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L for Letters And The Letters To The Editor

Posted in Awards And Prizes, Blogging, English Language, and Writing

Last updated on October 15, 2022

L for Letters: The Letters To The Editor


One of my letters published in India Today weekly with a highlight from my letter

#letters published in The Week Weekly

Letters and letter writing is disappearing at this age!

Letters and letter writing is diminishing day by day.  In fact, it’s almost disappeared from the scene!

It’s a fact that a few years back we all used to send letters to our near and dear through postcards or inland letters via the post office.

The main media of communication at that time was the inland letters and the postcards, of course, some use envelopes too.

That was really a bygone age!  And these days very rarely people use inland letters, postcards or post offices to communicate with their near and dear.

The advanced growth of electronic and digitalTechnology has facilitated communication very easy through the development of computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones and now the latest smartwatches.

Apart from this we now have easy and free access to different other means like email, social media, text messages, snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and the WhatsApp.

A recent report says that the United States Post Office (USPS) has had a direct hit from this change.  It is really sad to note the USPS has suffered $2.7 million in losses due to a decline in the postal mail.

The 50% decline of first-class mail, which includes letters and postcards, in the last decade is expected to fall even further, racking up losses by $800 million.  This statistical record is really shocking.

If we ask a young boy of today about the inland letter, postcard or letter writing?

He will surely get baffled!

Because today’s children only know about the WhatsApp chat and other Internet-related activities or communications.

Once upon a time, postal letters were an important medium of communication.

At my young age, I made a lot of friends (Penpals) from India and abroad through this media of communication. Image courtesy. citylab

Letter writing was one of my favorite hobbies at that time.  Philately also was one of my favorite hobbies and it very well went along with letter writing.  I got a good collection of stamps through exchange via letter writing.  I still keep some of my friends’ handwritten letters in my file.

That was indeed a great time of intimate relationships with friends.  I had a good number of friends from the US, UK, Australia, Philippians, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) Israel and Gulf Countries.

A few years back even in print media, this was the only medium to get in touch with their writers and readers.

The editors communicate by writing letters through postcards, inland letters or through envelopes.  But sad to say those days are almost over and the letters and letter writing is diminished and almost disappearing from the scene.

Letterboxes placed by the postal department in different prominent places are now disappeared or not used by any.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

A  letter column in a newspaper or magazine was the main medium of communication with readers and editors.

In the print media, letters to the editor column is a vital part and without the readers’ letters/opinion, no magazine or newspaper was published.

A letter column in a newspaper or magazine was the main medium of communication with readers and editors. Share on X

Someone emphasized, “It is an“Ardhaasanam” (in Malayalam) which means Half Seat given to the readers of the publications.

Letters column is a must in newspapers and magazines.   The phrase is very true in its meaning: The publications allow a second place or seat next to the editor, ie., the next important person after the editor in a publication is his readers or their opinion through the letters column.

first letter
My First Malayalam Letter Appeared On The Malayala Manorama Daily’s #Letters Column

So most of the print media gives a prominent place (That is next to the editorial of the publication) to their readers in their publication.  Malayala Manorama Daily, (the largest circulated regional language daily in India),

The daily newspapers like The Hindu, The Times of India, Deccan Chronicle and the weeklies like India Today, The Sunday Indian, The Week and Outlook weekly are following this practice.

They publish their readers’ opinions/feedback just after the editorial column, most of the time it is just below the editorial column or by the side of it on the same page.

I am so happy to say that many of my letters are published by these publications and got prominent places (Ardhaasanam) in these columns, few of them which are available is posted (screenshots) elsewhere on these pages.

Letters To The Editor Means Half Seat (Ardhasanam) Of the Editor

In short, giving a second place or position (Ardhaasanam) to its readers is a good practice, and in this electronic speed media the comment box occupies somewhat similar place and we should not shut that comment column or space from our readers, instead, it should be open to its readers to air their views/feedback.

It is also proved that readers’ opinions or comments are very powerful and need to value it and accept it for paving a strong write-up foundation.  Yes, the comments can do wonders in our writings.

I am reminded of my beginning of letter writing, my first letter was published in one of the leading Malayalam publications in Kerala.  It is the largest circulated daily in India in the regional languages.  

Yet another joy to note here is that my first letter published along with a cartoon by the publication’s cartoonist Shankaran Kutty.   That was indeed a great joy to me at that time, since the cartoonist was so famous at that time.  His caricatures of politicians were one of the major discussions on those days.  He depicted almost all Prime Ministers and all other top politicians of those days.   

