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Posted in Environment, Global Warming, India, and Photography

Last updated on April 6, 2024



Kerala God’s on country,kerala

one of the southern states in India is famous for its eye capturing lovely nature.   It is one of the major attractions of tourists from different parts of the Globe, especially from the western nations.

Here below are given some of the pictures captured on a mobile on my recent short trip to my native land.  I am so glad to say that it is my native land and am more proud to be known as a Keralite. Of course, another notable fact is that this tiny state is widely known as “The God’s own country”  It is really interesting to note how Kerala got this name, even many of the Malayalees (Keralites) do not know this fact. Check out this amazing page to get some light on this. Kerala Why It Is Called God’s Own Country…

Also, you can read more about this lovely state in the below given relevant page links.

Kerala God's on country


Kerala God's on country

Kerala God's on country

Kerala God's on country Kerala God's on country IMG_20160115_182305044  Kerala God's on country Kerala God's on country Kerala God's on country IMG_20160115_155256636 Kerala God's on country Kerala God's on country IMG_20160115_155201133

Kerala God's on country

bj 22



Kerala God's on country

picture credit: #Philipscom

As mentioned earlier, the above pictures are captured on a mobile phone while on a journey to my native land.

Hope you enjoyed these scenes from Kerala.

To read more about this state, please do visit on the following posts elsewhere in this web page!

Some Amazing Facts About Kerala

Kerala My Native Land -The God’s Own Country 

You can download this amazing App KERALA from Google App store, which shows all about this lovely and enchanting state! CLICK ON THIS BELOW LINK TO DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL:


Kerala God's own country
Image credit. Wikipedia

If you like this post please do share with your friends on your social circles.

Thanks for your valuable visit.

For Philipscom Associates


Philip Verghese Ariel


All images are captured by the blogger Philip V Ariel unless otherwise mentioned.

First Published on: Jan 22, 2016 @ 20:20

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  1. My parents are from Kerala but I’ve spent most part of my life in bangalore. Kerala looks amazing and feels so natural.

    I’d like to move to Kerala soon.

    January 27, 2016
  2. Manidipa Bhaumik
    Manidipa Bhaumik

    Hey Philips,

    Such wonderful captures. Last year, we went for a small tour to southern India during this time. We had a 2 days halt in Trivandrum & nearby places. I must admit, the people are very welcoming. Hoping to visit the place again (this time for a longer duration :) ) for the land’s view & its dwellers.

    Thank you for sharing these. Take care :)
    Manidipa Bhaumik recently posted…WPeka Club New Year Offer – 50% Off Gold PlanMy Profile

    January 28, 2016
  3. Hi Brother Phil,

    Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful pictures from The Gods Own Country.
    The pictures bring back a lot of pleasant memories about Kerala! Indeed a nostalgia!

    Best Regards

    Keep Sharing

    Reji Stephenson

    January 30, 2016
  4. Hey Philip.

    Those are very beautiful pics. I love all the boats and the calm of the water and trees. I hope you have extra room in your house, because on my way!

    September 30, 2016
    • Hi Dave,
      Joy to see you here again!
      Yes, not only the pics, the initial places are lovely too!
      Have you been there before? If not a sure bet to visit once!
      Oh sure there will be an extra special room for you! :-)
      A warm welcome to the special nation!
      See you soon!

      September 30, 2016
      • I am sure. I have never been that far afield. Three times to Europe, but that;s a long time ago.

        October 1, 2016
  5. Hi Philip ,
    Thank you for this beautiful pictures.
    I am looking forward to my visit to
    India and hope that I can make it to Kerela
    Gods own Country :)

    October 3, 2016
  6. Thanks Philips for sharing these lovely pictures of Kerala.
    It’s such a lovely place to visit once in lifetime.
    Very fascinating one indeed.I appreciate you for sharing this.

    October 22, 2016
  7. John Grainic
    John Grainic

    Hi Philip
    What a lovely and eye capturing share! great scenes indeed. Thank you for the beautiful pictures.
    Indeed Kerala is no doubt a God’s Own Country.

    January 29, 2022

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