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How to write Evergreen Quality Content Every time? (A Guest Post By Vashishtha Kapoor)

Posted in Blogging, and GUEST POSTS

Last updated on March 3, 2018

Last updated on March 2, 2018

vashita page

I am so glad to introduce yet another young, upcoming and intelligent student blogger from the land of India.  He is Vashishta Kapoor of Since he wrote an interesting note about himself on this page I do not want to add anything more to it.                     

Thank you so much Vashishtha for your valuable time here with my readers.

We Wish You All Success In Your Upcoming Projects in particular and as a wonderful blogger in the days ahead!

Keep Going!

All Good Wishes from Philipscom

My Signature1

Philip Verghese Ariel


 Over to Vashishtha…

How to write Evergreen Quality Content Every time?

Every newbie Blogger in the blog-o-sphere is wondering about the exact meaning of quality content and the content that makes sense. Writing a long article in your first language means half the battle won while switching to a second language is always an obstacle in writing skills and accuracy. Everyone is comfortable in his first language. And via blogging, we converse with our audience, not with those lifeless search engine bots. So, writing quality content becomes the essence and something that makes sense also becomes the part of your writing.

Today, I will be trying to bring you closer to the actual meaning of quality content that makes sense. I am going to tell some ways to improve writing skills as well.

The first thing a beginner blogger faces is “What should be the language and what must be the style of his writing.?”
The answer is “Be what you really are. Neither tries to be over smart nor be like the average joe or a baby of five. Be realistic.

And What Best Personality says

According to Harsh Agarwal, You should write in the usual manner as you transfer words with your friends. As this newcomer, Vashishtha has completed his primary studies from Hindi Medium School, his writing skills are not like those professional bloggers, but he is trying to improve them as much as he can.

Idioms and Slangs put more stars into your words

Idioms, phrases, and Slangs always keep the reader reading your articles till the end. And these doses of a few words catch the attention of the reader very quickly and simulates him to read further with more interest.

Necessity of Grammar and Spellings

Even if you’re a past master of writing and literature, you may do some grammatical errors or typos  because “To err is human.” I myself admit that I make many errors in my words. The top-notch way to avoid these grammatical errors is “Installing Grammarly browser extension”. Little grammar issues are disappeared up to the time where your words still make sense in which you actually wrote them.

SuperCharge with Multimedia

Making infographics is not a hassle now.

Please visit following few relevant posts on this line HERE And another one by  Mi Muba the well-known money blogger from Pakistan.  He describes well the creation of many kinds of infographics.  (How to make infographics of these 10 unique types?)

Recognize the type of your post

Before writing your post, you should specify the nature of your post. Either it’s a case study or a Review. Whether it is an Interview or an Informative tutorial,
The recognition of your content type helps in writing the outline of your post and this gives you ideas about the headings of your post. Heading ideas help in increasing your content’s length.

Use Best Possible Synonym to make sense

In English dictionaries, one word has more than one meaning in a different sense. It becomes very important to include the exact words to explain your thoughts and message via words. Poor use of words can confuse the reader, which often results in less traffic.

Give your words a Strong base by conclusive research

Either do a survey on the topic you’re going to write or ask your friends to conduct a debate on the concerned topic. The best way to come with a conclusive research is “Ask the question in communities/forums of experts” because everyone likes an expert’s advice. This tactic helps me a lot writing in-depth articles.

Author Bio: Vashishtha Kapoor Is a student and an upcoming Amateur Blogger from Kanpur, India. He is a wonderful writer who wrote hundreds of articles on different pages of the internet.  He now mainly concentrating on writing articles on SEO and Internet Marketing topics, on his blog

Check your domain ranking


  1. Hi Phillip/Vashishtha,
    Its really cool to read from this piece on writing evergreen content at all times. The most important facts have been shared and many writers do engage in them.

    Keeping the writing language simple and short, writing for in conversational tones and for humans, assessing and correcting grammar and spelling mistakes, and juicing up the texts with graphics and images etc are tactics that can truly help in keeping contents epic and evergreen.

