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SEO Traffic Without Link Building Is It Possible?

Posted in blog traffic, SEO, and Strategy

SEO traffic without link building! Is it possible to increase SEO traffic without link building?

Yes! Absolutely.

You can increase your blog organic traffic dramatically without doing much of link building activities. Although, SEO link building is likely to increase your chances of making it to the top ten search engines result page. This is because links are still one of the most important SEO currencies to a great search engine visibility.

But the lack of it shouldn’t stop you from getting your shares of the SEO traffic.

In this post, you’re going to learn how you can drive more organic traffic from search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing even if your website links profile is too low. You will discover how to research and write articles that appeal to both user and search engines alike.

This is what you will discover in this post today. Without much delay, let’s get along together.

seo traffic without link building

#1. SEO Traffic Without Link Building – Write Content That is Useful and Shareable

It doesn’t matter whether you hit the top ten of SERP. If your content doesn’t appeal to the right users, you won’t get more love from the search engines.

SEO #1 ranking factor is user satisfaction. If you must increase your chances of driving more SEO traffic, then create content that greatly appeals to the end-users. Write content that is super useful to your readers. Content that other writers in your niche find extremely difficult to replicate.

The good thing to this is that when you constantly produce great content that readers find interesting and useful, it increases the likely hood of going viral on the internet. This viral effect could lead to more incoming links to the webpage which will increase its’ SEO value.

And it put less work on your side trying to build links to the actual webpage on your own.

Blog posts are not created equally.

That makes them differ from each other in every aspect. Not every content or information has the ability to move readers to share it. Some information – no matter how quality they are – don’t attract a share-like audience.

When you tell a beautiful story. You write something controversial. You just say something many people are afraid to say. These types of content could easily attract audiences that will share your post to thousands of their followers.

If you can identify posts on your blog that easily attract shares, comments, and traffic. Consider writing more of such posts and market it to those that will help spread your work like wild-fire.

Your co-bloggers and content marketers are the ones likely to share your work with their followers mostly. Write content that these people will love to associate with, and proudly share with their followers. Your blog traffic has the strong potential to go viral.

Imagine if this blog post you’re reading is been shared by Phillip, Enstine Muki, and Ryan Biddulph on Twitter? These three internet marketers have combined Twitter followers of more than 67k. It could lead to some serious traffic spikes from Twitter.

Write content that your favorite bloggers would love to share. Write content that is shareable. Write content your readers will help you to market.

#2. SEO Traffic Without Link Building – Publish Latest News and Event

If you’re in the entertainment, breaking news and event niche. Sometimes being the first to publish the news is all you need to drive the majority of the search organic traffic.

The quicker you get the news out there, the more your chances of beating your competitors to it. One of the advantages of breaking the news first is that others who report the news later are more likely to cites your page as an additional source for more information.

Think of sites like Moz, Search engine journal and Wordstream, they’re always on the top of searches related to search algorithm updates. This is because they’re at the forefront when it comes to breaking the news concerning search engine updates.

And when other websites write about these updates later, they’re more likely to link to one of these authority blogs on SEO related issues. These blogs get the latest happenings in the world of SEO before anyone does.

The big question is how do you find your niche breaking news before other marketers?

There are several ways to uncover breaking news before others learn about it.

Microsoft Edge browser is one of the best sources to quickly learn about breaking news especially if you’re in the entertainment, celebrity, news and event niches. If you use Windows 10 on your PC, just click open the browsers to launch a new tab page.

Launch the browser to open a new page tab and you will find all the latest even in the world right there in your front.

SEO traffic without link building

If you’re in the entertainment, breaking news, and event, celebrity gossip, sports niches, etc. One of these headlines should interest you.

Keep up with mainstream websites in your niche and you will always learn about the latest event in your niche before others.

#3. Target Low competitive Geo-Targeted Keywords

It’s not new. You probably have read it over and over a thousand times. But the truth is, it works!

It is one of the best SEO practices that has remained and stand the test of time despite many algorithm updates.

This is why I’m going to go over it here again.  It is much easier to rank for your targeted keywords when you target the local audience instead of the international audience.

Though, this is necessary if your blog topic, services or products cater to your local audience.

Chances are, there are thousands of low competitive locally search terms you can easily rank for. Keywords that drive-in quality organic search engine traffic that will take positive actions on your blog.

If you’re a dentist in Delhi, India. Instead of targeting the “best dentist health center “, you can choose to target the “best dentist health center in Delhi”. If a user is looking for a nearby dentist health center in Delhi, you’re more likely to appear in SERP above other authority blogs.

As you write and optimize for more keywords relevant to a local location near you, the more search engines will associate your site with that area and drive targeted traffic to your site.

#4. Optimized Your Blog for On-Page SEO

Looking at it from every angle, search engine traffic remains the best source of targeted traffic. This is because these are people who genuinely looking for what you’re selling or the services you render.

