Last updated on December 30, 2024
Table of Contents
The Power of Blog Comments,
A Great Strategy To Get More Traffic And Relationships.
Blog Comments Role In Blogging
Blog Comments can play a vital role in our blogging journey. A ton of material has been written on Blog Comments by many expert authors on the pages of the internet.
But still, different experiences of bloggers are pouring in on the spaces of the internet in relation to blog comments!
Power Of Blog Comments – Some Personal Stories
I too have published a few such notes on this subject elsewhere on my blog pages, blog communities, forums, and social media pages.
In this post, I wanted to share yet another interesting experience and a tip, trick, or strategy on blog commenting for you to count on.
Blog comments can play a vital role in our blogging journey. via Philipscom Share on X

“Nice to meet you, Philip I would like to speak to you now, can I?”
The time was a bit odd hour and everyone around me was sleeping and I expressed my inability to speak over the phone, and then he wrote,
ok fine, Philip, U r a writer at some big sites, right?
I said No, I am not a writer on any big sites but I do write on my pages and share all around via my social sites, that’s it.
Then he said: “hey, I saw your write-ups on The Huffington Post that was really fantastic.”
To that, I said: Oh, that was a guest post published on behalf of me by one of my online friends.
To this, he said: Hey, how are you building a relationship with foreign bloggers? I saw wonderful testimonials on your blog by some famous personalities.
To that question, I wrote: “That’s a big story, yes, and my relationship with writers around the world started almost 8 or 9 years back when I first started writing on the pages of Google’s Knol pages.
That was the end of that chat.
Blog Comments And Influencers
Yes, our constructive and value-added comments on influencers’ sites will surely get the attention of the site owners as well as their regular visitors.
In short, this was one of the best strategies I adopted in connection with my blogging journey.
Blog comments can bring in backlinks
It is no doubt a proven fact that our thought-provoking and relevant comments can do wonders for our sites. It can bring a lot of traffic to your site as well as build relationships with other site owners and can extend your business collaborations.

Matthew Woodward the UK-based marketing strategist and SEO Guru in a recently published post on building powerful Gov backlinks said that the number one strategy is commenting on government sites.
Here below I am re-publishing the infographic for your reference. Yes, the comment strategy works well with many areas in online business.
Also in another exclusive post on blog comments, he wrote: How do you start increasing your search traffic and building links if you have no cash and no connections? The answer is simple: Blog commenting.
Building powerful Gov. Backlink the number one strategy is to comment on their sites says Mattew Woodward. The Power of Blog Comments Share on XDo you need more followers?
Oleg Vishnepolsky I am sure, a BIG YES will be your answer. If yes, follow this strategy, noted down by the well-known Influencer Oleg Vishnepolsky, on his LinkedIn pages. Oleg is the Global CTO (Chief Technology Officer) of Daily Mail, London, UKHe said and I quote:
You need more FOLLOWERS.
Here is how you can grow!
When you see a post with lots of comments, it is like pure gold, but you don’t have to dig for it.
Put likes on the comments of others.
When you do that, people will appreciate your support, everyone needs it.
And then – they will connect to you.
And your network and theirs grow!
And everyone wins!
“We rise by lifting others.” Agree?

I started this even without having a blog page of my own, you can read some of that write-ups on my blog at #Philipscom on these subjects (and I posted a few links to read),
In short, I started my blogging journey as a blog comment author without having a blog of my own, not even on free sites like Blogger dot com or WordPress dot com.
Without having a blog of my own, my comments got attracted many bloggers in Associated Content, Google’s Knol pages, and various other platforms.
The co-authors there encouraged me to start a blog of my own, thus I started a blog on blogger dot com. and on a later stage, I migrated it to the pages of WordPress with my own domain
Just two years completed and with all humbleness, I can say that our Domain Authority (DA) and Alexa stats are now at a higher level and I am getting some monetary benefits too because of the traffic boost I get on my sites.
Check out the following links to get an overall view of these facts. The screenshots are given below:
The Latest Screenshot of Our Alexa Rank:
Philipscom Alexa Rank as of June 16, 2021
I could achieve these positions just because of my relentless activities on my blog pages as well as by the interaction with fellow blogger’s pages by contributing value-added constructive and debatable comments.
Philipscom’s Latest (Domain Authority) Moz Rank Screenshot:
I am really surprised to note that the above conversation happened not just with a newbie blogger instead, a well-established or a pro blogger, a public speaker who conducts seminars, conferences, and workshops all over India.
That really surprised me and I am sure this all happened just because of the basic thing the power of #blogcomments, or in other words, the powerful strategy of blog commenting on fellow bloggers posts.
I just mentioned this incident in this post, just to show the importance OR the power of blog comments
You can get into the good books of influencers by following this strategy very diplomatically. I am confident that, I answered my friend’s query or anxiety through my conversation as well as through this post.
You can get into the good books of influencers by following this strategy. via Share on XYes, I repeat “Your relentless work on this strategy will help to achieve unexpected results” I am also sure that this never happens in a few days.
Instead, it takes a lot of your time and indeed the continuous hard work you need to put behind this to happen.
But at the same time, I can very well say that this is not a big thing too! Your dedication along with your hard work can fetch great results in these aspects. I put these tips in a nutshell in the short video given below:
CHECK OUT THIS UPDATED POST @ #Philipscom— Philip V. Ariel (@PVAriel) June 8, 2017
I am sure, you can get into the good books of influencers by following this strategy very diplomatically.
Power of blog comments and Backlinks – Check out What Neil Patel Found Out From an Experiment!
Read on what he found: Do backlinks from blog comments actually, help rankings?
After a few months of experiments on this aspect, he found a BIG Yes, to this question. Check out his post: Do High DA Backlinks From Blog Comments Help Rankings?
Here is what I commented on that post:
Hi Neil,
It is indeed a great share. You did a wonderful job on the subject blog comments.
Blog comments can do wonders. In a recently published expert roundup post I noted, that blog comments can do a wonderful job in link building.
Yes, our value-added comments can do wonders on others’ posts, It should be the one that comes from the bottom of the heart.
Not just to get a backlink. One should not do this to get a backlink to their space.
Of course, seeking a backlink from a high DA site is not a bad thing but you need to leave value to the blogger when you expect something from them.
Posting a mere one-word or generic comments on other blog posts looks odd.
Please don’t do it!
To my pleasant surprise, Neil too is accepting such comments here on this esteemed platform. This may be because those are no-follow links.
I have posted an article and recently updated the post by mentioning this blog post on comments. I am so glad to share the link of that post here.
To Get The Power Of Blog Comments Avoid Generic Or One Word Or One line Comments in Blog Comments
An example of generic comments
Avoid using words like a good one, awesome, it’s very nice, It’s nice, thanks to you, wonderful, amazing post, great post, I like it, I love it. Keep writing etc in your comments.
Check out the following screenshots of comments made in a few minutes. No doubt, these types of comments are made to get backlinks. See the time gap the person made to post the comments in three different posts. (see the red arrows in the screenshot).
This surely shows that the comment author did not even bother to read the post before posting the comment, but he posted these comments to get back a link to his page. This type of strategy is not a good one. Sad to note that, even some blog owners just accept such comments on their blog to show the comment strength. This too is not a good practice in blogging.
Accepting one line or one-word generic comments to show the comment number is not a good practice in blogging. Read more on Share on XI am sure your purpose of posting such comments on other’s pages will not fetch any results. Instead, such one-line or one-word comments are an irritation to blog authors, though some may accept, that serious blog owners never care for such comments, and most often such comments may not even see the light of the day.
So, be careful while making such generic comments on other’s pages.
There are many different types of comments, here is a comment I posted on Pro. Blogger Mi Muba’s page (he was otherwise known as “Money Blogger”) blog.
He put that comment into the category of the mini-post comment. Check out what he said about such comments in the screenshot.
CommentLuv Blog Comments And Power Of Blog Comments

