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Health Is Wealth Protect It Your Attention Please

Posted in Blogging, Education, Feedback, Health, Review, and Shared Blog Pages

Last updated on October 10, 2024

Bloggers, Writers! Your Attention Please! Your Health Is Your Wealth Protect It!
Yes, I Said It!

Protect it, it’s in our hands!
We are the only ones to take care of it!
If health is there in fact, we can do many things again and again, but if it drains out no chance! Everything will go to waste!
So be careful!

Here is an informative and educative post written by my friend David Leonhardt.

I am sure, for my readers, David needs no introduction. Many of you have read his guest posts and other activities on these pages. :-) He is the Founder CEO and President of

Bloggers, Writers! Your Attention Please! Your Health Is Your Wealth Protect It! via Share on X

Your health is your wealth

health is wealth

Yes, I am sure this will be an epic post written by David on this subject.
Reading this post and practicing it genuinely will bring wonderful results to our health.
Though it is meant for the writers and bloggers, I am sure, it is equally important to all others who spend the major part of the time before a computer or sitting on a chair.
So it is a must-read for all!

I came across this post last month on the Kingged pages. com and shared the following views there too!


Health Is Wealth Take Care of It!

I Wish All My Readers A Healthy Life Of Reading And Writing!!!

Thanks for dropping by.
I expect your valuable feedback on this serious subject.
May you all have a healthy weekend!
Sincerely Yours

For Philipscom Associates

Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’

My Feedback to David’s Epic Post:

Hi, David,

What a wonderful post, it is!
A timely piece! I am sure this is going to be a viral one!

Indeed, this is a must-read for all writers! Especially we the bloggers! :-)

No doubt, Health is an important factor in our lives! And we need to give much attention to it otherwise, we will suffer at a later stage.

When coming to the facts about writers, their sitting comes to my mind first!

Yes, sitting is smoking! It kills us on a slow process. Some time back, I read an article on this line written by the comment Queen Harleena Singh in her pages AhaNOW.  She was talking about the dangers of continuous sitting! which we the bloggers can’t avoid!

From that time onwards I started practicing writing, and reading while standing, and on my desktop computer I adjusted to that level to stand and write, and I still practice that at home after sitting 8 hours before the computer in the office.

Sometimes I stand and do work with the computer in my office, for this, people around start laughing at me and I just ignore and continue this even in the office and at home! Yes, moving around in between writing or reading after one hour or so also will do wonders!

The wonderful tips you have presented here are worth practicing!
Yes, the key word here is “MOVE” wonderfully coined!
Yes, we need to move, move, and move, and that will surely help us to overcome such difficulties in our writing career!

Dave, I am really surprised to note that our famous and great writers too noted this in their time! That is amazing! I never knew that! :-)

Oh, my, my favorite writers like Ernest Hemingway, Charles Dickens, and Virginia Woolf all are reported to also have written standing up!

During their time, I doubt they ever used any computers, but still, their continuous sittings might have given trouble to their health thus they practiced writing by standing! Wonderful information!

Again, I liked that 20-20-20 formula!!

That is indeed a good idea to practice, I am going to practice that! Thanks for sharing that!

health is wealth
Picture Credit: David Leonhardt

The eye strain is another serious factor we need to look into it,
Yes, Dave even to read this post I struggled a lot, and I do increase the font by using the Ctrl+ buttons! I am sure that will give a smooth read! :-) :-)

The internal injury or the repetitive injury is also a serious thing to take care of!
We all face that, but often we neglect it at our peril! As you said we need to take care of such invisible things,
Oh, my… altogether you presented a viral post here and a must-read for all writers, especially the bloggers.
I am bookmarking it for my further reading, The connected internal links are worth reading. Though only a few I visited need to do it one by one to get more info on this line!
Thank you so much, Dave, for this informative and timely post. Yes, an eBook in itself.
Have a great day,

May you have a great week ahead.
Keep sharing
~ Phil

You can read the full text of the above-said article here on this link:

Writers, authors, bloggers – beware these health risks



David Leonhardt


Read yet another related post recently published on the pages of


LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner. CREDIT: Getty Images

Marcel Schwantes Principal and founder, Leadership From the Core wrote about LinkedIn’s CEO, Jeff Weiner, (the highest rated CEO).                                                           By quoting a recent tweet of Jeff,  Marcel dig deep into Jeff’s  leadership habits and more about his implementation of these three virtues,  health, love, and time, the brilliant life advice

“For people who sit most of the day, their risk of heart attack is about the same as smoking.” ~ Martha Grogan, Cardiologist, Mayo Clinic. 

