Last updated on April 14, 2020
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Earn Money Online While You Read Via
Earn Money online While Your Read!
Yes, I said that! And it’s true! You can make money while you read.
No Wonder!
It’s 100% True!
I did it! I experienced it!
We all read!
Yes, most of the readers here are readers!
Some of us are writers, who voraciously read…
For such people here is an opportunity to earn some cash while you read!
Yes, I am not joking!
Why not make some money while you read and write.
This is a wonderful opportunity for those who can read and respond to what they read.
In fact, everyone who can read and write English can participate and win. No restrictions as you need a blog or the web; instead, any layman can join in even without owning a web or blog page.
Join in this group and earn money, not only money, but more benefits attached to it.
If you are a web writer or a blogger the benefits are countless.
Yes, I am talking about a wonderful site called The Internet Marketing, Social Website, A content creation suite. Where the writers, especially the blog authors regularly contribute their write-ups as well as submit other contents for curation.
Recently I joined this site and started reading and writing comments. To my surprise within a short span of time, I won several cash awards. Some of the screenshots are given below for your further information.
This site is a wonderful place to roam around for those who are involved in writing and can earn money online.
No doubt, this is the best bet to make some income. So join at ones! And earn money while you read! Some of the screenshots showing the winners of the prize money offered for the top comment authors: (Click on the pictures to read clearly).

I can assure you that those who are having some time to spend on reading can surely make some online payment by sending your feedback.
There is no doubt that you will be expanding your knowledge bank by reading the thought-provoking and educative posts published on this site.
Almost all subjects are categorized in this site that gives an opportunity to select your interested subjects.
In fact, it is a knowledge bank provided for its readers and members, the contributors here are well-known writers and authors in their respective fields. There are some rules to follow when you participate.
Almost all subjects are categorized in this site that gives an opportunity to select your interested subjects.
In fact, it is a knowledge bank provided for its readers and members, the contributors here are well-known writers and authors in their respective fields. There are some rules to follow when you participate.
Apart from the cash giveaways, there are many other benefits one can make by joining this site.
Earn Money Online Thru Your Comments
After joining the site I just started reading and posting comments to the relevant pages, I mean to most of the time on my niche. Within a week’s time, I could experience the traffic flow to my site!
A tremendous increase in the traffic flow. Even in a short span of time, I expanded my bandwidth several times due to the heavy traffic.
I can guarantee that this is a wonderful opportunity to people who eagerly wait for getting some traffic to their pages.
This flow of traffic increases your status of the page in different ranks, your Alexa rank will reach to a good position.
There are a good number of well-known authors and blog writers from different fields post their content on a regular basis and all will testify the same thing about this site.
The only thing you make note of here is that you need to post your feedback after a thorough reading, you just can’t bluff by posting some generic comments on with a one, line or one-word comments like nice, great work, excellent, awesome etc.
surely such comments will not be counted in the final counting.
The Admin/moderators will simply disallow such comments and if it continues the admin will remove you from the basic membership.
And another wonderful thing to make a note about this site is that most of the prominent authors are very friendly and they post their valued feedback on your post and you get a good response and can have a good rapport with them.
I made several such solid relationships with some of the prominent personalities in the blogging world. In fact, that is one of the vital things I want to say about this wonderful place one can achieve.

The interesting and encouraging thing about this site is that the Admin here will personally attend all your queries without any delay. You can easily reach him via personal, email facility provided on the site.
Let me repeat and conclude my post saying: All the members here are very co-operative and friendly. I could earn many such good friends from this site within a short period.
The interaction between them is really a special kind of experience which you can find very rare in other places.
I appreciate Kingsley (the Founder and CEO) and his team members for their wonderful interactions with kinggers.

If you are an active member at kingged there are some cool perks stored for you!
Yes, your hard work will be paid for and you will be notified on the homepage as ”Featured Kingger” and your avatar picture with your blog URL will be exhibited on the sidebar of their homepage.
I could achieve this rare opportunity within a short span of time and of course that gives a good exposition of your page in the community as well as in the web world.
Featured Kingger And Most Valuable Kinggers
I have been awarded for my activities at kingged, yes, first they conferred me with the title of ”Featured Kingger” for quite some time and it continues till now and in the recent past, considering my activities they honored me with another title as “Most Valuable Kinggers!