Make solid, relevant comments on the subject, or ask or raise some doubts in relation to the subject through your comments, sometimes that may pave the way to a great debate or a discussion.
So, before commenting, the first and foremost thing is to read the post well and make sure you understood the content, and then post your genuine opinion or your suggestion in the form of feedback.
If they are running a comment option like the CommentLuv Do follow link option it is more beneficial. Select such pages and comment, and you will get back some backlinks to your page.
Here is a great list of blogs that use the CommentLuv comment option. This list is compiled and published by Robin Khokhar of the TrickyEnough website. Check out this list, visit, and comment to get backlinks on your pages. CommentLuv Comment Option with Do follow links.
Power of Blog Comments – A Word of Caution
There are some people who just have a look at the first and last paragraph of the content and say something and go, such comments can easily be recognized, and know that this man or woman posted that comment just to get a backlink from the high-ranking site.
This is not a good trend to practice, so make sure, you make solid and constructive comments relevant to the published post.
That may invite others’ attention and it eventually leads others to your page, just because of that comment.
I am saying it from my own experience. So try to visit other’s pages and write comments from the heart.
Sprinkling Links With Blog Comments Will lessen the Power of blog comments
There is another kind of comment author. They visit high-ranking platforms and blogs and then post comments with their site links. Some of them use the same comment everywhere with their page links.
No Link Dropping Please! Says Professional Blogger Lesly Federici
Here is a classic example of one such incident that happened in a forum called Daily Blog Share Inner Circle Facebook Group created and managed by Lesly Federici. It is an engaging Facebook group and it is free.
She created a small YouTube video for the new members. She says and I quote:
“Okay .. let’s stop the useless link-dropping that is an epidemic in social media groups and on blogs. It does NOTHING for you! Zip nada.. such a waste of time, effort, and a loss, when you could be building relationships instead .. yes?
These people mostly aim for high-ranking platforms groups and forums.
But one thing is for sure such people’s comments will be deleted and soon they will be banned from the platform.
Here is one such example I noticed today. He posted a comment on one of my recent shares which is not relevant to the post. Later I found that the same comment with his link is posted on several other shared posts on the same day in a few minutes gaps on that platform.
This is found on the pages of one of the famous content curation sites named BizSugar.
The same person last week did the same thing by posting only his site link on several posts within a short period, I alerted some of the moderators about this and they immediately removed his comment.
Sad to note that again today (10.07.2018) he appeared with a comment with his link.
I still wonder why Bizsugar is not banning such scam comment authors from their platform.
But still, I wonder how this person showing his face on the same platform.
Is not there any hard rule to ban or warn such scam commenters?
Here below I am posting the screenshots of his comments and my reaction to them.
Power of Blog Comments – The Best Strategy To Follow!
In a recent expert roundup post created by Hussain Omar of CostEffectiveSEO I have mentioned this as an SEO Quote:
The best strategy to enhance your SEO rank is building trust-based relationships, with the influencers, on high-ranking sites.
All that is really needed is your ability to deliver creative, value-added, constructive comments on their blog posts. Written from the heart.
You can get into the good books of influencers by following this strategy. via Share on XTo read more such quotes from other experts please click on this link: COSTEFFECTIVE SEO ROUNDUP
Power of Blog Comments and The Give And Take Policy
By using this method there are chances to visit more and more people to our blog pages and post their feedback. This way you can increase the visibility of your page and consequently increase the flow of traffic.
Following this strategy and the popularity of your page by way of promotion through various social media and other methods, your comment box will fill with a lot of comments!

MyCommentAuthors Plugin And The Power Of Blog Comments

This monthly series (My Comment Authors on the pages of Philipscom), We publish every first week of the month with my comment author’s name, their profile picture, and their blog URLs. I have been using this plugin since its inception.
Every first week of the month with my comment author’s name, their profile picture, and their blog URLs. I have been using this plugin since its inception.
Please check out the following pictures:
Out of the total comment authors, we can give a special honor or mention of the top comment author of that month. This will surely be a kind of encouragement to our visitors and comment authors.

As I say and do every time, I reciprocate your valuable time by visiting your pages and dropping my feedback.
When I write these concluding words I am reminded of Enstine Muki the developer of this wonderful plugin (MyCommentAuthors) who mentioned me in one of his latest posts VERY FEW bloggers are doing this one thing and succeeding remarkably! In this post, he very well emphasized the importance of reciprocity in blog commenting.

It is a must to say a word of thanks or visit their page and reciprocate by adding our valuable responses to their posts.
This plugin will take care of half of that job by saying a word of thanks to your esteemed comment authors.
In a nutshell, “Your value-added blog comments can fetch many benefits along the way, which includes tons of traffic as well as it paves the way to make good relationships with influencers.
I short, Indeed Blog comments can play a vital role in our blogging journey!
But sad to note that, these days many famous bloggers shut this facility to its readers!
That is to say, they simply closed their comment options on their pages the reason only known to them. Seeing this trend I raised this question in one of the famous curating platforms called Inbound now it is GrowthOrg.
Is Blog Commenting Dead?
As per my conviction, blog commenting is a vital part of blogging! I believe that it is life-giving blood to blogging and bloggers!
But these days some bloggers shut their comment box columns. Is it because they are not getting any comments? Or any other reasons?
Share your views, opinions, suggestions. is it a must or not?
Here is the screenshot and link to that page, a good number of people respond to that post.
A Video to watch about the power of blog comments by Matthew Cutts of Google
Let’s listen to Matthew Cutts otherwise known as Matt Cutts The American software engineer and novelist.
The former head of the webspam team at Google presently works for the United States Digital Service as the director of engineering. A well-known authority on web-related matters. Listen to Matt Cutts:
Use this wonderful strategy of commenting on others’ pages wisely to get more comments, traffic, and of course the added advantage of making relationships or friendships with others.

I also take this time to tender an apology for deleting or taking out one word from the generated posts.
That is the word “Awesome” he used along with the comments. such as “I made awesome comments” I cannot give the word Awesome along with the word comment.
The word ‘Awesome’ should go along with the word “God Almighty” alone, this is my firm belief.
The other day while I was casually searching for something on Google I just did a search and found this post ranked on Google’s Page 1.
This is really a great moment to mention in this post. See below the screenshot of the search.

I express our thanks once again to all who visited these pages and shared your views in the comment box. I appreciate your relentless support extended to this site, and expect the same in the days ahead.
We will continue to publish more informative and educational content to all who are visiting this site. I assure you to maintain the quality of this site’s content to the benefit of my visitors’ subscribers and other readers.
Power of Blog Comments Or the Benefits of Commenting on Blogs
The other day I found an informative post on the benefits of blog commenting on blogs, written by a professional blogger Alice Elliot, who places much emphasis on the importance of blog commenting on her website.
A few years back she started a website “The Blog Commenting Club” exclusively focusing on the subject of blog commenting.
Last year she featured me on this amazing website under the title Philip V Ariel’s Commenting Experience
Benefits Of Commenting On Blogs
Check out the below Infographic.
Read more on her post; ” 8 benefits of commenting on blogs”
If you are a blogger and value blog commenting it is a must page to visit. I recommend you visit her page to read more on blog commenting.
Also, please please check out Enstine’s website to get an idea about this plugin and its installation process. He posted a simple tutorial on this plugin under the title: Boost Traffic & Engagement
Thanks, Enstine for permitting me to take this opportunity to use your wonderful free plugin for creating this wonderful comment authors’ list.
Once again I express my heartfelt thanks to all my visitors and comment authors for your valuable time on our page.
If time permits please do visit these platforms where you can get some more tips on blog comments and the power they can make on our blog posts.
Is Blog commenting out of fashion?
Some bloggers think that it is out of fashion. The reason they point out is the influence of social media and it’s a quick process, response, and availability.
Alice Elliot in yet another infographic content says about the missing factor if you comment on social media. She says and i quote: “You are missing out on a valuable source of engagement you won’t get from commenting on social media.
Start Commenting On Blogs Again
Check out the below embedded infographics to know, why you should start Commenting on blogs again!
Blog commenting few related posts
1. How To Get More Comments On Your Blog Posts by Atish Ranjan
2. Effect Of Comments On Blog Traffic: A Case Study by Harsh Agarwal
For Philipscom Associates

