Last updated on November 25, 2023
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What is your biggest achievement and worst failure in blogging so far?
What are the biggest achievement and the worst failure in your blogging journey so far?
Dear All,
Season’s Greetings to all my fellow bloggers and readers. I am here today with a roundup post on blogging, a bit delayed one! Due to numerous hindrances, I could not stick to the promise given to my fellow blogging friends.
I am so glad that I could make it today, I appreciate my fellow bloggers who responded to my request.
One thing I found in common with many of the bloggers, is that most of them in one accord say the best thing that happened in their blogging journey is: They could get or make a good friendship or relationship with a good number of like-minded people.
In fact, I too can relate very well with them that in my blogging journey I could make a good rapport with many numbers of like-minded people from around the world. That is one of the greatest achievements in my blogging journey too! And I am sure many of our readers too agree with this.
Following is the question I put forward to my fellow bloggers:
What are the best and the worst things in your blogging journey so far? A roundup post by Ariel Share on X
The answers are given below along with their pictures and their links. The responses are placed here in alphabetic order. I have been given an opportunity to air the experiences of some of the newbie bloggers too along with the experienced ones.
Along with the experience shared by Mi Muba, the money blogger from Pakistan sends a note too in this regard. I would like to add that here as an intro to this post. He says and I Quote:
“The Struggle is the lifeblood of hope and without hope, you can be anything but successful in your life. So keep struggling is the best thing ever in my life and in my blogging journey more particularly.
This is my power of hope that despite working for the last four years and yet to make a big breakthrough. I am working as if I am getting a huge round of applause from everywhere. No doubt the support, love, guidance, and encouragement I am getting from everywhere are commendable, but my habit of keeping struggling never let me take a pause of even while.
Well, these things are a little conceptual so I share here what are the best and worst things in my blogging journey in exact terms.”
Best things: First of all, my vast experience from the offline world is a great support to me while blogging and I understand the intricacies of every aspect of blogging quite easily.
Secondly, starting a blog in a green niche that has the least competition and highest demand, soon after three months of my establishing it I got 500 daily visitors on it. So in the beginning, I never had any kind of frustration that usually makes people quit blogging.
The third best thing in my blogging journey is my timely decision to start the money blog that connected me with so many great bloggers as with the green blog I was in connection with those who were an influencer of the green sector but not of blogging field. So my connection with several pro bloggers helped me explore and learn so many amazing things about blogging that boosted my confidence to become a blogging consultant and I got so many clients in the very beginning.
Worst things: The first worst thing was my least focusing on technical aspects of blogging that stopped me from creating wonderful blog design and impressive layout of my posts that is why my many posts despite having quite unique info are still unnoticed by many.
Secondly, my not strictly sticking to my strategy and sometimes becoming so philosophical and conceptual was a big hurdle to create contents that go viral in a short time as compare to very detailed content that take a little long time to create their space.
Last and not the least is more reliance on text contents and not trying diversity which now I am trying to cover up but my several posts are devoid of it.” ~ Mi Muba, Be A Money Blogger
I once again express my heartfelt thanks to all the dear ones who wholeheartedly send their answers/experiences to make this post a success! As said the responses are placed here below in the alphabetic order. Thank you for your valuable time here on this page.
I request my readers to share their valuable experiences in blogging (good and bad) in the comment box below.
May you all have a happy vacation.
Keep visiting, Keep sharing!
Read on others’ experiences!!
For Philipscom
Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’
More reliance on text contents and not trying diversity which now I am trying to cover up but... Says Mi Muba @ #Philipscom Share on XEND NOTE:
HERE IS THE LINK: Behind-the-Scenes: 52 Blogger’s Best Achievements & Worst Mistakes Thanks
The biggest achievement in blogging has been the great relationships I have formed.
It has allowed me to help people and build great bonds. Blogging also has given me the great opportunity to grow my business as it has helped establish myself as a thought leader within my industry.
The worst thing has been making sure I set enough time aside to create the quality posts my audience deserves. Blogs are not something you can half-heartedly throw together. That’s not good for me, and it’s not good for my audience.
~ Vladimir Gendelman ~ Company Folders, Inc.
Blogging has given me the great opportunity to grow my business and to establish myself as a thought leader. Vladimir G Share on X
My biggest achievement in blogging was becoming a Payoneer brand ambassador in India in 2015. This was a super big deal for me at that time, as I left my job and I needed a solid company to work with, Payoneer came to me at the right time.
I made my personal brand out of Payoneer & got many clients from this deal. Payoneer did the Facebook ads through which people got to know me more and clients trusted me.
And now the worst failure was my digital marketing training institute I opened at Jaipur India, that was the bad partnership with my friend, I lost around 20 lacs in that deal. My business faced a huge financial hit and I was literally on the verge of bankruptcy.
So I learn whenever you are doing partnership do the partnership on a trial basis like analyze your business for first few months before getting into a full agreement.
~ Jitendra Vaswani, founder of Bloggersideas
My biggest achievement with blogging has been the ability to provide value to readers, as well as our businesses through our content efforts. We’ve been able to provide a ton of valuable information to our target demographic and in return, we were rewarded with their business. Being able to help people and grow from it is the goal of most good companies and we have been able to do that through blogging is definitely something we’re proud of.
The biggest failure with blogging came early on and it was from not blogging enough. We treated our blog as a place to update existing customers on news rather than help drive valuable, educational material to both existing and potential customers. Had we know then what we know now, we would’ve put a stronger emphasis on blogging high-quality, educational content. Jimmy Rodrigues ~ 3dcart
In my 2 years of blogging journey. I experienced many ups and downs. The Biggest Achievement about blogging there are no limits, no boundaries and no restrictions to sharing your ideas. You are your own boss. It is something that you can proudly tell everyone that it’s yours.
Well worst thing happened to me was poor keyword selection for my first blog and it failed terribly. Despite this, I learned from that failure and I am running an SEO Optimization blog and one secret blog that is making money for me.
Well, I have learned and suggest everyone to start your blog now. You will learn unexpected things. ~ Abhishek Jain ~RustyBlogger
Well I have learned and suggest everyone to start your blog now. You will learn unexpected things. ~ Abhishek Jain Share on X~
The Biggest Achievement about blogging: In blogging the possibilities are endless. Being an inspirational blogger, it gives me the freedom to create a positive impact on people all over the globe, help them live their dreams and overcome their negativity to create a happy & successful life.
If you have a message to with the like-minded people all over the globe or an experience to share to educate and inspire others or build a business to serve other businesses or clients, blogging is the foundation.
The most beautiful part is if you start a blog and create quality content on a consistent basis, then you can live your dream life while having freedom and fortune.
Worst Thing About the blog: I haven’t found anything worse yet, because still so much of opportunities are there that I am always busy exploring the possibilities rather than finding the difficulty.
Moreover, the blogosphere is filled with so many good people who are always ready to share and help the best solutions and resources which will never make you feel bad if you stay focused and keep looking for solutions. ~ Ajay Mishra
In blogging the possibilities are endless.~ Ajay Mishra Share on X
The biggest achievement of working online is that I’ve reached financial freedom. Moreover, it’s fantastic to manage my working hours, while still having a lot of time for my hobbies.
The worst thing is that I spend a lot in front of my computer, which is somehow unhealthy. Luckily, I love sports, so every day I do some physical activity in the gym, or jogging, or else, skydiving. ~Erik Emanuelli ~Erik
The best thing about working online is that I've reached the financial freedom ~ Erik Share on X
There is a lot of biggest achievement in blogging like enhancing our writing skills, improving our knowledge, successfully running an online business, establishing ourselves as an expert in a particular field and numerous other benefits.
But, the most important benefit I like about blogging is networking with people from different parts of the world. I consider that is the best thing about my blogging journey so far.
Now the worst thing about blogging: It is very difficult to find the worst thing about blogging than the best thing as there are very fewer things that can be considered as the worst thing in blogging.
For me, the only worst thing that I encountered so far is the lack of time spending with family members and friends when we deeply involve in blogging related activities. ~ Reji Stephenson
I got into blogging 19 months ago. My biggest mistake was that for the first 12 months I didn’t have my own blog. I was ghostwriting for another blogger. He was my only client and I didn’t have a reputation in the blogosphere so I stayed with him, although I knew I was underpaid.
My biggest achievement was that I started my own blog and monetized my skills faster than I imagined. Through blogger outreach, I got to connect with many influencers who became my clients. Have confidence in yourself and give value to others and you will be able to accomplish all your goals.
Minuca creates expert roundups that provide quality content, bring huge traffic, get more quality leads and help bloggers connect with influencers. ~ Minuca Elena
My biggest achievement was that I started my own blog and monetized my skills faster than I imagined. Share on XThe biggest achievement in my blogging journey so far has been that I have made so many new friends who share common ideologies and thoughts and help each other’s grow professionally and personally. I am a member of many blogging communities and get to learn so much about so many different fields and areas, which were almost alien to me. Blogging has also improved my writing capabilities because I guess practice makes a man perfect.
The worst part of my journey so far has to be the time and effort one needs to put. At times it’s depressing to realize that I have so few readers and followers and shares and comments. I sometimes even doubt my capabilities, but I know if I put my 100% success is sure to come. ~Dr.Arpita
The worst thing in my blogging journey so far is probably the first stage when you have to build your audience and readership from scratch. It can be discouraging when you try hard to create great content with little exposure.
On the other hand, being able to share and learn from others great folks out there totally worth the effort and I can very well say that this is my biggest achievement in blogging :-) ~Anh Nguyen
Blogging has been my passion since the beginning. I love every part of it. I enjoyed both the best and worst things. Both Failure and Success are great because success moments gave me the motivation to work even harder, and Failure moments taught me many things that helped me grow well over time.
But, still, as you gave me an opportunity to share these things of my life, so I am sharing them here.
Following are the biggest achievement in my blogging journey so far:
– When so many friends said that a BlogSpot blog cannot get Adsense, and I made it happen. Though it was not a great thing it was really a happy moment for me.
– The second best moment I remember is that when my blog migrated from Blogspot to WordPress. At that time, this was kind of a big deal for me.
– The third best moment is when we got Page Rank 4 directly. In those days, getting good Page Rank was a big thing. These are a few best moments I can remind. However, there are many other small and big good things happened in my blogging journey.
Following are the Worst things in my blogging journey:
– I got an outbound link penalty from Google 2 times for my blog because we linked to advertisers in unnatural ways. These two were the worst things, and I worked very hard to get rid of the penalty. Finally, I was able to get the penalty revoked. There are no worse things I can remind because, by God’s grace, everything is going great. ~ Atish Ranjan ~ www.techtricksworld.
The biggest achievement in blogging is that the act of composing a blog article is a good way for me to organize and record my own thinking on a topic.
The worst thing is that some of my articles attract respondents who are jerks and trolls who have to be dealt with.
~ Barry Kort ~MicroMuse
The biggest achievement that has come out of my blogging journey over the past year is the connections I have made with both readers and other bloggers. The worst thing has been a lack of focus — my content serves no one person nor solves one specific problem, but all that will be changing in the coming months. My new focus will be on helping those who seek to build their own online service-based business. ~Brent Jones
My biggest achievement or let me put it this way that, my favorite things about blogging so far: 1. Helping others. I have been constantly amazed by how many people around the world have been helped by The Wonder of Tech. There is nothing better for me than hearing from a reader how I’ve helped them by introducing them to the tech that makes their lives easier.
2. Building friendships. One pleasant surprise of blogging is the incredible friendships I have made in the blogosphere. Most fellow bloggers I’ve never met, but I feel very close to them as we have shared and supported each other through our blogging journey together. I had the pleasure of meeting Adrienne Smith in person about a year and a half ago and she is just as wonderful in person as she is online.
3. Discovering cool new tech. One of the most fun things about blogging is discovering new tech that can change lives. When I get to chat with the CEO of an up and coming Tech Company I get to hear the enthusiasm that helped bring the tech to market and learn about how a dream was turned into reality. I love being a part of that process to help my readers learn about this new tech and help entrepreneurs spread the word about their inventions.
Least favorite things about blogging:
1. The tech. I know that sounds strange but tech issues for my website drive me nuts. My website may be down or my email subscribers don’t get notifications of new articles published. A plugin update crashes my site or a new theme doesn’t work with a plugin. Broken links must be cleaned up which can take hours of my time. I would much rather write about tech than deal with the tech issues of my website.
2. Hackers. All I’m trying to do is help people learn about tech. I don’t sell ads, have affiliate links or try to make money off of The Wonder of Tech. Yet hackers want to log in and attack my blog. Fortunately, my dear friend Ashvini Kumar Saxena came up with a very clever way to thwart hackers that has worked beautifully so far.
3. Spammers. Daily I get about a dozen spammers who slip through the multiple anti-spammer filters I’ve set up. I don’t approve their comments for publication so you’d think that they would give up, but no, they keep on coming. They are a total waste of my time.” ~ Carolyn Nicander Mohr ~
Yikes! I could write a book on this subject. The best thing or the biggest achievement about my blogging journey is that I have met so many wonderful people, had I not been a Blogger, we would never have met, nor would I have met so many other wonderful friends from all over the world.
Now the worst thing! HUM? To be honest, I think it has to do with sitting all the time, I have never been a good sitter and have made a standing desk at the bar, but it just doesn’t cut it for too long. ~ Chery Schemidt ~
I cannot choose what is the biggest achievement so far, because there are two things that are just so amazing.
One is the incredible network of supportive and sincere people I have met, people who work beyond parochial borders and petty local politics, people who can see that we are all part of one human race and really don’t care what car you drive, how dark your complexion or whether you work in your PJs.
But I also just love to write. I just cannot help it. I am an addict, which might be why I love writing posts like – because many of them are true (although, I’m not telling which ones). So is it the people or the writing? I cannot decide.
As to what I dislike the most on my blogging journey that one is easy to tell! Tech glitches. Boo. Hiss. Go away, tech glitches. Just last week I faced a white screen on three blogs, all because of some infection.
And even while trying to do backups before updating WordPress and cleaning up plugins, I was hit again. Go away tech glitches. Leave me alone!~ David Leonhard ~TheHappyGuy