These added qualifications really showed some changes in my page and my Alexa rank increased tremendously.
Apart from this if you are in this category you will be benefited by many other perks they provide, which space constrains me to write here.
I am sure these exposures of our page detail in kingged will surely bring heavy traffic to our pages, this I am saying from my own experience.
If more people kingged your post it will be prominently shown in the sidebar of the home page.
There is a like button placed on the side of each post, it is called here as “Kingged” or in other words known as ‘up-voted or liked the content. few screenshots are given below for your reference:

Though in the recent past, there were some sad situations like constant attacks by the hackers.
Though kingged faced such ugly situations, they could very well overcome all such problems and now it is on its track and doing well as before with a lot of new projects on the anvil.

Here one can share wonderful and informative posts of other fellow writers if found worth reading. In short, kingged is a wonderful curation site which exposes your post to the internet world and in recent time they are tied up with some of the international news networks like CNN, etc.
With all these connected activities an active involvement with this platform will ultimately bring huge traffic to your page.
If you are not a registered member and if you are a writer, you will be missing something very valuable. Join at ones and enjoy the multiple benefits provided here.
There is no registration charge as of now to join in; it’s absolutely free of cost. If you are a member like me, you can say volumes about this wonderful social marketing network.
The recent additions in their activities:
They are giving away $4000 in the next 30 days. Through their special Affiliate program where you promote products and get more commissions other than the normal commission for the Affiliate programs, also receive 2nd tier commissions, not only that, you need not worry about you sell it or not eventually you get paid for your activities.
To know more about how to make money online visit their latest projects and giveaways
This information I posted here not as a paid content, or not on anybody’s request, instead, I experienced and enjoyed many of its benefits through my active participation with this wonderful platform.
Here is a payment notification received from Kingged via Paypal:

After posting this note, I received a few private mail inquiry on how to join this platform, or how to create an account there?
Here is the answer for them, it is very easy to join in, go to the web page and click on the REGISTER button provided at the top bar of the page then a page pop up and fill it up that’s it: Here is a screenshot of that page, it explains it all!
Join in this platform and enjoy the giveaway benefits and various other benefits attached to it.
One can join this platform easily by clicking the SIGNUP button and by filling up the detail there. Good Wishes to all the new members!
Also read the following informative reviews written by few of my fellow members and prolific writers namely Richard Martin from the UK: All Hail The King! Reviewed
And Sherman Smith of Southern California: Review: Why You Want To Be Active On
The latest on this line is the article a review written by Janice Wald of Mostly Blogging: This Is Why You Should Promote at Kingged
Your valuable feedback is solicited. I am sure I will be attending all your queries through the comment column here, and also you can contact me directly via private email id: philipscom55@ Gmail dot com
I appreciate your valuable time and Thank you so much for your presence here.
Keep visiting!
If you like this post keep Sharing!
Keep informed!
Yours Sincerely
For Philipscom
Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’
Why Should Bloggers Read A Lot? A Guest Post By Atish Ranjan
Last Updated On August 29, 2019
Published on: Sep 12, 2016 @ 01:03
Dear Readers, Your Attention Please!
In short, Philipscom will not approve comments that
Check your domain ranking
thanks for sharing this enlightened post :)
will digg it now
Hi Philip
Thanks for the info. I will go and check it out.
Good to see that you have joined as a result of this post, Ikechi. Feel free to hit me up personally if you have any problems getting started.
Thanks and welcome on board, :)
Hi Bro. lkechi,
Nice to see you here again
Thanks for your valuable time,
I am sure you will like it
Keep in touch
Best Regards
~ Philip
HI Philips..Visiting your blog for the first time. You have so much to share with everyone
Coming back to the post, I really loved the whole concept of where the bloggers are getting the chance to interact with other bloggers and sharing wonderful thoughts with each other.
I am glad that this community has rewarded you multiple times. Ya, in this process you got the chance to read posts from other bloggers.
Some of the active Klingged members are my friends also. Like Carol and Mi Muba.
Thanks for sharing this post.
Hello Yatin,
Good to hear you like the concept of Kingged, :)
Yes, lots of other bloggers you know are members. They are loving it, getting extra cash every now and then, making great connections and, most importantly, getting targeted traffic to their blogs. You will too, if you join and get a little bit active, ;)
If you have any problems joining, let me know.
Hi Yatin,
Nice to see you at my page for the first time!