Check your domain ranking
Dear All,
One may think that, how can this be, A post about blog comments do not show any comments! Yes, this post bagged a good number of comments I thank a 100+ but sad to say in the transit all the comments I lost and could not retrieve it back.
I am really sorry for all those who commented on this post.
Wish yo all our readers a wonderful time of reading and commenting.
Best Regards
~ Philip
Hi Philip Sir,
I do believe that without comments a blog can’t be a blog, but it can merely be a simple website. It is the comments which make a website an awesome blog.
Though the newly added video abruptly ended the points noted speaks volume. it’s amazing to note that our comments on fellow blogger’s posts can do wonders with their blogs as well as ours. :-)
My heartfelt thanks for sharing the list of Commentluv blogs from my blog . :-)
Good Job.
Keep it up.
Thanks again for this great share.
Thanks Robin for your valuable time and the wonderful feedback.
It’s indeed a great joy to share that amazing list link on this post.
Keep visiting keep sharing.
Have a great weekend. :-)
~ Philip
Hi Philip, excellent post, I personally believe that blog commenting can really help you to take your blog to the next level.
Not only it acts as social proof but helps you engage with your blog visitors who you can later use to turn into customers. Blog comments provide you a chance to build rapport and trust with your blog readers which can be an important key in the long run to build a better blog.
The most obvious benefit with blog commenting is that the search engines like Google read the links in your comment and you build your link popularity directly from the comments. However, most blogs allow only nofollow comments but it doesn’t matter as it provides you a chance to nicely mixture your backlink profile with dofollow links.
Another BIGGEST benefit from blog comments is that every time you leave a comment, the blog owner takes notice of you, especially when you leave thoughtful and detailed comments.
So instead of writing one liner comments, spend time to read the entire post so you can leave thoughtful and genuine comments which will also helpful in driving more traffic from other sites.
Thanks for the write up, Philip, keep rocking.
Thanks for providing such a lot of information on Blog commenting as well as you shared a ab lot of personal experience too.
I appreciate your thoughts on Blog Comments. Very good tips and tricks to follow.It is very useful for getting results in SERP.
Hi Philip,
You wrote about my favorite part of blogging: Comments. I see it as the backbone of our blog. Each visitor that comes to our blog and leaves a good comment is priceless. Then we reciprocate to their blog. Of course lets not forget about those social shares!
I received many new readers and clients just from a comment I had left on someone’s blog. So the proof here is that if you are leaving good comments, you will get a lot of reciprocation.
Hi Donna,
Indeed it is a great JOY to see you here again! :-)
I am so glad to know that blog commenting is your favorite part of blogging I could very well relate to that. In fact, i started my blogging journey just as a blog commenter even before having a blog of my own. YEs, I mentioned this story in one of my blog posts here. YEs, I fully agree with you that it is the backbone of our blog. Indeed it is a great joy to read the relevant and thought provoking comments or suggestions from like-minded people. That surely increases our enthusiasm to do more in this aspects. Yes, sure, we need to reciprocate otherwise they may not come again to our page!! That is also one of the KEY in blogging.
I am glad to know that blog commenting helped you very much in your business too.
Thanks again Donna for your valuable time and for the insightful thoughts you put in.
May you have a great week ahead.
~ Philip
Hey Philip,
Indeed, blog comments are the core of the relationship building, which is really important in the blogging field. Comments open a lot of opportunities for you.
Loved the nice video you added in this post!
Thanks for sharing!
This post is a joy to read.
Commenting indeed counts. Blog post commenting is an art in furthering relationships and so traffic.
I liked the story of the famous person in Indian blogging who was so impressed with you. Fabulous!
Also, the plugin by Enstine Muki of Money Blogging site sounds very interesting. (Saved the link.)
“MycommentAuthors” for monthly authors. Sending an email to the list that month.
I will only be keeping comments that have been made from the heart on my site from now on. Thanks for the (Awesome) lol, great post on the power of blog commenting.
Hi Hussain,
Sorry I missed to respond to your insightful comment.
Yes, it increases our engagement with fellow bloggers and that leads to a lot of opportunities too.
Glad to know that you liked the video.
I appreciate your presence here again.
This is indeed a great strategy to get more engagement and traffic.
Your concern towards your blog comment authors is really notable.
It is amazing to note that the plugin does really share a lot of things about your comment authors.
I appreciate Dr. Enstine the developer of this wonderful plugin.
I am happy to note that my presence is already booked for your next month series!
Keep sharing such information for the benefit of your visitors and comment authors.
This is my first visit to your blog and will come again.
Have a great time ahead!
I was not aware of these many things about blog commenting.
I could pick a lot of lessons from this post. Yes, as you said our comments can do wonders for our blogs and blogging. I will surely follow these strategies mentioned in this post.
Thank you for sharing so many tips in relation to blog comments. Will check all the connected links.
Thanks, Pankaj for the time over here and for the comment. I am glad that you could pick a few tips from this post.

