Last updated on July 30, 2019
Last updated on January 11, 2018
WordPress Website Maintenance
WordPress website maintenance is an important part of the WordPress website. WordPress is a brilliant CMS (Content Management System) that can help you start a blog or a website in no time.
It allows you to manage or control the content as you like and this needs no technical training. It is easy to use and install. It is easy to understand, manage and is flexible too. It also offers you tons of amazing features that make your job of running a website easy.
But, WordPress, like any other CMS, is a software that needs to be maintained in order to yield maximum out of it.
WordPress website maintenance is a bit difficult task. From performance and functionality to security checks, daily clean up, optimization and more, you need to ensure that all the important elements of your website are in working order, to obtain higher ranking as well as traffic.

WordPress Website Maintenance also includes a lot more than the above-mentioned activities, it includes, backups, updates, and clearing of trash and as such.
If you are running a website that is WordPress powered and is looking for effective ways to maintain it, then you have come to the right place.
WordPress Website Maintenance Tips
The below presented comprehensive infographic comprises of 50+ best practices that will help you optimize your website’s overall performance as well as functionality.
And to give you a glimpse, here are some of the website maintenance tips mentioned in this infographic that you need to undertake:
1. Website’s Speed and Download Time To Check
2. Clear Database Trash.
3. Monitor Your Site’s Security.
4. Affiliate, and Other Download Links and all check all Social Media,
5. Take Regular Website and Database Backups.
6. Check Spam Comments and Clear It.
7. On-page SEO Elements need to check.
8. Optimize Your Site’s Images.
9. Clear Redundant Media Files.
10. Hosting Resources also need to check.
11. Eliminate Unwanted WordPress Plugins, Themes, and Widgets.
12. Update Your WordPress Website to the Latest Version
13. Check Device and Browser Compatibility.
Check it out now!
For more information and future reference, you can download a PDF of this post for FREE. WordPress website maintenance tips,

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Check your domain ranking
Hi Philip and Sudhir, these are great tips for WordPress and I will confess I have not implemented them all, so it’s great to see what I need to be working on. There are so many new plugins that sometimes they can be confusing. Thanks for posting.
Hi BG,
It’s indeed a great joy to see you today.
I appreciate your presence And feedback.
Yes, there are a lot to implement. Sudhir created a valuable piece to all of us. He did a good job.
Keep sharing.
Have A great day.
Such an incredible information that you have shared. Keep it up.
Thanks SR for the maiden visit.
I appreciate
Keep visiting
Wonderful advice and I really need to check my spam more often !!
Thanks Amber for the visit and comment.
Glad that you liked it.
Keep sharing.
Hello there, Kudos with this specific article it truly is a comprehensive information for WordPress care, essential read to just about every WordPress bloggers. That really is not difficult to browse, perhaps not exceedingly technical and also extends into the things. Regards

Saurabh tiwari recently posted…Simple Ways to Boost Your Productivity As a Blogger
Hi Saurabb
Thanks a lot for the comment and share.
I appreciate your kind support.
May you have a great day.
Hello Philip,
There are some great tips to word press web site maintenance and seriously I was unaware of these all.
Spam are always a pain for the blogging community, and we all need to keep a regular check upon that.
Thanks for the share.

Shantanu Sinha recently posted…13 Tips for Choosing a Domain Name – 2017 Edition
Hi Shantanu
Thanks for your maiden visit to this page. I appreciate
Glad that, you could learn some more information from this post in relation to WordPress.
Keep sharing
Keep visiting.
Best Regards
Hi Philip, Nice to meet Sudhir here today! I must confess I am terrible about doing maintenance on my blog!

Thank you so much for the tips!
Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted…Are You Willing To Adapt?
Hi Chery,
Glad to see you here again.
Nice to know that this post alerted you.
Keep maintain
Keep in tact LOL
Thanks for your presence again
Once you have the right plugins for spam, caching, backup, and security, it doesn’t take much time at all does it? Most of it is done for you.
Hi Sue,
Great to see your valuable presence again.
Yes, plugins can do a lot our pages. But one must be very careful while embedding it, need to check credentials.
Thanks for the share.
Have a great day
Thanks for sharing Philip!
Hi Sushi and Philip,
Nice post here. The check list is a good one. I use Smush Image optimizer for image smushing. I think I’ll need to check my Social Media links to know if they are still intact.
Thanks for sharing.
– Prince.
Hi Prince,
Joy to see you after a while.
I appreciate. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Yes, need to check more, Sudir presented severeal things which we need to check.
Thanks for dropping by.
Keep visiting.
Thanks Philip, I have tried to make my website faster with many plugins but I havnt got any good results, Do you have a special way to make websites speed good for search engins?
Thanks for your maiden visit.
We appreciate.
Very useful tips
Thanks for sharing
Hi Philip,
The best part of wordpress is that it doesn’t require technical knowledge and there are plugins for virtually any functionality.
Yes, it’s essential to maintain wordpress site in order to obtain higher rank and traffic.
Your guidelines will be very helpful in maintaining wordpress site efficiently.
I will tweet your post.
Thanks a lot for sharing.
Hi Manish,
Thanks a lot for your visit and for the value added feedback to this post.
I appreciate your time.
Have a wonderful week ahead.
~ Philip
Hey Sudhir and Philip,
Nice post and infographic!
We do need to maintain the wordpress site, even if there are no issues at the moment, at least to avoid any unexpected headache.
Thanks for sharing!