Welcome abroad!
Thanks for the nice compliments about my page!
Yes, as you said this platform is a wonderful place to interact each other!
Yes, many well know bloggers are members here and even they share their opinion
suggestion etc freely to the members. :-) That is really amazing.
I met many such wonderful people on this platform. I still keep that relationship
Thanks a lot once again for your valuable visit.
Keep informed
Best regards
~ Philip
Wow, Philip. This is, without doubts, the most colorful review anyone has written about Kingged. I love it, :D
Thanks a lot for taking the time to write and decorate it so richly, :)
As you know, we have NEVER gone out of our way to ask or pay anyone to write reviews or posts about Kingged since we started; even when we were running the commenting giveaway and giving cash to winners. But despite that, we have got A LOT of reviews since we started. That’s very encouraging to us as it goes to show we are doing something right, ;) Thanks a lot for validating that too, with this awesome and unsolicited review!
I like how you included lots of images/screenshots in this review. Some might say they are too many, but hey – I love that. Didn’t the wise ones say – a picture is worth a thousand words? How about many pictures, as you have done in this review, :D
About the review itself…
You covered way more than anyone else has covered about Kingged. Awesome!
Yes, we gave away over $5,000 to lots of Kinggers like you in 2014 who participated in our commenting giveaway. That was our way of thanking them for their valuable participation. We have more giveaways this 2015 and plan to give much more away, especially to those who are active and make valuable contributions, not just on their shared posts but on other posts as well.
But of course, it’s certainly not just about giving away money. What’s most important about getting active on Kingged isn’t the cash giveaways, but the targeted traffic that one can get when they share posts, whether shared, syndicated or unique posts.
Even more important than the targeted traffic is the valuable connection that our members are making. I read many instances of people confirming they met each other on our platform. I am sure you too met many bloggers that you are friends with today on our platform.
And that’s the sweetest part for us – knowing that we are not only helping as many bloggers as possible to get extra cash and much needed targeted traffic, but also helping them make valuable connections with other like-minded bloggers.
And as expected, such connections are flourishing way beyond our platform and could very well last many months or even years to come… not to mention the financial and other gains that could result from such connections! That’s super powerful stuff right there, I tell you, :)
Back to your review…
Good that you mentioned the importance of members adding value in their participation. We love members who take time to comment on Kingged but we are very quick to disavow and delete low quality spammy comments, including one-liners. That’s why we always encourage our users to read posts first before leaving their valuable thoughts. We have team members who spend all day ensuring spammy or one-liner comments don’t get through. Thankfully they are doing a good job at it.
So, we welcome all new members who are serious about adding value. The more value they add to the posts on Kingged and/or on the external blogs, the more they get back – not just in terms of cash and traffic from our giveaways, but also very valuable connections with like-minded people, :)
Thanks again, Philip, for such a colorful and powerful review. And thanks for sharing it on I have “kingged” it and am VERY sure many others will king it as well!
Hi kingsley,
What a wonderful feedback! :-)
Thank you so much for finding time to write such a wonderful feedback my post. I appreciate you again for this and the relentless service you and your team rendering to the society around the world, especially to the blogging community. :-)
In short, I am much elated by your words on my write-up on :-) :-) :-)
Yes, those who are benefited by this platform will surely shout aloud these facts.
Keep up the good work my dear friend. :-)
Keep sharing and caring. :-)
May you have a wonderful and profitable time ahead.
Best Regards
~ Philip
Thanks for your reply, Philip. You did a very good job with this post, the images and all, so you deserve all the accolades!
We have made this post sticky on’s frontpage for a while, as we see more people are clicking on it and loving it… lending further credence to the fact that you did a very good job putting this together, ;)
Thanks again, my friend, :)
Wooo Hooo Philip, What a great review of Kingged, I also experienced it ” Earn Money While You Read” OH YEH Kingged Rocks HUH
Not only do we make money but as you have stated we get more traffic to our blog and comments..
The Biggest Benefit for me has been meeting new friends like YOU!!
I do agree Kingsley is doing some amazing things with this site and YOU have done an awesome job telling us about them today.
Thanks Chery :))
I did find this post VIA Kingged where I also commented and Kingged for you..
