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Category: Guest Post

Philipscom Associates Revised Policy On Guest Posts and Sponsored Posts

Posted in Guest Post, Philipscom Policy, Sponsored post, and Strategy

This post, “Guest Posts And Sponsored Posts” is published for the guest post seekers of Philipscom.

These days we are getting several guest posts and sponsored post inquiries in our inbox as well as through e-mail.

This may be due to the high traffic and the increase in Google Rank and Domain Authority of our website,
We receive a minimum of 10+  email requests daily from guest blog contributors/authors from around the world.
It is interesting to note that most of them are strangers to me and never visited my websites, or commented.  They drop a well-crafted letter to convince me to accept a free post on these spaces.
Another sad thing to note is that some of them are written haphazardly and most often our editorial team just rejects such inquiries.

It is high time that we need to bring out our Guest posts and sponsored posts policy.

Thus this post! A new guest post, and sponsored posts (advertisement) policy for the benefit of our readers and associates.

Google favors Facebook shares, likes, and comments more than keywords

Posted in Current Affairs, Google, Guest Post, and Social media

Google favors Facebook shares, comments and likes… Google favors Facebook shares more than keywords.  Yes, don’t get panic, according to a recent study, it has been concluded that Google also…

How YOU Can Write A Best Selling Book? 7 Critical Keys

Posted in Affiliate, Business/Sale, Content Marketing, Education, Family, Guest Post, GUEST POSTS, Make Money Online, Publications, and Writing

How YOU Can Write A Best Selling Book? 7 Critical Keys    Yes, How you can write a best selling book?  This question is answered in this amazing guest post…

SEO Tips for Bloggers Who Want to Skyrocket Their Search Rankings

Posted in blog traffic, Blogging, Guest Post, and WordPress And SEO

This week I am happy to present Pro Blogger Anil Agarwal’s yet another Guest Post to the Philipscom readers.  I am sure he needs no introduction to my readers.  His…

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