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The Best Techniques To Turn Your Blog Into A Business

Posted in Blogging, Business/Sale, and Guest Post

Last updated on November 27, 2024

What are the best techniques to turn your blog into a business?  That’s indeed a good question to be answered, and the bloggers, especially the newbies will like to know an answer to this question.

In this post, I am presenting some of the best techniques or ideas about, how to get your blog-up as a business and run profitably.

Best Techniques to turn your Blog into a Business – Technique # 1 Passion for the topic.

There is a concept in the blogging community about the best way to manage a blog and turn it into a thriving business.

The concept is nothing but “Monetize on Passion”. (Thanks to Ryan Biddulph for popularising this concept). What this means is that blogs do not always become a money-making business overnight.

You really need to find your passion and keep blogging about it, and writing and posting about it as often as possible.

No need to emphasize that you need to create high-quality content that is unique.

The Best Techniques To Turn Your Blog Into A Business via @pvariel Share on X

#Building Your Blogging Community

best techniques to turn your blog into a business

Invite your visitors to become a Member of your blog by offering them free tips about niche topics weekly or monthly.

The idea is to reach out and promote other bloggers, so that they, in turn, will post comments, share and promote your blog.

Best Techniques to turn your Blog into a Business – Technique # 2. Affiliate techniques to turn your blog into a business

You can start out as an affiliate marketer by simply allowing advertisements to be displayed on your blog. Use banners or in-text links to affiliate products.

• You’ll earn a commission for each customer who purchases a product by clicking through on one of your ads. Be sure that the ads you give space to match the tone of your blog.

• If you have lots of visitors to your blog, sales through the affiliate links on your page can become a passive income stream.
• Expand your blog by writing articles or posting videos that describe the products that you are selling through affiliate marketing.

• Though it is one of the best techniques in making your blog into a business, there are some common myths about affiliate marketing which you need to know.

• Look around the internet to find affiliate marketing websites/companies that pay per-action rather than pre-sale only.

•  Also, check out more such websites which are using affiliate marketing for making money  online

# 3. Advertising Networks

Once your blog starts to grow with a bigger audience, it makes sense to sign up for an advertising network.

Google AdSense is easy to install, and Google will not insist on super-high traffic rates before permitting you to install AdSense.

• If you have lots of visitors to your blog, sales through the ads on your page can become a passive income stream. Read through the AdSense Terms and conditions before applying.

• Pay Per Click and Cost Per Thousand clicks are good income streams.

• Some good advice about ad networks is- don’t put too many ads on your blog. It might give your blog a cheap look and the visitors won’t come back.

• If you really want to join an ad network, is one among them.

#4. Creating and Selling Your Own Products

Selling information products through your blog (does that on his blog) is one of the best ways for a blogger to make an income.  The renowned travel blogger Ryan Biddulph is one of the best examples to this.

• Gain more authority for your blog by writing e-books.

• Develop your reputation as an expert in your niche by creating informative tutorials.

• Build on the relationship with your visitors by setting up a question and answer page.

• Running a contest is another great marketing idea because people love to win prizes

• Increase the content of your blog by promoting your information products with specials and discounts.

#5. The Sales Page

The products that you sell on your blog are not limited to information products. If they are other products, you wish to sell you will need a sales page. Creating a Sales Page is a good way to create a landing page for your blog that visitors may click on through social media or an advertisement.

• Descriptions and photos of the products you wish to sell.

•Positive reviews, Comments, Likes and other feedback.

• Special features regarding the product you are selling. For example, Is your product on sale or a one-of-a-kind product? Is this a never-to-be-repeated offer? Include these details on your sales page.

•Sincere and convincing testimonials.

•A money-back guarantee.

•A payment page must also include a method of payment- Add a “Buy Now” button to your blog by creating a PayPal business account.

Fees apply to sales through PayPal which vary from country to country. Fees to PayPal also vary according to the amount of money you are making from your blog.

# Selling A Service Through Your Blog

Make Money Online

Selling your own services on your blog is another way of monetizing your blog. Bloggers can sell services from the skills in which they have developed their expertise.

