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His Love is So Amazing Greatest Love Ever Experienced Or Explained

Posted in Biblical/Religious, and Poem

Last updated on May 14, 2020

His Love is So Amazing

(It’s about the greatest love ever experienced/explained or told)


The Creator God so loved the world
It’s so amazing and
That can be UN-explainable!


LoveNOTE:  LORD the Creator of this universe loved this world so much that He gave us His only begotten Son for us. Not just He gave us, but He sacrificed Him on the cross of Calvary to save us from the eternal damnation. Yes, He died for our sins. With His stripes, we are healed. It pleased the Lord to bruise Him for our sake. Indeed it’s so amazing, unspeakable, and unfathomable. This love is so deep that no one on earth can explain it.

Read this connected page too: LOVE IS ALL AROUND


First published in and Google’s Knol Pages.

Written and published by freelance writer P V Ariel,  Secunderabad India

 Published on: Oct 19, 2009

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