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Diwali and Environment A Serious Thought On This Festive Season

Posted in Current Affairs, and Environment

Last updated on November 4, 2024

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Diwali and Environment A Celebration Of Joy

Diwali and the Environment is the current issue to discuss.  Diwali is a Hindu festival celebrated all over India in October and November months.

Also known as the Festival of Lights, which is celebrated with much pomp and splendor. 

In other words, Diwali means “Row of Lights”

It is associated with the Hindu goddess Lakshmi symbolizes prosperity. It is also known as the beginning of the financial year in India.

Diwali significance is the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, righteousness over treachery, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair, truth over falsehood.

One of the major festival celebrations  in India,

People express their joy by bursting crackers, In some places, this happens in a competitive spirit.

Of course in a joyous mood, this may happen quite often!


Diwali and Environment A Serious Thought…

Diwali and environment
Image source:

But in this post, I would like to bring out a serious thought on this celebration.

Yes, let us celebrate this Diwali without hurting our nature! Let us make note of how much damage we are adding to nature by bursting crackers.

Our natural resources are perishing due to already existing heavy heat which we ourselves produce in different means which in most cases we cannot control or can avoid.

Diwali celebrations, few serious thoughts to look into... via Philipscom Share on X

One such thing is bursting crackers on this season.

But at this juncture, let us make a decision to celebrate this Diwali without bursting crackers and save our environment ourselves, and our future generation from that alarming calamity called “Global Warming”!  

I hope my celebrating fellow beings, my beloved friends, and my families take this seriously in its better sense and enjoy the festival without bursting crackers. :-)

Diwali and Environment, Let us Think Differently 

Why can’t we think in a different way?

Check out the following lines.

Based on the serious impact crackers can make on us and on our environment we need to change our lifestyle or concept on this celebration.

Why can’t we share the money we spent on crackers with a person who is struggling for a day’s meal.

When many around us are suffering for a day’s meal how can we spend such a lot of money just buying crackers!

Let us think differently, with the money we spend on crackers, we can purchase different gifts like useful books, gadgets, utensils, or clothes and various other things which are useful for our children and for others who are very much needy.

If we have excess money to spend can’t we donate that to the different organizations that are doing worthy service to the needy people in our society?

That amount can be earmarked and donated to such societies.  Or you can buy these items and donate it directly to such organizations, or societies.  Or you can directly hand over this to such needy people.  Let us think on these lines very seriously.

Diwali and Environment, Let us Cultivate A New Habit In Our Children

Let this Diwali, celebrate with our children by giving them something they can nurture and grow. 

Burning crackers will only give some temporary enjoyment instead of that, why can’t we buy some anti-pollution plants like ferns or ivy which purifies the air.

By doing this, we can cultivate a habit in them to curtail air pollution. 

This will surely be a good idea to educate our little ones to think in a different way about the environmental health of nature. 

In this festive season let us cultivate a habit in our children to curtail air pollution by planting saplings Share on X

Diwali and Environment, Have A Glance At This Photo Album

The other day  I received a wonderful gift (APhoto Album)  from one of my friends. 

I found great truth in it!

I am so glad to post that here!

In fact, these pictures speak volumes!


Have a wonderful and joyous time ahead in this week of celebrations!

Without polluting the air let us keep our environment neat and clean!

If we do this way, it is for sure, we will be saving our future generation.

Read an article on protecting our natural resources, Please don’t destroy them!

Also, please have a look at this post  Let us save our environment

Let us cultivate this new habit in our children in this festive season! via Share on X

Season’s Greetings to All my fellow citizens.

Have a Great Time Of Celebrations Ahead!

 For Philipscom And Associates

Philips Verghese Ariel


Post Script:

Regulate Bursting of Crackers in New Delhi #DhuaNahiDiya

Here is an invite/call to join in such a similar initiative:  Growing up, Diwali used to be my favorite festival – the mithais, the hanging of lights, the flower decorations, the colorful rangolis, seeing the night sky lit up with fireworks – Diwali was a magical festival in every wayBut with the exponential increase in pollution with each passing year, it has become the time of the year which I dread… To Read On Please Click On the link Below Link: 

Join this cause and sign in now this petition by clicking on this link: Regulate Bursting of Crackers in New Delhi #DhuaNahiDiya

Diwali and environment
Image Credit

I just signed in and dropped a comment: 

And shared here as well as on other platforms to encourage this wonderful initiative.  Please join me in signing the petition to save some souls from this alarming situation.



* Chemical fireworks have an impact on human health and cause all kinds of breathing difficulties.
* The residue from these crackers seeps into the groundwater contaminating it.
* White smoke that emanates from the fireworks circulates in the air.
* Loved noise associated with bursting crackers can cause neurological disorders, especially in the elderly and infants.
* Pets like dogs, cats, and even birds are adversely affected when we burst crackers.

Courtesy:  A Times of India Report, New Delhi

Published on: Oct 23, 2014 @ 22:27

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  1. Philip,

    I must appreciate your care about nature. And, the quotes are awesome and speaks for itself. As a human, we must contribute the goodness to the environment and make our generations to experience nature. I hope the young generations are more cautious about protecting the natural resources understanding its value. Great article!
    Sathish Arumugam recently posted…Best CopyScape Alternatives: Free & Paid Tools To Check Content DuplicationMy Profile

    October 23, 2019
    • Hi Satish,
      Thanks a lot for your kind words. I appreciate your time. Yes, at least we need to think about the future generation in relation to the alarming global warming.
      Keep sharing.
      Have a great day.
      ~ Philip

      October 23, 2019
  2. Hey Philip,

    Diwali is called as festival of lights. It is very widely celebrated festival in India.

    Due to large scale of bursting firecrackers during Diwali – it releases harmful gases and toxic substances into the atmosphere, loud noises from loudspeakers and firecrackers, dry waste causing health problems for children, patients and senior citizens.

    They also cause Burns, deafness, Nausea and mental impairment. Many people die in explosions in factories which manufactures firecrackers.

    As we all know the seasons around us are changing and what used to be winters, during Diwali, has now become more of a late summer.

    Environmental pollution has become a real challenge to our health, well-being and prosperity – the things that we celebrate on this auspicious festival.

    Eventually, thanks for sharing your wonderful experience with us.

    With best wishes,

    Amar Kumar

    October 23, 2019
  3. Hansika Motwani
    Hansika Motwani

    Hi Philip,
    This is indeed a timely one.
    The celebration is good if we plan with a purpose.
    This Diwali be a green Diwali!
    Let us consider the suggestions you brought in through this post.
    I wholeheartedly agree with you when you said about the environment and pollution.
    Exactly the crakers we burst these days can bring in lot of pollution including noise and air.
    Let us seriously consider these suggestions and guide our children to accept the real fact and abstain from craking crakers.
    Instead, let them by plants and plant them in their surroundings.
    Very acceptable suggestion.
    I appreciate your concern about global warming and pollution.

    October 23, 2019
  4. Sahil Brandwala
    Sahil Brandwala

    This is my first visit to your blog and I am loving it.
    Thanks for the great article.

    October 26, 2019
  5. Elegante

    Thanks for such very great information..
    Very timely post.

    November 3, 2024
  6. Edufly Consultant
    Edufly Consultant

    That’s a really great and awesome post.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

    November 7, 2024

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