaging from the readers point of view.Also, it will make the post rank better in search rankings.

    Thanks once again for the timely reminder about blog commenting.

    Keep sharing valuable contents again.

    Best regards

    Reji Stephenson

    October 19, 2017
  15. thankyou so much for this article i really really appriciate this article i hope you like my frist blog post have a look! please

    October 21, 2017
  16. Happy to be here again.
    So now it appears full circle returning to the person who’s taken on the role of the blogging site administrator.

    However, every time a blogger does enjoy what he writes about, he’ll probably stay with it
    for a time.
    Many blog authors won’t approve a poor comment, so you have to accept the time to add real value and be sure your comment goes live.

    You made it clear through this post.
    Keep Going.

    – Felipafyans

    October 30, 2017
  17. Johnd515

    Nice blog here! Also, your website loads up fast! What host are you using? Can I get your affiliate link to your host? I wish my site loaded up as quickly as yours.

    April 1, 2018
  18. Saranya

    Hello P V,
    This is my first visit to your blog.
    Whatever you have mentioned in the blog is absolutely correct. By following the tips and tricks mentioned in your blog posts will improve their blogging journey. I fully agree with you that posting one word or one line comments are for, getting some backlinks. This tendency will not get any results. One word or one line comments no doubt for simply getting backlinks for their website. Such comment authors are no doubt without even reading the first paragraph of the content post such comments. I am glad that Philipscom took a firm decision to push such comments to the spam folders.
    Yes, many blog authors won’t approve such one word or one line poor comments.
    It is good to know that you made that clear through this post. :-)
    Good work….
    Keep writing

    June 29, 2018
  19. John Methew
    John Methew

    Hey Philip, You do really good always to post this kind of interesting things. I always read your blog, i never missed out one of them.
    I’m a Project Manager/Technical consultant at QuickBooks Services powered by Wizxpert. If anyone, who are a QuickBooks user and facing any issue related to QuickBooks Payroll, Then you can contact our QuickBooks Payroll Support Community.

    July 5, 2018
  20. Sharda Toll
    Sharda Toll

    Good to know about your comment policy.
    Yes, as you said, there many out there to comment on others posts, even without reading the post. It is high time that such comment authors should be discouraged to post such one line comments to get a backlink. This is my first time visiting your post.
    Keep sharing.

    August 22, 2018
  21. Leroy Sane
    Leroy Sane

    Thanks, Phillip for sharing your comment policy, it is indeed a very important part of blogging for that matter any online service or websites. One should have a general policy to follow. commenting is very important in blogging and all bloggers expect comments on their blog post. Posting just one line comment for just getting a backlink is not a good trend. You made this point very clear through your posts on blog comments. Yes, many bloggers simply accept one word or one line comments, I fully agree with you that this is not a good practice at all, in my opinion, all blogger should follow such comment policies to keep a systematic order in blog comment. I have noticed that any well-known bloggers they just accept one word or one line comments on their blog posts. Like you I too do not support such practices.
    Thanks a lot for this wonderful shout out.
    Keep sharing

    December 18, 2018
  22. Hosea

    Woh this is really a new thing to me, yes, there are many spammers out there to get into the high DA sites to get a backlink, your comment policy will really stop them to post such vague or un-relevant comments or one word or online comments. I think all blog owners should adopt this practice to avoid the spam comment authors.
    Thanks for sharing this post.
    Keep writing

    January 25, 2019
  23. soni

    That’s true that some so-called Internet marketeers comment on other blogs just to get that backlink.

    They don’t even think about the impression they are leaving. Some of them are so lame that they keep on commenting the same line again and again on different blog posts.