Hey Chery,
Good to see one of our most valuable Kinggers seconding what Philip has written in this post, :)
And that’s when one knows what they are doing is working – when people talk positively about them outside their domain, as you and others have done in this post. That’s also why we will keep working hard to make Kingged even better in the coming weeks, months and years, :)
Thanks for your kind words and for your continuous support on Kingged. I certainly couldn’t have done it without awesome Kinggers!
Woo Hooo My Friend,
What a pleasant thing to hear from you again! :-)
Yes, as i said it in my post, after joining this site and actively involving in it resulted in reaching a good rank in my Alexa ratings too.
Yes, that is for sure, that is a great thing to me too! yes, I met several wonderful friends thru this site, that is the greatest of all, and the thing is that as kingsley mentioned in one of his feedbacks, that, it is a noteworthy thing to build some relationship with fellow bloggers/writers apart from earning some solid cash! Surely that happens here at this wonderful pages! :-)
Thanks Chery for finding some time to read this and post your insight into it even keeping aside your busy schedule with the blog blitz. :-)
Keep going.
May you have a wonderful day! :-)
Best Regards.
~ Phil
Hello, Philip,
I’ve enjoyed getting to know different folks on the Kingged platform, and now have a lot more friends than I did before.
Definitely a nice share, my friend. Hope you have a lovely evening and thanks for including my picture as an active Kingger. :-)
Talk to you soon.
Hello Carol,
Thanks for adding your positive words to this detailed review by Philip.
Like I said in my response to Chery above, it’s really good to see another of our most valuable Kinggers seconding what Philip has written in this post. We have never paid for, nor asked anyone to write a review about Kingged, so such unsolicited reviews just make all our hard work worth it, :)
Thanks again.
Hi Carol,
What a pleasant surprise to see you here again with a lovely feedback,
Yes, we all met at Kingged and I am sure those are some of the great
encounters I ever made!! LOL
Thanks for your nice compliment to this post.
Yes, hope the same may you have a wonderful and profitable day :-)
~ Philip
Hello, Neat post. There is a problem along with your site in web explorer, would test this? IE nonetheless is the market leader and a good element of other people will pass over your magnificent writing due to this problem.|
Hi Brother,
This post seems really interesting. I have been looking for few more communities to join and this one seems to be one of the best. I will come back to you after I register in
Thank you very much for sharing this valuable information
Hello Reji,
Good to hear you are going to register on Kingged after reading this wonderful review. Feel free to hit me up when you join, if you have any problems getting started. I and my team are always there to help, :)
Hi Brother Reji,
Nice to see you here again :-)
Thank you so much for the kind visit.
Yes, I am sure and can assure you that
that is a good decision to join in,
As you said, no, doubt its one of the best
community to join in, its not only that thru its
pages you can promote your products too on a reasonable rate :-)
Would like to see you the pages of kingged with all your expertise!
May you have a great day
Best Regards
~ Bro. Phil
Wow! This is the best review of Kingged, Philip!
Screenshots are proven evidence that one can earn money through’s contest and programs.
Kingsley, the Founder and CEO of is very hands-on, very helpful, understanding and friendly to the members, which I can see one of the most appealing and amazing fact I am bragging.
Moreover, the website is not just a place for people who wants to earn money, but it also encouraging everyone to join and be MORE productive in blogging and marketing their products and services.
Hi Metz,
Thank you so much for the visit and for the kind words :-)
Yes, I fully agree with you about the Founder CEO, he is indeed an amazing personality,
i can very well relate to your words about Kingsley.
Yes,’s new projects are worth notable and am sure that will be very beneficial to many.
Thanks again for your comment at kingged as well as here.
Have a good day.
~ Philip
Thanks a lot, for adding your praises to this review, Metz. And of course – thanks for your kind words.
No matter how hard it seems I have worked on Kingged these past years, I absolutely wouldn’t have been able to do it without awesome team members like you and others, so you deserve some of the credit too, ;)
Hi Phil
Wonderful review covering all the main features of the program.
I am also one of the lucky souls who have been reaping the maximum benefits from Kingged and once or twice I also earn prize money for commenting actively.
New bloggers should particularly join this wonderful group to get contacts apart from earning money with its several mouth-watering features.
Thanks a lot for sharing
Hi Mi,
Thank you so much for finding some time to read my write-up about Kingged.
In fact this was in my mind for quiet sometime, but some how due to various reasons i could not make it.