(courtesy: AhaNOW(Warning: Sitting Is The New Smoking)

carols cut
Picture Credit:

Here is yet another post by Carol Amato on the recent developments in her life about her health.

A timely intervention by her daughter and son-in-law brought her back to normal life. A must-read to all along with this note. It is indeed a good alert to all who are passing through these stages. I am glad to note that, Carol’s this month’s roundup note. “Carol’s Cut- Best of the month she mentioned David’s and Harleena’s post. Have a look at her post here: Carol’s Cut- Best of the month

Wish you all a healthy life ahead!

Thanks to all for your valuable visit and feedback.

Keep sharing your views and experiences in this regard

Best Regards

~ Philip




Published on: Jun 13, 2015 

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  1. Good post. I have read about the dangers of long periods of sitting for those who work at the computer.

    June 13, 2015
    • Hi JL,
      Good to see you here again!
      Thanks a lot for your valuable presence!
      Yes, it is a dangerous thing but we, the bloggers/writers
      most of the time just neglect these facts for our peril
      May you have a Happy weekend :-)
      ~ Phil

      June 13, 2015
  2. Hi Philip,

    Thanks so much for the reminder to read David’s post. I never knew there were so many ways we can get injured by spending so many hours in front of our computers. I have read the post on AHANow about sitting is like smoking.

    I do take breaks in between tasks. I had to use a timer to go off every 50 minutes. Now it has become a habit. And a good one indeed. I didn’t realize I was getting eye strain from sitting too long.


    June 15, 2015
    • Hi Donna,
      I am sorry again for the delay in attending to your wonderful comment.
      Yes, we bloggers are really more affected with this kind of thing.
      And as an alert I thought of sharing these information.
      I am so glad that the post helped you to get some new thing on this line.
      Have a wonderful weekend
      ~ Phil

      August 28, 2015
  3. Hi Philip.

    I am so glad that my post inspired you. “Move” is definitely the key word, because it not only helps with blood circulation and muscles, but it also helps with eye strain and depression and pretty much anything else that a writer (or designer, or virtual assistant, or translator, etc.) faces.

    Funny thing about those writers who write standing up – I do my best thinking when I am pacing around the room. I think I need a desk that follows me around. :-)

    I love all your comments and observations. Keep up the great work and God bless you.

    June 15, 2015
    • Hi Dave,
      Nice to speak to you again this way!
      Though I am very late to attend to your wonderful feedback.
      Hey, Hey, that is indeed a great idea!
      A desk follows us wherever we go!
      Hey, I am sure that will helps us to improve our health!! LOL
      Nice and informative and funny feedback
      Have a great weekend
      ~ Phil

      August 28, 2015
  4. Harleena Singh
    Harleena Singh

    Hi Phil,

    Health is wealth- that’s what I always say! I’m glad you linked up the sitting is the new smoking post as well as David’s, which are both great reminders for all bloggers and writers especially :)

    It’s a must for all those who lead a sedentary lifestyle or sit for long hours. You know we wrote about the Standing Desk soon after this post, and even use it ourselves after gifting one away as a giveaway. It really does help and I am glad you too are using one. I think as long as you keep moving around or get up for a few minutes, after sitting for a while, you should be alright. Also, limit your onscreen time somehow, as that’d save you from a lot of health issues.