The worst thing about my blogging journey was getting started.
There were so many things I needed to learn. I especially struggled to negotiate a steep learning curve concerning technical things related to tasks like setting up my first blog, adding plugins and widgets, getting a domain, and setting up hosting.
Then I had to figure out how to develop valuable content and present it in an interesting manner. This presented more technical challenges like learning to do videos, images and such. This was all unfamiliar territory to me.
The biggest achievement in my blogging journey has been helping other people follow in my footsteps.
I started along this path by writing articles about blogging. In time, I created several information products on the topic, including a 7 hour, multi-modular video and demo tutorial called “Blogging Magic.”
I’ve even added several levels of coaching that have given me the opportunity to work with my clients individually, one-on-one to guide them along their own path of building a blogging business.
I’ve always loved helping people, and my favorite part of blogging has been helping them build a profitable online business with their own blog. ~Donna Merrill ~
The worst part is, I hate that people see my blogging time as though I am just busy playing and wasting my time with my laptop.
They know blogging is a lucrative business, but they do not know how much hard work involved behind it.
And my biggest achievement? Oh, it has to be the fact that I can impact so many lives at the click of the publish button. That is elating and I don’t plan to give that up for anything. I love the recognition too. ~ Elsieisy ~
Some of the worst things that happened to me are:
1. I lacked the understanding of what blogging really means and how to go about it and succeed.
2. No one was ready to tell me the truth; all they presented me was all sorts of eBooks that are saying the same things over and over again.
3. I didn’t know how well to drive traffic to my blog.
And some of the good things or biggest achievement that happened to me are:
1. The day I got my first AdSense payment, it was a great booster to my blogging career.
2. When some notable bloggers began commenting on my blogs.
3. When a notable blogger confessed to me that so many things they write on their blogs are not real.
This changed my mindset. He advised me to work out a method for myself and my blogging career. ~Embebu Bon
The best that has come from my blogging is the true connections I have developed with many people.
By reading my regular blog posts, many people have learned about who I am and what I do that is unique. Their comments help me to understand the way they think and feel and that helps me to have a sense of the impact I am making.
Many clients have found me because they have read something I have written. By writing consistently, without anyone editing, I have developed a freer feeling about writing.
The more I write, the easier it becomes. I created completely different blog sites for different focus points – one for Healthy Baby Boomers, one for Marketing Our Practices for therapists and coaches, one for creating love and one as my authority site to showcase all the work I have done to help people to heal their relationships through love.
I have run into only a few negative moments when someone responded with a comment that was not pleasant or when someone I know had a personal reaction to something I wrote.
But I must say that after blogging for many years, those negative incidents could be counted on the fingers of one hand. Overall, blogging has been an avenue and a platform for sharing what I know and what I value with the world. ~Dr. Erica
I have to say that when I started blogging, I did not even know what it is I found out about blogging through the encouragement of Lesly Federici, Monna Ellithorpe, and Dr. Erica Goodstone, we have been a small group having hangouts before the Idea of PAC came and the two Ladies Lesly and Monna got busy to make it happen.
I was not even good at writing English, I hope I am a bit better now. I got online through a course, which promised a lot, but did not deliver.
But looking back I do not regret, because I learned to know my best friend and he too helped me a lot to improve writing through daily email communication.
I can say we help each other now for years and through him, I had a whole new world opening for me, which I not yet had discovered and made it possible to express myself.
So blogging became a kind of adventure for me. I cannot say that I had bad experiences, I am grateful to say, I met many loving people, like you Philip and …. ~Erika R Mohssen-Beyk
Best things in B. Journey- Failures. Before writing the anti-NSA algorithm, which technically gave me the financial stability to take on blogging as a full-time job, I failed at blogging DRAMATICALLY.
More than 3 blogs, totally doomed. Why they’re the best things? Because I believe, life is all about attitude. So instead of taking them as a “the end” mark, I took them as lessons. From the experience, mistakes, and knowledge, now I try to share whatever I know of the B-world.
2. Worst thing- Competition and comparison. I’ve seriously seen people rank their blogs in WEEKS.
At first, comparing myself to them de-motivated me, led me to serious depressions, and so I temporarily quit my career. I thought I was no good, but well, apparently, I was wrong.
Also, from a personal viewpoint, the worst thing that happened was on a blog called “cyber code”, I worked my ass off BUT the tragedy was, I didn’t have the money (10$ approx) to renew the domain.
The third point should be, “bad advice”. Trust me, 70% of online blog-gurus take you as competition even before you enter the game, and taking their advice is the worst possible decision bloggers make. ~Evan Derek ~
The best things in my blogging journey, so far, is the time and freedom I have. I can work from anywhere I want, and work on my own hours. I also get to help and inspire people from all over the world.
I don’t really have anything to say about the “worst things in my blogging journey” – but I would say this; building strong self-discipline to do the necessary work and take massive consistent action, was a big challenge to overcome.~Freddy Gandarilla
One of the best things about blogging is getting to interact with so many people. Several of my offline friendships first developed online. The friendships have enriched my life. My phone rings if I’m offline for a few days and so will theirs. We hold each other accountable that way. I have also had people stop me who recognize me from my blog. They will comment on this article and that. It’s always humbling to know that words have the power to impact so many people. The relationships with others are better than blogging income or the freedom that writing brings – although those are pretty good too.
The downside is that people have no clue how much work goes on behind the scenes. It takes hours to write a blog post or a script, edits a video and does all the grunt work that’s required. Then there are the lost internet connections and cafes that close just as the video finishes uploading. These are small things though. I can’t imagine what I would be doing if I wasn’t blogging. ~ Gayle Crabtree ~YouHavebeenReviewed
The best thing to happen in my blogging journey is getting recognition as one of the top bloggers in India and a popular blogger of the blogosphere. I didn’t expect to reach so far when I started blogging. Therefore, these unexpected turn of events were a sweet surprise as well as a humbling experience.
However, the worst of my blogging journey has been the inability to start off my new blog, as planned. I had been trying for a perfect start, but then things did not happen as desired due to certain unexpected events, and I had to postpone the plans. However, I’m gradually working on it.
Just as in life, the blogging journey too has its ups and downs, and I learned that one must try to find a balance and anchor in the hope that all will end well, and keep making the efforts. Consistency is the key, and it will level out the ups and downs to create a smooth and memorable blogging journey. :-) ~ Harleena Singh ~AhaNOW
Best Thing: Blogging helped me discover myself & let me experience life the best way possible. I couldn’t imagine my life to be the same with 9-6 job type.
Worst thing: Finding work-life balance was a task in between, as when you passionate about something that becomes your life. After 7 years of blogging, I believe I’m on the verge of finding that perfect balance. The credit for this goes to my partner-in-crime @Shalkit who helped me see the life from a new perspective. ~Harsh Agrawal ~
“I might have done a good job when it comes to creating helpful and engaging content. I’ve seen some of my blog posts ranked on the first page of major search engines. The good thing is I’ve made myself a DECISION MAKER. I make a decision and follow it. Sometimes, they really work. The only thing disturbs me is that at some point I get stuck between two favorite things to drop down the least favorite and go with the best one, for example, in niche markets, entrepreneurial ideas etc.
And, the good thing is, I end up with a decision, whether wrong or right. I don’t keep things that way like forever. This is what I am. But, I have to fix the certainty issue in the personality because it’s not good for my business. I have to be more certain with my decision making.”~Hassaan
WORST: I might substitute the word ‘worst’ with ‘unpleasant’. The unpleasant blogging experiences have taught me to be patient and work towards finding a solution instead of getting worked up about it.
My unpleasant blogging experience so far has been my commenting system. I have experimenting with numerous commenting systems but none seemed to work for me.
I’ve had issues either with installation, loading time and some of my loyal readers have even admitted hating the commenting system I was using. This resulted in many unhappy readers who read my posts and left without commenting.
My readers definitely helped me sort out this issue and I eventually to revert back to my default commenting system and it is working in my favor.
BEST: Redesigning my blog has been the best thing that happened so far.
I met an experienced web designer/blogger via a blog community and she was keen to give my blog a facelift. I sent her my requirements and the output was exactly what I was looking for.
Revamping my site has generated a lot of traffic and subscribers. Bounce rate is a lot lower than it used to be.
I’ve had a number of wonderful feedback of how branded and attractive the site actually looks now. It was worth the time, effort and money. ~ Hema Unoop
The best thing in my blogging journey is that I am able to make a difference with my message plus blogging has given me the awesome opportunity to meet people and build a relationship with so many pro bloggers.
As for the worst thing in my blogging journey, It was when I picked the wrong hosting company that made me spend so much money and made my site so inaccessible and slow. ~Ikechi Awazi ~Be A Light to the World
The best thing about blogging is transferring the experienced knowledge to readers and the worst things is change or revise in information due to web search and technology improvements. New readers’ vs old information could be odd with the current trend or technology. There could be mismatch in features and factors. Again it can be tackled by reference / cite content or any mentions about future updates like subjected to change or so. ~Jagdeesh Kumar Nambiar (Jag)
I personally don’t like negativity, so let’s get the negatives out of the way first.
I would say the thing I dislike the most is spamming. It is one of the most irritating things I have experienced. I went through a time on my personal blog where I constantly started receiving spam comments. Every time I would visit my back office to work on my blog, there would be tons and tons of spam comments.
A friend recommended a plug-in called Antispam Bee. We installed it, and the problem was eliminated.
The biggest like is when I have written a post and I receive positive feedback. What I am referring to is for example after I have written one of my posts, I received a comment from a reader about how timely my post was. It addressed the exact issue she was dealing with at the time.
There is no way for me to know what any specific individual is dealing with when writing a new post. When I then receive comments such as these, I know that God is working through me and I am grateful that I was available for God to address a problem in someone’s life. ~Jaco Alberts ~ Your Mind Renewed
The best thing I have experienced in my blogging journey thus far, has been discovering my own authenticity. It has taken me years to realize that I’m not like other people. I’m not like other bloggers. My goals are different, my motivations… and what I want OUT of blogging doesn’t align with any other blogger I know.
What did that mean? It meant that I had to learn to stop doing what I THOUGHT readers wanted and to start being who I really am. Once I did that, success found me in days. Literally days.
The worst thing in my blogging experience for the past 10 years has been my struggle with developing an email list. I’ve followed programs, did what the pro’s say to do, and even purchased the best tools in the business… but it has never worked for me.
I keep trying, but my 2016 resolution, being a popular author, is to find my 1000 fans and start from there. That means interacting and providing the best stories I can offer… and though no one can guarantee success, I’ve learned over time that you can consistently do the right things to increase your chances of success. ~Jaime D. Buckley ~
My worst moment, as a very inexperienced and naive blogger, was the day I found that my FIVE blogs had been badly hacked on the same day and the hosting company hadn’t been taking backups. I had innocently imagined that I didn’t need to worry about security because “No-one could be bothered to hack my little blogs!” With hindsight, I shouldn’t have had five blogs, but as a complete newbie I had been very badly misinformed and told that it was “really easy to make money blogging”. If only….
The best thing that has happened is that I met and have learned so much from some wonderful bloggers. What they have shown me has helped me go from wondering what on earth I had to write about in my first blog post, to have been mentioned by some very successful bloggers – including yourself – and recently having been invited to be an Expert Author on PAC. ~Joy Healey ~
“After getting introduced to the blogging arena back in 2014, learned something which I always dreamed of ‘Money making Online’. The best thing was I could learn and experiment with different money-making tactics because of the thirst to explore more and has been connected to many pro-bloggers in industry.
Since I started my job as a developer, I could hardly get time to work on my blogs, and my wish to start brand blog wasn’t possible. Hardly I could interact with my friends online after a busy 9 hours schedule which is the worst part in my blogging journey. Well due to lack of time, started with niche blogs for a faster approach to earn quickly with automation, which I add as +1 to my best blogging journey.” ~Justin Philip ~ MoneyMakingeBooks
Best Thing: Connecting with like-minded people like Harleena Mam, Ankit Singla, Krishna Moorthy D, Mohd Arif, Nirmala Santhakumar, Sanu Siddharth, at the right time is the best thing for me. I learned lots of things from these bloggers. Sometimes we choose the wrong path if nobody guides us. Getting good guidance is more than anything for me.
Worst Thing: 1). I offer services to clients also, but I never ask to upfront payment since I believe in long term relationships and getting good work delivered. But one of my clients cheated me, and he didn’t pay a single penny after delivering complete work. I lost more than 2K $.
2). Poor Keyword selection and On-page optimization of blog posts. As most newbie bloggers do in the beginning. I also did the same thing, and it affected me a lot.~Jyothi Chuhan ~ UpdateLand
“It was really frustrating and demotivating that nobody was there to help me and I consider that as the worst thing happened ever in my blogging journey so far. The best thing is that when you see the wonderful messages from your readers “Hey Krishna, your article helped me a lot, your blog is an awesome man” and that really counts :) ” ~Krishna Moorthy D ~
‘I’ve been blogging since 2011 on different topics from fashion, business, lifestyle, the inspiration for personal development. When I’m blogging, I come alive! One of the best things about blogging is that it allows me to be myself, share my thoughts, inspire people and also learn from them.
I love that I get to work from anywhere while also connecting with amazing people around the globe. Blogging has also given me some really good opportunities (speaking engagements, especially) and I continue to learn new ways to create valuable content for my audience. In fact, blogging helps me to keep growing and unlocks some hidden potentials in me.
While I don’t have any “worst things” that have happened in my blogging year, blogging can be a bit challenging sometimes.
While they might be different for other people, mine is definitely more about finding a good balance between blogging and life in general, thinking about getting more traffic and blogging while creating a niche for your blog.
But I’ve developed a mindset of adding value over struggling with views, developing the right strategy to reach my audience and also blogging from my heart versus doing what every other person is doing. ”
~Laiza King~
“I would say the worst thing in my blogging career was an inadequate tool, I started blogging not having a PC and it really was hell using a mobile device and frequenting the café.
The best thing that has happened so far in this journey was knowing that what I had passion for pays. Yes, blogging pays and trust me, I’m cool with that.”~Larry Frank ~
Worst Thing: Technical fails – a plugin almost took down the entire site and I learned when choosing a webhost to choose one available with 24/7 support. Things will happen and you don’t want your site down for any length of time. (I had a reseller from a different time zone and that made it difficult for technical support.)
Best thing: The people – I met so many wonderful people and made new friendships via blogging. Many of the people are also willing to help out and I’ve enjoyed helping others out too via my experiences. I’ve also learned so much and I consider my blog as part of my resume now. ~ Lisa Sicard ~
Like every other blogger, my blogging journey has been filled with many ups and downs. There are a lot of things I like about blogging, including the connections I have made with others (both other bloggers as well as my audience) and the ability to share my knowledge and experiences with others.
I actually have two BEST things I’d like to mention regarding my blogging journey. The first is that I have written many posts that have hit the #1 spot in Google Search.