Keep visiting and share with your friends.
~ Philip
Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’ recently posted…Philipscom Comment Authors In January 2019
Yes, I fully agree with you that our comments on others posts will make a lot of engagement.
You very well explained a lot of things about this wonderful strategy of blog commenting.
Very informative write-up. Thnx For Sharing.
Keep Up The Good Work.
nice info, pls also share about how to rank blogs. we also provide some courses for the same.
Very nice blog pot.. you have included very nice points in regards to blog commenting. In fact, I was totally confused on this subject called commenting. Your shared experiences are really good to reveal a lot of new things to me in relation to blogging and commenting. Yes, one line blog commenting is really irritating to the blog authors, and many such comments will not see the light. Well written piece. This post indeed cleared a lot of my misconceptions about this subject.
Thank you for sharing this educative post.
I read your article regarding comments. It shows the strength of blog comments. I am a new blogger and your article helped me to know more about blog comments and what a blog comment can bring in traffic and other results. This post will help people like me on how to make comments etc.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful guide.
I read your article regarding comments. It shows the strength of blog comments. I am a new blogger and your article helped me to know more about blog comments and what a blog comment can bring in traffic and other results. This post will help people like me on how to make comments etc.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful guide.
Hi Philip Sir,
Glad to be here today. You have a nice blog, Sir.
Thanks for telling more about this wonderful subjects. As you said our comments on fellow bloggers posts can do wonders to our blogs as well as business. Yes, it increases our connectivity with the fellow online friends and bloggers. Thanks again for sharing this wonderful information on blog comments, keep writing more such informative posts.
All good wishes
This is an amazing list that you have created and by far the most comprehensive on the web right now. I am a regular reader of 3 of the Blogs and now have added the rest to my reading list. Thanks for the information
Happy to be here today. I am for the first time here and I found a lot of worth reading material spread all over here. I appreciate your effort in putting it together for the benefit of your fellow readers. Yes, blog comments are very essential in blogging, though some of them do not take much importance to it. You proved thru this post that comments are very important and it can do lot of things for our blogs. You are doing a wonderful job by publishing these personal experiences. That is awesome and I want to say thanks for sharing such a lot of information on this blog post.
Hi Philip,
Just came to read this post after you left a comment on my blog, so glad you talked about comments that look like mini blog posts “I call them gigantic comments”. But the term “mini blog posts” sounds much better ;-)
Seriously no one likes one liner comments. Whenever you spend a ton of time to create a piece of content, you’ll hate to see comments that don’t add any value. At the same time, you will appreciate it when someone spends time to read your content and leaves a thoughtful comment.
My only tip for people who want to get the most out of blog commenting is this: “try to add as much value as possible with your comments”.
That way people who read your comments will actually click on your name to visit your blog or the blog author might even give a chance for you to write a guest post (or you’ll sometimes get luckier and get a link back to your website by featuring your blog comment).
Above all, comments that look like “mini blog posts” will give you an opportunity to build strong rapport with the blog owners.
I often believe quality > quantity
So if you’re leaving gigantic blog comments, you don’t have to do 10 to 20 comments per day. Even 1 or 2 would do the trick.
That’s the true power of blog commenting. I wish more people knew this.
I appreciate you featuring your blog commenters often within your blog content Philip. It encourages more people to leave thoughtful comments on your blog.
Keep rocking,
Rahul Kuntala
Yes, I am saying of your post is based on the comment marketing which is right for all bloggers.
Yes, comments are an integral part of blogging! Yes, a value-added comments can do wonders. Thanks.
Hi Philip,
Really amazing and very helpful.
“People are social.” EXACTLY. It’s all about engagement.
You are not benefiting fully from your blogs if you don’t enable your comment section. Of course, it will help your traffic, but more than that, it will help you establish relationships that will never happen if you don’t allow your readers to impart their opinions and feelings.
Commenting has helped my blog because I get traffic back but also the blog owners comment on my blog.
I too personally feel that Blog commenting is undoubtedly one of the best sources of getting dofollow backlink.
Yes, I am saying of your post is based on the comment marketing which is right for all bloggers.
Yes, comments are an integral part of blogging! Yes, value-added comments can do wonders.
Very Informative Post about blog comments.
As you said the power of blog comment is great, that it can create a lot of benefits to its authors and their blog pages. yes, our blog comments are valid ones if it is worth notable and to the point. I really Impressed by this Blog. Thanks for sharing this article looking forward to more such amazing stuffs.
Keep sharing.
Wonderful title, Power of Blog Comments!
It really attracted me to be here today. In fact, our post titles can do wonders with our writing, Coming to the point of Power of blog comments you very well explained its pros and cons in this post.
Good to know about your comment policy too, A one line comment or a one-word comment will not get attracted to you.
That is really a good idea, people just drop into our sites to get a backlink, such practices should be discouraged, I appreciate your stand in this regard.
Keep up the good idea in all your future writings
Wish you and your team a wonderful New Year.
Hi Philip,
Thanks a million for providing such a lot of information for free!
We appreciate your time and effort you put in to bring out such an outstanding and epic post.
I am really happy to see this web-site.
I needed to thank you for your valuable time for this excellent read!!
I positively enjoying every little bit of it and I’ve you bookmarked to take a look at new stuff you blog post.
Keep writing.
This post is really very helpful in building our blog commenting authority.
A lot of tips and tricks are shared for the Bloggers.
As someone said, I am sure if a blogger can follow these instructions and strategies he can be a better blog commentator.
“It is really a nice and useful piece of info for all.
I am really benefited and satisfied by the reading of this just shared helpful information.
I appreciate you for updating this post often with the new findins.
Please keep us updating like this.
Thank you so much for sharing such a lot of information in a single post.”
Hello Admin,
Great information shared on a vital subject here!
These blog commenting rules and methods if we follow, no doubt we can create a wonderful blogging community.
Infact, one who really follow these strategies can become a wonderful blog comment author.
Thanks for sharing your valuable experiences and thoughts in this regard. I appreciate you for presenting these great lessons for the blogging community.
I was digging the template/theme of this website. It’s simple, yet effective. A lot of times it’s very hard to get that “perfect balance” between usability and appearance. I must say you have done a very good job with this.
Additionally, the blog loads very fast for me on Firefox.
Thor sidebar as shows you’re using A2Hosting, it’s really a good hosting platform. Indeed This is an Outstanding Blog!
Keep up the good work.
Excellent, Your post contained lots of very useful information, I really liked this post. Yes I fully agree with you that, our comments on fellow bloggers posts can make a great impact if it is done properly. Thank you very much for the very timely information and suggestions. keep it up.
Thank you for this post . I really liked for this post . A lot of tips and tricks are shared for bloggers . They are useful information. They are benefited and satisfied by the reading for this just share helpful information . I am sharing in this post.
hi Philip Verghese,
I have gone through your article, well crafted, just now I got to know the problems of commenting more than the merits as many people do a single line comment in blog posts. I do practice and applied in many times and most of them deleted. just now I do know the problem of my comments, thanks. However, now I understand, commenting on a blog post is not an easy thing. but I have some more questions…
1. Why some the blog admins are not publishing all the comments, means the well drafted?
2. why some popular blogs not backlinking to our comments..?
3. How can we attract more people to comment on our blog?
4. Google algorithm changed and only “good” posts will get more readers.. then what is the role of commenting..?
Good to know more about blog comments and its power.
Yes, our solid comments can make a lot of difference in our blogging and its engagements.
This is a nice post on blog comments, you very well portrayed different aspects of blog comments.
Indeed you revealed many different strategies in blog commenting.
Thanks a lot for sharing these valuable informations with us.
Keep sharing.
Enjoyed this post. I have changed my stance on blog commented, when i was first advised to look into it all it was from an SEO perspective (I’m sure this is true in one sense).
But now i look at it as a chance to network within a community of bloggers and like minded people.
“It isn’t what you know.. It’s who you know”
Thanks for sharing this amazing blog post online. I really loved all the points you have included in the above content. I totally agree with the fact that blog commenting plays a vital role in a blog’s success. It not just only helps in creating backlinks and improving our site SEO score but also helps in creating a good relationship online. Will love to share this post with my online network. Looking forward to more such quality updates in the future… :)
I never knew that Blog comments can make so much of impact, We need more such post in the future.
Thank you for sharing this amazing Article.
Thank you for providing this amazing Blog on the importance of comments.
Really applicated. Great Post I will surely make use of comments after using this article.
This is my first visit here. Good to read more about comments and commenting.
Comments are important in blogging, in fact, comments are the opinion, information or suggestions of the readers.
Thanks for the great article, I really liked the information you made on this subject and I will share with my friends…
Hi P V,
This is my first-time visit here but I was surprised to note the importance of the power of blog comments you well presented through this post. Yes, it can really increase our relationship with the readers and can bring in solid engagement with the readers. No doubt this is indeed a most powerful content. And it helped me a lot to know more on this subject.
Thanks for sharing.
Not everyone agrees about what to do with comments. In recent years, many sites have deleted them altogether. But I find that I don’t really like to read content if I cannot comment on it when I have ideas I would like to share. Telling me to go to Facebook or somewhere else doesn’t typically work.
As many are finding out now, letting another company control your comments, later they can delete them as Google Plus is now doing. Sometimes they give you a heads-up and you can try to save them – but then how will you get them back into your blog? Other times they delete with no warning.
I still believe that comments are the best way to build community among bloggers. I have personally increased my traffic by 70+% in a short period of time and feel I can double it any time I could consistently go out commenting – what we used to call “blog walking”.
The downside to allowing comments is that they do slow your blog somewhat. And they are more outgoing links even if they’re nofollow links.
The upside is that they show your content is still relevant and you have real people reading what you publish who are willing to take the time to comment.
We discussed the pros and cons in more detail with Ann Smarty in the Mastermind Community. You can find out about that in the post I will use in CommentLuv here.

Gail Gardner recently posted…Ann Smarty Answers About Link Building and Featured Snippets
I never knew that Blog comments can make so much of impact, We need more such post in the future.
Thank you for sharing this amazing Article.
Hi Philip,
Blog commenting is the proven method to improve our traffic and relationships. But there are many who leaves just one or two-word comments even without reading the contents. Such comments won’t help them in any way.
The real blog commenting is not dead and it will be there to improve ourselves and boost connections. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us,

Manoj recently posted…Give a Boost to Your Business in 2019 with Innovative SEO Tactics
This was a very informative article on blog comments, a lot of informative incidents shared in this post. Indeed these are worth following to all bloggers. Commenting on others article will get more engagement as well as traffic. This is indeed a new concept to me. Thanks for sharing these valuable tips on getting more engagement.
This is my first-time visit this site and it was given more information about blogs comments and yes this is very helpful for business development as well as engagement.
thanks for sharing this article………!
This was a very informative article on blog comments, a lot of informative incidents shared in this post. Indeed these are worth following to all bloggers. Commenting on others article will get more engagement as well as traffic. This is indeed a new concept to me. Thanks for sharing these valuable tips on getting more engagement.
Commments are vital in Blogging.
it has great power to impact on posts but at the same time one fish has the ability to destroy the entire pond. So, your overall outlook and understanding on the subjective is authoritative.
Your article was indeed a great piece of content and you explained and elaborated in such a way that your article will clear all the doubts about blog comments.
You well explained the various impacts of Comments and it’s power.
The language is simple and can understand any layman. And your over all work shows that, “YOU ARE INDEED A GREAT BLOGGER”
Keep up the good work
Keep writing.
Hi Philip,
Blog commenting is not a job but a responsibility. But most of the people fail to understand it and that is why they fail miserably when building connections.
One should always focus on adding value when they comment.