    Thanks for sharing and the link love too. Have a nice week ahead :)

    June 15, 2015
    • Hi Harleena,
      Good to see you here again!
      I am really sorry i missed to attend to your wonderful and thought provoking feedback.
      Thank you for finding some time to drop in.
      Thanks again for you valuable advice on this issue.
      Keep sharing
      Have a great weekend
      ~ Phil

      August 28, 2015
  5. Ann P V
    Ann P V

    Oh My…
    This indeed a shocking news to me!
    David brought out a wonderful and useful information to your readers!
    For all bloggers. writers, as well as the IT employees. or jobs related to the computers and of course all who sit and do their jobs is a must read! David brought out some of the serious aspects which we all need to look into it very seriously!
    Otherwise it will surely lead us into peril. :-)
    Harleena’s post on Sitting is the new smoking! is really yet another shock indeed!
    I never thought of such a seriousness in sitting!
    We all do sit hours together before the computer and many do not know the side effects of it!
    This post too reveals a lot on this serious subject
    Yes, sitting is indeed a slow poison!
    The author revealed such a lot of things on this line and she brought out some best solutions too!
    Thanks for sharing these links to your readers
    ~ Ann P V
    Ann P V recently posted…5 Best Tips To Make Images Work For YouMy Profile

    June 16, 2015
    • Thanks Ann, for your valuable feedback.
      Yes, we all need to think very seriously on these issues for our good.
      ~ Phil

      August 11, 2016
  6. Hi Brother Phil,
    Thank you very much for sharing this much valuable post from David Leonhardt.

    This is a post that should be read by anyone who has to sit long hours in front of their computers and it is a very common scenario among people working as software professional, web designers and other’s with similar type of jobs. Still I am reminding here that the dangers are more for professional bloggers if they should not take necessary precautions to get rid of all such troubles whether it is for their eyes or for their neck or back.

    One thing about bloggers is that they forget about taking proper rest and even food because they may be in a hurry to publish their next post or write comments in a community. when we work in an office, it is not common that we forget our break time and lunch. I would say that ‘Prevention is always better than cure.’

    I say that this post is a must-have read for all bloggers and online content writers around the world.

    Keep Sharing.

    Have a great time.

    Reji Stephenson
    Reji Stephenson recently posted…Fashion blogging, the new trend among femalesMy Profile

    June 16, 2015
  7. Carol Amato
    Carol Amato

    Hi, Philip,

    First of all thank you so much for your kind mention. I’m SO thankful for my daughter and son-in-law because they really made a difference in my health and LIFE. I’m much better, so thanks for your prayers for me also.

    You know, Harleena inspired me to have the stand up desk created, and I’m so glad I did. There are many health risks to a sit down business, and I for one have changed my lifestyle.

    However, genes play a huge role as well, so the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is a pound of cure – so get a check up. Insist on testing if there is a strong family history for any disease…

    Excellent choice for links, Philip – thank you! Getting the word out is a kind thing to do because our health is the most precious thing we have – we can’t enjoy our families without it.

    Have a blessed day.
    Carol Amato
    Carol Amato recently posted…Carol’s Cut – Best of the Month 2My Profile

    June 16, 2015
  8. Vashishtha Kapoor
    Vashishtha Kapoor

    Hi Philip Sir,
    I came here after so much time, but I am telling you this post has made me very careful about my health.
    I work about 9 hours sitting before computer and even more time had to be spent because of work overload. You made me to go to Carol’s cut where i leant more about health.
    Thanks for this warning.
    Now I am taking better care of my eyes, brain and overall body physically and mentally.
    Thanks a lot.
    Vashishtha Kapoor recently posted…Giveaway : The Killer Blogger SEO TrickBookMy Profile

    June 26, 2015
  9. Smithb303

    Hello Philip,
    I really like and appreciate your blog post.
    You brought out a wonderful and timely post.
    Thanks for sharing about these serious subject.
    It is indeed an alert to many online users.
    Keep writing

    – Smith B

    August 26, 2016
  10. Steven Tella
    Steven Tella

    Absolutely! Health truly is wealth. Thanks for the reminder to prioritize our well-being. Taking care of ourselves should always be a top priority!

    June 7, 2024

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