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India Is My Country All Indians Are My Brothers And Sisters, I Love My Country

Posted in Current Affairs, and India

Last updated on December 30, 2019

India Is My Country All Indians Are My Brothers And Sisters

India is my country
A tea estate in Munnar Kerala. image by Ariel

India is my country

India is my country All Indians are my Brothers and Sisters… This is the pledge the school children make in the schools.  My memories went back to my childhood days.  Yes, In school, we start our days with this pledge which I still remember and sometimes whisper too.


When I was thinking about the next word for the A to Z Blog Challenge which starts with a big “I”.  My thoughts went back and suddenly it stopped at the word “INDIA” my own nation topped the list. Yes, India is my country, a beautiful country in the universe, we call INDIA, OUR MOTHERLAND. 

Yes, it still lingers in our minds and on our lips.

Here is the pledge we make every day in the morning along with the morning prayer.  

Yes, we start our school day with this pledge.  It still continues in all the Indian schools.

Trees Integral Part us
A lovely scene from my native land Kerala, near Perunthenaruvi Dam, Pathanamthitta. Image by P V Ariel

A Must Visit Place To Enjoy The Beauty Of Kerala.  Watch This Video

The Pledge – India is my country…

is my country

All Indians are my
Brothers and Sisters.

I love my country
And I shall always
strive to be

a loyal and worthy
citizens of it.

To my country and
my people

I pledge my

May God grant her
peace and prosperity. 
India is my country
A Scene from Thekkady, Kerala. Pic, Credit Shibu Thovala

India is my country
The aftermath of the Kerala flood.  An affected place from Munnar, in Idukki District. A picture by P V Ariel
But Alas!
Today  when I look around,  this concept is totally changed
many look at each other in a different outlook!
The golden old days are gone forever!
politics and politicians polluted the system
within ourselves to fatten
their vote banks/pockets. 
Alas!!! The journey goes on!!!
Anyways here
A Brief Info. about my beloved country called INDIA:
India My Country is the largest nation in Southern Asia
And the second-largest country in the world.
About one out of every six people in the world live in India.
Its population is nearly equal to that of all the nations of Africa and South America together.
In Area, India stands at the 7th place.

The people of India belong to
different ethnic groups.
People speak more than 14 major languages
And more than 1000 minor languages,
And dialects.

An India Map Showing Different Indian Languages

Though we can call this “UNITY IN DIVERSITY’ a great phenomenon, there is a kind of disunity that prevails among the people of India in the name of language.

Especially this is mostly seen when the central government’s imposition of Hindi language in the southern states of India, especially in Tamil Nadu.

For a detailed analysis of this language, row please  Checkout this Quora answer to a question raised in this subject.

(India is known as Republic of India,
or the Union of India)
New Delhi
Language: Hindi (National)
3,287,263 sq. km
Above 1,025.1 m.  1,357,454,871
Hindi (National), English, 
18 officially recognized languages
Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, 
Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, etc.
Rupee [ US $1 = Rs. 72.85 (approx.)
of State is President: Mr. Ram Nath Kovind
of government:  Federal Republic.
Prime Minister: Narendra Modi

Song”  Vande Mataram (I Bow to The
Anthem:  Janagana Mana (Thou art the
ruler of the minds of all people”)

October 2nd is the Birthday of Mahatma Gandhi 
“The Father of the Nation”

A Brief Info. about my beloved country called INDIA Share on X

Here are few links which lead to a few  videos  which reveal the life story of Mahatma Gandhi

Credit: wichm.home
The birth and death anniversaries of Great leaders come ones in a year and on that particular day different celebrations take place in remembrance of such people with much enthusiasm and respect.
But unfortunately, in most cases, such celebrations end with that.  But here is an exception to this trend:
Gandhiji” the Father of Nation is still remembered and his brand has grown stronger and stronger every year.
Every walk of life even the new generation giving a new vision to it and discovering him and adopting his policies with much enthusiasm.
This is the 150th year of his birthday.  It is also known as the International day of non-violence.

Here are some rare videos from the life of Mahatma Gandhi — The first TV Interview and his speech at different places.

The first-ever made TV interview with Mahatma Gandhi by Fox Movietone News.

Mahatma Gandhi’s Speech (un-edited version)

Mahatma Gandhi ( 1869 to 1948)

MAHATMA – Life of Gandhi, 1869-1948 (A 5hrs 10min. video)

Please click on the below link to watch more videos. 


The interviewer is  Jonathan Dimbleby of  Thames Televisions.

The video first Broadcasted on November 16th, 1978.