Thanks for sharing this well-researched post.
Keep sharing.
Gaurav Kumar recently posted…4 Ways How to Use Trending Topics to Build Links & Boost Traffic
I agree completely Gaurav. Blog comments are a way for us bloggers to unselfishly give to the author, and it is often the case that our words leave an impression on the said blogger.
That’s how mutually beneficial blogging relationships are born.
This was a very informative article on blog comments, a lot of informative incidents shared in this post. Indeed these are worth following to all bloggers. Commenting on others article will get more engagement as well as traffic. This is indeed a new concept to me.
A post about comments, Thanks for sharing the various stages and aspects of blog commenting. Indeed blog commenting is a wonderful subject to deal with. I am sure all bloggers need comments or feedback about the writings or about the style and performance of their blogs and blog posts. You very well put various experiences you yourself underwent thru this blogging journey. I am bookmarking it for my further read and follow. Thank you so much for sharing this very useful information related to blogging. Most of the points mentioned in this posts are the first-hand knowledge to me. I appreciate your time and effort for putting it together for the benefit of your readers and visitors.
Keep posting such helpful information in future too.
Hey Philip verghese ariel,
Great post with great information. Thanks for making us aware about the importance and benefits of blog commenting. Blog comments are truly essential for blogs and play a very important role in blogging. Blog commenting makes an article looks attractive and are also necessary for any blogs, whereas a blog without any comments makes it a life-less. Blog commenting provide us an opportunity to connect, build relationships, and interact with other bloggers. It also allows us to share our views, ideas, feelings, thoughts and opinions with others. Blog comments are like backbone of our blogs, as it add value to our blogs, generate more engagement and makes it more valuable.
Really helpful post, as this post will motivate many people, users and readers for doing more blog comments.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Philip,
Our discussion on Facebook brought me to your blog and I spotted this article about comments.
I agree that when I find an interesting blog post I want to leave a comment, but comments are causing me SUCH a problem at the moment I am really tempted to shut them down.
In the space of a week you and another well-respected blogger both tried leaving good comments on my blog and they just disappeared. Yet total spam and those awful generic comments get through to moderation,
I am at my wits end with blog commenting. I have tried several paid plugins including Akismet and CleanTalk. The only decent one I ever had was CommentLuv but it has a clash with my theme, and as my theme is rather embedded into my blog now, I reluctantly deleted CL.
I’m in agreement with all you say, just lacking a reliable plugin. And have tried many kind recommendations.
Joy Healey – Blogging After Dark

Joy Healey recently posted…Automatic List Building From Your Blog
Blog commenting is a very good idea for gaining traffic. This was a very informative article on blog comments, A lot of information shared in this post. Indeed these are worth following to all bloggers. Commenting on others article will get more engagement or traffic. Thanks for sharing these valuable tips.
I capitalize on that. Thanks, to your blog that now, I have a clear idea in my mind about digital marketing. I have an offline business but now I want to switch to the digital medium also, so I was looking for the benefits of digital marketing.
Thanks for sharing.
Hello Philip,
Benefits for blog commenting is not only for making a backlink, but it is also a very good process to make a relation with other bloggers. On my personal experience,
whenever blogger gives review about any hosting provider which is very new for me I don’t know whether it will good or bad I always follow others comment then I decided.
It is a very helpful post for all newbie.
Thanks for this valuable article. You very well explained the power of blog comments. Yes, our value-added comments can do a lot to our businesses.
Good job. Keep up the excellent work.
Nice Informative article!
Well Authored one..
Comments can really do wonders!
This post speaks all about it.
Thanks for sharing this informative article.
Keep Sharing.
Very well detailed materials. I’m in total agreement on the power of blogs, comments, and feedback. As so many authors out there, following publication of my first book, due to time constraints and other life commitments, it was quite difficult to begin to spread the word about it. However an initial blog and comment engagements on KevinMD platform opened the door to so many incredible feedbacks and wider exposure. Thanks so much Philip for your company’s contributions on creating platforms for idea exchange across the globe. Keep up the good work!
Hi Philip,
what a great post about commenting which many newbie bloggers seem not to realize the value of it. More and more I see them only tweeting and sharing what I think is even like giving away the value of the work. Also, a good comment can motivate and give new ideas for better posts. A comment is like an appreciation for the work of a blogger and makes posts more valuable. You did write a lot about the benefit of the blog commenting a lot of experiences good to read.
Thank you
Hi Philip, Neil’s test results for those high da blog comments was unreal!
It is such a cool way of link build in my opinion, as you’re making friends as well as links ? …well if you leave a constructive comment. Otherwise you might be making enemies ? thanks for the post
Blog commenting is at large the easiest way to build a community around your blog; new or old one.
I’ve commented on varieties of blogs and I must say, I earn my first income online from the visitors generated from blog comments.
Phillips, am happy once again to visit your blog. Thanks
Its always pleasure to read your blog
and having a great experience while reading.
Like the way you write and way you. interact with your followers I like the most and.
I always learn from you that how to write better contents.
You are doing a great stuff in the field of blogging, and you are one of my great inspiration.
Keep sharing.
Great post!
Really really very useful information. Thanks for sharing.
Wonderful guide on the power of blog commenting. Hopefully, it will work for me too. I’ll share this with my friends on my social media platforms.
This is really interesting, You’re a very skilled blogger. I’ve joined your rss feed and look forward to seeking more of your magnificent post. Also, I have shared your site in my social networks!
Blog comments are a wonderful thing Phil,

