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Bloggers Do You Know These Secrets! 15 Secrets About Your Blog Page

Posted in Blog Comments, Blogging, I W S G, and Strategy

Last updated on February 3, 2018

Bloggers Do You Know These Secrets!  15 Secrets About Your Blog Page!

(My IWSG Post for October 2014)

Last updated on October 1, 2017

I am sure many bloggers do not know most of these secrets about their own blogs!  I mean, I am talking about some of the hidden facts about our own blogs which we quite often do not notice or do not know!

Read these facts and some suggestions along with it…


1.  New Bloggers.

It is estimated that 80% visits in your blog are new, especially if you build an email list and a regular activity on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Digg, linkdIn, Pinterest etc.

2.  Posting Regularly

   If you are a regular blogger and post quite often, say daily or weekly twice or thrice, there is every chance to get your traffic 5 times more than the regular one.

             Many bloggers do not know any of these secrets about their own blogs! Check out @ #philipscom Share on X

3 Getting More Traffic

    It is estimated that when you reach a total of 50+ posts your blog traffic increases by 53% it increases by 3 times after you complete 100 posts and 4.5 times after 200 posts. So continue to write worth reading useful content.

4.  The length of Your Content

    There is a slight confusion among bloggers about the needed length of the content.  Is a long content or a shorter one will fetch more accessibility among readers?   The recent statistics say that there is a good chance to get more backlinks if it’s a longer one. A post of 1300 or above words content will fetch more backlinks and thus more traffic than a shorter one.  Of course, there is an exception to this, in this busy world who is having time to go deep into a long article! In a way that is true, but the experts say the reality is on the other side. Yes, the fact is that if a long article filled with a lot of information with well-connected links will surely be read and preserved or bookmarked by many.  

5.  Eye Capturing Images

It is another factor that a blog post with more images will get attracted by the general readers and also get more backlinks.  This includes screenshots, graphs, infographics, cartoons, artworks, and various other attractive pictures in your blog post.

6. Sharing Your Content Regularly

   Your social media shares matter a lot.  It is estimated that 41.6% people measure the social influence by counting your post’s social sharing by others. Note that your page should have a share button which helps to reach to different social sites. 

7.  A Good Looking Page

   Another important factor to note is about your blog page’s look.  If it is adorned with some lovely images along with your quality contents it will easily get the attention of the browsers.  But at the same time, If your visitor wants to stay back on your page it must carry some solid, quality worth reading material. Otherwise, all our efforts will go waste and no pictures can do any wonder! 


If our visitors do not find any interest in our contents there is a less chance of their visit again or share. So make it a point to fill your pages with quality contents. Though sometimes it may be a bit difficult task, a bit of research and hard work will pay the bill.

8.  Content Posting Days 

   This is yet another unknown thing to many that your posts on Mondays get more visibility and traffic than other days.  Notice the difference between the post published on Mondays and other weekly days. Of course, there is an exception to this too, this fact solely depends on the time zone which you are in and the people or the most readers connected from which zone etc.  Mostly if you are connected with the western countries surely the weekend days are a less or dull activity days.  Also, another fact found out recently is that:  If you publish the post on Thursdays there is a good chance to get more social shares.   So apart from Mondays, Thursdays too, carry weight!  So make it a point to not to miss Mondays and Thursdays.

10.  Social Media Sharing And Accepting New Friends

   Your social media sharing of fellow bloggers posts will help you to get the attention of fellow bloggers and surely others too share your posts on their social sites and eventually that fetch you more traffic. Here we need to be more careful while selecting or accepting new friends.  Try to stick with the friends who are interested in your niche, products or services.  Accept only such related requests on a social site or else later you may force to delete others.  If you accept all your friend requests you may sometimes land in trouble without any response and at a later stage, you need to do a complete purge of such friends.  And note that this is a time-consuming process and I did this lately with my all three major social media accounts.  I bet it’s a cumbersome process and am sure in the process you may even lose some valuable friends too. And then again to go with an explanation or accepting new request etc.  To avoid these processes select your friends wisely.  That will surely give a good share and traffic to your pages.

11.  Posting Quality Contents

   It is observed that more contents about a product or company will fetch the attention of more people. More than 70% people’s attention will get to a quality content than from an attractive ad.  Notice that ads will fetch less but quality contents will fetch more.  So concentrate on contents which give more value to their time and money.
12.  Posting Regularly
    Post your blog post regularly on a regular basis that will fetch more leads, it is found that it generates 4 times more leads than a weekly or a monthly post.  So this will encourage people to post on every day :-) but the problem is that when the frequency increases there is every chance to miss the quality.  This is very important to be noted while doing the most frequent posts.