And that encouraged me to pen more letters and many published in the long run in the print media in English and in Malayalam languages. Many of my letters fetched prize money and recognition, few of them you can read it elsewhere in these web pages.

Letters and letter writing is disappearing in this age! In fact, it's almost disappeared from the scene! Share on X

Here are some of my published letter’s scanned copies: These are Published in The Sunday Indian Weekly. India Today, The Week weekly, Outlook Weekly and Malayala Manorama Daily.


My #Letters published in Malayala Manorama, The Week and India Today Weeklies

India Today (Malayalam) Weekly’s Editorial and Letters Column
My letter regarding handwritten letters.  To read it clearly, please. Click on the picture

One of my Malayalam #Letters published on the pages of Malayalam India Today

India Today English Weekly’s Special Edition Column

Published a part of my letter:

India Today Special Edition Cover Page

India Today Special Edition Cover Page 
#TheWeek #TheWeek




Another Prize Money Letter: Source: The Sunday Indian Weekly




My Write-ups in Weeklies and Newspapers (Print)

Don’t be lenient on terrorists and use whatever force is required to bring them down so that justice can be done to all those innocent people they have killed ~PV Ariel Share on X


Updated on: Dec 1, 2019 at 01:

Updated on Apr 29, 2019

Updated on 12  10 2016  

Update on 17 08 2016

Published on: Oct 4, 2016 @ 00:01

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  1. I’ve never written a letter to the editor, but I enjoy reading them.

    I love looking at old letters, their stamps…even air mail envelopes.

    April 15, 2014
    • Hi Medeia Sharif,
      Thank you so much for your kind visit.
      It’s indeed a pleasant surprise to note
      that you have never written a letter to the editor :-)
      Good to know the other side of it. LOL
      Anyways letter writing is now just in memories only :-)
      That is the developments of our new age!
      Have a good day ahead :-)
      ~ Philip

      April 15, 2014
  2. i agree! letter-writing has morphed into emails and texts… i wonder if a generation will arise that doesn’t learn how to write and can only type. i hope not!
    excellent writing!
    happy a to z-ing!

    April 16, 2014
    • Hi Tara,
      Thank you so much for your kind visit again :-)
      Yes, I too can’t imagine such a generation or such a situation!! :-)
      That will surely be a sad state indeed!! let us hope for a better tomorrow :-)
      Keep informed
      Best Regards
      ~ Philip

      April 16, 2014
  3. Hi Philip,

    Yet another interesting post.

    I’m surprised to see your write ups in various publications in English and in Malayalam.
    That’s indeed great. Keep up the good work.

    Best wishes

    July 25, 2015

    Hi Philip,
    Good to land here today!
    Great goods from you, man. I’ve noticed your notification in a social site and landed here.
    You have a wonderful page here. I am so glad i found it today, Your are a prolific witer!
    The write-up here I mean the pics of your wirte-ups published in different newspaper and
    magazine is worth reading. In fact they are simply too great!!
    I actually like what you’ve got here, certainly like what you are saying.

    I can’t wait to read far more from you. This is actually a wonderful web site.
    Keep sharing your write-ups for the benefit of your readers
    – Marila Barbera recently posted…http://www.makingusmile.netMy Profile

    September 6, 2015
  5. Hi Nisha,
    What a joy to meet you on my page again.
    Yes, i have been doing this sort of things
    since from a very young age especially in
    the Malayalam language.
    thanks a lot for your valuable visit
    ~ Philip

    September 6, 2015
  6. Hi Nisha,
    Thanks for the your valuable time here.
    I appreciate your feedback.
    Keep sharing.
    Have a nice day.
    ~ Philip

    May 22, 2018
  7. Hello,
    It’s indeed a great thing to know more about you and your writings.
    Good to know more about your initial writings and other developments in writing. Thanks for sharing unit personal details through this post.
    This is indeed a nice post.
    Yes, letters and letter writing is really slowly disappearing.
    We need to go back to the first level in this area.

    May 2, 2019
  8. aditya

    I am aditya, what a joy to see your page again, you have a wonderfull page. i am so glad i found it today, you are a prolific writer
    i enjoy reading this page its really nice. i really like and i cannot wait to read far from you. its really nice wabsite so keep sharing.
    ~ aditya.

    August 20, 2020
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    കത്തു വിവാദം കത്തി നിൽക്കുമ്പോൾ ശ്രദ്ധിക്കപ്പെടാതെ പോകുന്ന ചില കത്തുകൾ  - Philipscom Associates

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    December 11, 2022

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