The story of a Pushkar Pandit Dharam Prakash Sharma, a well-known politician, a descendant of Maharshi Vedvyas, a philosopher, a scholar a film actor and above all a seeker’s encounter with the Creator of this universe and the outcome of it is narrated in a poetic style in this book.
Yes, it is indeed an amazing story of Pushkar Pandit Dharam Prakash Sharma’s encounter with the Creator of this universe and the outcome of it is narrated in a poetic style in this book.
This book very clearly explains the transformation of a sinful person’s life into the path of eternal salvation.
Dharam Prakash is the son of the chief priest of Pushkar Tirtha joined politics with a view to bringing in Ram Rajya, thereby helping the people of his country.
He thought he could serve God by serving people with honesty and faithfulness.
But an encounter with the living God changed everything, his thoughts plans, and purposes.
Instead of serving the people he decided to serve God and thereby serve the people.
Immediately he decided to tender his resignation as General Secretary of Rajasthan Pradesh Congress Committee. It was at the time of Emergency declared in India.
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi bluntly rejected his plea for resignation. She tried to persuade him to change his decision.
Dharam utilized that opportunity to proclaim the good news to the Prime Minister and urged her to receive eternal life by believing in Jesus Christ.
But unfortunately, she said, “Don’t talk nonsense. Go and work for the party, the nation needs politicians like you.”
Later he sent his resignation by post and thus began a wonderful spiritual journey.
When the Janata Party government imprisoned Indira Gandhi. Dharm met her again in the prison and the same Indira Gandhi asked Dharam to pray to god.
The man who burned three Bibles in the presence of his college mates becomes a preacher of the same book by miraculously meeting the God of the Bible.
His father, an associate of Mahatma Gandhi during the independence movement, used to read the Bible along with Gandhiji.
His parents were active members of the freedom movement and were in jail for many years. Dharam Prakash was born during one of their jail sojourns.
Young Dharm was attracted to Christ by reading the ‘Sermon on the Mount’ in his college textbook. But he was astonished at the lifestyle of Christians; most of them did not practice Christ’s teachings.
Some of the true stories will really put to shame not only to ordinary Christians but also to the leaders. Their behavior and attitudes most often are against Christ and his teachings.
But his wife happened to be a Christian and her lifestyle, attitude, behavior, and nature greatly astonished him and found a Christian who really adopted the nature of Christ. Her life played a major role in transforming his opinion about Christians.
To know more about his wife Asha watch this video:
Years later he met God’s servant Bro. Bakth Singh and his opinion about Christians totally changed and he realized the fact that there was a good number of real and practicing Christians who followed the footsteps of Jesus Christ. His association with Br. Bakth Singh was a turning point in his life.
Continuous study of the word of God made Dharam totally transformed man. His step by step growth in his Christian life is narrated systematically in this book.
The people who were closely watching Dharam’s life could find a new man in him and many attracted to Jesus Christ, his mother, and father among them.
They both accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord and had a peaceful departure from this earth.
His father shared his new faith with the doctor who came to examine him and urged him to believe in Christ.
A few days before his death he called all his family members together and shared his faith and spoke of Jesus Christ and the great salvation through Him.
Dharam became a full-time gospel preacher and was busy with his preaching schedule all over the world.
A man who was against Christ and his people has become an advocate of His teachings.
What a miracle, an encounter with Jesus Christ can make this happen!!
This book will give you more details on that life-changing process.
Many incidents like meeting with his life partner, the miracle healing from dreadful sickness and attacks from enemies and many such incidents are narrated in this book.
Altogether the reading of this book will give you a lovely and wonderful experience to the lay reader.
The author of this book, Malsawmi Jacob should be appreciated for the effort and hard work put into bringing out such an exemplary life story of a godly man.
This valuable book is definitely an inspiration and motivation to the followers of Jesus Christ, And definitely, the reading of this book will bring in more belief on Jesus Christ to the non-Christian readers.
I am sure the negative attitude towards Christ and His teachings will definitely bring a kind of change in the mind of such people.
And finally, this book is an added advantage to the Christian readers, there are some good reminders for them who quite often neglect some of those great teachings of their Master in their life.
It is a must-read for every Christian and a precious gift any Christian can give to their non-Christian friends.
Pushkar Pandit Dharam Prakash Sharma’s story is an inspiring and encouraging one to the new believers.
For others or the seekers, as mentioned earlier this book will give you more information about the great change happening when a person makes an encounter with Jesus Christ.