13.  Visiting Fellow Bloggers Pages

   Visit a minimum of 5 to 8 blog pages, if possible more on a daily basis.   At the same time make a good rapport with them by commenting constructive and meaningful comments relevant to the subjects.   Eventually, that leads to a new relationship with new writers and get acquainted with them well. This surely will increase your knowledge, readability, and status.

14.  Building Relationship With Fellow Bloggers

    Build or develop a good relationship with fellow bloggers by visiting their pages and by interacting with feedback through comment columns and via social media contacts.  Though some may not respond at the initial stage if you continue visiting and commenting that will pave the way to begin a good relationship.   Eventually, that will fetch many benefits in the long run in relation to your blogging journey.  

There are a good number of outstanding personalities in the blogging world who emphasize on this subject.   
Prominent among them are Erik Emanuelli, Atish Ranjan,
 Harleena Singh, Mi Muba, Chery Schmidt, and many others.  
There is no doubt the list of such personalities is a big one and space constrain me to accommodate all of them in this post. 
Few of such prominent ones are mentioned below. May their tribe increase! :-)

If you are a blogger and a regular visitor to these pages you will very well understand the importance of rapport between fellow bloggers. Many such wonderful people are in my list few of the names I am giving below. A visit to their pages will surely be a wonderful experience and a great opportunity to gain more in your blogging journey. 


Mi Muba                 –   Be A Money Blogger    

Chery Schmidt       –   SuccessCoachChery

Harleena Singh            –    AhaNOW.Com

David Leonhardt         –

Brent Jones                   –   BrentJonesOnline.Com

Erik Emanuelli             –

Donna Merrill               –

Atish Ranjan                 –

Robin Khokhar             –

Hussain Omar              –

Ravi Chahar                 –

Lesly Federici               –

Enstine Muki                –

More to follow…


15.  Visiting and Commenting On Other Bloggers Pages

   The last but the least is about visiting on fellow bloggers page and read well and share your views by dropping a constructive and value-added feedback.  This will create a good rapport between bloggers, and that leads you to get more engagement with your page. When you comment on others page, surely they make note of your page and your activities and that may pave ways to a new friendship or relationship in further blogging. Please read more on this line by visiting this page Blog Comments Talks Volume
This is my post for the month of October at IWSG pages (Insecure Writers Support Group) pages.  In other words, a group of people joins together from around the world on the first Wednesday of every month to help each other and to air their doubts, fear, suggestions, tips etc on blogging and other related fields.
This is an initiative started by Alex Cavanaugh one of the Co-founders of A to Z Blog Challenge. The Ninja Captain and his team members are celebrating its first Anniversary this month with a lot of celebrations. To know more about this group and to join the celebrations please click on the below link:  



A post supposed to be here on these spaces went into my old platform and I brought it back here. :-)

First Published on: Oct 4, 2014 @ 18:43



Picture Credit:; IWSG

Dear comment authors, Your Attention Please!

Thank you so much for your valuable time.
I appreciate!
I love your feedback/comments!
Some of you know I entered the blogging arena as a blog comment author.
Yes, once upon a time I was a comment author without a blog!
Yes, I do visit fellow bloggers pages and drop valuable comments and that lead me to start a blog of my own.
Of course, that is a big story and you can read that elsewhere on these pages
Coming to the point, I accept feedback from my readers and often I do reciprocate.
Your feedback negative or positive, I would like to hear from you.
But there is a slight restriction/rule in this regard.
Just read our comment policy before you make a comment,
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Philipscom also reserves the right to edit comments or to remove material that does not conform to our comment policy.
If time permits please do visit this post related to blogcomments.

Check your domain ranking


  1. Hey Phillip,
    I really enjoyed this epic post on blogging. Thanks very much for resurrecting and resharing it. You have provided some useful statistics that can guide the development of proper blogs that persons would want to read. I have found most of your suggestions still relevant in 2015 and practical. I will definitely take a second look at mine against these stark revelations! Thanks again Phillip and will be happy to share.
    Vinton Samms recently posted…Guidelines for participation in FB Challenges, Groups, ETCMy Profile

    October 4, 2016
  2. Hello Philips,

    Good day! You have Very well summarised the 15 secrets, i agree with most of the points, specially where you mentioned on networking with fellow bloggers and regularly updating your website with content and then circulating on social media, i really like them, however i would like to add one thing in it, generating new traffic is great specially when your blog is new, but retaining them is very important for building relationship and long term survival of your blog. Good luck!

    October 7, 2016
  3. Ivan Bayross
    Ivan Bayross

    Hi Philip,

    This maybe a resurrected Blog post, BUT it contains terrific content for Bloggers who want to enhance their presence in the Blog-O-Sphere.