Nice to know about your valuable opinion about my post. Thank you so much Sir for your encouraging words. And ha we could very well relate in many areas in relation to kingged, yes, the wonderful and major thing apart from money making, our meeting together here is a memorable affair.
Yes, we met at this platform!
That is really amazing!!
Yes, the new projects/features at kingged is really mouth-watering ones!!!
Nice to hear from you again :-)
May you have a great and profitable days ahead
Keep informed
Sincerely Yours
~ Phil
Hey Phil,
Wow, so you met Mi through That’s always makes me happy when I hear connections that have started and even transcended our platform. Awesome, isn’t it? :)
Hey Mi,
Thanks for adding your voice to this wonderful post. It’s always good to hear active and valuable Kinggers like you admitting to how much benefits you have got from Kingged. All that helps to encourage us to keep doing more, and we will, ;)
Enjoy the rest of your week, and thanks again.
Hi Philip,
What a great colourful review of!
Kingsley is doing a great job with the website. When I first started a few months back, I experienced some initial teething problems, but Kingsley was absolutely fantastic in working with me and helping me through that difficult patch. He is totally dedicated to making this platform a success and we are fortunate enough to be benefitting from it too.
Thanks for sharing this tremendous asset with your readers, and including my photo from the ‘Most Valuable and Active Kinggers!’ on
– David
Hi David,
It’s really good to see you at my page here as well as at my blog page.
Thank you so much for your kind words.
Yes, Dave, Kingsley is such a wonderful personality that he deals with
the members in a very diplomatic way which I am sure like by everyone at kingged.
That is the secret behind his success.
Yes, it is indeed a great pleasure to add my friends pics in our posts.
Let us together work and share each other the benefits we earned,
learned through different means. Thanks again for dropping at my place.
you have a wonderful space too!!! That is indeed amazing too!
Hey you have been mentioned in one of my latest post.
Have a great and profitable day.
Keep informed
Best Regards :-) :-) :-)
~ Phil
Hey David,
Good to see you adding your voice to this wonderful post. Yes, I remember when you started and we worked together to iron out the few hitches you had. I may have helped but you deserve the credit for allowing me to help you get started right. Glad you are happy you joined and got active, as evident from the results you have gotten, all for free, ;)
Thanks, and keep adding value. The more value members add, the more they get back. Isn’t that how life works, :)
Thanks for the heads up, Philip!
Hi Joy,
Good to hear from you again!
Yes, this is a wonderful site to join in!
Have a great day
~ Philip
Hi Phillip,
I really missed this review when it was first published. No doubt all about has been highlighted in this review.
I agree with you that this is a place where writers can make extra cool cash for writing and commenting. What more can we expect if we ‘really’ want to make money online.
Your review is comprehensive as it covers all aspect of the programs for making money offered by this social bookmarking and networking platform. offers value in terms of content and engagements.
For those wanting to make the most of it, there is need to brace up sharing quality content and making valuable contributions.
This review is awesome!
I shared this comment in as well.
Hi Sunny,
No worries, you are on time!!
Thanks for finding some time to go thru the pages and for the wonderful insight into the post. Hey, Sunday in fact I am late with this note here, this post was in my mind for quiet sometime, but some how i could not make it before, anyways, at last this is live, and am happy that a good number of members at kingged as well other places liked this post. I am really happy about it,
Thanks again Sunny, for finding some time to drop in at kingged and as well here. :-).
Keep sharing.
Best Regards. :-)
Have a great week ahead,
~ Philip
Hi Philip.
Yep, Kingged is a great community. I have met many good friends there, and it has also given my traffic a boost.
The key is to participate in it, and not just share your own stuff – a lot of people just go there to share their stuff without integrating into the community.
Great share, and thanks for the mention!
Hi Richard,
Thank you very much for the kind visit and the feedback on this post.
As you said Kingged is a wonderful community, and I too met many of
my online friends from this community page. Yes, as I mentioned in the
post my traffic too tremendously increased via a this page due to my
active participation in it.
Yes, communication, participation and building relationships are some
of the key words here.
Thanks Richard for finding some time to peep in :-)
Have a great time of blogging ahead :-)
~ Phil
Hey Phil,
I am a bit late to comment here!
I fact I was keenly watching the developments here! :-) :-) :-)
I found, it’s a wonderful post in regard to this wonderful platform called
It is indeed a great joy for me too to join in this stream!