Let’s start with the worst thing: the worst thing that happened to me during my blogging journey thus far was making the mistake of undervaluing my blog… I formed a joint venture partnership where I was getting the short end of the stick, and that wasted a lot of my time.
And another thing is that sometimes it’s been difficult for me to manage time for my blog.
However, I learned from that experience, and the best thing has been all of the inspiring friends I have met who have really pushed me to do better and to reach higher. ~Mary Fernandez ~

The best thing about blogging is being able to inspire, motivate, and encourage people all around the world. Just by sitting at my laptop and sharing my thoughts and experiences as a blind entrepreneur I show people what they can accomplish if they only start taking action.
Whenever I do something challenging for the first time it shows that I am willing to walk my talk. It proves that I don’t just encourage them to move out of their comfort zone.
I do it myself. And nothing feels better than when I get a comment or an email from someone saying how I inspired them to take risks and move forward on their own journey. My most common response is if Max can do it then why can’t I.
The worst thing about blogging is all the things that go along with having a blog. Here is a shortlist. In addition to coming up with ideas for new posts, writing them, editing them, and pressing publish; you also have to share on social media, mention them in your email newsletter, and reply to comments.
You have to worry about search engine optimization and site security. You have to reply to comments on your blog as well as to replies from your social media posts.
In my case, I also recruit and contribute to guest blog posts, magazine articles, and radio shows. All of these also require promoting and following upon.
There are always new social media networks to keep up with and new methods to learn like infographics, squeeze pages, hover cards, and the like. And as a blind computer user, a lot of these websites are not easily accessible with a screen reader.
Add to that having written an ebook and working on completing a second one. Becoming a successful blogger, podcaster, or online business owner takes so much more work than most people realize.
I hope people don’t think I’m complaining. As a blind person, the world of blogging offers me a way to reach people that I wouldn’t be able to if I had to depend on finding ways to meet and interact with them in person.
It allows me to compete with sighted people in a way that doesn’t really exist in many places outside of the internet and online businesses.
And as we become even more dependent on an information-based economy it gives me hope for my future and that of the blind and visually impaired people coming along behind me. I’m so thankful for the work.
~Maxwell Ivey ~The Blind
Well according to me it is an excellent way to inspire others. The gre atest obsession in my blogging journey is that it gives me more than my expectations i.e.
· Knowledge
· Help me out to strengthen my writing skills.
· Makes my own identity in the blogosphere. ~ Mohammad Mairaj ~EtutorialBlog
I would have to say that the worst thing in my blogging journey so far is going to my site one morning, a site that I had worked so many hours creating had been hacked and the majority of the content was just GONE and I stared at a screen with a skull and crossbones that said YOU’VE BEEN HACKED.” I did have a backup but it was not recent. So the lesson learned was to always and constantly back up your blogging content. I am still at a loss as to what purpose this serves to anyone other than just being plain mean. ~ Monna Ellithorpe
The best part of my blogging journey has been helping other people. The worst part is that it has become such a huge time suck that I spend at least 3 to 4 hours a day on my blog. ~Neil Patel~
My passion for blogging is the best thing. It made me courageous and I got able to leave my 10 to 7 job to be a full-time blogger. I explored many things and met with some great bloggers. It is the best part of my blogging journey so far.
The worst part is, I didn’t get any mentor and hadn’t money even for paying for small expenses. For buying hosting for my blog, I had to borrow the money. ~Nikhil Saini ~MyQuickIdea.Com
my experience the thing about blogging is the flexible time schedule; I can work anytime I want, from anywhere I want. The ‘no cubicle’ career was always my dream.
And as far as the worst things go, I think the financial uncertainty of the beginning period is really hard to deal with. You must keep your expectation down and work diligently during this time to monetize your blog in the long run. ~Nisha Pandey
Getting to meet fellow bloggers in a big eco-system as blogging. Impacting and getting impacted upon, these among many others are the best moment of my blogging journey.
Of course, there are some hard times, some of which are not having a PC to write my piece, nor connection to publish them if at all I get means of writing it.
For several months, I was literally using my phone to browse and trust me it was pretty frustrating.
Also, it took me several months to make my first $100 and those were really frustrating and hard times when I have to pay for hosting after running around to get money from external sources because my blog wasn’t paying me.
I’m glad that I’ve gone past those times though and I’m sure my earnings can always be better. So that’s it. ~Sam Adeyinka ~Samuelkermis
“The best experience I have had in my blogging journey so far is the connection and establishment of a diverse network of fellow learners and knowledge sharers. These people are not just generous with their knowledge, but they freely give of their time wherever possible to care and to help.
The worst experience I have found is in investing heavily in an open knowledge-sharing platform only to suffer from its closure due to shifting corporate priorities. Google Knol was such a disappointment.
However, on balance, my blogging experience has been hugely rewarding for me, especially when readers take the time to thank me for helping them understand concepts that were previously beyond them.”
I am currently active on a question and answer site (Quora), where I share what I have learned from my experience and learn what others have learned from theirs. ~ Peter Baskerville ~Peter Baskerville
The best thing about blogging is being able to write to my heart content without worrying about any backlash. On top of that, it is also a great way to share knowledge.
The bad thing about blogging is that it takes up a lot of time. Common blogging practises doesn’t work anymore. Tons of research needed to have a successful blog. ~Reginald Chan ~