• Writing and Blogging.
• Developing a Blog.
• Editing.
• Coaching.
• Consultancy.
• Mentoring

Selling your services is a good method of increasing your reputation as an authority, developing your skills and of promoting your blog.

Best Techniques to turn your Blog into a Business – Yet Another Technique #Sponsorship for Bloggers.

Approaching on- or offline businesses to sponsor your blog is a good monetization strategy. Attracting sponsorship is a great way to promote your blog.

• Make sure that your sponsor’s business or products match your audience’s interest in your blog.

• Offer to sponsor their business or blog as a quid pro quo.

• Attract paid sponsorship for annual or month-long sponsorships.

• Attract sponsorship for special events on your blog.

#Social Media Is Another Best Techniques

best techniques to turn your blog into a business

Search engine ranking spiders will rate you higher if you have a good social media profile.

To start building a community on a social media site:

• Place social sharing buttons on your blog.

• Do some research first so that you can find the right potential community.

• Join social media groups yourself and get into discussions about topics that are relevant to your blog.

• Respond to all inquiries in a personal way.

• Send a message to thank social media followers who like or share your content.

• Reach out to influential people and through influencers.

• Send posts to specific sites, and you will get targeted traffic in return.

• Share and promote other’s posts.

• Conduct quick surveys to find out what your community is thinking.

• Once you’ve found a community on social media, keep them in the loop and maintain good quality contact with your community.

• follow someone on Twitter. Make it easier to send your posts to Twitter by installing an auto-feed button.

• Publish a List on Twitter that showcases people who you admire or who have contributed some valuable insights in your niche.

Developing a social media campaign to support your blog may be time-consuming, but it will have good results.

#Creating a Content / Editorial Calendar

The Best Techniques To Turn Your Blog Into A Business

This is a great method for developing new ideas for blog posts.

The first step in creating an editorial calendar is to clearly define the goals you have set yourself to achieve through maintaining a blog. By creating a Content Calendar, you will be able to avoid moments when you feel that you have no ideas for your blog.

There are lots of Content Calendar templates and tools on the internet.

• Once you have outlined five or more goals, write a list of ideas for blogs that will move you closer to those goals. Have fun with what you are doing as not all goals need to be deadly serious.

• Try to list as many ideas as you can, even as many as forty to one hundred ideas. Brainstorm ideas in an informal way.

• Save all of these ideas so that you can develop them later.

• You may not add really epic new content to your blog every day, but by referring to your Content Calendar, you will be able to plan ahead and release excellent content at the right moment.

#Building an Email List Is One of the Best Techniques

Once your blog has started to make money for you, it’s a good idea to build a list of emails that will help you to keep in touch with your members or visitors in a personal way.

Use a free email marketing service to help create your list. Move to a paid email marketing service when your blog grows even bigger.

• Send newsletters to the people on your email list.

• Send the members of your email list a reminder when you are posting epic new material on your blog.

• Sending a newsletter is a great way to keep your visitors coming back to your blog.

#Analytics for Bloggers

Bloggers need to read the data and stats about their blog just as much as any big business.

Implement an analytics program to keep track of such information as-

• The number of visitors to your blog every day or every month.

• Are these returning visitors or new visitors.

• What the bounce rate is.

• The average amount of time that visitors spend on your blog.

• How many pages on your blog your visitors will go to read more content.

• The demographics of visitors to your blog, in terms of which social media site they are using.

Which part of your blog your visitors click on most often. This list could be much longer.

Once you have installed the code for an analytic tool on your blog, you will be privy to lots of statistics and data.

Once you learn to understand the stats, you will know how to improve, update or redesign your blog.

Check out the best analytics tools on the internet and don’t overlook Google Analytics.

#Always Back Up Your Blog.

There are many reasons why you should back-up your blog. Among these are:

• In the case of hacking. Hackers may hack into your valuable email list.

• Problems with your blog hosting company.

• An attack from a virus.

• A self-made error.