I am really amazed to note the developments taking place in these area of blogging/internet marketing.
Definitely it will rock in the days ahead!
I am glad to be a part of this wonderful group. though i was away for sometime i am really happy to be back again to see and participate in the new developments.
You covered almost all areas of the activities of this wonderful platform.
I am sorry to note that even then you left some of the new developments/activities taking place at kingged in the recent times.
Anyways altogether it is an informative one for a new visitor here.
I appreciate you for this wonderful review. :-)
Keep writing! Though I miss you in many areas of my life, i am happy that you are spending that time for a worth cause.
Keep going! :-)
All good wishes.
I take this time to appreciate Kingsley and his team for their wonderful hard work in lifting up this platform to this amazing level
I wish all of them a great blogging and activity time at kingged.
Have a good day
~ Ann
PS: I posted this comment at and i kingged it too!
~ Ann
Hey, Ann,
Oh My You are here! :-)
Glad to read your reactions!
Thanks a lot for all your co-operations in my life.
May God continue to bless and keep you safe. :-)
~ Phil
i tried to put a social site together about good things people were doing in their communities. it was a good idea but a lot more work then i ever envisioned and so i dropped it. And so i applaud the team at Kingged for putting an environment here where people actually talk with each other, share and help and without drama. Very nicely done. Glad to have found you
Hi Philip,
Congratulation you for making it always on the top and for winning the cash giveaways.
It’s not easy to keep the first or second spot thinking that there are as well a lot of us like you around kingged. You deserve it because you always do good.
I believe that your review of is the best and most moving review I ever read. Not only that you shared to us valuable information about this great site, like how to earn from just reading and writing, how to join the site and what really is the site all about, but you also motivated and inspired us to also be active on Kingged.
The vivid photos and screenshots you added are also equally great. They helped make your post more believable.
Very well said Philip
Hi Denn,

Thank you so much for the kind and uplifting words!
I am really sorry for the delay in attending this insightful feedback. :-(
I am happy that you liked my review. Yes, Denn, its a wonderful platform to join in and get some great traffic and other benefits associated with it. It has been a great help to many of the members who joined there. There testimonies will tell it all.
I once again express my heartfelt thanks to you for the kind visit and the time spend here and for the amazing feedback.
Keep going my dear friend.
Keep sharing.
With kind regards
~ Phil
Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’ recently posted…Real Estate: 4 Tips for Investing in the Right Property (A Guest Post By Nisha Pandey)
I understand some really good material listed here. Worth book-marking to get returning to.. blog I wonder just how much energy you put for making this kind of excellent educational web page.
Hey Philip,
Recently I have joined Kingged. So was looking for how it works and helps to get engaged. I got interested to found this review of yours.
That’s such an comprehensive & all in all review from you. One doesn’t need to go anywhere else to understand how Kingged can become one of the best places to grow one’s online presence.
Though very little time I could spent there till now, but I found the team to be very supportive. No doubt, it’s an outstanding effort from Kingsley. Hope to explore it more in near future.
Thank you so much for the share. Take care and have a great week ahead :)

Manidipa Bhaumik recently posted…Top 10 Genesis Plugins to Customize Website’s Design
Hi Philip,
This is indeed a great post!
I am actually getting ready to go to this information which i found it today while browsing through the pages of Google.
In fact, this is really an interesting read. Will surely go through the page
and will come back to you soon. Kingged looks like an amazing platform.
Thanks for telling about this,
Hi Philip ,
what a great review ,I like it and I think it is a great place to be for a blogger.
I am too busy with other things ,but I will recommend it. I just did chat with a young
man who has no blog himself ,but his dream is to be an writer and he wants to practice.
I think this would be a great place for him to gain experience from other writers.
Will show him your post .
Thank you
Hi, Philip.
I have registered for Kingged account for along time ago, but not so active. As always I saw your avatar image as top member on the community. Honestly, I’m not so interesting in the give away award, but the traffic from the community. I understood many bloggers get huge traffic from this blogging community so plan to keep active my account. By they way, thanks for sharing…
Hey Philip,
Another nice post on Philipscom pages.
Loved the review! You told me about this community before, but after reading this review, I can say that I will register very soon.
Thanks for the review, Philip!
It’s crazy that these kinds of opportunities are out there. I haven’t come across this one before, but it’s great to know about