    April 15, 2019
  24. Ankit Tyagi
    Ankit Tyagi

    Thanks to the author for sharing this impressive blog. Really glad to read this article

    April 18, 2019
  25. vrujal bhalani
    vrujal bhalani

    Pretty strong stuff. This is really a new thing to me, Each Bloggers should have a comment policy to follow.
    I fully agree with you.
    keep sharing your good experience with us.
    Thank you

    April 26, 2019
  26. Faiz Syed
    Faiz Syed

    Thank you so much for this article I really appreciate this article. Yes, this is indeed a wonderful policy to follow by all blog owners as well as all comment authors.
    A great guidance to all. Keep writing. All good wishes.

    April 18, 2020
  27. […] I would like to hear from you. But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard. Please read our comment policy before you make a comment, otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get […]

    April 30, 2020
  28. […] I would like to hear from you. But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard. Please read our comment policy before you make a comment, otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get […]

    May 10, 2020
  29. […] I would like to hear from you. But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard. Please read our comment policy before you make a comment, otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get […]

    May 14, 2020
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    […] I would like to hear from you. But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard. Please read our comment policy before you make a comment, otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get […]

    May 28, 2020
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    7 SEO Factors That Will Be Important In Your Online Journey

    […] I would like to hear from you. But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard. Please read our comment policy before you make a comment, otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get approved! […]

    May 29, 2020
  32. P.V. Ariel - My First International Writing Colleague My Interview
    P.V. Ariel - My First International Writing Colleague My Interview

    […] I would like to hear from you. But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard. Please read our comment policy before you make a comment, otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get […]

    June 2, 2020
  33. […] I would like to hear from you. But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard. Please read our comment policy before you make a comment, otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get […]

    June 8, 2020
  34. […] I would like to hear from you. But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard. Please read our comment policy before you make a comment, otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get […]

    June 21, 2020
  35. Carleen Delton
    Carleen Delton

    This is my first time visit.
    Your place is valueble for me. A lot of information filled in these pages.
    Thanks for sharing your comment policy.

    July 7, 2020
    • parsh

      I want to learn how to write a good quality book actually I am a musician and want to write a book on music. or how to improve the music scene.

      July 21, 2020
  36. Ashely Blocher
    Ashely Blocher

    Thanks to get a marvelous posting! I seriously enjoyed reading it, you may be an excellent author.I am going to always bookmark your website and indeed will revisit from the foreseeable future. I want to encourage someone to continue your great work, have got a nice afternoon!

    Appreciate your new comment policy.
    All good wishes.
    Ashely Blocher recently posted…RayHBottiggiMy Profile

    July 14, 2020
  37. Hakim Ali
    Hakim Ali

    Thanks For Sharing The Amazing content. I Will also share with my friends. Great Content thanks a lot.

    July 19, 2020
  38. Yamuna

    Nice Article. Thanks For Sharing Comment Policy Information. Keep Posting. Will be back soon.

    July 20, 2020
  39. parsh chavan
    parsh chavan

    I read your post actually I am learning SEO and blogging. The same mistake I have done in the past but after reading your comment policy I understand what I am doing wrong. Thanks for the information.

    July 21, 2020
  40. This was a best article. I have ever read. Thank for sharing this type of knowledge. Best of luck.

    July 21, 2020
  41. Md. Raisul Islam Rifat
    Md. Raisul Islam Rifat

    Thanks for sharing your thought. We would be happy if you sharing this type of knowledge every day!! Best of luck!!

    July 21, 2020
  42. Paul Collins
    Paul Collins

    Hello sir,
    I’m Poul Collins, You are absolutely right. I follow This policy. Will visit again to read and comment. Thank you.

    July 22, 2020
  43. Philips,

    You had taken a good initiative to remind people about the power and value of blog commenting. At times, even I feel frustrated trashing-out those comments. Some people would even write about their business services in the comments section. They just blindly believe that blog commenting is one of the link building techniques.
    I’d be happy if there is any improvement in such reader’s commenting practice atleast after reading this new comment policy.
    Sathish Arumugam recently posted…Best Duplicate Content Checker Tools {July 2020} – No Plagiarism!My Profile

    July 22, 2020
  44. Ashley Williams
    Ashley Williams

    Nice Article. Thanks For Sharing Comment Policy Information. Keep Posting. Will be back soon.