I haven’t had any worst things, because I have largely enjoyed the journey, but as for the best things, wow. I love the freedom. I like being free to blog from anywhere in the world and also to free my audience so that they too can blog from paradise.
That’s the dream part of blogging, for me. As for practical stuff I just love to write. I churn out 6,000 words on most days and publish one, 7,000-word post each week. I also am publishing book #11 in the Blogging from Paradise library soon because hey; if you love writing, you gotta write, right? :-) ~Ryan Budalph ~BloggingFromParadise
The worst parts of my blogging experiences occur when I take the time to comment on someone else’s blog and they decide not to publish my comments because they don’t want to show anyone’s opinions except those who agree with theirs.
I dislike that because they wasted my time and disrespected my perspectives. They are unethical, cowardly and unprofessional not to include dissenting opinions on their site so I unfollow them.
The best occasions of my blogging experiences are the times that I receive thoughtful, considered comments or questions in response to my posts and/or to my comments on others’ posts. I enjoy the engagement, the poking at one’s perspectives and the respectful conversations that ensue and I learn a lot. ~Sally Ember
As the being attunes to the mystical winds of divine intervention, I draw inspiration from the burst of creativity that I see in all endeavors be it literary, musical, dance or other forms…………. I scribble a lot…………erratically about social, cultural and current economic scenarios.
My most memorable blogging experience: In May 2014, I had blogged about the acclaimed Malayalam Film Director, screenwriter and author P Padmarajan titled “Radhalakshmiyude Gangharvanu”
One of my friends had sent a printed hard copy of the blog to Mrs. Radhalakshmi Padmarajan. She, as well as her son Anandapadmanaphan on receipt of the copy, called to appreciate the blog.
She was thrilled that I had read her book at a stretch on a flight to Chennai and subsequently quoted from her book as well as added my own outlook and emotions. She made a special mention that my talent stemmed from my multifaceted father Cartoonist Yesudasan.
My most hated blogging moments: India was ablaze with the Nirbhaya rape incident. A year after the incident, I blogged “Nirbhayam Oru Varsham“……! I was upset that the accused in this despicable crime had not been hanged to death immediately. The rage and helplessness in me knew no bounds. ~Sanu Yesudas ~
The Best thing is: I am fortunate to achieve the first thing up to a satisfactory level. I love to see people are having a great interest in my blog.
In fact, I am blessed with a combo of love and likes of fellow bloggers too! Even some good companies are impressed with my writing style, blog name and the hard work I am doing especially for new bloggers.
The best thing is so far in my blogging life, I am able to fetch sponsored posts for my fellow bloggers too from some companies. Some of the prestigious companies have given me the authority to check and approve sponsored posts on my behalf.
The worst thing is, I think, I do not get enough visitors like SEO experts to my blog. Still, I am lacking to generate huge traffic from search engines. ~Sharad Gupta
Let’s start off with the worst: I say the worst part of the blogging journey was that I didn’t have any support to start off with friends or family. So I took the bull by the horn and ran with it.
I never really like to write, but blogging grew on me which brings us to the best of my blogging journey.
The best part is just learning how to build a blog and engaging with other bloggers who are on that same journey. When you find the right people to engage with, you not only learn a lot, but you get all types of support to help you along your journey! ~Sherman Smith ~
For me, the best and worst things in my blogging journey are tightly related. The worst part was when I first started blogging and I felt totally isolated. Sure, there were some very well-known bloggers who were teaching courses and offering advice but it was a challenge to really connect on a personal level.
The best part was becoming a part of a wonderful (and caring) blogging community. Building mutually beneficial relationships is really the key to growing a successful blog. We can’t do it all alone. We need the help and support of others. ~Sherryl Perry
First, I will share the worst thing in my blogging journey. Some months back, I was not regular in taking my backup data, one day while updating my new WordPress version, immediately my data files crashed and I was not able to login to my WordPress admin and my blog was showing 504 errors to visitors, I don’t know what to do that time because I am new to blogging and have not much knowledge in technical side, later BlueHost customer support helped to retrieve my data, that was the most horrible time for me, I thought I lost all my hard work.
My happiest moment. When I received my first blog income 34$ through PayPal account for my work, and whenever I see my keywords on the google first page. I think I have not tasted the happiest moment yet in my blogging journey as of now. ~Siddiah Tirupathi
I believe that for both questions the answer is the same: The fact that this journey is something you take on your own. The fact that in this journey you are alone.
This is something that lets you express yourself better and more openly. By blogging you can have the opportunity to really let the world know who you are, to actually expose yourself to the world and let them understand you better which in the process you try to understand the world better yourself.
On the other hand, blogging can be painful in away. You write on your own, there is no immediate dialogue with others in the process of drafting a new blog post (comments from visitors do not really count as “dialogue”). It’s a more or less a solitary process. A process which can be hard, but lovely at the same time! :-) ~Spiros Kakos ~Harmonia Philosophica
I have a few instances where I do a lot of thorough research through trusted resources. I have come to trust them but didn’t realize in an instance or two they had NOT done their homework and were regurgitating old information that is no longer valid. I needed to research THEIR resources, not rely on them. That’s on ME and my responsibility.
What happens then is we all look like fools as I always link back their original post.
The other item is lazy posters. These are the people who simply copy and paste a popular post to ride on that SEO value and audience. They don’t link back to the original, they don’t cite the reasons they are copying/pasting and give the illusion it is THEIR content. They post the full post rather than a respectful excerpt that links back to the original post AND the author. LAZY! ~Susan Finch ~
Blogging for me has been full of roller-coaster rides. In my blogging journey spanning 2 years, I have seen a number of highs and lows. Starting with the best things, I was lucky to meet and network with many pro bloggers during my initial days. Of them, Harleena Singh (of Aha!NOW) and Atish Ranjan of Tectricksworld are very important people.
Being friends with such nice and down to earth experts has its own perks. They taught me the ins and outs of the industry, which would have taken years without them.
My second best thing is when one of the leading Facebook influencers, Mari Smith shared my post on Facebook marketing tips on Twitter and Facebook. The traffic she sent me literally crashed my site and bumped my email list. Having a blog on social media marketing, the leads she sent was a treasure. Now I have a name in the social media niche and part of the credit goes to influencers like Mari Smith.
Of the worst nightmares, I would say the time I wanted to shift my blog from blogger to WordPress. I had no exact resource at the time to guide me and worst even was the fact that I had no credit card to buy a hosting.
Had it not been Atish Bro’s help, I fear I would still be behind. This process has so much impact on me that I have actually created a “step by step guide to making a blog” so that it could help newbies to actually understand what the process is. A word to the newbie bloggers:
Build a relationship with other bloggers (especially influencers). Staying in the cocoon will never help you to bloom like a flower.
- Share tips and be ready to help fellow bloggers. I have gotten some amazing friends along this journey.
- When in difficulty, ask for help. I hesitated a lot during my initial days and this prevented me to have a full-fledged blog. In the online world, almost everyone is kind to offer help when asked. ~ Swadhin Agrawal ~
The best thing in my blogging journey is that I’ve learned a lot, met some great bloggers, and being able to promote my business and reach out to my target market with my blog. I can’t say that I want to call anything, the worst thing. Blogging is a learning journey. ~Sylviane Nuccio ~Sylviane
The best part of my blogging journey is the ability to share my ideas, the reach it affords me and the relationships it helps to create.
The worst part is the constant need to always be producing more content and do it on a regular basis. Welcome to the ‘Age of Influence,’ where anyone can build an audience and effect change, advocate brands, build relationships and make a difference. ~Ted Rubin ~
The best things in my blogging journey so far are the many things I learn from all of the wonderful bloggers I’ve met over the years. It’s always good to discover new perspectives and get to know people from around the world.
I am truly blessed to open my heart, soul, and mind to the experience of blogging, especially since, as it turns out, I receive so much more than I could ever possibly give to those who follow me.
The worst things are the little technological bumps along the way. I simply don’t have a clue about many of them, and figuring out how to manage them sometimes disturbs me more than I’d like to admit. Still, there is a gift in the learning curve here, and I appreciate the opportunity to learn and grow. ~M J Joachim ~M J Joachim’s Writings
It has been more than 11 months in my blogging career and the worst thing I got in this was Google AdSense.
Yes, it seems pretty shocking but Google Adsense was something which did not work for me. Publishing Tutorials while I was still learning was one more worst thing which lacked perfection and professionalism in my writing in the start.
I have earned some dollars and valuable connections (like you) over the internet by blogging and that’s what I treat as the best thing which happened to me ever. All my followers and fans are the gems I discovered. ~Vashishtha Kapoor ~ Vashishtha Kapoor.Com
My best experience is I get to express myself on my blogs. I also believe that my content is often deep, forces the reader to self-introspect, hence long, and requires patience… hence certainly useful.
My worst experience is this content never seems to reach the right people (Not everybody needs to like my writing, but I am sure there are many who will be able to connect with my writing/communication level). ‘Dumbing down’ or using ‘cliché content’ is not a compromise I am ready for – since my authenticity will be lost.
This is sad, because I am trying my best to share my learnings, but cannot reach the people who might need it :) Take my TEDx video for instance.
I believe it will be very helpful for all kinds of people. TEDx is a great brand too. But despite good content and brand, it has a total of 1300 views only. And I do not understand how to crack that. ~ Vijayraj Kamat
The worst part of my blogging experience is when I just started and trying to find ideas and content. I was not sure what would appeal to the mass of people as against what would not, nor where to content. It was purely a matter of trial and error.
Getting persons to read, comment and share my content was extremely challenging even when I thought I had written my ‘epic’ post. No doubt this caused doubt and uncertainty as to whether I should continue. The most challenge though was to find the time to write. Only my passion for writing allowed me to reach this far.
The best part is when I write a piece of content and it is commented on by many people who also shared it. This is a good feeling and helped to build my confidence and eagerness to write more on a consistent basis.
The fact that I am in so many online communities has also provided some level of training in terms of writing styles, pitfalls to avoid content curation and delivery. I thank my blogging friends for their valuable shares and suggestions.~Vinton Samms

