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Let Us Celebrate Jesus Christ’s Death Not His Birth

Posted in A to Z Blog Challenge, Philipscom Views, and Religion

Last updated on December 25, 2024

Let Us Celebrate Jesus Christ’s Death Not His Birth! This is what I firmly believe and follow!  This is what every true Bible-believing Christian should believe and follow.

I am reminded of a statement made by one of my longtime online friends.  I would like to quote that below:
I fully agree with him and thus this re-post of my ‘Google’s Knol’ article again here. Thanks for dropping in.     
It is about the Lord Jesus Christ’s birth celebration commonly known as ‘Christmas’ 
The blog writer questions the celebrations with biblical evidence. 
Christ never asked His followers to celebrate His Birth, instead, He asked or 
commanded His followers to celebrate His death.

Jesus's Birth Or DeathOn December 25th people the world over will celebrate the birth of Lord Jesus Christ. This central event in history divided the calendar into BC (Before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini – “In the Year of Our Lord”). He was born to die.  The meaning of His name is “He will save His people from their sins”
(in Hebrew- “Jesus” means “Savior” Matthew 1:21). The prophets foretold His birth years before it took place. Isaiah the Prophet predicted it in 740 B.C. (Isaiah 9:6, and 7:14).
Prophet Micah also predicted the same event in 742 B.C. (Micah 5:2). Christ’s sufferings too were described beforehand by Isaiah (Isaiah Chapter 52:13- 53:12).
The very purpose of Christ’s coming to earth is to die for the sins of mankind.
The recent movement to replace the word ”Christmas” with other names in America and Britain is an interesting development.
In America, conservatives argue that Christmas has become almost a dirty word in a politically correct society. A recent report says that a similar situation is arising in Britain too.
In this connection let us look at the reality. What exactly does the Bible say about such celebrations?
The Bible has not given any importance to birthday celebrations. The great Prophets of the Bible Job and Jeremiah have cursed it (Job 3:1-11, and Jeremiah 20: 14-15).
In the whole Bible only two birth celebrations are mentioned, one in the Old Testament, that is of the Pharaoh, a heathen King, and another one in the New Testament that is, Herod the cruel and ungodly King.
On both these occasions, some tragic events took place. On Pharaoh”s birthday, he hanged his chief baker (Genesis 40: 20-22) and on Herod”s birthday, he beheaded a godly and innocent person ”John the Baptist”, the forerunner of Jesus Christ. (Mark 6:21-28).
Giving too much importance to that particular day is not good, because God had made all days equal and wants people to worship Him in the same tempo and manner on all the other days of the year as well.
Can Christmas be a celebration without Christ? With Christ dwelling inside, one can celebrate Christmas not only on 25th December but every day of his life.
Many celebrate Christmas without Christ in their heart. Unless Christ is born in the heart, no one can meaningfully celebrate Christmas and experience the full joy of the occasion.
At Christmas, we tend to give much importance and priority to getting new clothes, decorating our houses, singing carols, and preparing delicacies and savories.
Often the main person, who is the cause of the celebration, is forgotten and out of the picture. We have no time or rather do not take pains to think about Him, His great teachings, and His great sacrifice.
Rather we take this opportunity to amuse ourselves and entertain our friends and relatives many times in an unholy way, which brings dishonor to His name as well as to our faith.
Instead, let us worthily celebrate this marvelous occasion as the shepherds who glorified God (Luke 2:20) when they received the news.
Jesus never asked His followers to remember His Birth; instead, he commanded his followers to remember His Death.
This is very clearly mentioned in the book of Luke, “..And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of me. Likewise, He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is shed for you (Luke 22: 19 -20).”
Jesus's Birth Or Death
This institution is called ”The Lord’s Supper”, He has asked the believers to carry out this till His second coming.
Christians cannot neglect this institution, because it is His commandment. Christians are looking forward to the Lord’s glorious appearance the second time.
Instead of wasting time, money, and energy on merry-making and celebrations, why not take the opportunity to tell others about His first coming?
Let us make known the teaching of the Lord to many who do not yet know Him even after 2000 years of His coming.
A survey says the greatest number of accidents take place on the eve of Christmas. What does it show? People go about the day in an unworthy manner, and that leads to several accidents.
The time is very short. The Bible says, “The end of all things is at hand” Therefore be serious and watchful in prayer (I Pet. 4:7).
Present world events are vivid signs of His imminent return.
Before He comes, let us strive together and faithfully go about the Lord’s great commission, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20.
This is the great and last commission Christ has given to His followers to follow.
May the Lord help us to fulfill this task which our Lord entrusted to us.
Let us celebrate His Death by obeying His commandments!!
May God help and guide us.????????
First Published in Confident Living Magazine, Secunderabad, A Back to the Bible India Publication
Harvest Time Magazine, Mumbai
Bro. Paul Raj **
Published on: Dec 19, 2011, at 15:07
Updated on Dec 24, 2019.
Jesus's Birth Or Death
John 3:16


A Freelance writer from
Secunderabad India

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  1. Sapna Bharti
    Sapna Bharti

    This is helpful, thanks for sharing this amazing and priceless information,
    I really appreciate your hard work in sharing value-added thought-provoking information you provide through these pages. Indeed this is one of the most important Articles a timely post. I will come again to read more.

    December 26, 2019
  2. jaypre ston
    jaypre ston

    Thank you so much for this enlightening post,
    I have significantly got some thing right here and I will bookmark this page for your next upcoming post.

    March 19, 2022
  3. Thank u for your information. Great article! People who celebrate his birth should read this!
    A thought provoking and profound content
    Thanks for opening out eyes. A Serious subject to think on…

    December 29, 2023
  4. Lawrence Durr
    Lawrence Durr

    Thank you for the information in the Holy Scripters to clarify the celebration Jesus want s us to remember. It is pagan to celebrate r Christmas in a way people do. Jesus said to remember an d celebrate his death and reserrection, not His birth.

    December 31, 2023

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