Last updated on September 18, 2024
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Google favors Facebook shares, comments and likes…
Google favors Facebook shares more than keywords. Yes, don’t get panic, according to a recent study, it has been concluded that Google also ranks websites in the search engine result pages according to the number of likes and shares, etc. on their social media accounts.
As shocking as this may seem to website developers and social media managers, there are many statistics supporting this argument. Google is prioritizing six types of signals on a social media platform. These include: Facebook shares; Facebook likes; Facebook total; Facebook comments; Tweet; Backlinks.
The 6th factor i.e. backlinks are the only non-social factor of determining Google’s ranking. This certainly makes previous social media practices invalid which primarily focused on keywords to prioritize content.
Google favors Facebook shares more than keywords. Yes, don't get panic, it is true! Read this guest on Share on XAlthough, Google has not released any statement which justifies this study. The results speak for themselves. The correlation can be understood simply by comprehending the fact that good content does get popular on social media.
People on social media mostly like, comment or share Facebook posts in order to associate themselves with it.
This will in return boost the rankings. However, this factor does not necessarily dictate the ranking position on Google.
There are other factors involved as well. So, here is a list of dos and don’ts of creating and advertising your content on social media platforms.
Google favors Facebook shares – Don’t – Excessively Advertising
Advertising too much on your webpage or Facebook page can annoy your audience to the extent that they may never even come back.
Excessively advertising also has a negative impact on how Google perceives your content. Google has announced that it will penalize any site which has too many advertisements.
This also narrows down the chances of a site appearing on the first page of Google. Moreover, Adblocks and AdSense both have a negative impact on Google’s ranking.
Google favors Facebook shares – Do – Backlinking
Backlinks have always been an important way to achieve good SEO rankings. The good news is that they still are. Backlinks can be your gateway to achieving a high ranking on Google.
Most Internet Marketing Service providers will work on your site’s backlinks in order to acquire favor in Google’s ranking algorithm. But Google gives preference to a natural linking structure, rather than forced keywords which is why a good SEO strategy is critical for success.
Don’t– Relying on Keywords
Remember that a natural keyword structure will do wonders for your website. According to research, the title, as well as the headline, have a little impact on the ranking.
It is all about the domain name with the required keywords which will ultimately affect your ranking. However, it is not a good idea to entirely depend on keywords especially in this day and age.
Do – Build an Audience

It can be extremely frustrating for newbies to advertise their products. This is because they have not created a relevant audience for their product or service.
Companies usually work their way up the ladder by developing the relevant audience first. Never expect that people will be automatically attracted to your brand.
The market is overflowing with the competition, the only way to make your way into it is to build an audience that is loyal.
A great way to reach out to people is through social media. However, it can be a daunting task to get to the relevant people and developing your presence.
Every minute hundreds of new websites are being created. How will you set yourself apart and who will be your target audience, are the real questions.
Moreover, the click-through rates on your website also determine your ranking. This is Google’s way of determining how many people actually enjoy your content.
Do – Create Quality Content
Unfortunately, there is no shortcut to this one. Creating quality content for your website or page is extremely important for your brand image as well as how Google perceives your page. It will help generate organic traffic and create a solid audience base.
If you are a big business you can hire agencies that provide professional content creation services for your site or page.
Fresh content will help you get Facebook likes and shares which will ultimately rank you higher on Google. Moreover, it is crucial for your brand image to update your site regularly.
Showing presence on social media is a great way to keep your audience engaged.
Google favors Facebook shares So Do – Add Value
Most brands rely on Instagram and Facebook to gain recognition. You can add value to your site by using YouTube. Surprisingly, YouTube is the second most searched engine.
That would only make sense for Google to rank sites that have linked themselves to YouTube as well. You can create engaging videos and post them through YouTube which will help build organic traffic. This is the reason why all the SEO gurus lay so much emphasis on video content.
Google favors Facebook shares – Conclusion
The sad reality for all those struggling with their brand image and Google ranking is that the big brands automatically get their way towards the top of the list.
