Blog Growth What does it mean?

When you talk about blog growth, what do you really have in mind? Is it income, traffic, site engagement, social media presence or the size of your email list? Well, blog growth actually encompasses all of the aforementioned. Growth is not unidirectional; it has to cover every area one can think of.
Now that you know what blogging growth should be; is your blog growing the way you would have loved it to be? If no, then this post is specially made for you. You must pay attention to everything I am going to present in this post as they will go a long way in helping you reposition your blog for real growth.
The time you have wasted in the past doing it the wrong way doesn’t matter, but what you do with this information is what really counts.
Do you really need a change? Are you tired of not seen tangible changes in your blog progress? Well, these simple, underutilized strategies could skyrocket your blog growth. I mean every bit of what I am saying. Now, let’s quickly get down to business.
Is your blog growing the way you would have loved it to be? If no, then check out this post @ Share on XSimple Strategies For Increasing Your Blog Growth
The following simple strategies will help a lot in increasing your blog growth and give you measurable result in a matter of weeks or months.
Create Quality Content
Quality content has always remained the number one strategy on my list. It is the most important reason people visit your blog. If you can create what they need and provide them with the right information, you will always have them with you all the time. How will quality content help improve the growth of your blog?
- Quality content satisfies the hunger of your readers
- It makes them come back in the future
- It positions your blog as an authority source
- It attracts advertisers to your site which mean more money
Interact With Your Blog Audience
Don’t dump information on your audience. They need you to talk with them, ask them questions and answer their questions as well. Avoid the temptation of thinking that it is only the content on your site that the readers are seeking after; some of them have concerns that need to be attended to.
If you can provide answers to those nagging questions, it shows them that you really care. This will help increase your blog growth as more and more audience get attracted to you. When you interact with your audience, the following happens:
- They trust you easily
- They easily share their opinions with you
- They leave their comments which improve engagement
- Update Your Blog Regularly
The importance of regular blog updates cannot be overemphasized. I experimented with one of my blogs in the past and discovered that my Alexa ranking was improving very fast all through the period my blog was updated regularly.
But the moment I didn’t update it for months, the Alexa ranking depreciated massively. Why did that happen? People were no longer coming as usual – there was no new content to attract them.
If you want your blog to keep growing, do yourself a favor by updating the blog with fresh content on a regular basis. If you can’t meet up with the demand, get a freelancer to create content for you. How does that lead to growth?
- Traffic keeps coming on a regular basis
- It shows that you are still running your blog – at least, you are not dead
- It creates variety for your audience
Link up With Bloggers in Your Niche
Building a cordial relationship with other bloggers in your niche is very important. The blogging world does not exist in a vacuum; it is like the real world where we all need one another to survive.
Do you know that you can get knowledge from other bloggers in your niche? Do you also know that those other bloggers can help promote your blog before their own communities? You really need to get closer to them if your dream is to make progress with your blog.
Building a good relationship with other bloggers in your niche will:
- Help put you in front of their audience
- Enable you gain more knowledge on how to successfully run your blog
Promote The Heck Out Of Your Blog
No business flourishes in the dark. The same is true for blogging. If you want to be known and then grow faster, you must let the world know that you truly exist. How do you do that?
Spread the word about your blog to your friends and other bloggers, engage with people on social networks, leave constructive and helpful comments on other blogs, join important communities on Facebook, Reddit, or Linkedin, make use of content sharing sites, write e-books and upload them to file sharing sites, etc.
How would all these help your blog to grow?
- It helps you discover new larger communities
- It helps lure people from outside of your blog to visit your blog
- They help to increase your popularity and make you easily get spotted
Add Social Sharing Buttons to Your Site
It is difficult for your content to go viral if you don’t have social sharing buttons that readers can easily use to share your content with friends. Adding social sharing/bookmarking buttons to your site could just make the difference. The reason for adding them include
- It makes it easier for people to share your content
- It improves the likelihood of your content going viral
Create an Email List
Let’s be honest, how many successful bloggers do you know that does not have a huge email list?
I am sure, NONE.
Having an email list is important because it helps in maintaining an unbroken communication with your readers. Once you have a list, you can easily get in touch with your audience as soon as you create a new content on your site.
Instead of waiting for them to discover it themselves, sending a message across to them can trigger an immediate engagement on the blog. The earlier those on your list go to your blog and start leaving comments the better for the site. New visitors would always see those comments and be encouraged to join the conversation. With a mailing list, you can easily