This book is printed and published by Gospel Literature Service, Mumbai, and can be obtained from all major Christian bookshops and from the branches of GLS. It can also be bought directly from
Watch The Film Based On The Story of Pushkar Pandit Dharam Prakash Written By Babu K. Verghese
This is a film picturized based on the book, “My Encounter With Truth” written by Pandit Dharm Prakash Sharma with Dr. Babu K. Verghese.
This true story and is presented by India Campus Crusade For Christ.
To read more about him and his testimony visits This Web Site.
Here is an interview with Pandit Dharam Prakash Sharma
Here is yet another interview with Pandit Dharam Prakash in Hindi
Number of pages: 188
Price: India- Rs.120.00/Overseas-US$ 6.00
Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’
Former Associate Editor, Confident Living Magazine
Back to the Bible, Secunderabad-3
He can be reached via email philip@pvariel.Com
NOTE: The Book Author Malsawmi Jacob is a Poet and a freelance writer based in Bengaluru. She is the author of several books and these are available from GLS as well as from other leading Christian Book Stores.
A Multilingual Freelance Writer, Editor, Blogger, Roundup Expert, Translator, Internet Marketer And A Social Campaigner. Manages different sites in English as well as in Malayalam. Born And Brought Up In Kerala. Now Based At Secunderabad Telangana, India. Facebook or
Can Reach At: philipscom55(@)Gmail [.] Com twitter: @PVAriel Skype Philva6
Thanks for the nice review, brother. Some readers have been deeply moved by the life of Pandit Sharma’s wife, Asha. Meeting the whole family at his home was a memorable experience. Dharamji has gone home to the Lord he loved and served.
Hi Malsawmi,
It is indeed a great joy to post the review of your amazing book. I appreciate your valuable time to drop in. It is really good to know that Asha the God-fearing wife of Dharamji made a long-lasting effect in the life of her husband as well as many others.
It is really a wonderful narration you made through your writings in this book. I am sure your readers will get a great impact on the life of Pandit Dharamji’s story.
Keep up the good work.
Keep visiting.
Keep sharing, keep informed.
Have a blessed month ahead.
With Kind Regards
~ Phil Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’ recently posted…Which Skills Do You Need To Be Successful?
Hi Malsawmi,
It is indeed a great joy to post the review of your amazing book. I appreciate your valuable time to drop in. It is really good to know that Asha the God-fearing wife of Dharamji made a long-lasting effect in the life of her husband as well as many others.
It is really a wonderful narration you made through your writings in this book. I am sure your readers will get a great impact on the life of Pandit Dharamji’s story.
Keep up the good work.
Keep visiting.
Keep sharing, keep informed.
Have a blessed month ahead.
With Kind Regards
~ Phil
Peace of the Lord!
Excellent article, that the Almighty God can always help you and guide you wherever you go.
God bless you a thousand times more, (Deuteronomy 1:11).
I’m your follower!
Philip Verghese’Ariel ‘
Peace of the Lord!
Thank you very much for your comment, may God always bless you more and more.
Continues with God.
Hi Humberto,
Thanks for dropping in.
and for the comments.
I enjoy reading your blog.
Keep posting.
May God bless you too.
Happy Weekend.
Best regards and Love in Christ
It’s a very good review of the life story of a famous personality. Thanks for the wonderful review.
Thanks for the nice review, brother. Some readers have been deeply moved by the life of Pandit Sharma’s wife, Asha. Meeting the whole family at his home was a memorable experience. Dharamji has gone home to the Lord he loved and served.
Hi Malsawmi,
It is indeed a great joy to post the review of your amazing book. I appreciate your valuable time to drop in. It is really good to know that Asha the God-fearing wife of Dharamji made a long-lasting effect in the life of her husband as well as many others.
It is really a wonderful narration you made through your writings in this book. I am sure your readers will get a great impact on the life of Pandit Dharamji’s story.
Keep up the good work.
Keep visiting.
Keep sharing, keep informed.
Have a blessed month ahead.
With Kind Regards
~ Phil
Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’ recently posted…Which Skills Do You Need To Be Successful?
Hi Malsawmi,
It is indeed a great joy to post the review of your amazing book. I appreciate your valuable time to drop in. It is really good to know that Asha the God-fearing wife of Dharamji made a long-lasting effect in the life of her husband as well as many others.
It is really a wonderful narration you made through your writings in this book. I am sure your readers will get a great impact on the life of Pandit Dharamji’s story.
Keep up the good work.
Keep visiting.
Keep sharing, keep informed.
Have a blessed month ahead.
With Kind Regards
~ Phil