When we talk about India there is no doubt this eminent personality’s activities like his speech, writing, etc need to be mentioned.

Here below we are incorporating some of his speech and interview videos for our readers.



In this video, Shashi Tharoor the eminent author and Member of Parliament, reveals some serious facts about British Imperialism and the effects of British rule in India,

TV Today Network’s Consulting Editor Rajdeep Sardesai Interview too can watch in this video by India Today.

In the second video, Vikram Khanna interviewed Shashi Tharoor on various issues including Oxford Union speech, globalization to colonization, soft power, politics, and of course about his books.

A must watch videos for all especially for the new generation (students of politics, social, history, and economy).



P V Ariel’s Video Page 

To read more related articles, Please click on the below links:
Few Amazing Facts About India

Missing Aspects

Few Lovely Scenes From India


India is my country
Image Courtesy:  Kerala Tourism 
India is my country
Ìndia is my country
India is my country
P V At Qutab Minar New Delhi
A side view of Qutab Minar Picture by Charles Philip
Lotus Temple New Delhi Pic, By Mathews Philip
Taj Mahal Pic By P V Ariel
Rajghat, Gandhi Samadhi Entrance Gate P V and family members
P V’s Family Members Near India Gate, New Delhi Pic, by PV
A Scene From Thekkady, Kerala. Pic. by Shibu Thovala
India is my country All Indians are my Brothers and Sisters I love my country Share on X

A Tea Plantation Worker Picking Tea Leaves By Using A Machine.

A small Video By The blogger.

Here are some pictures captured during the recent flood in Kerala




Rescuing flood victims who stayed 4 days at my brother’s home. They are rescued by the rescue operators/fishermen. Picture by Godly Paul Verghese, Pulikeezh, Thiruvalla.

Rescue operators moving with the flood victims who stayed 4 days at my brother’s home. See the part of a motorcycle placed on an elevated stand. An image by Godly Paul Verghese, Pulikeezh.

The aftermath of Kerala Flood 2018. A Place where a palatial building stood.  It just slipped down in the landslide.  It is amazing to note that the materials in the house did not get damaged.  Even the aquarium in the house did not get damaged.  Fortunately, the members of the family are rescued a few hours before the landslide.  This is in Adimaly, in Idukki District of Kerala.  You can see the house in the below picture.  Image by the blogger.

India, Aftermath of the Kerala Flood 2018
This is the house slipped down in the landslide, in Adimaly, Idukki. Image by the blogger.


India is my country
Construction work in progress – A scene from Idukki, after the flood



Updated on October 2, 2018

Updated on: Oct 2, 2016 @ 09:15

Published on: Apr 10, 2012 @ 18:59

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  1. You wisely attributed India.
    I love my country.
    Whatever it be, it’s our responsibility to make it a perfect place to live.
    This land has given us a lot and now it’s our turn to pay back.
    We can’t return everything our motherland did favour to us many times,
    however, our small steps can also make huge differences. :-)

    Nikhil recently posted…Join TeslaThemes Affiliate Program for Passive IncomeMy Profile

    April 11, 2016
    • Hi Nikhil,
      What a joy to hear from you,
      Sorry i missed this thoughtful feedback,
      Yes, our Motherland did a lot to us and now is the time to payback!
      I appreciate your valuable presence with a thought provoking comment.
      Keep sharing,
      May you have a great and eventful December. 2016
      ~ Philip

      December 6, 2016
    • Philipsji,
      Your post is wonderful and the attitude is really appreciable… I love my India… Let’s Keep our country in good condition, well clean and beautiful, yes, it is our responsibility. Proud to be an Indian and a big salute to my country…..
      Let us follow the path of truth and peace Mahatma showed us. Yes, as you said our today’s politicians should pick up some lessons from the life of this great man.

      Glad to celebrate this week as Thozhilvaram (labor week) in remembrance of our Rasthrapitha Mahatma Gandhi’s sacred birth.

      It is really good to watch and know the history of Gandhiji, a well-composed video film. Oh my a 5 hours long video, need to take time to watch. I am sure its worth seeing, especially it helps to know the amazing history of our Rashtrapitha.
      Thanks for sharing.

      Jai Mahatma Gandhi…
      Jai Hind.

      October 2, 2018
  2. Ann P V
    Ann P V

    This is an amazing post!

    The facts mentioned in this post are really new to me!

    Indeed I am surprised to note the fact that “About one out of every six people in the world lives in India.” This is really an amazing information!