Check around on the internet to find the backup software that suits your needs and back your blog up every day, without forgetting to save as you go.

# Optimize your Blog for SEO

The Best Techniques To Turn Your Blog Into A Business

You must make sure that your blog is optimized for SEO.

Now that you are earning an income from your blog, search engines have probably already recognized it.

Adding an SEO such as SEO by Yoast will dramatically increase your chances of good SERP ratings. Optimize your blog by:

• Knowing the keywords for your blog topic by topic.

• Use your top 10 keywords in the most visible places on your blog. Titles, first lines, meta tags, and paragraph headings if you use them are the eye-catching places to put your keywords.

• Include links to any material that you use a reference in a blog. It’s good online etiquette to do this. You may be able to develop some good backlinks through this protocol.

• Use your keywords in rich snippets.

• Develop a sitemap for your blog.

#What to Do as Your Blog Continues to Grow.

The Best Techniques To Turn Your Blog Into A Business

Although making a fortune as a blogger is not easy, if you work at it, you will increase the income that you earn from your blog. Once you start earning a full-time income from your blog, you can be classified as an entrepreneur.

There are a few things that you will need to change once you reach this stellar level.

• If your customers need to pay for any of your products or services using a credit card, you will need to update your payment methods from a simple PayPal “Buy Now” button.

You may need to create a merchant account so that you can conduct e-commerce and process credit cards.

• Make sure that your security is very good. Once you start to process credit cards and their details, this is extremely important.

best techniques to turn your blog into a businessBlogging can take you a long way. As your blog grows, keep up to date by reading all the other good blogs in your niche. This will keep you inspired and show that your bog can take you still further than it already has.

Don’t forget that posting a fresh, interesting, and quality blog post at least once a week is a must for your success.

I would like to hear from you about your experiences in this field.  Share your views in the comment box below.

Thanks, Bro. Phil for the space given me to share this post for your readers.  I appreciate your open mind.  May you have a great time of sharing and caring in the days ahead.

With kind regards,

~ Reji Stephenson

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All images are from Pixabay unless otherwise mentioned.

About The Guest Author:

Reji Stephenson is a digital marketing blogger, an NRI based in the U.K. He being a postgraduate in digital marketing likes to write mostly about digital marketing, blogging, and social media through his blog “DitigtalDimension4You” and various other blogs. You can reach him via his social media: Twitter, Facebook


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  1. very informative article thanks for sharing this brief information, at that time maximum newbies target to earn money via ad network

    September 5, 2017
      • Hi Reji,

        Great post. It’s my first comment on Philip’s blog and I’m really liking the stuff :)

        81% of blogs never make even $100.. the #1 reason is, they don’t treat their blog as a business. They rather treat it as fun, hobby etc. Yes, there’s nothing wrong in blogging for fun but when you’re really serious about turning your blog into a money making machine, you should treat it as a business.

        That’s when you will start investing money (on hosting, domain, email marketing tools etc) instead of getting a free theme or hosting. It takes money to make money online.

        I’m a full-time blogger for 6 years now and I’ve consulted with hundreds of newbies to turn their blogs into profitable and the #1 thing I realised is, successful bloggers turn their ideas into execution really quickly (instead of waiting for a perfect day!).

        Thanks Philip for hosting Reji..
        Rahul Kuntala recently posted…How to Make Money With A Brand New Blog: The Ultimate Beginner’s GuideMy Profile

        September 13, 2017
  2. Hi

    Philip Sir,

    Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to write this guest post in your blog. Hoping to share more guest posts in future.

    Have a great time of blogging and sharing valuable content through your blog.

    Reji Stephenson

    September 5, 2017
    • Hi Reji,
      It is indeed a great previlege to have you on my pages once again.
      I appreciate your enthusiasm to share your knowledge with the fellow beings.
      Keep up the good work.
      Yes, looking forward to having more business relationship with you.
      Have a great September ahead.
      Keep in touch.
      Best Regards
      ~ Philip

      September 5, 2017
    • Great post like always Reji and thanks for publishing it Philip.