    I happily spent my time reading through each paragraph. There are several nuggets of gold here. It was time well spent.

    I really savoured your building relationships with other Bloggers section. You have so beautifully explained what works.

    I was taken in by the wonderful way you highlighted other Bloggers within this Blog post. I already visit, many of these Blogsites regularly to read their content.

    This is a wonderful, real-world, endorsement you’ve given them.

    Creating and maintaining relationships with other Bloggers is crucial to have your content shared among their readers, maximizing your reach without spending money on advertising.

    Every single one of the 15 points you’ve delivered in this Blog post is vital. I’m going to share this Blog post on my Google+ groups as well as my Facebook groups.

    I believe that anyone who spends time reading this post will benefit a ton.


    Ivan Bayross

    October 7, 2016
  4. What a great tips for all beginners in blogging. I have been following all these strategies from past few months and pretty much every point is worked like charm in bringing out a better blog. Especially commenting on other sites will bring a more traffic as well as it helps in link building and increase your domain authority and page authority.

    Indeed, this is really a post worth reading and keep guiding all beginners and keep writing great stuff.

    October 8, 2016
  5. Hello Philip Sir
    Thanks for the post. Amazing guide for beginners. All the points you mentioned are correct. I knew some points before but also got new ones.
    it’s a great article and incredibly helpful for newbie bloggers. I can’t wait to utilize this information!

    October 8, 2016
  6. This is a post with evergreen content, Philip, and well worth showing to the world again. It’s good for new bloggers and a reminder to the more experienced.

    I’m impressed by the aims of IWSG.

    October 8, 2016
  7. Mario

    I am just very new in blogosphere and I honestly find this post educating and inspiring thanks a lot

    October 9, 2016
  8. Ikechi

    Hi Philip

    You shared an epic post!

    You are so right and I got to see so many secrets of a blogging page.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Take care

    October 12, 2016
  9. So much to lean from this article, I always thought 500 words article will do good but you’re saying about 1300 words,I look forward for writing a long one. Ass you said more backlinks can be included in a single content/post.

    November 18, 2016
  10. Rahul Joshi
    Rahul Joshi

    I have just started blogging. And after reading your post I found some great info. I like the point of building relationship with other bloggers. Thanks for the list of some good bloggers out there.

    November 21, 2016
  11. Praveen Kumar
    Praveen Kumar

    Google often likes contents with more than 2500 words, but it seems quite huge. I know many bloggers in the community, they are very supportive & creative. Thank you for such a wonderful post. I like to build relationships with more bloggers around the world.

    January 2, 2017
    • Hello Praveen,
      thank you so much for your maiden visit and for the wonderful feedback.
      Yes,the long contents will give a kind of boost not only from Google but it helps in many area.
      Thanks for your insight into this subject.
      Keep visiting
      Keep sharing
      ~ Philip

      January 3, 2017
  12. Mohan Nayak
    Mohan Nayak

    Hi Philip,
    Thanks for the epic post. It is more useful for newbie bloggers.
    I just want to conclude that there is no competition in the blogging world. So building relationship with fellow blogger will definitely help to improve our status in the blogosphere.

    February 13, 2017
  13. Ahmad Mukhtar
    Ahmad Mukhtar

    I was familiar with 12 secrets you mentioned. Thank you for adding 3 more to my knowledge. Keep posting useful information like this.

    July 5, 2017
  14. In Blogging you need consistent and regular blog post. Now days Blogging community gets crowded with most of peoples therefore you need to give quality content. When we give quality content at that time most of people revisited your blog and you get a loyal reader for you blog. You wrote a all points very correctly and explained well.. Thank you for remembering all points of blogging.. :)
    Akshay Thakur recently posted…Best Vegetable Chopper in IndiaMy Profile

    July 21, 2017
  15. Hi Phillip,

    Very helpful blogging tips there!

    Interesting to note about the length of blog post. At one time the Yoast SEO plugin recommended 300 word posts which I always thought was rather short (and did longer posts). I see that now they are recommending 900 word posts!

    Joy Healey – Blogging After Dark
    Joy Healey recently posted…Cash Back Stores From Global Shopping RewardsMy Profile

    August 21, 2017
  16. Mark

    Hey Philip!

    I was aware of first five secrets that you have mentioned. However, after reading your article I am now aware of all the 15 blog secrets. Thank you for sharing the information Philip. Have a blast.


    September 18, 2017
  17. Sadaf Wakeeel
    Sadaf Wakeeel

    Hi Philip,

    We are not fully aware about the importance of daily blog posting and minimum number of posts to attract the maximum visitors. Thanks

    September 19, 2017

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