I use them to improve my writing but they helped me establish strong bonds with my fellow bloggers, you included!
Keep up the awesome work, Cheers!
Nikola Roza recently posted…Wealthy Affiliate FAQ and Wiki- Everything You Need to Know to Succeed!
In this article, I could pick a lot of new strategies in relation to comments/feedback.
This is really a wonderful guide to all bloggers who plan to share their views on the posts they read.
I am so happy that I found this wonderful and informative post this day.
Keep up the good work, and share such easy to follow strategies for getting traffic and comments on our blogs.
Simply wish to say your article is as astonishing. The clarity in your post is simply great, and I could assume you are an expert on this subject. Well with your permission let me grab your RSS feed to keep updated with forthcoming post. Thanks a million and please keep up the gratifying work.
Great information you shared!
Good topic too!
Blog Comments are vital
I fully agree with unit views, but sad these days many out there are closed their cmoment boxes.
This post is indeed a good guide on blog comments,। I need to spend some time learning much more or understanding more on this important subject.
Thanks for excellent info I was looking for this information for my mission.
Keep writing
Nice Blog. Its a valuable discussion for SEO experts. In SEO, there are three things in which prior research needs, i.e. your content, your keyword, and link building of your website, is a significant purpose for ranking on top of Google. Google crawler crawls that website, which has the most relevant solution to a problem, which means websites that are on top of Google have explicit and sound content to a problem. Blog commenting helps your blog to rank on SERP due to its different back-links. It increases your referral traffic. Thanks for sharing great content. Keep sharing content like this!
Thank you for this wonderful article, I benefited a lot from it.
Commenting in blogs is one of the most popular ways to get backlinks to strengthen the site and increase Domain Authority.
Resourceful information! According to Neil Patel, roughly, it takes 90 days to see referral traffic to your blog through back-links, guest posts, and blog commenting. It is correct because I am following his tips from the past month, and there is a positive impact. Another strategy is to use SEO YOAST plugin that WordPress offers is the best solution to optimize the on-page of your blog for free.
Very nice article.
Thanks for sharing.
Keep up the great work.
Thank you
Thank you so much for this good article ,i clearly understood about The Power of Blog Comments And Other Stories. Indeed you very well explained the power of blog comments and various other personal stories in relation to your online journey. Thanks.
Hello, we all said blog commenting is powerful if you comment on relevant websites of you niche blog. Here in this post you shared incredible strategies for blog commenting. Very helpful to me as well as other users. Keep it up!
Keep sharing more blog posts on seo.
Thank you.
Have a wonderful day.
Hi Philip,
I just want to comment that you have a very nice website!
I like the style and design it actually stands out.
The contents too are educative and informative. I appreciate your selection and editing in publishing the contents on your sites. Keep up the good work.
Will visit again to read more.
Keep sharing.
Hi Philip,
it is indeed a great joy to be here today.
In this blog, I have learned a lot of new tips.
It is really nice that I landed here today. -)
Thanks for a good and informative article on blogging and blog comments.
Yes, I fully agree with you that our comments on other blogs can do wonders.
Thanks for reminding this great tip.
Thanks for the info. It is really useful. Could you share more link building strategy other than blog commenting?
WOW! It looks like I just found the motherload of blog commenting information. I actually came her after reading another blog post about how leaving comments on blogs can be good for SEO – which wasn’t a strategy I had really considered before (I’m a NEWB). But finding this post – just WOW! – so much informaton, and really helpful.
Thankyou! :)
Hi Philip,
Thanks for such an in depth article about commenting. As you know from our private conversations I have been one of those bloggers considering turning off comments. My main reason was the increase in the number of useless comments such as you described above. Banning and blacklisting these people (robots?) just doesn’t seem to make any difference – they just keep coming.
Another reason was that I couldn’t find a combination of plugins and theme that let people comment (amazing as that sounds). Anyway, I’m now trying yet another combination and cautiously optimistic at the moment.
I would be sorry to lose commenting, so I hope people will finally get the message that I don’t accept useless comments. Sorry – rant over! :-)
Joy Healey – Blogging After Dark

Joy Healey recently posted…Risk Free Trial Of: Anything
Hi Philip. I love the way you included screenshots and cool images into this article!
Excellent post. I was checking continuously this blog and I am impressed! Extremely useful information specifically the last part :) I care for such info a lot. I was looking for this particular info for a very long time. Thank you and best of luck.
Wonderful post here Phil i read it several times already but always keep coming back to it.
The true power of blog commenting done right, besides the things you mentioned in your post, is that almost no one else does them right. So you’re left alone to reap the sweet rewards of persistence.
Thank you for this post Philip and especially for that link to Neil Patels experiment it was actually quite amazing and made me realize it might actually be worth while to take sometime to engage on different blogs.
The give and take policy also sparkled some toughts on how to use comments on sites I am currently admin of. At the moment comments do not really have any place on those sites, but it might actually be worth while for building a community around our brand actually.
The give and take policy also made it seem like blog commenting staff does not necessarily have to be grey hat/ black hat, but can also be about building actual community and getting SEO results trough that.
Thx once more, will have to start following your blog!
There was a time when I was frustrated with spam comments on my blog. It’s right that blog commenting is important but not many know how to use it properly. Thank you for sharing this wonderful article.
Thanks for explaining broad benefits of blog commenting. I would ensure to use them in my SEO planing. These tips can be handy for people who are interested in generating added traffic for their business. Once again thanks posting such a useful information and hope to hear more interesting topics from you.
Hi Philip,

A bit scary to actually comment on your article titled ” The Power of Blog Comments and Other Stories.”
Quite an extensive article covering many areas about commenting on blogs. I personally was interested in the section on domain authority (DA) and Alexa stats, as I don’t know much about it. I copied the link to Optin Monster you listed and the Alexa site link with the free trial. I need to learn more about that. Thanks.
Your relentless work on this strategy I see got your article listed on the Huffington Post! and Medium! Congratulations! Great to see the video of Lesly Federici about not link dropping and listing our Blog Daily Blog Share link. Great exposure!
Kathryn Maclean recently posted…Branding Your Business Online
Hi Philip,
Thanks for explaining the benefits of blog commenting. Your tips and tricks for increasing website traffic are very useful and also easy to learn and follow.
I hope to hear other more important and connected topics related to blogging and blog comments.
Glad that I found your page today, will read more on this subject.
Thanks again for sharing such and informative piece.
I strongly agree that blog commenting truly makes a difference not just for the blogger but also for the commenter’s side. What I like about leaving comments on blog posts is that we can be able to exchange our views and opinions regarding our blog’s topic. Thank you for sharing this quite lengthy but very informative article.