    Thanks for sharing, and you Vashishtha can go places in the blogging world if you keep up by improving on the value delivered with this article.
    I left the above comment in
    Sunday recently posted…Content is the King #Grammarly GiveawayMy Profile

    July 2, 2015
    • Vashishtha Kapoor
      Vashishtha Kapoor

      Hi Sunday!
      I am happy that you liked my words. And i joined kingged today.
      Well as a newbie, I will learn a lot in your company.
      Have a nice day
      Vashishtha Kapoor recently posted…How important is a ‘Fast’ Web Server?My Profile

      July 3, 2015
    • Hi Sunny,
      Nice to see you here again,
      I am sorry for the late response.
      Yes, Sunny, vashishtha brought out some vital aspects in blogging!
      As you said anyone who follows these tips diligently will make a great difference in their blogging journey.
      Thanks for finding time to post your valuable insight into this post here as well as at kingged.
      Keep sharing your valuable knowledge to the people around
      May you have a wonderful week ahead. :-)
      Keep in touch
      ~ Philiip
      Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’ recently posted…Bloggers Make Money With BlogExpose! Render Your Service & Get Well Paid Via This PlatformMy Profile

      July 14, 2015
  2. Hi Philip and Vashishta!

    These are great tips for writing the best blog posts. There is definitely a lot to learn when it comes to crafting the best content for your blog’s audience.

    We must take the time to learn the right ways, and take immediate action. We learn best by doing, and making mistakes.

    I like the approach of writing as if you were writing to a close friend. This is a great tip. And it is a piece of advice I personally implement.

    When I write a new blog post, I imagine someone right in front of me. Then I imagine I am explaining what I’m trying to teach on the post, to that imaginary friend – through writing. Doing this, helps me craft the best piece of content for my audience.

    And the reader will also feel as if I’m talking specifically to them!

    It is a great way to make your writing style more personal to your readers.

    Great tips you have given here as well, Vashishta!

    Keep up the great work!!

    Have a great rest of the week! :D
    FreddyGandarilla recently posted…New Internet Marketing Podcast Show! – And WHY You Should Do the Same!My Profile

    July 3, 2015
    • Vashishtha Kapoor
      Vashishtha Kapoor

      Hi Freddy!
      I think this thing gonna boost my blogging and writing skills up. Your advice means a lot to me. I really like your way of getting these things done easily.
      And I will start following your “Close friend approach.” which seems pretty wonderful.
      Have a nice day
      thanks for stopping be and reading my words.
      Vashishtha Kapoor recently posted…How important is a ‘Fast’ Web Server?My Profile

      July 3, 2015
    • Hi Freddy,
      I am really sorry for the delay in attending to your wonderful feedback to this post.
      Yes, Vashishta did a wonderful job with this post, and as you said his style of writing is indeed a pleasant one.
      Thank you so much for the kind visit to my page and for the insightful feedback.
      May you have a great time of blogging and sharing ahead.
      ~ Philip

      August 28, 2015
  3. We need to focus on generating high quality content. This post that talks about writing an evergreen content will be undeniably a useful resource of knowledge and idea for everyone.

    Professionals and beginners can use this.

    In my point of view, there are plug-ins and tools of use in blogging. Tools for correcting grammars and little errors in writing like Grammarly, but you can also use Ginger Software; they are almost the same and both useful to leverage your writing skills. As we know English is not the native tongue of many bloggers.