Search engines are a massive opportunity for increasing blog traffic for a long-time value. Most of the simple things that you do to optimize your content for better search visibility will yield massive results if done right.

Each content you publish on your blog without optimizing it for better search visibility is a thousand lost in potential search traffic.

Google alone sees more than 3.5 billion search queries per day and 1.2 trillion per year. It will be a loss in potential traffic if you’re not optimizing your content for search traffic.

If you’re on WordPress, you already have a great advantage of setting up an SEO friendly blog. Your WordPress blog installation software is straight out of the box SEO friendly.

But there are still lots of scopes to transform your WordPress blog into an even greater SEO friendly blog that drives a lot of search traffic. In addition to the most common SEO techniques, here are some other tips to consider:

  1. Pick a good host.
  2. Choose the right permalink structure for your blog type.
  3. Only install required and necessary plugins.
  4. Update regularly.
  5. Configure meta tags.
  6. Avoid duplicate content.
  7. Use breadcrumbs.

#5. Write Irresistible Articles Headlines

Wherever your articles appear on the net, the first things user will see is the content headline.

Either you share it on social media, email to your subscribers, on other people’s blogs, etc. The first thing that tells the user to either click through to read more or just ignore it and move away is the content headline.

So, it doesn’t matter anymore whether you rank #1 on Google search or you’re in position #8. If your listing headline doesn’t appeal to the user, you might as well not get the highest clickthrough rate.

Let’s take a look at some of the headlines in the image below.


headline formula - Google search

If I’m looking for more information on how to write great articles headline for my next content project.

I probably won’t click on the top #1 search result in the image.  Why?

The headline says ” 9 tips for writing great headlines in 2017″. My assumption here is that the information on the page might be a bit outdated. We’re in 2019 about entering into 2020.

Why do I need to read a piece of information that is more relevant 3 years ago? People want up-to-date information. Something fresh and relevant to the current situation.

Despite being on top of the search result, this webpage won’t get the most click from users.

The BIG question is “How do you write never to ignore articles headlines”

We as humans never change, technology does.

This why over the years the basic fundamental principles of writing powerful headlines never changed. But the advancement in technology makes the format for writing headlines evolve over the years.

Follow the below tips for writing better articles headline for your blog post

  1. Write at least 20 headlines variation for each blog post.
  2. A/B test to pick the winner.
  3. Use numbers. It works.
  4. Instead of words, use digits. For example, instead of “ten” use “10”.
  5. Use power words. Check this list.
  6. Give a promise and deliver on it.
  7. Arouse curiosity, emotions, and or, give suspense.
  8. Create a sense of urgency by using the words now, today, limited offer, season offer, etc.

#6. Build a Niche-Specific Blog

On WordPress alone, there are more than 450 million blogs and 1.7 billion websites altogether in the world. And more than 4.4 million blog posts were published in March 2019 per day. That figure is on the rise as I write these lines.

What do all these stats mean to you?  In other to build a blog that stands out from the crowd, get noticed, build a tribe and drive a more targeted audience. You’ll need to build a blog that is focused on a specific niche topic.

In the late ’90s and early 2000, when there were just about 50 million blogs on the internet. It is easy to start a blog that talks about many topics under the sun and build large followings around it.

But today, a better and easier approach is to start a niche-specific blog. A blog that is well focused on a particular internet marketing topic. Think of sites like Moz, SmartPassvieIncome, JohnChow, TechCrunch, etc.

These sites only create and publish content that is targeted and relevant to a specific audience.

The more you constantly produce content users find great value in it, the more authoritative you become in that niche. And this helps to position you as an expert in that field. The go-to website when such a topic is been discussed anywhere.

As your expertise grows in your niche, relevant marketers will naturally link to your content and this will in return improve your website SEO value. Later, Google will come to know of your expertise in the field and start rewarding you with more relevant traffic.

Here is an example of how to start a niche-specific blog.

Instead of starting a blog on all things health. You can narrow down your topic selection by targeting HIV-infected patients only. This will help in attracting relevant website traffic to your content and makes the process of content publication easier.

To learn more about starting a niche-specific blog, read this article over at coschedule.

Conclusion on driving SEO traffic without link building.

After reading through, I believe you’re now aware that you can get your share of the organic traffic even if your website link profile doesn’t match up with that of your competitors?

Although, actively building links will help improve your overall SEO value and drive even more organic and referral traffic in the future. But with the help of the information on this page, you’re more likely to drive SEO Traffic Without Link Building.

SEO Traffic Without Link BuildingAuthor Bio: Shamsudeen Adeshokan is an online marketer, professional blogger and blogging coach. He writes about blogging, SEO, social media, WordPress and affiliate marketing on his blog where he documents his personal online experience.  You can connect with him via his personal blog, or his Twitter


Disclaimer:  This is a guest contribution to Philipscom Associates and the tips tricks, strategies, views, etc. mentioned in it does not reflect the view and opinions of P V Ariel or Philipscom blog.  Opinions expressed by Philipscom contributors are their own, not those of For More Information Read This


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  1. Thanks, Philip,

    It feels good to be here today sharing my internet marketing experience with your audience.