- Communicate with your audience
- Inform them of new developments on your blog
- Recommend products to them when your blog is eventually monetized.
Run Giveaways
Running giveaways on your blog is a great way of attracting huge traffic. People like freebies, so you can use it to woo people to your blog.
When they come and see your content as being helpful to them, they eventually become a part of your community. Always ensure you are using what is really helpful and relevant to them as the prizes, otherwise your giveaway would amount to a sheer waste of time and money. Giveaways simply
- Woo new readers to you blog
- Encourage people to join your mailing list
Invest On Your Blog
Now, i think this is the most important of them all.
Bring your seat closer let me tell you something…………… No business can thrive without money.
Yes, you heard that correctly.
It takes money to make money and, your own case won’t be different. If you really want your blog to grow and perhaps replace your day job someday then, you must be willing and able to spend money on it.
Don’t be a cheap blogger, it won’t get you anywhere. I’ve seen bloggers who hate spending money even on a good host forgetting that hosting their site on a crappy host spells doom.
Can you possibly afford to lose a business you’ve worked so hard to set up? I guess you answered NO. One of the many places you should be careful in your blogging business is the web host you choose. If you choose a bad and unsecured host, your blogging journey will be a nightmare.
Luckily, there are so many reputable hosts out there to chose from, you just have to apply your own discretion when choosing one because the survival and growth of your blog will ultimately depend on it.
Now, apart from your web host, there are also several other aspects of your blog that will require some little investment, you should be able to afford a good looking premium theme, a logo and also outsource some of the tasks that powers your blog.
Unless you’re a superhuman, you can never do it all alone. You’ll definitely need a helping hand at some point.
You can skyrocket your blog growth by applying the strategies discussed in this post. Don’t wait for the blog to grow itself, take action now and see your blog make real progress in no time.
What other strategies are you using to grow your blog? Kindly share your tips with us, as that would go a long way in helping a lot of people here in moving their blogs forward. Your opinions really count.
I express my thanks to Philip for giving me an opportunity to share this post with your esteemed readers.
I believe your readers will like this post.
May you have a great time of blogging ahead
~ Theodore
This is a Guest contribution by the pro blogger Theodore Nwangene.
Thanks Theodore for being with us today with an informative post.
I appreciate your valuable time with #Philipscom Readers.
Readers can reach Theodore via Twitter Facebook
Read more about him in the Author Bio column.
Author Bio: Theodore Nwangene is a blogger and Freelance Writer. He’s currently on a journey to help bloggers and entrepreneurs write excellent contents, build a better and profitable blog, increase visibility and boost their online authority. He recently published a kindle book titled: 21 Writing Hacks: A Cheat Sheet for Writing Compelling Articles That Will Open Doors and Land you Clients. Click Here to Grab Your Free PDF Copy Now Also read a Review about this amazing eBook HERE. He writes on his website at TopBloggingCoach
Check your domain ranking
Hi Philip and Theodore,
This Blog post drew me right in. I’m always eager to learn simple but underutilised ways to sky rocket my Blog growth.
I completely agree that Blog growth is not counted as a series of narrow verticals, like traffic, site engagement, income increase but a sensible combination of all of these areas.
Creating real, value add content. This is an old favourite and 100% correct.
Great content being measured as content that makes your Blog post readers, trust you and recognize your authority on the subject.
Delivering such content in every Blog post, while not being easy, is a sure fire way of growing your Blog. It always works and always will.
When you update your Blog regularly say once a week, delivering high quality, value add, educative content, consistently, like this Blog post does, requires careful research, planning and execution. I doff my hat to your hard work Philip.
Linking up with Bloggers in your niche by adding a URL to their Blog post within your Blog post, always helps in developing sound long lasting relationships with your peers.
When you promote your Blog post properly on social channels, and your fellow Bloggers posts get promoted, they always reciprocate and your content reaches out to a ton more people.
This is a great Blog post Philip & Theodore, filled with useful information for all Bloggers.
Thank you so much for sharing. Truly appreciate the work that went into creating this.
Ivan Bayross
Ivan Bayross recently posted…Did You Know Hashtags Are An Engagement Multiplier On Social Media?
Hello Ivan,
I’m glad you like the article and also agreed with everything i said. Thanks a lot for stopping by.
Hi, Theodore!
Amazing!. It’s an excellent post.
You have put the most important point on the top of this article. Providing the quality content is a great way to engage with your readers and build readership among the community.
Playing in viral roles of marketing helps to bring more traffic to your blog, then you come up with capturing their email to the list. Yeah. It’s brilliant.
Business is about investing the resources to thrive and make money. The next year, I plan to come up with free training courses and paid forum post to market my community blog.
I love your idea, the give away.