    We need to be keen and prove to the readers that we know what we do and we are talking about important things. Little typos will cause bad, readers will think you’re fraud and not worth the trust.
    Additionally, using phrases, idioms and so on are cool and young bloggers or reader will enjoy you company, I’m pretty sure.
    Metz recently posted…Warning: You’re Losing Money by Not Using Content Ideas For Your BlogMy Profile

    July 3, 2015
    • Hi Metz,
      Thanks again for your valuable time here with an insightful feedback.
      Yes, the main thing to note here is that we need to generate high quality posts, but in this hurry or busy world many bloggers just neglect this fact and write or post as they like! this is not a good practice at all, but sad to say to fill the gap some do this often! As you said the tips Vashishta brought in this post can be used by pro and newbies.
      The tools too are an important thing to create a better post, as you said English is not the many language for many of the bloggers in the blogging arena, so we need to give more attention to the usage and grammar etc. yes, Ginger software is indeed a good one.
      Thanks for bringing such an insight into the post.
      Keep sharing
      ~ Philip

      August 28, 2015
  4. Vashishtha Kapoor
    Vashishtha Kapoor

    Hi Metz!
    Thanks for telling about this great software. I will do check that out in my spare time.
    I am hopeful that the software will become a part of my daily schedule as you’re saying that is useful and similar to those helpful one’s.
    Thanks again for stopping by and leaving your thoughts.
    Have a nice weekend mam.
    Vashishtha Kapoor
    Vashishtha Kapoor recently posted…How important is a ‘Fast’ Web Server?My Profile

    July 3, 2015
    • Vashishtha Kapoor
      Vashishtha Kapoor

      Hi Justin!
      Nice to see you here on Philip Sir’s blog and I am very grateful to Philip sir that he allowed me to do a guest post. And you said that right, It is very kind of him.
      I am very happy that you liked my writings. I recently migrated on wordpress and will write with a new spirit now.
      Thanks a lot for stopping by and leaving your thoguhts here.

      Have a nice day Justin
      Vashishtha Kapoor recently posted…10 White Hat SEO Hacks to Rank high in GoogleMy Profile

      July 23, 2015
  5. Justin Philip
    Justin Philip

    Hi Vashistha,

    Great to see you here in Philip sir blog, even though im late here to come, i loved the way you wrote.
    Thats indeed called an evergreen post man, selected some lucrative points and spoke well to the points,short and sweet to say, with catchy sub-headings.

    Since you told you come from Hindi medium background, but this post ain’t showed them up. Absolute writing skills you have bro. Hope you have a nice day.

    See you up here next time. Finally thanks Philip Sir for giving an opportunity to such upcoming young writers to give a a chance to do their guest posts.
    I appreciate you for this, keep up the good work! :-)

    Happy Blogging :-)

    ~ Justin Philip
    Justin Philip recently posted…10 Steps to Launch a Successful Niche BlogMy Profile

    July 13, 2015
    • Hi Justin,
      Thank you so much for your kind visit.
      And for the wonderful comment.
      Yes, Vashish did a good job with this post.
      And I am sure people can pick lot of information from this post.
      Hey, Justin, i am out there to help out my fellow bloggers in this aspect.
      I can hear that from several corners, I am glad that i could do something for my fellow bloggers especially to the upcoming young ones!!! LOL
      Nice to see you here again
      Keep visiting
      ~ Philip

      August 28, 2015
  6. Carol Amato
    Carol Amato

    Hello, Philip and Vashishtha!

    What a very important topic you choose, and I think you did a fantastic job covering the main points very well. Love your point about us conversing with people, not bots – so true and such a poignant truth.

    I am so glad that you enjoyed my article about how to make images work for you. My infographic is an easy way to remember these tips, and I’m happy that it was helpful to you.

    Thank you so much for mentioning my article, I think it would help a lot of folks, and I really appreciate you sharing it.

    Have a blessed day.
    Carol Amato
    Carol Amato recently posted…Get Paid Blogging Jobs on BlogExpose – Job Board for BloggersMy Profile

    July 13, 2015
    • Vashishtha Kapoor
      Vashishtha Kapoor

      Hi Carol M’am!
      Thanks for stopping by and giving your precious time to my words.
      I only believe in writing for audience and like your blog in that sense.
      Thanks a lot for writing sharable and linkable content on your blog.
      It is my pleasure to mention your blog here.
      Have a nice day M’am
      Vashishtha Kapoor recently posted…10 White Hat SEO Hacks to Rank high in GoogleMy Profile