Excellent write up and wonderful describe. Your post is very helpful for me.
Hey, very cool blog!! Beautiful .. Amazing share! I will bookmark your web site and take the feeds additionally? I am glad to find a lot of helpful info right here within the put up, we need to develop more strategies on this regard, thank you for sharing your experiences and interesting stories related to blogging and blog commenting. A lot of things to pick and follow from this post . . . . .
Thanks for this awesome post. Blog commenting helps authors and visitors to get more interactive and that’s how a blog can be successful.
Thanks again for this post covering every aspects of blog commenting
I really love your website.. Great colors & theme. Did you build this site yourself? Please reply back as I’m planning to create my own website and would love to know where you got this from or exactly what the theme is called. Many thanks!
I’m impressed, I must say. Seldom do I come across a blog that’s equally educative and interesting, and let me tell you, you have hit the nail on the head. The issue is an issue that not enough folks are speaking intelligently about. Now i’m very happy that I found this during my hunt for something regarding this.
Hey Philip,
Blogging brings too many benefits to enjoy. Apart from generating ample traffic and by establishing your business as a thought leader in your niche, it equally remains helpful for your search engine ranking improvements.
The most valuable benefit of blog commenting in my opinion is, you are thriving a fresh relationship with people. The moment you comment on a blog of your niche, people read your reactions.
The chances are high that they even go to your link provided your comment is useful and relevant to them.
Part of being helpful with commenting is sharing your knowledge. Blog commenting can be highly fruitful to increase traffic and to get SEO value provided you choose white-hat method of blog commenting.
Your comment must educate readers and thus literally compel them to know more about you. Eventually thanks for sharing your valuable tips with us.
With best wishes,
Amar Kumar
Yes i completely agree with author, and regularly use blog commenting for seo purpose.
I could learn more tips in this subject ? from this post.
Thanks for sharing. Keep writing.
All the best.
Thank you so much for making clear the broad benefits of blog commenting to all of us. Your tricks and tips are very easy as well as important to improving website traffic. I am very glad to read your blog. once again thanks for sharing such useful information with us and hope to learn more interesting information from you.
Thanks for this amazing post. Blog commenting helps authors and visitors to get more interactive and that’s how a blog can be successful. Wonderful share. Keep sharing.
Great! I’m a freelancer and want to improve my SEO skills. You made the things light and easy to understand for the newbies like me and I really appreciate your knowledge and support through this blog post. Your blog posts are truly a gem for newbies like me. I hope this is gonna give me so much benefit.
Such an impressive, meaningful, and knowledgable blog. I am so happy to visit you and read your article. This is a very useful blog for all. Thank you so much for sharing such great information. Keep continuing to share. I am eagerly waiting for your upcoming article.
Right here is the perfect blog for everyone who wishes to find out about this topic. You realize so much its almost tough to argue with you (not that I actually will need to…HaHa). You definitely put a new spin on a topic which has been written about for a long time. Excellent stuff, just great!
Thanks for this amazing post.
A lot of things shared in relation to blog comments, yes, I fully agree with you that a oner line and one word comment should not be encouraged. keep sharing.
Very impressive infomation. i am happy to visit your site and read about article
You wrote about my favorite part of blogging: Comments. I see it as the backbone of our blog. Each visitor that comes to our blog and leaves a good comment is priceless. Then we reciprocate to their blog. Of course lets not forget about those social shares!
The trouble with link dropping, is the prevalence of automated systems that allow you to blast your links to dozens if not hundreds of sites at the touch of a button. Its a sad reflection that anything useful and worthwhile is always open to abuse by a small number of users. Quora is great for bot spreading and acquiring knowledge, but then again, sometimes you spend an awful lot of time having to trawl through comments from what I would charitably refer to as idiots.
Thanks for providing such a piece of knowledgeable information. As mentioned by you blog comments are very powerful and can do wonders in our blogging journey.
The experiences you shared in your journey is well written here for the benefit of your readers.
Keep sharing such valuable points to your blogging friends.
Thanks for sharing such beautiful information and provide more information. please keep sharing such informative piece.
Thanks for sharing this great article with your readers (us), I’m happy to see such skilled writers taking writing into action and helping others on the internet.
I don’t know before reading this article, that comments can be so helpful for a blog. I Will try to use more and tips from article will help.
Blog comments are really important. I have my own blog and I always check comments. Some of the comments are spammy, but I always check all comments. Also, I want to add that comments are extra content for your blog and it is another plus.
I go to see each day a few websites and sites to read articles or reviews, but this web site gives feature based articles.
This post is a worth reading post to all readers, comment authors as well as all blog writers. A great guide to all.
I am bookmarking it for my further read. I will share it with my friends online. Keep sharing such informative posts again.
Hi Philip, you did a good job of writing a descriptive article. You told in the follower increasing section that we should like others’ comments so that they will follow each other. My question is if we do so, will they notice that we are following each other?
Man this post rocked! I hope that’s not too generic but what I really want to say is that it wasn’t until recently that I truly understood the power of comments and you totally reinforced that! I added comment Luv to my blog after I started networking with other bloggers. I wanted to help reward others for great blog post comments. Probably my favorite thing about blog post comments is the networking piece. It’s pretty incredible to find like-minded people who truly want to help each other. And you mentioned one of the annoying things about comments and that’s link dropping. I’m not really happy when some drops a link to their facial cleanser blog on my writers blog. Um no just no!
This is a cool post and i enjoy reading this post. Excellent subject to know more. Ad blog writers we need to read such posts to create better contents.
Indeed your blog is fantastic and you have good contents in your blog. nice sharing keep it up the ghost works.
Thanks for sharing this great article.
Blog comments are really important. I have my own blog and I always check comments.
[…] I just began to realize the power of blog commenting. […]
[…] അനുവദിക്കുകയാണെങ്കിൽ ബ്ലോഗ് അഭിപ്രായങ്ങളുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ഈ […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] അനുവദിക്കുകയാണെങ്കിൽ ബ്ലോഗ് അഭിപ്രായങ്ങളുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ഈ […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] that does not conform to our platform. Please do visit this post and pick one or two lessons on blogcommenting. PS: We have amazing Advertising Opportunities on our platform for all big and small business […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] attract to your website. In fact, many of your blog audience will share your blog content and leave comments on the blog after reading your […]
Blog comments are always important for seo. Thanks for such interesting article.