Kimsea Sok recently posted…How to Enhance Your Blog Productivity Using Outsource: ContentMart Review
Absolutely Kimsea,
You can’t afford to be publishing mediocre contents on your blog, it will also be giving your readers free ticket to go check your competitors blog instead.
Thanks for this wonderful comment of yours.
Hello Philip,
Thanks a lot for having me here, it’s indeed a great honor to be featured on your wonderful blog.
Hi Philip,
This is being my first visit to your blog. And I got many new things to learn from this post. I will be visiting your blog often to learn new things.
Thanks for the great share.
have a great day.
Thanks for the visit Harry,
You rock :)
Hey Philip,
We should remember that our content should include great ideas and messages which we want to communicate with our audience and should unique with our competitor to enhance audience relation. Blogging has quickly become one of the most popular ways of communicating and spreading information and news.
Good nature of strategy play vital role to get momentum in online marketing of any niche business. Building email list is most valuable for the promotion of our products. It really helpful to establishment of better relationship with our customers as well as audience. Eventually, thanks for sharing your worthy information with us.
With best regards,
Amar kumar

Amar kumar recently posted…How to Make Money Flipping Domain Names
Hey Theodore ,
You have brought up some interesting points here. It’s always important to interact with your readers.
And the quality of the content is what you should maintain. Always prefer the quality over the quantity.
Building an email list is a great idea.
Thanks for sharing with us.

Ravi Chahar recently posted…41 Tempting Reasons To Use WordPress For Your Website.
Hi Theodore,
Glad to see you here in this blog and thanks Brother Phil for introducing Theodore to to his readers. Regarding the post, you pointed out all most all strategies that can make a blog successful. Also, I am completely agreeing with your view on spending money on the blog. If you see your blog as a business, defenitely you need to spend money for promoting it. With out spending money, chances of making success with a blog is limited.
Once again thank you very much for this great share.
Have a nice day.
Best regards
Reji Stephenson

Reji Stephenson recently posted…Blogging as a platform for teaching in schools
Hi Theodore,
Indeed you have shared with us some of the best resources which are fruitful for the betterment of any blog. Creating quality content is the key to success in blogging, Connect with Pro bloggers, interact with readers and build an email list are the most vital things which Skyrocket the growth of any Blog.
Many thanks for quality share :)
Keep writing

Muhammad Mairaj recently posted…How To Increase Organic Site Traffic 100 % Without Backlinks
This is such a well though through post on blogging. All of us want our blog to grow but sometimes we don’t or forget to do the necessary works. I love the way you try to define the word “blog growth” itself, it’s not just traffic, or engagement or money. That would depends on the blogger and what they are looking for. :)
Thanks for sharing!

Anh Nguyen recently posted…15 Best Domain Name Registrars for 2016 and 2017
Great article by Theodore . Thanks bro.
Everything you listed is actually true.
We people seriously underutilize those tips.
The main one is quality content, people try to write more and more posts but forget that quality is the main important thing.
But here on this blog I always find quality content. Thanks P V Sir.
Thanks again Theodore

Naman Kumar recently posted…Summary of The Invisible Man
Hey Theodore,
Excellent post, you have pointed out some of the most interesting facts for skyrocketing a blog. Most of the points mentioned in here have already referred in every other blog, but your way of presentation makes me better and encourages me to spend more time on it.
One of the good posts I have ever read learned new stuff today. Thanks for sharing, it helps new bloggers.
Keep sharing.
These are all excellent tips. Well done, Theodore. We can’t rely totally on Google to become popular, however much value we give, so social sharing and networking is vital.

Sue Bride recently posted…11 Practical Methods to Increase Creativity For Bloggers
Hi Theodore,
Great Post, thanks for sharing, it will help many bloggers to grow their blogs.
Hi Philip and Theodore,
This is a highly useful post for any blogger who wants to do well. Simple tips – create content, reach out to other bloggers, engage with your audience, and the one I like most – invest in your blog. A lot of bloggers think this is something that you can just do for free, in your free time. But it’s only successful when you treat your blog like a proper business. Thank you again for a great read.
Excellent Post! This is very creative.
Blogging is an interesting journey. At the beginning, hitting the publish button seems to be the most difficult step.
Thanks for sharing great information.
Hi, I am sure going to follow all of above tips to increase my blog’s traffic. It is really hard to growth traffic especially when you have a new site.
I hope working by following mentioned tips would help me.
A lot of things to juggle especially at the beginning and add the huge learning curve. But patients and perseverance is a must.
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