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Sleep And Productivity – A Malayalam Roundup Post

Posted in Round up post, and Shared Blog Pages

Last updated on March 21, 2019



Dear All,

Greetings from Philipscom Associates,

Mala Coll 1

I am so glad to be here again with a totally different post!  As many of my friends here know that I am a

Mala collage 2


multilingual blogger.

After the publication of our recent Post on Sleep and Productivity, I send an invitation to some of my Malayalam blog friends to participate in a Malayalam Roundup post, a similar one published on these pages HERE.  Though the response was a big disappointment since many of the Malayalam bloggers are not active on their blogs since few years.

Though the situation was a bit pathetic one, about 25+ bloggers responded, most of them, prominent writers and bloggers in the Malayalam language.  since the response was poor I thought of translating the English version into Malayalam and in a hurry, I could translate some of the responses received on these pages, and I will be soon translating the left out responses in an upcoming post.

Read on what the influencers share about their sleep and productivity.

malayalam sleep sample from English
A screenshot from the post

I am sorry many of my friends in the previous roundup post I could not accommodate in this post.  I will be publishing a series of posts in this aspect and will be adding all the left out ones in those posts.  Please bear with me, for the non-inclusion of many of my friend’s responses in this post.

Since this is in Malayalam most of my friends here may not understand anything in it but I am sure, that you will get an idea about your responses which I just did a free translation into the Malayalam language. Nothing More, Nothing Less!

I am sure you will enjoy it by seeing this foreign language!!! :-)

Here is the link to that post: NewsAndViewsForYou

Thank you all who participated in this post as well in the previous post.

With lots of love and regards

For Philipscom Associates


Philp Verghese Ariel


Source:  Ariel’s Jottings


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  1. Phil,

    It’s too bad there are not many active Malayalam bloggers. It’s the same for Vietnamese speaking bloggers as well so I can relate to you. Great job at translating the answers!


    July 13, 2016
    • Hi Anh,
      Glad to see you here again,
      Yes, it’s really a frustrating thing to note that,
      What to do people these days are spending more time on their social sites and not bothered about their blog pages. In fact, a major number of Malayalam bloggers left the scene and very very active on the pages of FB.
      The sad part is that their valuable contributions in the form of blog posts they post on the walls of their FB page and in no time that goes down to the bottom of FB junk and one cannot get back to read again. whereas if they post that on the pages of their blog pages, anytime anyone can read,
      This serious thing they are not realizing and just wasting their time on such social media
      Thanks Anh for your value added feedback
      May you have a great rest of the week
      Keep sharing
      ~ Phil

      July 13, 2016
  2. Hi Philip Sir,
    It’s really great to hear that. Being a multi-language blogger is a difficult thing but you are managing it easily.
    Thanks for writing about it. Keep up the good work.

    July 14, 2016
    • Hi Robin
      Thanks for the kind visit and uplifting words
      Keep visiting
      Keep sharing
      May you have a great day
      P V

      August 25, 2016
  3. Joan J. Carrigan
    Joan J. Carrigan

    It’s OK, but some info in the post & comments are misleading. The number of hours of sleep that each human being needs varies from 0 – 12+ hours, and no one should force themselves to sleep for 7 hours just because some stat result showed that people who sleep for ~7 hours live the longest. Our sleep patterns depends on our health condition, environment, and most importantly our genes. It could be people with the long-lived genes usually sleep for ~7 hours.

    July 19, 2016
    • Hi Joan,
      Happy to see you on my page.
      I appreciate your valuable time and for the value added comment.
      Yes, I fully agree with you when you say, “no one should force themselves to sleep for 7 hours just because some stat result showed that people who sleep for ~7 hours live the longest.”
      yes, no one can force it that way, but it all depends on the individual’s circumstances. some survive and even more vigor and vigil just by having few hours sleep sometimes that may be even less than 4 hours
      Yes, it all depends on the indiviudals
      Thanks for your view in this regard
      May you have a great day

      August 25, 2016

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