      As most people think it’s not a rocket science to make money from your blog as I’ve been making money from websites for over a decade now and I really love the kind of freedom that I get (apart from making money even while sleeping).

      Yes, although making money from blogging is not a big deal but you should have a proper monetization strategy if you want to really make profits from your blog. Most beginners don’t invest money on their blogs (you should definitely invest on getting a good hosting, design, using SEO tools and so on).

      You can make money from your blog only when you consider blogging as a serious business. That’s when you’ll start putting serious efforts and that’s when you’ll start getting real rewards from blogging.

      I personally love affiliate marketing as you can educate your audience about the products you promote and also make decent commission with every sale you make. Make sure to focus on promoting recurring affiliate programs that pay you every month (or until the subscriber stops paying for the product they’ve signed up for) if you want to make great profits from affiliate marketing.

      Thanks for sharing the post with us, keep up the great work Reji.

      September 30, 2018
  3. Hi Reji,
    It’s good to see you here you on philpscom. And surely the title of the post is awesome, I was attracted to read the post.
    And the points you have shared, I almost practice those but was able to learn some new things.
    Thanks for the great share.
    Have a good week ahead.

    September 5, 2017
    • Hi Robin,

      Thank you very much for your encouraging words and glad that you liked the title of the post.
      Also, happy to note that the post was useful for you. Looking forward to have more interactions
      in future too. Have a great time blogging.

      Thanks once again

      Reji Stephenson

      September 9, 2017
    • Hey Robin,
      Thanks a lot for the first comment here.
      Glad to know that you liked the post and you practice almost all.
      Keep trying the other tips too and help us with your feedback on that.
      Have a good day
      T C
      ~ Philip

      September 11, 2017
  4. Hello Reji,

    Nice to see you here on Philip’s space :)

    Great tips over here. Indeed every one wants that their blog should blast out big and they can be their own boss and start
    making lot of monye through this Sounds easy but not that easy too, I have seen many bloggers who starts to become a
    full time bloggers and end up in no, where after some time. Reason is they do not take it passionately, as you said Ryan
    does his magic by sharing his fun and experience and putting that to resemble how one should blog.

    As I am new in this field, so plans like affiliate or running Adsense could be to early for me, but making my blog in limelight
    could be done by social media. Commenting on top blogs, sharing their content on social media has get me back a good deal
    and attention from the top bloggers.

    E-mail list is something more effective way to establish a good relationship with our customers. They love to get pinged
    personally if there is something new we are offering.

    Thanks for the share.

    Shantanu Sinha recently posted…How to Build Your Audience Before a Product LaunchMy Profile

    September 5, 2017
    • Hi Shantanu,

      Nice to see your comment in this post. I totally agree with you that passion for whatever we do is the most important motivating factor. If you have that passion, it will become a matter of time to make it big.

      Once again thanks Shantanu for your vaulabe interaction.

      Reji Stephenson recently posted…Ryan Biddulph revealing his success secrets as an online influencerMy Profile

      September 9, 2017
    • Hi Shantanu,
      Glad to see you here again!
      Yes, I fully agree with you that many with much enthusiasm enter into this field and fail miserably and go back or give up immediately, for such people this is not at all advisable. Sure, one needs to have a passion and conviction to do the things diligently. It requires a lot of patience, in fact, it is a tiresome activity and needs consistency.
      Thanks for your value added comment.
      Keep visiting
      May you have a great and profitable week ahead.
      ~ Philip

      September 11, 2017
  5. Elise Cohen Ho
    Elise Cohen Ho

    I am happy to see that you put passion as #1. Without passion for the subject at hand one is really left with quite a boring read.
    Elise Cohen Ho recently posted…Why Do We Even Celebrate Labor Day?My Profile

    September 5, 2017
  6. Janny

    Hi Sir,

    I would like to thank for this informative article. After reading this blog post, I could pick a lot of new information for my further writing and monetization. Keep write and share more such articles.

    September 5, 2017
  7. Hey Reji and Philip,

    Turning your blog into a business needs a lot more than just writing the content and sharing it. People get it confused with any other business.

