Last updated on May 14, 2019
Last updated on May 13, 2019.
How To Make A Blog of Your Own
Yes, I want to start a blog of my own. But how to make a blog? This was the question when I thought of writing about my interesting subject. As I am interested in writing stories and various other subjects like philately, environment, current affairs, religion, etc. In short, I love to write and am very much interested in sharing it with others. I can share my enthusiasm and get my views out there for all to see. But I was in a dilemma, how to fulfill this.
Search On The Internet
Keeping this in mind I did a search on the internet to find a solution to this and am stunned to find a ton of information available on the world wide web on this subject. I came to know that thousands of blogs are created every day and many millions are live now on the internet. This information one can read on the sites like,, Digg, and Various other free platforms.
Searching For A Free Platform To Make A Blog
Using a free service was the best choice for me as this is a ‘just for fun’ project.
I have noticed that now anyone can start a blog of their own without much effort and expense of money.
Platforms like Google’s and are top among many such free platforms. To start with blogger dot con all you need to have is an email account in Gmail. There are a good number of free platforms which allow you to start a blog of your own.
Later, I came to know that the various disadvantages of the free platforms and the features they provide. Though these are free to use there are a lot of restrictions to the users like we can’t use it as we like or we can’t change the theme or setups they stipulated. This is indeed a great disadvantage to a user.
The platform can remove you or they themselves will shut their shop at any time without even giving a chance to its users to save their resources, this will surely be a great loss to the users as they lose everything they created on the platform.
Neil Patel And His Guide On How to Make a Blog
There are a good number of write-ups by well-experienced bloggers on this subject available on their websites. One can go through such
informative posts before they start a blog of their own. But I found a very well written piece by Neil Patel the Professional blogger, who specially published this for the benefit of new bloggers, You can read that valuable piece here on this link: How to start a blog, this, in fact, is easy to follow and gave me tons of direction.
Create A Domain Name For Your Own
My first step was to create a domain name. My free host domain must be added after my site name as in ‘’ but that doesn’t bother me for now. The host will have final control over what I post, so if they don’t like what I’m doing they can close me down if they feel like it.
As I intend to keep things legitimate I can’t see that happening, but you never know! If I change to a self-hosted service I’ll lose the extra domain name and be able to use ‘’ as I will be paying the host for my freedom – that can come later!! I can also add permalinks, where I make money in return for placing a link to a company website on my blog, or even commission from an ‘affiliate link’ (an agreement between me and a commercial company).
Blog design, Free Themes, And Plugins
Designing the blog is where it gets fun. I get to decide which shows should feature first, where and how to post my reviews, whether my readers can contribute and make comments, and which shows to feature in the upcoming schedule.
When designing a blog, you can choose from free themes and plugins, or pay for a larger choice (Premium Themes). If you choose to use premium themes you will get loads more features for your site design.
Premium themes are usually updated a lot more frequently than free themes because it’s in the developers’ interest to provide the best service they can.
You also don’t get links to unwanted (‘spammy’) sites which might not go down well with Google and affect your search ranking!
Logo Design – Last But not the Least In making a blog
The last thing to consider is whether you want a logo which will stick in the minds of your readers and help them remember you. A logo is an essential part of a blog or website, or to say any business big or small.
There’s plenty of advice on the web regarding logo design so, again, you can investigate which method suits your needs and go for it.
Most of all – have fun. This is a cool process and well worth looking into if you have a passion you feel like sharing with the world!
I invite the readers of Philipscom, especially the bloggers to share your experiences you underwent before you start a blog of your own.
Let us have an interaction on this subject. Please share your views, suggestions if any to the new bloggers in the comment box below.
You can also check this video which gives a lot of information from basic to the advanced users.
If you are a serious reader and would like to start a blog of your own, then, check out this amazing post written by one of our best friends online and a well-known person to Philipscom. He is none other than the famous Money Blogger Mi Muba from Pakistan.
You can read a few of his posts on these pages of Philipscom. Check out this Viral post on BLOG MAKING! An advanced study guide on this subject written for any layman to follow.
Check out this Viral post on BLOG MAKING An advanced study guide on this subject was written in a systematic and easy to understand style.
Please click on the below link to read the Guide:
Complete Guide: How to write a blog post that must go viral?
Yet Another Related Post by Donna Merrill of Donna Merril Tribe. She too is not a new face to Philipscom. You can read her guest post elsewhere on these pages.A MUST READ On this subject to go on advanced blogging.
THIS IS INDEED A MUST READ TO ALL BLOGGERS On this subject If you want to go on advanced blogging.
Donna says:
You should be writing blog posts that ignite viral content marketing in order to run a successful and influential blog. That’s because blogging is pretty pointless without some truly effective content marketing strategies working in the background.
Read on by clicking on the below link:
To write a blog post that must go viral?
Image Credit:;
Video Credit: YouTube:
Mi Muba
Donna Merrill
Updated on April 19, 2019
Published on: April 21, 2017 @ 01:25
Check your domain ranking
Thanks for sharing, the post is really interesting and quite informative. A newbie can easily create a blog by following the tips given in this post. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Navnit,
Thanks for your valuable time and sharing your valuable feedback.
I appreciate your time.
Keep visiting.
Have a wonderful week ahead.
Keep visiting.
~ Philip
HI Philip Sir,
This is really an excellent post, and I am sure that it will be a great help to the newbie bloggers and Students.
And also thanks for linking me in this post.
I would simply say, keep up the good work.
And have a good week ahead.
Hello Robin,
I appreciate your kind words.