As blogging is all about making connections and sharing things, I am glad to connect with lovely people in my blogging journey.
By blogging, I have gained four BEST things so far
1. Bond with wonderful people 2. Energy to expose my passion 3. Support from every blogger. 4. Trust with my readers.
In the beginning, I did face many problems in installing the blog. Everything was new to me. But, I don’t want to tag them as my ‘worst’ days. From contacting the web-hosting support staff to experimenting with CSS codes, I learned a lot from these crazy days. ~Yatin Khulbe ~
There are a lot of best things about blogging like enhancing our writing skills, improving our knowledge, successfully running an online business, establishing ourselves as an expert in a particular field and numerous other benefits.
But, the most important benefit I like about blogging is networking with people from different parts of the world. I consider that is the best thing about my blogging journey so far.
Now the worst thing about blogging. It is actually very difficult to find the worst thing about blogging than the best thing as there are very fewer things that can be considered as the worst thing in blogging.
For me, the only worst thing that I encountered so far is the lack of time spending with family members and friends when we deeply involve in blogging related activities. ~ Yvonne Wilson ~Empowerment Moments
Thanks to all who participated in this roundup post.
Keep sharing your experiences!
Let this discussion goes on by posting your experiences through the comment box given below.
Sincerely Yours
for Philipscom

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Hey Phil
So most of the bloggers declared the best thing as getting so many wonderful and amazing friends while networking and this is surely the proof of universal truth that man (human being) is a social animal and can never live like a hermit.
We come in this world not to live alone but to live with others. It is the nature of man that he wants to look and be looked as well. Talk to and listen to as well. Love and be loved by others as well. That is why be it an online world or the offline world one can’t live inorganically and organic life with real pleasure and true interaction is must to spend a successful life.
The most amazing thing in the whole post is that all of them have shared the worst things which they have realized and have overcome on it. That shows if someone blogs consistently nothing remains bad for him.
Thanks a lot Phil for including me in this list of amazing bloggers out of whom many of them are a big inspiration to me.
I am sure newbie and struggling bloggers would learn a lot from the good and bad experiences of these experienced bloggers to make their blogging journey easier and more successful.
Have a more successful new year ahead.
Mi Muba recently posted…7 rebellious ways to know if your contents are really good
Hi Mi,
Thank you so much for the kind visit and for the insightful feedback to this roundup post.
I appreciate you for the guidance given in creating this post. It means a lot to me. I am
so thankful to you for the intro of this post. Yes, as we said, the experiences shared by
the contributors are really worth noting, some are really a warning and some are really to follow.
I am amazed at the overwhelming response i received when i approached them for this post. I so
glad to feature your experiences too in this post.
Keep up the good work.
Keep sharing
May you have a great and profitable year ahead.
Hi Philip,
What an awesome list of great bloggers and I feel very honored to be among them. There are so many similarities in each bloggers journey but also so many differences.
But the one constant that I read from each blogger was their determination to continue despite mistakes, lack of support, technical problems, etc.; no matter what. While reading through your awesome list and their answers, I detected in each blogger’s post that it just made them better at what they wanted to do and the desire to keep on learning and teaching others.
Thank you, Philip

Monna Ellithorpe recently posted…May I Have Your Permission?
Hi Monna,
What a joy to see you on my page!
I am so glad that you responded to my request for a note
I appreciate your valuable time to drop in again with a valuable feedback
Keep up the good work
Keep sharing
Hi Brother Phil,
Thank you very much for including my opinion along with the opinions of a huge list of bloggers from different parts of the world. I just saw the post few minutes back from Facebook. I will come back with a detailed comment after reading the opinion of all these bloggers soon.
Once again thanking you for including me in this huge round-up post.
Have a great blogging journey.
Reji Stephenson

Reji Stephenson recently posted…Train yourself to be a better writer with Writers Bureau courses
H Reji,
Thank you so much for the quick visit and the feedback
I am so glad that i included you and your experience in this post.
Keep writing, keep sharing your experiences with your fellow bloggers
Good Wishes
Hi Philip ,

what a good work you did with this post ,
I think it is a big help to many bloggers who
start and get discouraged,to see that others
had to be patient as well and had all kind of
difficulties. It shows that blogging like everything
else needs hard work dedication and persistence.
This post will encourage many who think it may not
work, by seeing others had the same or similar problems.
And good, there is help many here are ready to help others.
And the best of all is, everybody here agrees that it is beautiful
to meet so many great people from all over the world, I included.
Thank you Phillip and all here for telling your stories.
Erika Mohssen-Beyk recently posted…How To Raise Your Energy Frequency
Hi Erika,
Thanks again for your valuable time here.
Yes, I am sure as you said this will surely be a guide to many newbies in this field.
They can surely pick one or more lesson’s from their fellow blogger’s life experiences.
Keep sharing your thoughts
Hi Philip
I must say that this is a very cool post and you nailed it be asking bloggers to share their experience about blogging.
I enjoyed reading the experience bloggers have had with blogging and it does show that blogging takes a lot of hard work plus there are glitches here and there that bloggers experience like tech issues and security.
Thanks for mentioning my name on this post and I am honored to be listed among the pros. Thanks for sharing and have an awesome week.
Hi Ikechi,
What a joy to see you here again :-)
Yes, no doubt, blogging is indeed a tedious job!
and some think that it is very easy to start and run
but it is the other way round!!
It is indeed a great joy to add you too in this list
you deserved to be in. Thanks for sharing your
valuable experiences with my readers here.
Keep sharing
May you have a great week ahead.
Season’s greetings.
Hi Phil,
Awesome indeed! :)
I loved the idea of creating such a wonderful roundup post, and thanks so much for adding my two cents into it as well. Actually, I think we all learn from experience, and whether it’s the good or bad, it always teaches us something in return, and that is the what matters, as it’s the essence of blogging, isn’t it?
I didn’t know we could write long, or I would have (knowing me!). Nevertheless, this is a wonderful resource for every blogger, especially the newbies who are keen to learn about the know-how of blogging.
Thanks so much for putting in all the hard work and effort, which I know must have taken a lot of time, but it surely pays! Have a nice weekend, and Happy Holidays as well :)

Harleena Singh recently posted…8 Ways to Create More Love in Your Relationship
Hi Harleena,
Thank you so much for your valuable time again here with this amazing insightful feedbac.
Yes, as you said, our experiences as well as others will teach us some lessons. I am sure
the experiences shared by the bloggers here is indeed a guide to many especially to the newbies.
This roundup posts like this are really a time consuming one and needs more hard work. Yes, it
surely pays! my traffic on these days increased tremendously. but sad to note that even many of the
members who contributed for this post never returned with a feedback, I think that is the very sad part of
this type of posts.
Thanks for your valuable time to drop in even in these busy season.
Keep up the good work
Have a wonderful and profitable time of blogging ahead.
Best Regards
Hi Philip Sir,
Its been a great opportunity to be in the list with top-bloggers, and I sincerely thank you for same. As the year is coming to end, and a perfect question to bloggers about their journey throughout the year is what I felt a post to be successful. As I got to read some experiences from the list, most being full-time blogger as happy with it, from those boring 9-5 job.
This post would help me, members in the list and the readers of the blog to know and interact with these bloggers. Im sure coming years would be great, and wish you all a successful and profitable year 2016.

Happy New Year in advance :)
Justin Philip recently posted…How to Make Money Blogging – Crystal Paine
Hi Justin,
Season’s Greetings
Good to hear from you, i so glad to include in the list along with some of the pro bloggers from the bogging world.
I am glad again to know that the post is very helpful in your blogging journey. yes, i am sure pro or newbie each one can pick one or two lessons from each other.
Keep sharing
Have a wonderful week ahead and a great Year
Hi Philip ,

Wonderful round up post , quite interesting question, you have selected for this post !
It’s my honor, you have given me an oppurtunity to share my views on a post where many probloggers are inlcuded . I like to read the experince of them at one place and proud to add my experience too .
Sharad Gupta recently posted…Top 20 Best Sites To Learn SEO – Free Blogging Resources
Hi Sharad,
It’s my joy to add you in the list.
I am glad that you liked the post.
Keep visiting
Have a great day
Hi Philip,
What an amazing list of great bloggers. How nicely you shared the best and the worst experiences of different bloggers.
I personally know most of them they all are doing excellent job in blogging. I feel great to see my name in this list.
Thanks for sharing another excellent post :)
Keep sharing

MMairaj recently posted…Why We Love Daraz Online Shopping (And You Should, Too!)
Hi Philip,
What an amazing list of great bloggers you have brought me together with. How creative you put this together, you shared the best and worst experiences of different bloggers from around the globe in a unique way.
Personally I know most of them and relate with them so well, they all are men and women to be reckoned with in this industry. I feel honored to see my name in this list.
Hi Philip,
First of all I appreciate you for your hard work, you covered all major bloggers experiences in this post. Nice to know about their struggle and voctory in their blogging journey. It is a good guide to bloggers. Good to know that you have given a chance even to the newbies along with other famous bloggers. I really appreciate that encouraging mind. I am sure fron this post one can pick some valuable lessons. A great motivational post. Thanks for this great collection.