      July 23, 2015
    • Hi Carol,
      Good to see you here again!!! :-)
      Thanks a lot for the kind and appreciate word.
      I really appreciate you for that infographic post
      Keep sharing
      Keep going
      With all good wishes
      ~ Phil

      August 28, 2015
  7. This is some great work here. I know it can be sometimes hard writing in a second language, heck it hard writing in a first language, but you have done well. I agree with everything you said here. You will definitely want to communicate with your audience in your own style of writing. That is what will make you unique and stand out from others.
    Lawrence Berry recently posted…These 11 Things Will Make You SmarterMy Profile

    July 16, 2015
    • Hi Lawrence,
      Thank you so much for the kind visit and and comment.
      Yes, I appreciate your valuable time here with the feedback.
      Yes, Vasishata brought out almost everything in this post.
      Yes, as someone said it, he wrote it in his own typical style
      I appreciate his enthusiasm in blogging especially on technical issues.
      Thanks Vashishta and Lawrence
      Best Regards
      ~ Philip

      August 28, 2015
  8. Omar Saady
    Omar Saady

    Hello, Philip and Vashishtha!

    Thanks for these stuff here!

    As in my point of view that is Evergreen content is quality, useful content that is relevant to readers for a long period of time.

    That Have being said this evergreen quality content on your blog and in your archives is a boon to traffic, social sharing, and more.

    Thanks again

    July 25, 2015
    • Hi Oman,
      What a pleasant surprise to see you here on my page.
      Thanks for the valuable feedback you put in.
      Yes, a unique of valuable content will have an effecting character for a long time.
      That is the beauty of creating valuable content.
      Thanks again for you wonderful feedback.
      Keep visiting
      Have a great day.
      ~ Philip

      August 28, 2015
  9. Hey Vashishtha,

    Nice article you have written. Writing an article after researching a lot on that specific topic, and after writing proofreading after a little break, can make your article flawless as well as very informative that everybody would love to read.

    Glad to read the post Mate. Thanks for writing.
    Atish Ranjan recently posted…Top 10 Engineering Colleges In IndiaMy Profile

    July 29, 2015
    • Vashishtha Kapoor
      Vashishtha Kapoor

      Thanks Atish bhaiya for writing a cool note of appreciation in comment.
      I am very glad that you visited and commented.
      THanks for stopping by and leaving your cool words.
      Have a nice day ahead. (y)
      Vashishtha Kapoor recently posted…Most Popular Free WordPress Themes Every Blogger must knowMy Profile

      August 4, 2015
    • Hi Atish,
      Thank you so much for the insightful comment you posted in relation to this post,
      Yes, after writing a post we need to read and re read and in the continuous process
      there you can see a flawless content. Thanks for sharing this tips here for the benefit of our readers.
      Have a good day
      Sorry for the delay in replying to your comment.
      ~ Phil

      August 28, 2015
  10. Sonam Asrani
    Sonam Asrani

    Hello Phillip/Vashishtha,

    Nice Write-up. There are many bloggers and content writer who are looking for the exact way to write an attractive and eye-catching articles. And this article will be proved a beneficial one for the newbie writers.

    Also, as you mentioned that is Idioms, phrases part, is really good one. yes, these are really helpful at grabbing the attention of the readers.

    Well written. Thanks for sharing :)

    July 30, 2015
    • Vashishtha Kapoor
      Vashishtha Kapoor

      Hi Sonam Mam
      NIce to see you here.
      Yes, So far as I have experienced, Idioms phrases and popular saying in trend including local slangs helped me a lot to reform my writing skills. It was really hard to be up in writing after having no strong base.
      And Sure, newbies must focus on the given points above,
      Thanks for your comments. have a nice day…..
      Vashishtha Kapoor recently posted…Most Popular Free WordPress Themes Every Blogger must knowMy Profile

      August 4, 2015
    • Hi Sonam,
      Good to see you on my page.
      Yes, Vashish covered some important points in this post
      I am sure newbie bloggers can pick lot of things from this post.
      Keep visiting
      Keep sharing
      Have a good day
      ~ Best Regards
      ~ Philip

      August 28, 2015
  11. Ivan Bayross
    Ivan Bayross

    Hi Vashishtha/Philip,

    Nice work Philip exposing able Bloggers to the Kingged world.