I am so glad to connect your page with this post.
Keep sharing
Have a great and profitable week ahead.
Best Regards
Heartedly amazing post… Interesting post and usefull for all new tech bloggers
Nice to meet you Gnanshwar
Thanks for your time and vist
and for the feedback
Keep sharing
keep visiting
Have a great month ahead
Hi Philip
Just tell me what I call this post; is it a tutorial; guides roundup; ebook-post or treasure of info. Have gone through each and every word and this is mesmerizing power of the way of your writing that you improved amazingly in such a short time.
Have read the other posts you mentioned but the way you described about them influenced me to get back to them once again and read again to get the benefit if I left earlier.
Many thanks for mentioning my post and it’s an honor to me.
Have a great rest of the week.
Oh My dear friend Mi,
What a compliment!
I am elated again! :-)
Indeed these are mesmerizing words from a learned Expert!
Thank you so much, call it whatever you like LOL
I am so excited to read your lovely and encouraging comment.
Yes, this kind of thoughts and expressions from fellow beings is the secrets of our success and move!
Keep going, my dear friend.
Keep sharing
Thanks for all your kind share.
May you have a wonderful and profitable month of May. :-)
Hey Philip,
I started off with a free wordpress blog myself. I also ran into all my limitations with it LOL.
It took me almost two years before I switched to a self hosted blog and I’m glad that I did. I was able to go way beyond those limitations and take advantage of a lot of the plugins I wanted to install to enhance my blog.
One thing I do suggest when it comes to your blog is to start off with a message which defines what your blog is about and who is it for. This will help you get targeted traffic as well as help you come up with content related to your message.
Great share philip! Have a great upcoming weekend!
Hey Sher,
What a joy to see you here again after a gap.
I appreciate your valuable time you took to read this and share your experiences in relation to blogging, and also the valuable tip shared with it. Yes, that is indeed a great point to make note of, thank you my dear brother for the valuable suggestion.
That surely give our first time vistors an overall idea about our space.
Keep sharing
Keep caring
Have a profitable month of May.
Hi Philip,
A wonderful article and perfect guide to anybody starting a blog.
You’ve given the steps they must take.
By adding some basic guidance from Neil Patel, you have really paved the way.
Thanks to for adding some “advanced” advice from MiMuba and myself :)
I think anyone starting a blog has landed on a gold mine here.
Excellent job, my friend.
Hi Donna,’What a joy to hear those lovely and breathtaking uplifting notes.
It means a lot to me, Madam,
A well-experienced expert blogger like you certified it! I love it!
Thanks a lot. :-)
Yes, Patel, Mi and you deserved to be mentioned.
Of course, you all are deserved it. :-)
Keep up the good work my dear friend.
Keep sharing.
May you have a great and profitable month of May 2017
~ Phil
Hey Phillip! Only came across this post today but wow, absolutely loving every bit of it. Really easy to read and immensely valuable to experienced and new bloggers alike, keep up the good work!
This is an excellent article and I really enjoyed exploring the website. Lots of interesting articles for new bloggers and people looking for hints and tips.
Hello Philip.
This is a wonderful tutorial. Creating a blog is not always difficult even if you’re new to the game as there are lots of free tutorials on the internet like this one that will often guide you easily, if you like learning through videos, you will always get so many free video tutorials on Youtube that will put you through.
However, the most difficult part is often what happens after creating the blog. As you already know, creating the blog is only one side of the coin, while running and making the blog profitable is another side. I’m sure this tutorial will teach so many new bloggers the first step towards blogging, and also how to write good contents for their blogs initially.
Thanks for sharing man.
Neil Patel is one of the top go to guys Phillip for creating a blog. Follow his tutorials. Buy into what he offers. The guy is a world renowned authority through the power of sharing his wisdom generously and keeping super persistent too. He is like clockwork! Lovely post buddy.
Great post ,
Thanks for sharing the videos as well, I have bookmarked this blog post for my future reference :)
This was a great in-depth review of why to blog and it was one of the best posts I’ve read on the topic. I like how you mentioned Neil Patel’s experiences, as he’s a very influential blogger. Anyways a great read, blogging will continue to be a popular business.
This is really a great article, it will be a great help to the beginners. Thanks for sharing this kind of stuff.
Thanks to the author for sharing this impressive blog. Really glad to read this article. This site has lots of information and it is useful for us.
Thanks for sharing valuable piece of content on how things make a blog of your own. You very well narrated through this post.
it will really help me in writing a blog and i will include your tips in my future blogs.
Keep sharing. keep it up!!
Thanks for the informative article that inevitably surge our knowledge. I am a writer and blogger had started a journey 2 years back with no idea. Today I am well versed in social media and its power. For making a blog the shared experience and tips are a very good guide to a new blogger. I appreciate you in putting together your professional experience to these page. Keep sharing.
Great post Phil,
you;re right about free blog being temporary solutions at best and overall not good. They can disappear in a flash and then you’ve lost your precious work.
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We need to self-host a blog to have total control over it. The impact of having free blogging can be seen in this post. Free blogging platforms are good for a beginner blogger and one wants to monetize one need to go for an own domain.
The experiences you shared in this post is really a wonderful guide to the new blogger who like to start a blog of their own. Indeed this is a timely alert to the newbie bloggers. Very useful and really very good information you explained from your life experience.
I am going to share with my friends on my social media platforms.
Thanks a lot for sharing this article. It is really very useful and helpful post. One of the good posts. Thanks for sharing your experience on this line. I am sure these experience will be a good guide to the newbies in blogging. Keep sharing.