Kind Regards
Mohd Arif
Mohd Arif recently posted…300+ Best WhatsApp DP Images
Wow! Very cool to be included in such a great list of bloggers, Philip. Thank you kindly!

Brent Jones recently posted…How I Wasted a Year Blogging – and Here’s What’s Next:
Hi Philip,
Thanks so much for including my “highs and lows” of blogging. I feel so much better having seen that so many really dislike and struggle with the technical side of blogging and it’s not just me tearing my hair out.
I think Mi Muba probably summed up best what I really like so much – the struggle…. and coming out on top (usually!).

Joy Healey recently posted…Time To Implement Email Segmentation
Hi Phil,
This is an awesome post. The responses are similar in many ways and coated with differences. This will go a far way to give some kind of perspective to new bloggers of the hard work, tenacity and challenges of one sort or another to overcome. It does present in a real sense the desire and commitment of the respondents to succeed all costs. I am honored to be a part of this.
Thanks Phil. Good job.
Hi Philip Sir
It is great to be featured on your esteemed blog. I am a big fan of yours due to your extreme quality of creating and publishing these kind of amazing roundup posts.

I am honored to be featured on your blog by you sir.
Thanks a lot! You are doing commendable job for the blogging community :)
Abhishek Jain recently posted…150+ Free High PR Do Follow Social Bookmarking Sites List 2016
Hi Philip
What an amazing list!
A lot of hard work must have gone into it. Hats off to you.
Its a great guide for new bloggers like me. Will definitely teach us alot.
Thanks for sharing!

Sonal Talwar recently posted…How healthy is your cup of Tea?
Amazing question and roundup, Philip!
This is a very inspirational post, it’s a pleasure to learn other great blogger’s experience. It must have taken you a lot of effort to putting this together, thank you.
Stay awesome,

Anh Nguyen recently posted…108 Experts Give Advice to New Bloggers
Awesome to read about the achievments and failures of different bloggers and marketers.

Thanks for posting such awesome post. Glad to be featured in this list.
Atish Ranjan recently posted…SlideModel â One Stop Destination for Premium Professional PowerPoint templates!
Hey Philip,
This was a great collection of bloggers sharing what’s the worst and best things about blogging. And it couldn’t have come at a better time of the year where we’re winding down 2015 and about to bring in 2016. It looks like one thing we all have in coming is the networking with other great, genuine bloggers. I really can’t thank all the bloggers I connected with and all of their support. Without you and others, my blog wouldn’t be where it is today. That’s the great thing about connecting with others. With the synergy, we all get to the point where we deemed as impossible before we got into the blogosphere! Thanks for including me with these great bloggers! Take Care!

Sherman Smith recently posted…My Top 6 Posts For October and November
Amazing roundup, Phil!
I’m honored to be featured alongside these powerful names.
Thanks for including me, tweeting right now.

Erik Emanuelli recently posted…About
Hey Philip, Wow what an Amazing List of Bloggers you choose here today!! I am so honored to be among them…
I actually forgot you asked me these questions?? LOL
Great Share My Friend!

Thanks Wishing you and yours a Holiday Season filled with Joy And Happiness.
Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted…Conquering Your Fears With A Positive Mindset
What a powerful article about blogging. So many different perspectives, bloggers with different niches, different styles and different objectives.
Dr. Erica
Hi Phillip,
First of all thank you for giving me the space between these high reputed bloggers and I am thoroughly enjoyed reading this article to know about other bloggers happy moments and worst moments, everyone has some worst moment in their life as well happy moment when we memorise those moments it gives us good feeling.
Thanks for sharing this lovely roundup post, see you soon with another article.

Siddaiah Thirupati recently posted…SiteGround Coupon 2015 – Christmas Holiday Sale 60% OFF
Thanks so much for including me in this, Phil. It is nice to meet so many new and talented bloggers. Your post turned out wonderful. Wishing you every Christmas blessing and a fabulous new year!
Thanks for including me Philip. Relationships are like muscle tissue… the more they are engaged, the stronger and more valuable they become. #RonR… #NoLetUp!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts friends it was the best article I ever read in my life.
Hi Philip,
Its an awesome compilation of Best & Worst for the Blogging World. I must say you DIGG DOWN THE GOLD from the BOLG MINE. .. Keep up the Great Work and thank you for including my experience. Immense Gratitude.
Hi Philip,
What a great post. Thank you so much for including me in such a great list of bloggers.
One thing that this post is confirming to me, is that even though blogging takes commitment and hard work, it opens up channels for growth, both for the writer and the reader. It gives us the opportunity to stay in touch with what we are passionate about and practice it on a daily basis.
This post is very inspirational.
Thank you once again and have blessed holiday season.
Hi Philip
So glad I found this post, so many interesting replies.

I have been blogging for a couple of years now and know all too well the good and the bad.
I enjoy blogging so much, I couldn’t imagine stopping.
Phil recently posted…How to Be a Better Team Player in the Workplace
Hey Philip!
What a round-up post man!
Incredible value for new bloggers right here! :D
Love it!
Everyone shared great insights to help the bloggers online. I think learning from other people’s experiences is the fastest way to success! … in anything, really! ;)
These are golden nuggets from everyone’s blogging journey. What an epic round up post you put together!
Thank you very much for including me here as well man!
I really appreciate it, and I am honored to be featured here, among these rockstar bloggers!
Thank you everyone who participated, as well!
Let’s keep up the great work guys!
Happy Holidays to All!:D
Hi Brother Phil,
Glad to be here again for another read. If we go through the opinions of all of these bloggers, we can actually see the attitude and personality behind most of them. Many of them have the opinion that networking is one of the powerful advantages of blogging. Yes, networking is a necessary factor for whatever business you do online or offline.
Donna Merril and a few other bloggers have the opinion that helping others is a greater part they like about blogging. True, blogging can lead us to help others in many ways and that will ultimately lead to a long lasting friendship or relationship.
Yet another point I would like to mention is that, as David Leonhardit said,
I too can find a good number of incredible and sincere people who networks on mutual understanding with a supportive mind. I could very well experience this in my blogging journey. Yes in blogging we can see a unity in diversity, though there are few exceptions, there is not much disparity between human on the basis of cast, color, creed, language or region etc. yes, and we are all part of one human race. I fully agree with you David.
A big thanks to Mi Muba for the interesting and thought provoking introduction he shared.
Phil, Great to see big names like Neil Patel, Harsh Agrwal and Harleena Singh revealing their opinions in this post. I am so grateful that you give us a chance for bloggers like me to share my opinions along with world famous and experienced professional bloggers. I appreciate you for the great effort you put in to create such an epic post for the benefit of other bloggers. I am sure, as you said in one of the facebook notifications of yours: yes, from this post bloggers can pick up some valuable lessons, alert, suggestion, tips etc for their blogging journey. Surely this will be a great help to the newbie bloggers.
Keep Blogging and sharing wonderful posts again and again.
Have a great time.
Our good wishes for a bright and joyous New Year 2016.
Reji Stephenson
Reji Stephenson recently posted…Train yourself to be a better writer with Writers Bureau courses

Remarkable post!
I see quite a few bloggers that I know, but most of the comments coming from people I do not know.
Great round-up post showing all types of personalities in blogging.
I would say that the benefits of blogging far out weigh the bad.
Most people love blogging for the connections with other bloggers. The learning curve with the the technical side is difficult for new people but necessary to learn.
I enjoy blogging despite the time spent sitting at a computer for long hours, because of that connection with people from all over the world. I am visiting you today from the PAC rotator. A blogging community in it’s self who has many members mentioned in your terrific article.
PS Happy New Year Philip!
Hi Philip,
Thank you for including me, however, you have a typo on my URL and it lands to a blank page.
My URL is
Have A Very Happy New Year!

Sylviane Nuccio recently posted…Who Wants To Live A Life By Design Like Me?
Hi Sylviane,
Sorry that was the result of just a slip of one letter ‘O’
Oh my! that created a lot of confusion, i just fixed it! :-)
Thanks for pointing out.
Have a wonderful and joyous season ahead
Hi Philip,
This is really a wonderful list. I have seen many bloggers list with top bloggers in terms of popularity, Alexa or earnings. But, here you got a great compilation of great bloggers discussing about their best achievement and worst failure.
Its a wonderful read for any blogger while relating to a few failures and learning from the others. In the meanwhile, newbie bloggers can also get motivated or inspired from their achievements.
Thanks for sharing..

Rajeesh Nair recently posted…6 Most Common Misconceptions about Blogging Misleading Newbie Bloggers
Hi Rajeesh,
Good to see you on my page for the first time
Glad to meet you, nice to know that you are a blogger from my native land
Keep writing
Keep in touch
Hi Philip sir,
Thank you for including all of us. This surely is a stellar roundup featuring many of my friends and people who I admire.

Rohan Chaubey recently posted…It’s My Birthday Today. Here’s What I’ve Learned So Far.
Hi Rohan,
Nice to see your contribution on this post as well as the feedback
Thanks Rohan
Keep going
Keep informed
Hi Philip,
What an amazing assortment of people you have put together on this post. Nothing better than to get many bloggers together sharing the best and the worst. It is one of the best ways of a new blogger to learn and to encourage them to keep on going on no matter what. Even seasoned bloggers…we do have those days!
I am humbled and honored that you have included me among these wonderful people. Thank you so much and may 2016 be the best for you.

Donna Merrill recently posted…3 Top Resources For Driving Tons Of Free Traffic To Your Blog
Hi Donna,
Greetings again
I am sorry i missed to respond to this wonderful feedback
Thank you for your valuable time to drop your valuable feedback.
I appreciate you for finding time to drop in.
Yes, you are indeed the best person to air your views in this post
In fact I am honored by your valuable presence here
May you have a great time ahead,
Keep sharing
Hello philip,
Thank you for including me in this list, i am so humbled to be part of it. and reading from others have greatly motivated me for the new year.
Blogging is one thing i dont plan stopping….
Thank you once again
Hi Elsie,

Sorry I missed to respond to your comment. Yes, its a great privilege to have you in the list. Thanks for the share.
Please do have a look at the updated version of the post.
Keep visiting
Have a great and healthy life ahead.
Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’ recently posted…11 Internet of Things Startups to Watch [An Infographic By Wrike]
Hello Philip,
Great round up post Indeed. Really enjoyed reading awesome bloggers biggest achievement and their failure. Get to know many new things about many awesome bloggers mistakes. I admire the efforts you have put to compile the post. Thanks for sharing the wonderful roundup.
Hi Sonam,

Thanks a lot for your visit and comment, sorry I missed to respond to your comment. I appreciate your time.
Thanks for the share.
Please do have a look at the updated version of the post.
Keep visiting
Have a great and healthy life ahead.
Best Regards
~ Phil
Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’ recently posted…11 Internet of Things Startups to Watch [An Infographic By Wrike]
Hi Philip Sir,

Feelng Inspire to Read Expert’s Failure and achievement.
Now it’s Time to take Action…Thnx for the Encouraging Post..
Saurabh Tiwari recently posted…6 Reasons why Consumer Love Shopping Online
Hi Saurabh,

How are you? I am sorry I missed your feedback. I appreciate your time.
I hope everything is fine with you all at the crisis time. Take Care.
Thanks for the share.
Please do have a look at the updated version of the post.
Keep visiting
Have a great and healthy life ahead.
Best Regards
~ Phil
Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’ recently posted…Advertising Opportunities At Philipscom – The Revised Offer
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Appreciating the persistence you put into your website and in depth information you offer.