    How true, Vashishtha we are all certainly writing for the human site visitors and not Internet bots. I think Internet bots have little or no interest in the major effort we put in as Bloggers when we consistently craft high quality content for our readers.

    I agree with you when you say it’s a ton tougher for Bloggers to deliver great content when English is not their native language. I have the same issue as you English is not my mother tongue, that said because of our drive to write and communicate with our site visitors I believe we do a great job.

    I think you need to crystal clear about your reader’s demographics Vashishtha, as I believe that using idioms and slang can back fire badly depending on your audience demographics. While it’s always awesome to just write as YOU, it’s equally important to deliver content that your site visitors will enjoy and keep coming back for more

    Like you I also use Grammarly. I’ve installed this in my copy of MS Word and depend on this far more than the built in Grammar checker of Word.

    Using appropriate images in your post always enhance the post content. Humans are visual entities. Hence images place strategically, which add value to the post always give the post a boost.

    Thanks for sharing Vashishtha/Philip.

    I came to this site from a link on

    August 4, 2015
    • Hi Ivan,
      What a joy to see you on my page with an excellent feedback on the subject.
      Yes, I am so glad, i introduced many such fellow bloggers especially the younger ones to different communities and other bloggers. Vashish is indeed one among them. Due to his studies and other pre-occupation often he misses many of the pages, I am glad i introduced him to our wonderful community
      Yes, Vashish did a commendable job with this post and I am happy that many could respond to it.
      Nice hearing from you Sir, Thanks again for the insightful feedback.
      May you have a great day
      Keep visiting
      ~ Philip

      August 28, 2015
  12. Jay

    Hi Vashishtha

    As usual nice work and nice tips, you have provided here. I knew something new after reading this post and that will help me to write content for my blog. So, thank you very much and keep up doing such great work.
    Jay recently posted…10 Best Free Genesis Child Themes with attractive lookMy Profile

    August 12, 2015
    • Vashishtha Kapoor
      Vashishtha Kapoor

      Hi Jay
      I am happy to see you here on philip sir blog.
      And glad a lot to know that my words played a role to teach you something new. Lol
      Thanks for stopping by and leaving your valuable thoughts.
      Have a nice day ahead.
      Vashishtha Kapoor recently posted…Top 10 Internet Marketing & Blogging ForumsMy Profile

      August 28, 2015
    • Hi Jay
      Nice to meet you on my page
      Thank you for sharing the feedback
      Good to know that you could learn something from this post
      Keep sharing
      Keep visiting
      ~ Philip

      August 28, 2015
  13. Yogesh Shinde
    Yogesh Shinde

    Hey Vashishtha and Philip Sir,

    Writing an evergreen content is really time consuming but it pays when we see traffic and our readers’ feedbacks. Our audience are hungry for quality content and Google always seek quality over quantity. Idioms and slangs really make our blog title interesting and attract visitors when we share on social medias.

    With these tips we can writer quality content and focus on what should we do while writing quality content. Thanks for sharing and inspiring Vashishtha and Philip sir.

    Yogesh Shinde
    Yogesh Shinde recently posted…Why Video Marketing Is Best And How To Get Started With Video MarketingMy Profile

    February 20, 2016
  14. Vishal Kumar
    Vishal Kumar

    Super write-up!

    The top mistakes evergreen posts do well for me because I spot the errors – most of which I made – and do my best to save people a bunch of time by laying out both the common mistakes and the solutions too. We all flub up so why not share your errors, along with tried and true solutions to help out your readers? And blogging-wise, the mistakes I cover are evergreen, timeless, pretty much.

    Thanks for sharing this well-knitted post.
    Keep writing

    March 5, 2018

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