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A Feedback to the Sunday Indian Weekly Editorial

Posted in Letters/Feedback

Last updated on March 25, 2017

“Does Israel Have Any Options Left, Other Than Retaliation?”


In the above titled editorial in the Sunday Indian weekly dated Jan 19-25, Prof. Arindam wrote: “For the last few days, since the beginning of the Israeli military operations in Gaza, media – both print and television – has been riddled with scores of pictures of Palestinian kids, grievously injured in the air attacks by Israeli Defense Forces, or IDF. And every time I have seen those pictures, I have felt revulsion towards the blitzkrieg that has been launched by Israel to take the fangs out of Hamas. Yet, ironically, when I tried to think a little deeper about it, I was left wondering why the global media has not put forward the pictures of even Israeli kids who have got killed, injured or hit with impunity in the past due to a barrage of rockets and missiles, and even suicide attacks, that Hamas has made a habit of targeting on Israel…” Read full editorial at this link:

Apropos the above-quoted editorial, I send the following Feedback and they published it under the title “LOVE THY NEIGHBOUR” on Volume 3 Issue 17 2 Feb-8 Feb 2009th edition.

Sir, your editorial “Is Israel have any options left, other than retaliation?” (TSI, Jan 19-25) brought out the great truth of disparity and isolation faced by this nation from all the sections of the world. Whether it is media or the authorities, from the beginning of her existence, Israel has been set apart from the nations, locked up into a unique and awesome destiny. The hireling prophet, Balaam, called Israel ‘a people who dwell alone, not reckoning itself among the nations.’ (Book of Numbers chapter 23: verse 9). That uniqueness is no less apparent today, as Israel fights for survival in the midst of an increasingly hostile world.

Why does this tiny nation of over a five million people, occupying less than 1% of the earth’s surface, regularly call for the media attention? Why are they a major stumbling block in the international affairs? Why is this nation a fiercely contested piece of real estate in the world? Jerusalem may not qualify as the biggest or the best city in the world. But, it possesses a splendor and glory that is unparallel among world’s other cities. The God chose this city to be the capital of His kingdom. There is a wonderful promise of prosperity to those who share God’s love for Jerusalem; the Bible says “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May they prosper who love you… (Psalm 122:6).

-Philip Verghese, Secunderabad.

Read more responses on this subject at the following links: or

Source: The Sunday Indian Weekly, New Delhi-17
Volume 3 Issue 17, dated: 2 Feb-8 Feb 2009

Picture source: The Sunday Indian, New Delhi

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