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[…] അനുവദിക്കുകയാണെങ്കിൽ ബ്ലോഗ് അഭിപ്രായങ്ങളുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ഈ […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
Excellent post. Keep posting such kind of information on your page. Im really impressed by it.
Hi there, You have done an incredible job. I’ll certainly digg it and in my opinion suggest to my friends. I’m confident they will be benefited from this site.
I think what you posted was actually very reasonable. But, consider this, what if you composed a catchier title? I ain’t suggesting your information isn’t good., however what if you added something that makes people desire more? I mean Power Of Blog Comments! A Great Strategy To Get More Traffic is kinda plain. You could glance at Yahoo’s home page and watch how they create article titles to grab people interested. You might try adding a video or a related picture or two to get people excited about what you’ve got to say. Just my opinion, it would make your website a little bit more interesting.
[…] with them, both online and offline. You do it by joining related forums, by reading other blogs and comments people leave there, by browsing through questions on Quora, Yahoo Answers and Stack […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] Comments or Feedback how do you react? Of course, feedback or comments are a vital part of any business. But at the same time getting negative feedback from […]
[…] do you want to get more comments and engagements on your blog […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] would highly recommend you read this post called ” The Power of Blog Comments And Other Stories” written by Philip Verghese […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
I’m in two minds about turning back on comments on my blogs. I switched them off so long ago as they were just filled with so much junk or meaningless comments, that it became a chore I dreaded doing. But now I’m researching the benefits of blog comments for SEO on a person’s own blog i.e. increased content length, increased keywords, etc, and realising maybe I need to turn mine back on.
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
Thanks a lot for sharing this insightful article with us. A comprehensive guide on blogging and blog comments. Appreciate them way in which you shared this subject to your audience. Keep it up
The Power of Commenting in Any Article Show how Useful the Article and Reader love for the Blog
[…] Check out this post for more tips and suggestions. Power of Comments […]
Valuable information.
A lot of tips and suggestions to pick from this post. Keep Sharing.
All the best
An in-depth writing on blog comments and it’s importance. Indeed a week researched post. Well written in an easy to understand language.
Keep writing such information thru your writings. Good bless
It’s awesome to stumble on your blog and this post today. ?
learned so much just by reading them
This is incredibly helpful, thank you!
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] അനുവദിക്കുകയാണെങ്കിൽ ബ്ലോഗ് അഭിപ്രായങ്ങളുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ഈ […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
So many blogs or websites that I have visited so far, these websites and blogs are very good and the best for me to follow. Keep it up with even better information for me to learn and I really like this all. Thank you.
Such a nice article about blog commenting and absolutely it is part of SEO.
Thanks for sharing.
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
Such a nice article. Great piece of information.
Blog comments are indeed very vital for contents. Getting a feedback from the reader is very essential for a writer to rectify or improve his style of writing. You touched different aspects in this post. Appreciate your share. Keep sharing.
Thank you for the useful information which you shared in this post about blog comments. I appreciate the way you shared the relevant, precious, and perfect information on blog comments. The stories/incidents related to comments are really an interesting read.
Thanks for sharing your blog comments experiences.
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
The wonderful world of blogging. Not sure where we would be without it. The blogs and blog comments are a well written piece. Getting comments on our contents are a soothing experience. Of course if gets some negative ones where we can check out and improve. Great share. Keep sharing such valuable and educative posts to your readers.
All the best.
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
I fully agree with you that our comments can do wonders. A well written piece on online blog comments. Keep writing more such Informative posts on Philpscom Associates.
All the Best
I think this is one of the most significant information for me. And I’m glad reading your article. Thanks for sharing us. Yes, comments are indeed powerful it can make a soothing effect to the writers as well as readers
Keep up the good work.
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
Hi, This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free. I love seeing blog that understand the value of providing a quality resource for free. Good to know more about blog comments and its power.
I never knew that Blog comments can make such a lot of impact, we’d like more such post within the future.
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening, or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
This Basic Information Is Very Informative
Hey Philip
You rock by nailing down the post on blog commenting. Your post is packed of great tips and advices for both amateur and advance bloggers. This is an excellent post. Tons of examples. It’s really super!
I love how you broke out how to comment on blog posts in easy to follow segments!
Anyway, I thank you for sharing all your knowledge. I have learn more from you. Wishing you a wonderful week. May God bless you…
A blog with a lot of comments seems “merrier”. The more the merrier. A blog without any comment is still a blog but it looks like a “dead” blog.
Thanks For Sharing The Amazing content. I Will also share with my friends. Great Content thanks a lot.
Nice Tips especially for bloggers do commenting.
Thanks for sharing.
I totally agree on whatever you said about Aha!NOW and its Admins/members. It is a wonderful place to be in.Blogger Help Forum is also an amazing forum to interact and get your queries solved. Thank you so much for mentioning me in the post. Yes, I am quite active there and I am also a moderator there.
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening, or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
Very interesting commentary in this post. Back in the earlier days of blogging, we used to have much more interactive experiences with the commenting systems.
But after years of battling literally thousands of spammers just crushing my domain with ridiculous and irrelevant comments, we turned off commenting altogether.
So my question: Should I turn them back on? What are your recommendations for helping mitigate the automated link spam crap? I’d love it if people commented again like in the old days and would be happy to install a plugin that provides dofollow links, but I simply don’t have time to manage the volume myself.
Any guidance is welcomed. Thanks for the deep, insightful post.
Thankyou for sharing wonderfull article:)
Thankyou for your blog it really helpfull
Thank you for taking the time to compile such an intriguing article.
Kudos to you on a job well accomplished.
[…] അനുവദിക്കുകയാണെങ്കിൽ ബ്ലോഗ് അഭിപ്രായങ്ങളുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ഈ […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] കുറിച്ച ഈ പോസ്റ്റ് കൂടി വായിക്കുക. The Power Of Blog Comments വീണ്ടും കാണാം നന്ദി […]
[…] കുറിച്ച ഈ പോസ്റ്റ് കൂടി വായിക്കുക. The Power Of Blog Comments വീണ്ടും കാണാം നന്ദി […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
Awesome article! It’s a very helpful for my blogging career. A lot of tips and suggestions in relation to blogging as well as Blog commenting.Thanks Again!
Hi Philip
Apart from commenting, which activity generates the most number of backlinks?
How can I increase referring domains number on my website?
As you have 768 referring domains linking to your site, how many of them would be through blog commenting?
Please share your views, it will be a great help.
Thanks in Advance
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
Thanks for the great content sir. i will also share with my friends. Very insightful post on comments. I could pick a lot out of this.
Keep sharing. Once again thanks ? for this share.
Keep sharing.
[…] അനുവദിക്കുകയാണെങ്കിൽ ബ്ലോഗ് അഭിപ്രായങ്ങളുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ഈ […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
hello there! your story was very interesting. I have had the same experience with my graphic designing journey. from an early age, I love sketching and designing, and fellows of mine used to call me a drawing master. when I started using social media sites I used to share my works over there. One day morning on Instagram, I got so many notifications. when I opened the notification, there were so many comments from different people applauding my work. From the comments of the people, I got the motivation and started graphic designing. BTW very interesting article, thanks
Yes, i fully agree with you.
Blog Comments has power it can do wonders with us. As you said, a conductive one can do a lot.
This blog post is very helpful for bloggers for their career thank you so much for the well written content.
Keep writing
[…] അനുവദിക്കുകയാണെങ്കിൽ ബ്ലോഗ് അഭിപ്രായങ്ങളുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ഈ […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related toblogcomments. […]
[…] അനുവദിക്കുകയാണെങ്കിൽ ബ്ലോഗ് അഭിപ്രായങ്ങളുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ഈ […]
Yes! Blog comments helps create backlinks, which in turn generate traffic. Most of these links are no-follow links and thus, carry little value; however, the process is still helpful.
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscomalso reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related toblogcomments. […]
Hey Matt,
I wanted to thank you for sharing the information with us. We found the presentation to be very informative.
Keep up the good work!
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blog comments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscomalso reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related toblogcomments. […]
Thanks for sharing this information about mind-blowing info on blog comments.
Great share indeed!
Keep writing
All the best.
Very well said, I started my online business for half a year now. I knows a little bit of SEO and recommended me to have a blog page to help improve my search engine ranking, which helped me.
Our Blog comments can be a good support in SEO.
Blog comments Power is really worth notable. A lot of information shared in this post
Nice post…
Keep writing
All the best.
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
This is an amazing post on blog commenting. Thanks for sharing.
[…] അനുവദിക്കുകയാണെങ്കിൽ ബ്ലോഗ് അഭിപ്രായങ്ങളുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ഈ […]
this article give me a good mood to start comments again in blog….nice sharing!
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
Thank you for sharing this article with us, I read your article, and you have talked about a lot of information.
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
I have read your blog and it is pretty amazing. In fact, you have discussed all the valid points very efficiently. I love the way you wrote about this topic. Very informative.
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] അനുവദിക്കുകയാണെങ്കിൽ ബ്ലോഗ് അഭിപ്രായങ്ങളുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ഈ […]
[…] അനുവദിക്കുകയാണെങ്കിൽ ബ്ലോഗ് അഭിപ്രായങ്ങളുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ഈ […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] അനുവദിക്കുകയാണെങ്കിൽ ബ്ലോഗ് അഭിപ്രായങ്ങളുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ഈ […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
I love the efforts you have put in this, appreciate it for all the great posts.
[…] അനുവദിക്കുകയാണെങ്കിൽ ബ്ലോഗ് അഭിപ്രായങ്ങളുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ഈ […]
Hi Philip,
I am glad that I landed on your page. It is an excellent post on the Blog comments and I love commenting on other sites. while I learn from blogs, I share my genuine opinion. I came to know about the Commentluv blog through your blog, and will be trying it soon.
Thanks for the great share.
Have a good week ahead.
Thanks for this helpful post.
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related toblogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] അനുവദിക്കുകയാണെങ്കിൽ ബ്ലോഗ് അഭിപ്രായങ്ങളുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ഈ […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
I appreciate all of your effort. Thank you for sharing. I’ll also share some useful information.
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
I think it is very effective to make valuable comments on blog and website. Thanks for the idea.
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
[…] അനുവദിക്കുകയാണെങ്കിൽ ബ്ലോഗ് അഭിപ്രായങ്ങളുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ഈ […]
Nice article about the power of comments, keep sharing.
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments. […]
Nice article thank you for sharing informative post
“The Power of Blog Comments and Other Stories” highlights the significant role that comments play in building community and enhancing engagement. It showcases how thoughtful discussions can enrich content and foster connections between readers and writers. A compelling reminder of the value of interaction in the blogging world! Thanks for sharing
The Power of Blog Comments and Other Stories” is a fascinating read! It emphasizes how comments can foster community engagement and provide valuable feedback for bloggers. The insights into building connections and sparking conversations highlight the often-overlooked role of comments in enhancing the blogging experience. A great reminder of the impact that even a few words can have!thanks for sharing
[…] 1. Are One word or one line. 2. Are abusive, intimidating, threatening or inflammatory 3. Make offensive generalizations 4. Ramble without a point 5. Use offensive or insensitive language 6. typed all in CAPITAL Letters. 7. typed in a language other than English 8. Are irrelevant to the post in question 9. Contain self-promotional materials or links 10. Give unnecessary, advice to Philipscom Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy. If time permits please do visit this post related toblogcomments. […]
Great insights on the impact of blog comments! Engaging with the community not only builds connections but also enriches the conversation. Thanks for sharing
I appreciate you sharing this valuable information. In my opinion, it’s fantastic.
“The Power of Blog Comments And Other Stories” highlights the often-overlooked impact of blog comments in fostering community, driving engagement, and sparking meaningful conversations. It shows how a single thoughtful comment can build connections, inspire new content ideas, and even influence wider discussions. Blog comments remain a powerful tool in the digital ecosystem, proving that interaction and feedback are vital in creating a dynamic, thriving online space.
Blog comments are incredibly valuable! They ignite discussions, foster relationships, and offer new viewpoints. Each comment also shares a unique story, enhancing the vibrancy and interactivity of the blogging community!
“The Power of Blog Comments And Other Stories” is such an engaging read! It really highlights how blog comments can be a powerful tool for building community and fostering deeper connections with readers. I love how the article emphasizes that comments aren’t just feedback, but a way to create conversations and add value to content. It’s a reminder of the importance of engaging with your audience and listening to their thoughts. Do you actively participate in the comment sections of blogs, and how do you feel it impacts the overall experience for both readers and writers?