    Oh that is true that our country is holding the position as second largest populated country in the world!
    What a Population explosion! Though in such a populated country, most of the Indians live in Unity! Though there are few isolated exceptions to this, by and large our country’s unity in diversity is famous and adorable too!

    Though there are few people among us who create trouble in the country, we can well say that our country is a peace loving nation.

    I like the way you presented the present situation or truth about our nation along with its amazing facts!

    Let our unity be famous among nations!

    Let others find some role models among us!

    May our country and country men live in peace and unity

    Thanks for the great share PV

    Have a great day :-)
    ~ Ann
    Ann P V recently posted…A Forum For Bloggers And Marketers! Ask, Discuss Your Blog Related Doubts At Kingged.comMy Profile

    April 11, 2016
    • Ha Ha,
      Nice to know that you enjoyed this post.
      Keep sharing,
      Have a wonderful time of sharing and caring :-)
      ~ Phil

      December 6, 2016
  3. Hi Philip ,
    I am not Indian born but I love India as well and have many beautiful friends there.
    India is truly a great Nation and recognized by all the great thinkers of this world.

    Will Durant, American historian said: “India was the motherland of our race, and Sanskrit the mother of Europe’s languages: she was the mother of our philosophy; mother, through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics; mother, through the Buddha, of the ideals embodied in Christianity; mother, through the village community, of self-government and democracy. Mother India is in many ways”

    “India is, the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition. our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only.” -Mark Twain

    “We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made”. -Albert Einstein

    “If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India.”-Romain Rolland, French scholar
    And there are much more who praise India.
    Jai Hind ,Jai Bharat ,Vande Mataram
    Thank you
    Erika Mohssen-Beyk recently posted…Intention Is A Powerful ForceMy Profile

    April 11, 2016
    • Hi Erika,
      What a joy to hear from you again!
      It is indeed amazing to note your knowledge about the land called India,
      I appreciate you for quoting the wonderful quotes about the famous personalities about Indai.
      Thanks Erika for adding value to the post by your wonderful comment.
      Keep sharing,
      May you have a wonderful and eventful December 2016.
      Best Regards
      ~ Philip

      December 6, 2016
  4. Ganeshmoorthi M
    Ganeshmoorthi M

    I love these places.
    Wonderful places indeed!
    One need to visit these places once in their life.
    I will visit these places once in my life for sure.
    Though there are some problems here and there, altogether my country is a beautiful land.
    Thank you for those lovely pictures.
    Share again such beautiful pictures of my country.
    I Remain, A Happy INDIAN.
    Ganesh Moorthi

    April 12, 2016
    • Hi Ganeshmoorthi,
      Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback to this post.
      Nice to know that you liked the pics posted here,
      Sure will post more such posts in the coming days.
      Yes, though there are some difficult isolated situation as you
      said Our country is a beautiful land to live in.
      Thanks once again for your visit and thoughtful comment.
      ~ Philip

      December 6, 2016
  5. What a share Philip! Thank you so much for creating such a post about our motherland.

    The mentality of people have definitely changed. We do not enchant the pledge like we used to. But we (atleast some) definitely realize that it is our responsibility to make the things better. The good thing is our kids are also being up-brought with the similar values. And we can only be hopeful about the days to come.
    Manidipa Bhaumik recently posted…Plugmatter Optin Feature Box Review – 20% Discount CouponMy Profile

    April 14, 2016
    • Hi Manidipa,
      What a joy to hear from you again.
      Thank you for the value added comment.
      Yes, how nice it would have been if we all realize the importance of these things, as you said it is really nice that our children too are brought up in that concept, we do not know about the future generation. Let us hope for the best.
      Thank again Manidipa for your feedback
      May you have a great week ahead.
      ~ Philip

      December 6, 2016
  6. Hi Brother Phil,

    First of all sorry for being here at this page very late. Glad and thank you very much that you included one of my posts about India as a link in this post. Like you mentioned, I still remember the school days starting with the pledge “India is our country. All Indians are our brothers and sisters” and the national anthem “Janaganamana” as if it was few weeks before.

    Thanks for sharing this informative as well a nostalgic post (for me).

    Keep sharing.

    Have a great time blogging.

    Best regards.

    Reji Stephenson
    Reji Stephenson recently posted…Review of ‘Authority’ WordPress theme from MythemshopMy Profile

    April 25, 2016
  7. No words for this post. Well you have covered almost all the important parts of India in one post. And indeed India is a great country.

    Loved it!

    October 3, 2016
  8. Kimsea Sok
    Kimsea Sok

    Thanks for sharing us lots of beautiful pictures of Kerala the God’s own country.