    Thanks for welcoming my invitation. Sincerely, I appreciate the opportunity given to contribute to the Phillipscom content archive.

    Happy Xmas, and have a wonderful new year in advance.

    December 26, 2019
    • Hi Shamsudeen,
      It’s Indeed a great privilege to have you on board.

      I still remember and cherish the days we interacted at Kingged. I really enjoyed those days.

      Thanks for the informative piece you shared for the readers of Philipscom.
      Best Regards
      Philip Verghese Ariel recently posted…Sponsored Posts On Philipscom The Reasons To BuyMy Profile

      December 28, 2019
  2. Super article Shamsudeen. You’re right, it’s totally possible to rank with no links at all. For example, something happens, and the newspapers report on it. Well that is going to rnak right away because there is not ocmpetiton for that term (because it just happened) and because Google understand that this query is fresh and relevant RIGHT NOW.
    As for me, I think the key for smaller bloggers like us is to build evergreen content and continually build links so over time we rank and keep ranking.
    That’s our best chance.

    December 27, 2019
    • Hi Nikola,

      Thanks for sharing though here.

      You’re right on that. one of the keys to long-lasting success in internet marketing especially for evergreen blog topic is to consistently publish useful content and build links to the page so it can over time drive free targeted traffic from the search engines.

      Ranking without links is possible, but building links to the page is better and will give more possibility to a higher ranking.

      Thanks, Nikola good to have you here.
      Shamsudeen Adeshokan recently posted…How to Read Blog Posts and Make The Best Out ItMy Profile

      December 28, 2019
  3. Hey bro,
    Good to see you here on Phil’s blog with these tips.
    I’ve ranked many times on Google position #1 on page one for some good keywords without a single backlink.

    My trick is simply to be the first to post on a new topic. I anticipate keyword, create massive content and before others get to it, I’m on there. However, as competition grows, you will definitely need backlinks along the line to maintain the position.

    I hope you both are having a wonderful Christmas week.

    December 27, 2019
    • Hey Enstine,

      Yes, being the first to get it out there can really help to drive the most traffic. But like you said, as time goes and other writers start reporting, backlinks are needed to maintain the search engine position.

      Thanks, Enstine, nice to see you here. Happy holiday season.
      Shamsudeen Adeshokan recently posted…Why Ads on Blog to Make Money is Not SillyMy Profile

      December 28, 2019
  4. Jessica Jones
    Jessica Jones


    Great pitch!

    Social media marketing would be a dominant tactic to boost website traffic. As you said, the post shared by social influencers like Ryan, PVariel, or Enstine can uplift the referral traffic exponentially.

    Read other comments here. I appreciate Enstine in bringing out the fresh piece of information via his articles.

    I remember – I read about Google’s new sponsored link attribute for the first time in Enstinemuki’s blog.

    December 28, 2019

    Hello Shamsudeen! Thanks for sharing this interesting article! which helps a lot for all newbie tech blogger’s dear!

    December 28, 2019
  6. Michelle

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful article!
    Any tips for a beginner that is trying to rank in google for a totally new website?

    January 8, 2020
  7. Dilip pal
    Dilip pal

    Thank,s for posting great informative article, this is my first-time visit on your blog, and find interesting stuff, that How one can rank blog post without any backlink.

    I have already bookmark your site to read more content from your blog in my free time.

    Thank,s a lot once again keep it up.


    March 24, 2020
  8. Justin Knott
    Justin Knott

    This was a very interesting read. In healthcare marketing, SEO is very important to my clients. However, I will admit that we don’t prioritize a lot of link-building opportunities. Instead, my clients and I focus on optimizing their Google My Business listings. Since they typically receive most of their leads from these listings, link-building is often put on the back burner. This doesn’t mean that it’s not important, but in our industry, it’s definitely not of a high priority.

    March 25, 2020
  9. Eva Smith
    Eva Smith

    Nice blog post about how we can optimize our website without using backlinks in SEO while doing SEO for the website. Nice blog shared i will also try to do some of the steps.

    June 30, 2020
  10. Hi Philip,
    i still see link building as one of the most important ranking factor. you almost convinced me buh still am convinced. is is really possible to rank without backlinks?
    Emmanuel Eze recently posted…MasterCardMy Profile

    July 3, 2020
  11. Rozy

    I am currently working on backlinks. your post includes very nice information about traffic without a backlink. I will really consider this tips and increase blog value and keyword in on-page SEO.
    Kindly make more article about on-page SEO
    Thanks for sharing this information.

    August 11, 2020
  12. Ardy

    It seems impossible if you only rely on on page SEO. Maybe content is king, but backlinks are god.

    September 28, 2020

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