    July 22, 2020
  45. Sunwit

    I am glad to see this new comment policy reminding people of the power and value of blog comments, hoping to have a positive impact on readers’ comment behavior.

    July 23, 2020
  46. Anna

    yes you are true people just visit the article and write great post and leave they don’t even read what is the article about and the person who do research and work on the article just gets a comment wonderful post will make them sad and i am one of them

    July 23, 2020
  47. jennifer

    you are good and right this will tell people the value articles hold and information they give out they are here to educate or share information not for the backlinks it is great you took initiation here

    July 23, 2020
  48. carol

    you are soo right and this is the reason many blogs and many content writers who want to share their articles are disabling the comments options so that they can avoid all those spammers

    July 23, 2020
  49. bharti jha
    bharti jha

    what a great content on Philipscom’s Comment Policy. i really love it. Keep writing this types of content for us.

    July 24, 2020
  50. Updated Ideas
    Updated Ideas

    Hello Phil,

    valid statements about blog remarking.

    Shockingly they’ll generally fail to receive any notice since bunches of individuals use devices to mass send a large number of one-line blog remarks.

    Furthermore, your site is only one of their objectives.

    So you need to keep cautious.

    We as a whole do.

    July 26, 2020
  51. Geoff Dodd
    Geoff Dodd

    Phil, I do appreciate your honesty about expecting a quality comment (only) on your esteemed blog. I feel that we are quite similar in this respect. A mind is meant to be used and to be useful. We can exercise the brain, too, by writing a high quality, relatively colourful, comment. My own blogs have nearly 100% of the comments written by yours truly, because no one else is taking the time required to write an earnest, meaningful comment. Thanks for standing up for better standards, as mankind sinks lower in these decadent days of 2020. Unfortunately. :) :)

    July 26, 2020
  52. Govind G
    Govind G

    Hey Ariel Philip,
    Thanks for the list and information. I am new to blogging so didn’t know what commentluv plugin is. I saw it in a youtube video but he didn’t give a detailed explanation so I googled it and came to your blog. It is really helpful. I will try the list that you have given.

    July 29, 2020
  53. Nick


    Great Post Written! And Yes, Blog Commenting is not dead yet. It’s more or less like a small forum, and sometimes we learn from someone’s comment also which is not actually shared on the blog.

    A great article, keep up the good work! Reading blogs is a process of learning so is reading comments!


    August 2, 2020
  54. Klada

    Very interesting blog. A lot of things to read and watch. Thanks for sharing such a lot of information thru these pages. Keep writing.

    August 4, 2020
  55. Naveen Reddy
    Naveen Reddy

    Hi Philip, yes every blogger expects comments on his blog posts.

    Yes, the comments like- nice post, good post, etc. don’t add much value.

    The commenters should try to add their own perspective of the blog post or should include some additional points.

    Adding a comment policy to blogs ensures that only right comments are made.

    But I am wondering why some of the famous blogs don’t have a comment section at all.
    Can you please tell the reason behind this?

    August 11, 2020
  56. […] I would like to hear from you. But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard. Please read our comment policy before you make a comment, otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get […]

    October 1, 2020
  57. […] I would like to hear from you. But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard. Please read our comment policy before you make a comment, otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get […]

    January 18, 2021
  58. […] I would like to hear from you. But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard. Please read our comment policy before you make a comment, otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get approved! […]

    April 14, 2021
  59. […] I would like to hear from you. But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard. Please read our comment policy before you make a comment, otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get […]

    June 10, 2021
  60. […] I would like to hear from you. But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard. Please read our comment policy before you make a comment, otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get […]

    June 25, 2021
  61. […] would like to hear from you. But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard. Please read our comment policy before you make a comment, otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get […]