    Selling your services and products is always the best thing you can do. No one denies the power of the affiliate marketing.

    Thanks for mentioning BloggingLove.

    Have a great week ahead.

    September 6, 2017
    • Hi Ravi,

      Thanks for the visit and your valuable insights. Yes, I agree with you that people get confused with offline business. Infact, only a very few percentage of people around the globe have clue about business side of blogging. I can say that it is only those who are professionals in the blogging field know the business part of blogging.

      Thanks again

      Reji Stephenson
      Reji Stephenson recently posted…How to strart a drop shipping business onlineMy Profile

      September 9, 2017
    • Hi Ravi,
      Happy to see you here again after a gap.
      Hope you are doing fine.
      yes, as you said affiliate marketing is an amazing thing to get some passive income.
      Keep sharing,
      Have a great week ahead.
      ~ Philip

      September 11, 2017
  8. Suman Dahal
    Suman Dahal

    The title readily attracted me and the content was awesome too. I was already using similar kind of monetisation techniques, I gained some more information here.

    September 6, 2017
    • Hey, Suman thanks for your maiden visit here. I appreciate your time. nice to know that you are following some of them and will try the other tips mentioned in it, hope you will come back and share your results.
      Keep visiting
      Have a good day

      September 11, 2017
  9. Hi Reji,

    Blogging is itself a business, yet most of the bloggers do not follow the way that can turn them into full-time professional bloggers. Passion is the key feature of all the A-list bloggers.

    September 6, 2017
    • Hi Gaurav,

      Thanks for your visit and the comment.

      Yes, Blogging itself is a business but there are so many people who run blog because of their passion for writing or some other interest like photography,poetry,etc. Ofcourse your passsion in the subject can be transformed into a business.

      Thanks once again

      Reji Stephenson
      Reji Stephenson recently posted…Top 30 ways to make money onlineMy Profile

      September 9, 2017
    • Hi Gaurav,
      Thank you so much for your continued support to these pages.
      Yes, indeed #passion is the key here, one should have this otherwise do not enter into it! That’s it!
      Keep sharing
      Have a good and profitable time ahead

      September 11, 2017
  10. Educative tips herein. Am impressed for this guide to make my PC a money making machine.


    September 7, 2017
    • Hi Andrew,

      Glad to see you with your much valuable comment. I prefer selling our own products and services rather than affiliate products because our own products will make us an authority in some areas.

      Looking forward to hear more from you soon.


      Reji Stephenson
      Reji Stephenson recently posted…How to strart a drop shipping business onlineMy Profile

      September 9, 2017
    • Hi Andrew,
      Thanks a lot for your time and value added comment, I am sure this will be a great encouragement to Reji as well as philipscom
      keep sharing
      I appreciate.
      best Regards
      ~ Philip

      September 11, 2017
  11. Chery Schmidt
    Chery Schmidt

    Hey Philip! It was so nice meeting Reji Stephenson here on your blog today and boy did he do a fantastic job with this post! I loved all the techniques!!

    Thanks for sharing fella’s
    Chery :))

    September 7, 2017
  12. Amber Harrop
    Amber Harrop

    Such an informative blog post and I know I will have to read it more than once to take it all in – but I have just made my first product for my blog, my first book and I am so excited about it

    September 8, 2017
    • Hi Amber,
      Thank you so much for your time here again.
      Nice to know that you liked the post and glad to know about your first product and its success.
      Wish you all the best.
      Keep trying
      KEep sharing
      BEst Regards

      September 11, 2017
  13. Thanks, Philips and Reji for another great contribution.
    Your tips are really valuable and effective.I was looking something like this to start a new blog of mine.Thanks for your guidance.This is working splendidly for me.

    September 8, 2017
  14. As a newbie to the blogging world, your ideas are appreciated.I have the passion and love writing, now I need to implement more marketing techniques.