Again, there is no relevant data to support this argument. It is evident through the fact that even those brand pages which don’t have a well-structured site page, make their way to the top.
This should not stop you from promoting your site. Social media dynamics have changed dramatically over the past few years.
Quality content will help you achieve Facebook likes, shares, and comments which will help your website’s SEO ranking. Share on XWith the algorithms becoming more and more difficult every day, the only option left for companies is to stay on top of their game by proactively changing their strategies.
Pay attention to how small changes affect your site. Keep yourself in touch with the latest trends and practices.
It goes without saying that that quality content will always be the reason if your page is doing well.
Quality content will help you achieve Facebook likes, Facebook shares and Facebook comments which will ultimately help your website’s SEO ranking.
Even if your social media activities are not directly linked to your Google ranking, it is still a great way to reach your audience which will ultimately help you achieve your targets.
Keep yourself in touch with the latest trends and practices. Pay attention to how small changes affect your site.
Disclaimer: This is a guest contribution to Philipscom Associates and the tips tricks, strategies, suggestions, views, etc. mentioned in it does not reflect the view and opinion of P V Ariel or Philipscom blog. Opinions expressed by Philipscom contributors are their own. For More Information Read This
Disclaimer: This is a guest contribution to Philipscom Associates and the tips tricks, strategies, suggestions, views, etc. mentioned in it does not reflect the view and opinion of P V Ariel or Philipscom blog. Opinions expressed by Philipscom contributors are their own. For More Information Read This
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Hey Shawn,
It’s indeed a great joy to meet you on board.
I appreciate you for the efforts you put in to bring out an informative piece to the readers of Philipscom.
I am sure this will be a great alert to the community of online users, especially the Bloggers.
Expecting more such posts from you.
Keep writing.
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Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’ recently posted…A2 Hosting The Best Hosting Platform For Bloggers And Business Owners
Hi Philip,
Social media engagement tells how popular content is. It is also a way to find out what people find interesting. It is necessary that people should not only promote their own content but also engage with others on social media to build their own network.
Thanks for sharing!
Gaurav Kumar recently posted…Affiliate Marketing – The Best Way to Earn Online Money in 2019
Very informative article.
In fact, it is surprising news to me.
Though you said, don’t get panic, the thoughts you shares really shocked me. As all these years we have been thinking in a different way, And now google thinks it in a totally different way. This is really interesting and even no doubt surprising too.
Thanks for sharing such information with evidence.
This is really shocking and at the same time a piece of interesting information.
All these years I was thinking the other way round. Now it is surprise to see that Google favors Facebook shares likes and comments more than the keywords.
Very informative reading.
Thanks for sharing
Facebook currently dominates the internet, I will invest more on my facebook pages and sharing on social networks. Thanks for the info.
I will follow these tips. I already spend some money on FaceBook to boost my content. Still no improvement in traffic. Next time I will definitely try it with quality content.
Hello Shawn & Philip,
Google rewards sites that gives value to their targeted audiences, and giving value means providing exactly what your targeted audiences were specifically requiring or intending when they made the search.
Natural and quality links should not always be pointed exclusively to your homepage only.
On top of that, you should also have a good internal link structure that are well-balance with external links that point to influencers and other relevant sites.
In my opinion – Social media is a perfect channel for promoting your content as it enables your site to reach out to a wider audience, generate engagement, social votes and natural links.
When using social media for link building, you should focus on creating and providing content that are appealing to the users of the particular social network you are marketing to.
Eventually, thanks for exploring your informative information with us.
With best wishes,
Amar Kumar
Thank you for sharing, it is very interesting;
This is my first visit to your website. It looks like a treasure of information. Will visit again.
Keep sharing.
There are a lot of blogs and articles out there on this topic, but you have acquired another side of the subject. This is no doubt a reliable content Thank you for sharing it.
This site is excellent and so is how the subject matter was explained. I also like some of the comments too. Looking forward to your next post. Keep sharing.
I’ve always focused on keywords for my SEO strategy. This blog has given me a new perspective. Time to start focusing on social media engagement as well!