    July 22, 2021
  62. Let Us Pray For Our Fellow Beings - നമുക്കു നമ്മുടെ സമസൃഷ്ടങ്ങൾക്കായി പ്രാർത്ഥിക്കാം ~ Philipscom Associates
    Let Us Pray For Our Fellow Beings - നമുക്കു നമ്മുടെ സമസൃഷ്ടങ്ങൾക്കായി പ്രാർത്ഥിക്കാം ~ Philipscom Associates

    […] would like to hear from you. But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard. Please read our comment policy before you make a comment, otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get […]

    July 22, 2021
  63. […] I would like to hear from you. But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard. Please read our comment policy before you make a comment, otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get […]

    July 28, 2021
  64. Top 10 Digital Marketing Agencies In the USA ~ Philipscom Associates
    Top 10 Digital Marketing Agencies In the USA ~ Philipscom Associates

    […] would like to hear from you. But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard. Please read our comment policy before you make a comment, otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get […]

    August 10, 2021
  65. Mental Patient An Updated Story. ചിത്തരോഗി - പുനപ്രതിഷ്ഠ നടത്തിയ ഒരു കഥ
    Mental Patient An Updated Story. ചിത്തരോഗി - പുനപ്രതിഷ്ഠ നടത്തിയ ഒരു കഥ

    […] കുറയ്ക്കുന്നതിന് മുമ്പ് ദയവായി ഞങ്ങളുടെ അഭിപ്രായ നയം വായിക്കുക , അല്ലാത്തപക്ഷം, […]

    August 11, 2021
  66. […] would like to hear from you. But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard. Please read our comment policy before you make a comment, otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get […]

    September 3, 2021
  67. […] would like to hear from you. But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard. Please read our comment policy before you make a comment, otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get […]

    October 1, 2021
  68. […] I would like to hear from you. But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard. Please read our comment policy before you make a comment, otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get […]

    December 4, 2021
  69. […] I would like to hear from you. But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard. Please read our comment policy before you make a comment, otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get approved! […]

    March 27, 2022
  70. കത്തു വിവാദം കത്തി നിൽക്കുമ്പോൾ ശ്രദ്ധിക്കപ്പെടാതെ പോകുന്ന ചില കത്തുകൾ  - Philipscom Associates
    കത്തു വിവാദം കത്തി നിൽക്കുമ്പോൾ ശ്രദ്ധിക്കപ്പെടാതെ പോകുന്ന ചില കത്തുകൾ  - Philipscom Associates

    […] കുറയ്ക്കുന്നതിന് മുമ്പ് ദയവായി ഞങ്ങളുടെ അഭിപ്രായ നയം വായിക്കുക , അല്ലാത്തപക്ഷം, […]

    December 11, 2022
  71. Sonia

    This is really an interesting post.nice blog thanks for the share. I will start my new blog plz check and share thanks

    January 27, 2023
  72. What Is Success A Christian Perspective എന്താണ് ജീവിത വിജയം ഒരു ക്രിസ്തീയ വീക്ഷണം
    What Is Success A Christian Perspective എന്താണ് ജീവിത വിജയം ഒരു ക്രിസ്തീയ വീക്ഷണം

    […] കുറയ്ക്കുന്നതിന് മുമ്പ് ദയവായി ഞങ്ങളുടെ അഭിപ്രായ നയം വായിക്കുക , അല്ലാത്തപക്ഷം, […]

    February 21, 2023
  73. Mihir

    i will adhere to your comments policy as written.

    March 14, 2023
  74. […] would like to hear from you. But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard. Please read our comment policy before you make a comment, otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get […]

    May 4, 2023
  75. […] കുറയ്ക്കുന്നതിന് മുമ്പ് ദയവായി ഞങ്ങളുടെ അഭിപ്രായ നയം വായിക്കുക ,17 അല്ലാത്തപക്ഷം, […]

    November 14, 2023
  76. […] I would like to hear from you. But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard. Please read our comment policy before you make a comment, otherwise, you may miss the mark and your comments may not get approved! […]

    April 20, 2024

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