    During these few years blogging and connecting with many Indie bloggers, I fund many beautiful places in India.

    Sometime I want to be in India for some traveling, but it might just in plan. I’m a less traveler, I travel less even in my country.

    You know? My dream is, I want to travel in different places around the globe. I don’t know, but I hope my blogging can help me to do so in next 5 or 10 when I become old. LOL

    Thanks for sharing…

    October 4, 2016
  9. Rohit Meena
    Rohit Meena

    Great article. I Love My Country :)
    Thank you for writing this.

    December 6, 2016
  10. Daina

    You have defined all about India in this post. Nobody can ask more. The images and videos speaks volumes. Thank you so much for sharing such a lot of information in single post.
    Keep sharing.

    October 2, 2018
  11. Erick Patin
    Erick Patin

    Aw, this was a very nice post. In idea, I want to put in writing like this moreover – taking time and precise effort to make an excellent article… You really put in an effort to show the greatness of your nation. Keep it up, my friend. That is the real patriotism! Using our ability to bring glory to our nation. Keep going! Keep writing such motivating posts for the benefit of the young generation as well as the veterans!

    October 18, 2018
  12. ranjot singh
    ranjot singh

    Hi P V

    such a great article. We all are Indians and we all love our country. Such thinking in India is very important Because there are people of every religion in India. Your article is very timely and thought provoking,I will definitely share it on my Facebook page

    thanks again :-)

    November 19, 2018
  13. Muhammad

    You have defined all about India in this post. Nobody can ask more. The images and videos speaks volumes. Thank you so much for sharing such a lot of information in single post.

    June 8, 2019
  14. India is such a fascinating country Phil.

    And Indians seem such pleasant folks. My late mother had made many new Indian friends via Facebook and Messenger, I remember she even dreamed about learning Hindi.

    I hope to visit your country soon.

    June 10, 2019
  15. Sourabh Biswas
    Sourabh Biswas

    Hi Philip,
    Great share. A lot of information you shared thru this article.
    Keep sharing such informative and educative contents with us… Be ???
    All the best.
    Will share with my social sites

    June 16, 2019
  16. Shailesh

    Dear Philip,
    I appreciate your work on this blog. Nice beautiful posted pictures. I am from gujarat and happy to see pictures of munnar, which give me pleasant memories of a wonderful trip to kerala. I am fully agree with you about your views on politicians. Yes they are the real culprits who pollute our pleasant and lovely climate. People’s vision changed. Not good sign. But no solution found for this.
    Let’s hope that our young generation can understand value of nation and try to remove such pollution from our beautiful country,
    Thanks for sharing your views with eye-catching images.
    Keep sharing.
    Best Regards

    June 19, 2019
  17. Hello Philip,

    Glad to read your interesting post and I enjoyed a lot while scrolling from top to bottom. India has a lot from the Himalayas to the Thar Desert, and the beaches of Goa to the busy cities of Kolkata – you have tribals in permit zones of Northeast India and forests hidden in the dense forests.

    The Taj Mahal is considered the world’s most beautiful building and the number 1 tourist attraction in India. Eventually, thanks for exploring your thoughts with us and pledge part is amazing.

    With best wishes,

    Amar Kumar

    November 7, 2019
  18. Kamala Pujhari
    Kamala Pujhari

    Great article! I really like this post and agree completely.if you write well and with passion, you will almost automatically have the right keywords.Write what you are passionate about and that passion, knowledge of the subject, and sincerity will show clearly. I appreciate your presentation about our land.
    Keep writing.
    Looking forward to read more such educative Posts.

    November 7, 2019
  19. India is amazing, Phil,
    I will surely make a visit in the near future. I really love coconut oil and would love to learn some receipies with coconut milk and oil.

    As for the place I’d love to live in, south of India especially Kerala, the lush Green atmosphere, look so amazing to me, it’s a warm tropical climate, I like that the best.

    November 10, 2019
  20. Chef Cart
    Chef Cart

    You really love your country so much, after seeing some great picture about your country I also fall in love With India.
    Thanks for sharing those eyecapturing videos too! Breathtaking one।
    Keep posting such lovely and educating posts.
    Please share more such posts.

    November 17, 2019
  21. Hitesh

    Can’t express my feelings reading this.
    I have been reading your blog from long. You write such a beautiful content. Keep writing. All the best.

    December 6, 2019
  22. Shubhvani


    I believe in “To praise great actions is in some sense to acknowledge them”
    So, it is nice going through your content and really admires the way you present them. Waiting for more interesting content on your websites

    Keep the Good Work


    April 13, 2020

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