    September 8, 2017
    • Hi Ellen,
      Thanks for your maiden visit here.
      I am so glad to know about your passion and love for writing,
      Only such people can survive in this field! lol
      Keep up the good work.
      keep visiting
      Have a great day

      September 11, 2017
    • Hi Saurabh,

      Thank you for your presence and your opinion about affiliate marketing. I am of the opinion that different monetising strategies work better for different niche and the type of blog. A travel blogger may earn commission for making some travel arrgangements but a tech blogger may depend more on Adsense or sponsored reviews. So, it will not be same for all the type of blogs.

      Thanks once again Saurabh for your visit and the comment.

      Best regards

      Reji Stephenson
      Reji Stephenson recently posted…Ryan Biddulph revealing his success secrets as an online influencerMy Profile

      September 10, 2017
  15. Hi Reji and Philip,
    Guess what? You won the Inspire Me Monday Linky Party with this post and will be featured on my blog this week! Great job both of you!
    Janice, your hostess

    September 11, 2017
    • Hi Janice
      What a joy to hear that you this post won the “Inspire Me Monday”
      Thanks a lot for the kind selection and the shout out here as well there!! We will shout out too!
      Have a wonderful week ahead and great link Parties ahead.
      ~ Philip

      September 11, 2017
    • Hi Lesly,
      It is a great joy to see you here again!
      I am so glad that you enjoyed reading this post.
      Monitization is an important part in blogging but, many just neglect this part soon!
      Thanks for your valuable time here
      Have a good day
      Keep sharing
      ~ Philip

      September 12, 2017
  16. Rohit

    Hi Philip Verghese.

    Very beautifully defined article.
    Every blogger have to follow the same if you really
    want to Succeed in your blogging career.
    Thanks for the post.

    September 21, 2017
  17. Hi Phillip and Reji,

    Thanks for the shout outs above and for the inspired post.

    All those streams rock.

    Of course you know, passion is #1 in my eBook. Gotta have the love to fuel your journey because when things get tough, and the profits appear to disappear, you need something to fall back on, some energy, that keeps you going. Enter your passion. It literally fuels you, keeps you moving forward.

    Thanks for sharing.


    September 22, 2017
  18. Sonali

    Such a detailed guide I am new in blogging and business I will try to follow you to get success in my blogging career thank you for sharing this information to us.

    October 23, 2017
  19. Abid Masih
    Abid Masih

    Hi Reji and Philip,

    It’s my first time visit on your blog, and I found it really informative.

    I really enjoyed this post and I would love read more from you.

    Abid Masih

    October 31, 2017
  20. Paul

    I got a blog and it is still new, but i got adsense approval, and for me, the best thing to make your blog is add an affiliate link on your posts to increase your chance of making good money.

    December 7, 2017
  21. nisha ravat
    nisha ravat

    I love your blog. Great! you are doing such a wonderful job.
    we provide Customer Support for QuickBooks.

    December 7, 2017
  22. Amit Shee
    Amit Shee

    Hey Reji, This is really nice post you shared. I’m really glad to read your article.
    Thanks for sharing this needful article. Keep this good job.


    September 7, 2018
  23. Patel Anat
    Patel Anat

    I love your post. Great! you have done a wonderful job.
    I really enjoyed this post and I would love to read more from you.
    Keep writing, keep sharing.

    September 7, 2018
  24. BEMER

    Wow, those are some useful tips. Wish I had had them already when I started my blog, would have made my life much easier and probably a lot more money too ;-)

    September 7, 2018
  25. Good tips for those who want to start blogging as well as for more experienced writers. Well-written post with many useful information!

    September 10, 2018
  26. Anik

    Thanks a lot Reji for sharing such an informative post over here, Yes, Passion is the key here! One need to have real passion for this type s of as activities
    Keep writing Keep sharing
    Have a great time of sharing.

    September 10, 2018

    Thank you for sharing. This is really helpful to me. And also your article helped me a lot with learning SEO. I would love to see more updates from you.

