Last updated on November 12, 2017
Tsu Is Not Just Another Social Site: You Can Make Money While You Engage With Tsu!
Yes, Tsu is not just another social website!
A few weeks back, I received an invite to Tsu from one of my online friends, and I just jumped in. Unfortunately, due to my heavy schedule, I could not give a second look at it, and it remained idle since then.
But the other day, I received a reminder from yet another online friend, David Leonhardt, and I just peeped into it for the second time and I found some huge differences. I also found several posts he wrote about Tsu are well written and to the point, and useful for anyone seeking an entry into this new social site (which already has 700,000 members).
An active member can easily make money here; just join in and participate and share your thoughts and other intimations as you like – just as you do right now on different other social websites.
Here is a picture which shows some-
difference between facebook and Tsu: Share on X
This site is in its beta stage and one cannot join in unless he receives an invite from an existing member. Once you receive an invite and join in, you will automatically become a member of a family tree and will be a registered user.
If you would like to join on this site I can send my invitation to you or you can visit the page
by clicking on my Tsu webpage invite code below:
The main difference between Tsu and other social sites is that you can earn a sizable income while participating in it. This site shares 90 percent of its income with its members/active users. Here in this site, the members are its original owners.
The amazing fact is that this is not just another social website.
Its tremendous growth in its first three weeks speaks volumes.
It has now with over half a million users.
Though it’s in its beta stage, the site’s remarkable progress and
popularity in few weeks time shows in this screenshot – its Alexa rank- is indeed amazing!
Also, read this informative article my friend David wrote’ on Tsu and its activities in an orderly manner (A 5 step process) any newbie can follow to move straight to success on Tsu.
The Newbie’s Quick-start Guide to Success on Tsu (or any other social network)
Here is yet another link in which you can learn more about Tsu and the activities therein in a detailed way.
In this post The truth about making money on TSU he explains: Share on X
Why you should be on Tsu.
How to do it right.
The truth about making money on Tsu etc.
The site owners say 90% of its earned income (from third-party ads, etc.) is shared among the members. The site owners will hold a 10% of its revenue for its site maintenance. Out of the total income, 45 percent will go to the user who creates or posts content. The other half will be distributed among the user’s parentage (the user who invited him, and the user who invited that user, etc.).
Grab this opportunity NOW join in and enjoy the benefits! Share on X
If you would like to join in,
please click on my Tsu webpage invite code
For more information on Tsu, please do visit the following pages:
Read A Malayalam Version of This Post Here
Also, Watch The below Video:
FOX News Business TV’s Chat with
TSU Founder “Sebastian Sobczak”
David Leonhardt
Video: FoxNews
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Hi Philip Sir!
I am going to join this tsu network now.
I came to know about this on a business social network named ApSense where most of the guys were talking about TSU. And thanks for introducing yet another great money making opportunity.
Thanks a lot
meet you there as well.
have a nice day sir.
Vashishtha Kapoor recently posted…How important is a ‘Fast’ Web Server?
Hi Vashishtha,
Nice to hear from you again,
Glad that you are going to join in
Good wishes
Have a great weekend
Hi Philip Sir,
That’s a great post!
Never heard about it and definitely a gateway to increase earning!!
Thanks for sharing
Hi Sai,
Thanks for visiting this page
Nice to know that you like the post
Keep sharing
~ Phil
Hi Philip,
I am really excited to know about this great platform, Tsu.
I’ll join this network now and follow you :)
Thanks for sharing.
Muhammad Ahmad recently posted…How to Approve AdSense in 2016 – [Complete Guide]
Hi Muhammad thanks a lot for the kind visit. Glad to know that you joined the site.
Keep sharing.
Have a great time of sharing and saving.
~ Phillip
Hello Philip, Last year I ws active for a little bit over on TSU and then I guess I just forgot about it. I am going to go and read Davids post to learn more about this site.
I was just over on FaceBook and was sharing a video I put together today, well all of a sudden I get a notice that I cannot do this and that I have been banned.
Really FaceBook Jail?
Yes I do need to find a user friendly site to use.
Great Share
Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted…Who Can We Trust?
Hi Philip,
I was having no information Tsu, I mean I have heard about it but haven’t used it. So, Now I will surely try it.
Thanks for the great share.