It’s nice to come across a blog every once in a while that isn’t the same
out of date rehashed information. Fantastic read!
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Dear Phillip,
I think of you as PV – When you invited me to participate in this post I had no idea the joy the finished post would bring me. What a treat to read about the experiences of others from around the world. Many I can relate to, and some, I would have never considered an issue. The joys seem to be common! Those of us who choose to blog choose to participate in the gift of expression – whether for pure joy or income. Blogging has given me a place for the thoughts and streams in my head to live. Since I blog for myself, my non-profit, Binky Patrol and many clients, I always have a place for any topic. It’s also changed photos I take from my phone. I’m always looking for conceptual photos that I may use on a topic. Saves me a ton with stock photos or from looking like everyone else. THANK YOU for this opportunity.
Hi Susan
What a joy to hear from you again,
I am sorry i missed your wonderful feedback
I am so happy to know that you liked the roundup post,
Good that you obliged to my request for your feedback
I really appreciate for your contribution in this regard.
Thanks for sharing your valuable experiences in this post.
as well sharing a value added feedback
Hey Philip Sir,
I really enjoyed this post. I learned from the mistakes of pro bloggers and as a newbie these are lessons I should keep handy while blogging. I am happy to see few of my friends in the list, they are really awesome.
I am looking forward to see your next posts and learning from all of these great people.

Yogesh Shinde recently posted…Why Video Marketing Is Best And How To Get Started With Video Marketing
Thanks Yogesh
For your kind visit and feedback
Nice to know that you liked the post
Keep visiting
Keep sharing
May you have a great time of blogging ahead
Keep in touch
Good day
Owwa It’s a huge list, you covered many and each and every blogger. By the way these are great blogs to learn, implement and achieve success in blogosphere. Thanks for mentioning great bloggers across the world and their biggest achievements and worst failure’s in their blogging career
Hi Riyazmoin
Thanks for your maiden visit and for the feedbak
Nice to know that you liked the post.
Keep visiting
Keep in touch
Have a great day
Hello Philip,
Great post Indeed. I enjoyed reading awesome bloggers biggest achievement and their failure and got something new which i will apply on my blog.
Hi Mukesh
Thanks for your maiden visit here
Nice to know that you liked and applied some tips in your blogging journey
Keep visting
Have a great day
Keep in touch
Hey Philip,
Thanks for your huge list, while browsing thru google i Just come across the subject Achievements And Worst Failure in Blogging. I am so glad that i finally landed on your great list of blogger achievements and failures in blogging. Such a wonderful list and useful information from various bloggers experience and about their blogging journey. I am happy to see a good number of unknown great bloggers here at one place and i started following everyone to get intro to increase my blogging achievement too…
– Kartik Linga
Hey Karthik
Good to meet you too!
Sorry I missed your feedback
Nice to know that you liked the post and benefited by the reading of it.
Good to know that you could pick some good lessons from these amazing people’s life.
Keep visiting
Keep sharing
Have a great day
Hi Philip,
What a wonderful list of people sharing their own experiences. This is how we all learn best..from each other. Everyone provided so much great value here and I’ sure it took a lot of work to put this all together.
The best is we can find new friends here to connect to. That’s what blogging is all about .. connecting with each other!
I want to thank you so much for including me in this post.

Donna Merrill recently posted…It’s The Little Things That Big Dreams Are Made Of
Hi Monna,
What a joy to see you here again. :-)
Yes, that is the beauty of blogging!
The engagement is the key here M’m
Thanks for your valuable feedback
Keep sharing
Have a great day
Hi Philip, a great update to the blog design and a wonderful roundup post indeed!

In every field, there is a better half (success) and a bitter half (failure)…
In blogging, ups and downs happen but the one that remains consistent and keeps working makes an extraordinary success.
Thanks for sharing this roundup post :)
Muhammad Ahmad recently posted…Check out my First Affiliate Income 27$ from Udemy Affiliate
Hi Muhammad.
Nice to see you here again
Thanks for sharing your valuable thoughts in this regard
Keep sharing
Have a great day
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Yo! That’s quite interesting post I’ve read recently about the blogging platform. Thank you so much for the efforts you’ve taken in bringing down such an encouraging post from the viewpoints of Indian bloggers.
Happy blogging!
This is the huge collection of great information.
This article helps me to understand blogging more deeply through the different bloggers stories.
Thanks allot for sharing sir

Satya recently posted…What is Medium? and How Medium is Better than Blogger, WordPress and Tumblr
Hi Happy to land here today!

Wonderful collection of experiences from wonderful people!
Here is a tip or an observation, though it may be a bit off topic,
I believe that this is worth notable, hope you approve! Thanks. :-)
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Hey Philip,
Today is the day of your posts for me. One after another I am getting hooked to your shares :)
That’s such a valuable piece. I missed this article previously. But as they say it, better late than never :) Got to know many things from the success & learnings of these awesome people.
Being consistent is one of the great challenges many newbies have to go through. But as Harleena said, once you achieve that, it will “level out the ups and downs”.
Thanks for putting this together. Will look forward to read more such shares. Take care :)

