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Mobile App vs Mobile Web Which One Is The Better Option?

Posted in Technology/Software

Last updated on February 28, 2020

Mobile app vs mobile web.  Which One Is The Better Option?  In the digital era, there is an increase in the number of users of mobile phones than desktop. Vividly, business owners have implemented mobile channels to attract users.

By the face value, mobile application and website look similar, nevertheless, these are two different mediums. Determining between the two depends on variant factors, such as intent, budget, audiences, etc.

These days, it’s very important for every big and stable business to have a mobile responsive website and even a mobile app. Some of the best examples are the biggest mobile casinos in India that have created very impressive apps and responsive websites for their online business.  By creating these apps, they increase the engagement of the users of their business and sometimes even their sales. The number of users that use mobile devices to visit websites is on the rise for the last decade and sometimes even exceeds desktop usage.

Developing a mobile application will ensure that your brand stands ahead of your competitors say the guest author Bryan on Share on X

Mobile app vs mobile web – speculation between the two

According to the recent survey, many favor mobile applications. The digital marketing industry has speculated that by the year 2021, revenues generated in the mobile app will increase by 50%. How? Since the number of users of mobile phones has increased to 5.1 billion globally. It has been noted first-time mobile app download has reached over 80 billion. Hence, it has added incentive for many businesses.

If your business goal is mobile-friendly content for a wider range of the users, then you should target for a mobile website.

Alas, if you want to engage your user in a better way (interact and communicate with the customer), to drive the user’s loyalty, then the mobile app is the better option for your business.

A mobile application is not just the distribution medium, but also a communication channel of your brand. Below-mentioned is some pointers that will give you a significant outlook on why you should opt for mobile applications.

Mobile app provides better personalization

Mobile App vs Mobile Web

The mobile application lets the customers set their choice or preference during the installation phase with the customized content. A mobile application can observe or keep a track of the users. Hence, the tracker offers custom updates and recommendations as per the taste of the user. In addition to that, the mobile application identifies the location of the customer/user in real-time.

A mobile application is not just the distribution medium, but also a communication channel of your brand. Read more at Share on X

In short, personalization in the mobile application offers tailored communication for the users based on the interest, usage behavior, location and many more.

Sending notification

Mobile app vs mobile web

The notifications in the mobile application are of 2 types: in-app and push notifications.

Whenever the user opens up the application, the user receives the notification. This notification is called in-app notification whereas, push notification is the notifications where the users get notified despite any activity performed on the mobile phones. It has been noted that the push-medium has delivered more than 40% click-through rates.

Mobile App vs Mobile Web Which One Is The Best Option? Read the guest post on by Pro. App developer and writer Bryan. Share on X

There are many push notification services for the mobile website. Nevertheless, some services are the nascent stage, hence have many limitations. For instance, is the newly established service PushCrew provider that lets the sites send push notifications to mobile phones.

Mobile App vs Mobile Web – Brand visibility

Suppose a user sees your brand’s app over and over again, then the name of your brand will stay in the subconscious mind of the user.

To retain loyalty, your mobile app should provide a great deal. This will strengthen the relationship. Suppose a user raises a problem that he has faced, then your mobile app should offer an easy solution to the user. This will surely encourage the user to use your mobile application frequently.

Another instance, a mobile app that provides rewards and offers will surely increase the interest of the user. Hence, establishing an application will broaden your brand’s visibility.

Prominence with competitive-edge

Developing a mobile application will ensure that your brand stands ahead of your competitors. The user notices those brands that are feasible and adapt easily.

Work offline

These days, developers are developing mobile apps that can function without any internet. Even though there are many applications that require the internet to perform most of the tasks, still many contents and functionality work in offline mode. Therefore, the user can access the content anytime and anywhere.

Concluding Note

Let me conclude: Mobile App vs Mobile Web Which One Is The Better Option? The usage of mobile is growing at a faster pace, so it is crucial for businesses to consider app along with the web. If your prime aim to establish a vast mobile presence, provide content, remain on top of the search engines, so a mobile-ready website is the best choice.

On the other hand, if you want to offer a great UX, or you want access to the users’ phone native functionality and storage, so the app is the right solution. Here, you need to keep in mind that both the app and web are not mutually essential.

It depends on the specific business requirements whether you require an app or web or you need to own both of them. Thus, you should look at the demand of your business first. After a complete analysis, you would be able to make the best decision.

Mobile App vs Mobile webAuthor Bio:  Bryan Lazaris is a senior mobile application developer at HireWebDeveloper, a leading hiring service provider.

Apart from coding, he has a keen interest in reading and writing.

He keeps writing on the latest mobile app development trends in his leisure time.


Disclaimer:  This is a guest contribution to Philipscom Associates and the tips tricks, strategies, views, etc. mentioned in it does not reflect the view and opinions of P V Ariel or Philipscom blog.  Opinions expressed by Philipscom contributors are their own. For More Information Read This


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  1. tanuj sarva
    tanuj sarva

    Thanks for this useful article. And an interesting topic. And In my opinion, If you are really beginning in the world of the internet then you should always go with just mobile web along the way you’ll be able to establish your app too.

    August 21, 2019
  2. Bisht Sangeeta
    Bisht Sangeeta

    Thanks for sharing this valuable information about Mobile App and Mobile Websites.
    I am confirmed that the mobile app is better than the web app as the mobile app is very userfriendly.
    Thanks for sharing the different features of these tools. Keep sharing.
    Best Regards

    August 22, 2019
  3. Sumayya Mahin
    Sumayya Mahin

    This blog has certainly cleared a lot of my doubts about which to prefer. For people who are confused about which latest programming language they should learn, we have written a blog on the Top 5 Modern Programming Languages you should Learn in 2020. Here is the link to it:

    March 24, 2020

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