    October 3, 2019
  28. Hi Reji,
    great tips here. I learned lot, thank you. I especially appreciate your content calendar tip. Planing content in advance is something I struggle with greatly, because I plan and regularly fail to live up to the plan for this or than reason.
    It’s an area where I have to grow some more.
    Nikola Roza recently posted…Wealthy Affiliate FAQ and Wiki- Everything You Need to Know to Succeed!My Profile

    October 3, 2019
  29. Sajan Kota
    Sajan Kota

    Hi Reji,

    I think selling your own product and services is the best way to make money from your blog. Of course they have their own pros and cons. Some would argue that affiliate marketing is the best way make money from blogging. I would say selling your own products will give you more control and dictate your terms. Thanks reji for this wonderful blog post.

    October 3, 2019
  30. Rishu Pallawee
    Rishu Pallawee


    Great Blog

    It’s my first-time visit on your blog, and I found it really informative.

    I really enjoyed this post and I would love to read more from you.

    Thanks for sharing this blog.

    October 3, 2019
  31. Hello Reji,

    As you said, we can turn a blog into a business in several ways. Google AdSense was our favorite monetization tool in the old days. But now they pay low to the Indian publishers. Affiliate marketing and dedicated advertisements are best to make money from a website. But everything depends on the traffic and quality of posts we have.

    Thanks for spending your time for sharing these amazing tips,

    Best wishes,
    Manoj recently posted…List of 110+ Best Free Guest Posting Sites 2019 [High DA]My Profile

    October 5, 2019
  32. Michael Newton
    Michael Newton

    It’s a great article you have here and trust me your article has helped me a lot that i have to come back to leave a comment today. Blogging is worth giving enough time to make sure it’s done right and it’s becomes easier with people like you around, thanks for taking your time to put out this educative write up.

    October 6, 2019
  33. Hi Philip,

    When trying to build a business through blogging you need to focus on every single factor that can impact the success of your business.

    The biggest focus should always be on customer satisfaction by providing the best and in depth solution.

    It is also necessary to deliver the content that comes with call to action.

    Thanks for sharing!

    October 7, 2019
  34. Meher

    Very well written I have just started my own blog and was thinking about how can I earn from it. Thanks, it was really helpful!

    October 10, 2019
  35. Jeangam Kahmei
    Jeangam Kahmei

    Hi Reji,

    It is extremely important to treat our blog well otherwise there will be no success. Even I like Ryan Biddulph, the way he enjoys travelling around and blogging consistently.

    The first question is why do we even blog? The first answer is our passion and the ultimate goal is to earn money.

    So to generate revenue from a blog, your article has great tips.

    Keep on updating us with great and useful tips.

    Jeangam Kahmei

    October 12, 2019
  36. Hello Philip & Reji,

    Knowing what to write about is the most difficult part about blogging what I experienced till now. Successful blogs are capable of generating conversation from your social media fans and followers.

    Affiliate marketing for bloggers is most effective when you have a strong audience that relies on you for trustworthy information. Building your audience is a key component to success and passive income through affiliate marketing.

    You have added great point’s reference to this topic and will very helpful for people to generate revenue.

    Eventually, thanks for sharing your informative information with us.

    With best wishes,

    Amar Kumar

    November 4, 2019
  37. Mozie

    Hello, thanks so much for the very detailed post. I’ve been getting back into blogging researching different ways I can monetize my blog. I’m trying to avoid Google adsense and find better ways that can convert better and better suite my audience needs. I also started selling some digital products and that has been a good stream of income too while building a buyers list. Really enjoyed reading!

    November 13, 2019
  38. […] first choice for Most Inspirational post this week was The Best Techniques to Turn Your Blog into a Business. Am I partial because I blog about these topics? Perhaps, but my knowledge in this area is how I […]

    August 1, 2020
  39. Jay Kishan
    Jay Kishan

    Every blogger has a dream to turn his blog into his business. So this blog is the best to learn and do something new platform for the blogs. Really very helpful information u have posted . Huge thanks for this.

    September 26, 2020
  40. RAU IAS

    Thanks for the great content. Learn a lot from this wonderful post. I am sure one can easily turn their blog into a business by following these techniques. Keep sharing.

    September 27, 2020

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