Manidipa Bhaumik recently posted…10 Best Selling StudioPress Genesis Child Themes
Hi Phillip,
This is amazing post from you, and a very useful one for all levels bloggers’.
I sincerely commend the time and efforts you must have put into making this happen, considering the calibre of marketers on this list.
Kudos Philip.
Hi Philip,
What an amazing post. I know it took you a great deal of time to put this together. Thank you for including me in your group of bloggers. I feel so honored to be included with some of the “great bloggers” here.
As for taking us with you to the “Huffington Post,” one of the most awesome things to happen in my blogging career so far. Thank you.
You always provide great information. Thank you again.
Big names included here. Well done Philip and wishing you good wishes with the roundup post.
~ Sagar
This is an interesting article to read. For me I think the number of failures are maximum and I happy to fail every time because the after result is awesome. I have learned something new whenever I fail in some target. Blogging is such wonderful hobby that one can learn by failing only. I don’t think there is any easy to follow tutorial with which one can become a successful blogger without failing. Thanks for creating this master piece.
Hi Santanu,
Thank you very much for your maiden visit here on the pages of #Philipscom
We appreciate your valuable presence and for the feedback shared.
Yes, as you said blogging is not an easy task to achieve or get success
a relentless hardwork and a vision is very well needed to achieve some results!
Yes, there is not easy or short cut method to reach the top!
Or as you said no easy to follow tuto!
Keep sharing your valuable thought, we appreciate your continued support to this page.
May you have a great week ahaed
Keep visiting
All good wishes
Ann Phil
Hey Philip, I said it before and I will say it again.
Awesome post my friend!
Chery :))
Hii Philip.
Nice Roundup.Great to see some of my Friends here.Thanks for sharing it.
– Biggest accomplishment: The satisfaction when individuals read and compliment you. When they give their conclusions and concur with your supposition. The best is if your web journal gets distributed someplace pleasant. in the event that you begin showing signs of improvement. You interface with such a large number of individuals and you never know you may genuine companions.
– Worst disappointment: So far there are no specific most noticeably awful disappointments. A few issues I noticed that occasionally individuals need to play with you particularly in the event that you are a young lady so you need to dependably keep your watchmen up.
Hello Philip,
Great list of inspirational bloggers, they all achieved great success in their blogging journey. New bloggers will benefit from this list a huge amount; they can see the struggles of these great people.
Thanks for this great post, Philip.
Very interesting roundup post.
This one really inspires me a lot…
I am sure this will be a great motivation
for many newbies.
Thanks for this wonderful share…
~ Sreenath
Hi Philip,
What a fantastic roundup. I see many familiar faces. I believe you asked an excellent question. This post is a great source of inspiration for new bloggers to understand that even blogging experts failed along the way, but still they persevered, and it was all worthed. Seeing the worst failures and the biggest achievements in the same post give us all hope that despite all obstacles, hard work pays off.
Sorry for being late to the party and thank you for including me. Keep writing and sharing your valuable experience.
Really enjoyed reading awesome bloggers biggest achievement and their failure. this is a very cool post and you nailed it be asking bloggers to share their experience about blogging.
Hi Philip Sir,
That’s a wonderful roundup post. It is good to know about achievements of pro bloggers and what were their failures. It shows that even pro bloggers had also faced failures in their blogging life like us. Such an inspirational post. Loved reading it :)
Keep up the good work. Looking forward to read more articles from you.
Best Regards,
Mohit Arora
Thanks for this amazing post, it’s really a great idea to have done that. It’s really highlighting issues that each bloggers and authors underwent. I am sure this will be a great experience to make note and pick some lessons.
This is a very inspirational post, it’s a pleasure to learn other great blogger’s experience. It must have taken you a lot of effort to putting this together, thank you.
~ Akash Sharma
Appreciating the persistence you put into your website and in depth information you offer.
It’s nice to come across a blog every once in a while that isn’t the same
out of date rehashed information. Fantastic read!
I’ve saved your site and I’m including your RSS feeds to my Google account.
Great post. Thanks For sharing this wonderful collection from different expert.
This is really a great alert to many who enter into the field of online activities.
I appreciate your effort to put this collection of information from different walks of life.
I am bookmarking it for my further read and reference.
Thanks for sharing a massive post. I really enjoyed reading the different experiences shared by well known personalities from different walks of life. You took a lot of efforts to put this in order. I appreciate your patience. Keep up the good work.
I am so happy to be here today.
This is indeed a wonderful article.
I too faced some of the problems like the one who shared in this post.
But by going through each of the experience I finally got some wonderful solutions to it.
Thanks for collecting such a lot of information from those experts.
Keep sharing
~ Rohi from blog with rohit
What a powerful article about blogging. So many different perspectives, bloggers with different niches, different styles and different objectives.
Thanks For This Amazing Post.
I’m also a Blogger And I Want To Share Some Useful Information With Others.
And Of Course, It Will Make Me Earn Some Monetary Benefits Too!
Thanks For Sharing These Wonderful Experiences Of Many Experts In This INdustry.
Yes, Blogging Is No Doubt A Better Option For Those Who Don’t Want To Join 9-5 Job>
Nice To Be Here Today,
Keep Sharing.
Aman Kumar
Awesome post, Thanks for sharing.
I’m very happy to be here and Thank you very much for this post.
Thanks Sanjay for your maiden visit here.
Keep visiting
keep in touch.
~ Philip
WOW! What a great info. It’s really nice to read your articles!
This round up was so interesting to sit down with my cup of joe and read every word and extract benefit from this fine group of people.Thanks for bringing it to us.
Hi Philips
thanks for sharing achievements list of known bloggers and love to know each success and failures of bloggers to learn from them.
Thaks Amit for your visit and comment.
I appreciate.
Keep visiting
Have a great time of interaction ahead.
Well , I have just started and trying to make my way. The major source of information is from all the articles available on the internet. Things have however changed over the years and I really do not know which information is still relevant.
So far in my journey there are 2 things that i have found
A- The biggest mistake will be “Giving Up”
B – You can get traffic from social bookmarking but it will have high bounce rate.
What a powerful article about blogging. So many different perspectives, bloggers with different niches, different styles and different objectives.
WOW! What a great info. It’s really nice to read your articles!
WOW, Thanks for the great info on blogging and what bloggers have achieved by this filed so Far and what not…
it was really enjoying reading your Article..
I’ve read some excellent stuff here. Definitely price bookmarking for revisiting. I wonder how a lot attempt you place to create this sort of excellent informative website.Keep it up. Keep sharing more such posts.
Vineet Maheshwari
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful experiences together. This gives insights and confidence to new bloggers like me. Keep it up.
Really enjoyed reading the awesome post and really inspires me a lot!! Thanks for sharing the experiences together
Reading this post really awesome. I inspired reading this although I am also a blogger struggling to get success.
I am just trying and failed so many time but now the time has come and am sure Some achievements are on the way.
Thanks for sharing such a lot of information through this huge post. Ã great many things are to learn from the bloggers around the world. Keep posting such informative and educative contents.
Thanks for sharing such a awesome content. This gives lots of info. Keep it up.
Thanks for sharing this such an informative content and really helpful to read the best and worst things of awesome pro bloggers.
Thanks for sharing this amazing post.
It is indeed an interesting collection of experiences from around the world.
Thanks for giving us such a lot of information about the achievements as well as their failures.
Keep posting.
This is my first visit to your page.
Keep sharing.
You did a great job Phillip. Collecting all this messages is a lot of work, you are giving us the message that we can use to purchase blogging journey and knowing more about the failure who are a head of us is making avoid those mistakes and making more right than wrong action. Good job and Thanks
Wow, It is an awesome information. I feel greatly and inspire me to continue to be a blogger. They also have many worsts experiences in blogging. Good to read their blogging experience through these post.
Keep sharing.
The best thing that has happened is that I met and have learned so much from some wonderful bloggers. What they have shown me has helped me go from wondering what on earth I had to write about in my first blog post, to have been mentioned by some very successful bloggers. Also, this post is a great reminder that how you write about something is definitely JUST as important as what you write about. You gave this a great twist.
This is really an interesting and informative post. A lot of information packed with the participants experience.
Great share. Each one can pick one or two tips from this post. thanks for the share. Keep sharing.
May thou and your team have a great time of sharing ahead.
Thanks a lot for your first visit and share. I appreciate it. Keep visiting. Also I request you to have a look at the comment policy of this site. Hope you got it.
Keep visiting keep sharing.
Good day.
Wow, this is one hell of a round up. I’ve just started my blogging journey with a technology blog, and this post alone is one of hell of a library to get insights from some of the top experts of the industry. Thanks a bunch for this!
Wow. Incredible lessons in here could almost be a book!
I appreciate the wonderful efforts you put in to develop this post.
Keep sharing.
Hi Philipsji,
what a good work you did with this post, I think it is a big help to many bloggers who start and get discouraged, to see that others had to be patient as well and had all kind of difficulties. It shows that blogging like everything else needs hard work dedication and persistence.
This post will encourage many who think it may not work, by seeing others had the same or similar problems.
And good, there is help many here are ready to help others.
And the best of all is, everybody here agrees that it is beautiful
to meet so many great people from all over the world, I included.
Thank you, Phillipsji and all here for telling your stories.
Enamul Molla.
What a great work you did with this post, I think it is a big help to many bloggers who start and get discouraged, to see that others had to be patient as well and had all kind of difficulties
Wow. Incredible lessons in here could almost be a book!
Thanks for compiling it here for unit visitors.
Keep sharing
Hi Philip
Great stuff here.
While browsing through the pages I found this amazing read.
This post is indeed a wonderful one as I could find a lot of information from different experienced influencers from around the world. It is really an inspiring post. This articles and the shares by the people are definitely a very useful article for online users.
Keep posting such informative pieces in the future.
I started a Blog and Hopefully, it will be a successful one like Philipscom.
Thanks for the share.
Ranjeet Sharma
This is really a great collection.
Good tho read such s lot of testimonials from different walks of Life.
You have done an amazing job.
Keep it up.
Will share it with my family and friends.
Thanks for sharing this amazing post. Very inspiring reading.
We appreciate your work and the shared information from different people.
Thank You For your hard work.
This article very helpful I got a lots of information from this. Thanks for sharing such useful articles to your readers.
keep sharing.
I am Blogging for the last 18 months this is an amazing post which helped me to improve my blogging journey.
Wiki Arts recently posted…The Difference Between Google & Google Plus, +1 Button & Search

Really enjoyed reading the awesome post
The experts experiences share in this post is indeed a piece of good information to know about the best and bad of blogging. Thanks for sharing.
Keep writing
Great post for the upcoming bloggers.
A lot of experience hands shared their testimonials. Thank you for sharing this wonderful collection.
Keep sharing.
Reading this post really wonderful. I really got inspired by the reading of this. Though I am also a blogger, but struggling to get success. This types of posts are an encouraging things to people like me.
The article is very interesting. I don’t have my experience to share but I enjoyed reading others.
Hi Philip
Great stuff here.
This post will encourage many who think it may not work, by seeing others had the same or similar problems.
I started a Blog and Hopefully, it will be a successful one like Philipscom.
Thanks for the share.
Shristi Patni
Great roundup Phil,
it’s super exciting to read about the failures and mishaps of other bloggers, and how they bounced right back to be even more successful than before.
Very inspiring.
Superb post!
Specially it gives a great knowledge to who are new in the blogging field. I appreciate your efforts to put this in order. Thank you for giving great ideas about blogging,bloggers and it’s biggest achievement and worst failures.
Good collection indeed!
This is indeed a great share. A mammoth roundup post.
Good to read the experiences of experts from around the world.
This is really an inspiration to the beginners and of course, this helps to know the things these seniors faced in their lives.
Great post, I am bookmarking it to read thoroughly later.
Thanks for sharing
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful experiences together.
Good to know the experience of infuencers and their failures and success.
Indeed this gives a lots of info.
Keep it up.
Keep sharing.
Wonderful roundup Phil and wonderful idea for a roundup. It’s so healthy to read about the failures of others. Keeps you grounded as you know what you can expect.
Wonderful roundup Phil. Wonderful idea for a roundup.

My biggest success in life is finding this blogging thing and sticking to it until it worked. Because this profession fits like a glow to my personality. I’m thoroughly enjoying it. My biggest failure is that I didn’t learn about blogging sooner, and I could have.
Nikola Roza recently posted…Infinity Blog Awards- Are You Going This Year?
Hello Philip, an extraordinary update to the blog structure and a great gathering post for sure!
In each field, there is a superior half (achievement) and a severe half (disappointment)…
In blogging, high points and low points occur yet the one that remaining parts reliable and continues working makes a phenomenal achievement.
A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing this gathering post :)
What a powerful article about blogging. So many different perspectives, bloggers with different niches, different styles and different objectives.
Nothing I have achieved from my blog till now and worst failure – I have started blogging in 2016 I started earning from Facebook ads that is why I never work on SEO. Now I felt this is a big mistake, I lost many years. Thanks for sharing different experiences from the influencers. Keep sharing. All best wishes.
Thanks for sharing this amazing article with us your experience really help us.
Hi Philip. very great roundup. I appreciated your work. We always think you can help us the same as this post. Write new articles same as this. Each one can pick one or two tips from this post I think.
Amazing Philip – Thanks for the information regarding Influence’s and their Failures and Success. It’s really helping me for my knowledge. Keep updating many more so we can learn more from your blog.
Thanks Again
Wonderful roundup Phil and wonderful idea for a roundup. It’s so healthy to read about the failures of others. Keeps you grounded as you know what you can expect.
Hello Philip, Very helpful post Keeps you grounded as you know what you can expect.
Hi buddy,
Great, Seriously This post was damn awesome, One thing that strikes me the most is your style of writing… Whoa, you explain kinds of stuff so elegantly, I could understand the concept behind this very well just by reading it once.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful article, I definitely will share it on social media platforms.
What a powerful article about blogging. So many different perspectives, bloggers with different niches, different styles and different objectives.
Thank you for sharing this great information. It helped me a lot.
Wonderful roundup Phil. Wonderful idea for a roundup.
Nice post, informative post, I want to see more posts like this.
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[…] What Is Your Biggest Achievement And Worst Failure In Blogging So Far? […]
It was a very insightful article. Thanks for sharing it with us. I get to learn so many things from this article about blogging.
Great share. A lot of things to note from the experiences of different people from around the world. Well done.
The very informative and insightful article covers and inspires people to blog more just be careful and be consistent.
Keep sharing more such informative posts to your readers. Great service to the online community.
Superb. I really enjoyed very much with this article here. Really it is an amazing article I had ever read.
Amazing Post,
This is indeed a great share. A mammoth roundup post. Good to read the experiences of experts from around the world. This is really an inspiration to the beginners and of course, this helps to know the things these seniors faced in their lives.
Great post, I am bookmarking it to read thoroughly later.
Thanks for sharing it.
Hello Philip.
First off, congratulations on this post. I appreciated your work. We always think you can help us the same as this post. Write new articles same as this. Each one can pick one or two tips from this post I think.
Awesome Post,
It was a very insightful article. I get to learn so many things from this article about blogging.
Thanks for sharing it with us.
This post is really an interesting and informative one. Good to know different experiences of people. A lot of tips to pick and follow.
i love reading this article
Thank u pvariel for this