Hussain Omar recently posted…Different But Effective Way to Handle Blogging Criticism
Hi Hussain,
Glad to see you again.
YEs, these tips are really worth following.
We need to have a look at on these areas to keep our pages intact.
Thanks for dropping by.
Have a great day.
Yes, our roundup thing is getting ready.
Keep a watch. :-)
Thanks for the suggestions.
~ Philip
Thanks for this nice article, I really appreciate the valuable info that shared in article.
I am sure these are basic things any wordpress users should follow in their daily activity in relation to blogging.
A well presented infographic, indeed a good guide to people like me.
Keep sharing.
Have a wonderful time ahead.
Thanks Monica,
For the value added comment.
we appreciate your time here.
Keep visiting.
Have a great time of sharing ahead.
~ Philip
Hi Sudhir,
It’s good to see you with a post at Philipscom, These tips are really worth following. As the title said, these are best practices to follow by any wordPress users. I really like the post and the infographic.
Good work done. Thanks for sharing.
Keep it up.
Thanks Robin,
For your valuable time here.
I am glad that you found this is a valuable one for your further use.
Keep visiting.
Have a great week.
~ Philip
this post is very useful to me thanks for sharing this post
Hello Philip and Sudhir. I like your website maintenance tips, and it certainly makes a big difference in terms of conversions and ranking. Fast loading pages will have a lower bounce rate, and will be ranked higher. May I also suggest that you try to use the Pagespeed Insights tool from Google, and implement the fixes suggested. A high score ensures that your website is up to speed…

Anand recently posted…How to Sell More Cars Using Lucep
Hi Anand,
I appreciate and thank for the valuable presence on this page.
Thanks for the value added tips in the comment. Glad that, you liked the post.
Keep sharing.
Best Regards,
~ Philip
Hi, Sudhir,
Can you please tell the tool you use to make this info-graphics.

Hamza Azam recently posted…List of Top Ten Bloggers in Pakistan and Their Blogs
Hi Sudhir,
You are right about WordPress website maintenance and I learned it by burning my fingers. I strongly recommend that never take your WordPress website for granted and think that once hosted your job is done. I am so cautious these days that I have planned a weekly maintenance schedule, which I adhere to religiously.

Ron Pickle recently posted…Does Cracked Vent Booting Cause Roof Leaks?
Hi Ron,
Nice to know that you like this post.
Glad that you decided to do the weekly maintenance of your WP.
Thanks for your visit and feedback.
Best Regards,
~ Philip
hi sir , nice post i like it very much and this is very helpfull for me
nice work sir keep going
Thanks Abhishek for the kind visit.
Great info Phillip! Do you have any familiarity with Wix websites? WP gives me the blues…lol!
Thanks for sharing such a informative article on WordPress. It’s really helpful and the best parts are plugins.
Thanks David for your visit and comment.
Keep visiting.
Have a great time ahead.
Best regards
~ Philip
Woowww … its really geart article for me. I shared every article on whatsapp;-)
Hello Dear Sir, I a surprised to read such a lot of information in one infographic. It is no doubt a very useful information for the new bloggers. I could pick up a lot of new knowledge from this blog post. Please continue to post such informative post in the coming days so that people like us will be motivated in real life.
I’m new in this area and I’m building my website, I’m working hard on this. Indeed your posts are very useful especially this post, which provides a lot of information about the platform WordPress. Please continue to share this kind of information to your visitors.
Thank you.
Nazrul Islam
Thank You so much for such an informative blog, after reading your guide I maintained by WordPress web and surprisingly got correct plugins and improved ranking as well.
As a new blogger, I am looking for all the advice I can get! I have only just started thinking about growing traffic to my blog, and your infographic has great information that is understandable, even to me. Bookmarking your blog- thanks!
Thanks for sharing This Excellent Guide with Great quality information and most important all above mentioned WordPress Maintenance steps very useful actionable advice!
Thanks for sharing WordPress website maintenance valuable information.
Thank you for a good infographics and blog post and correct plugins
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OMG! Mr. Sudhir! Really so much informative article. You just gave the complete information about website maintenance in a single post. Thank You. Your article gave me a lot of information.
Such an amazing information that you are shared.These are great tips for WordPress step by step, very useful. Infographic that i found very effective to know about wordpress site maintenance.
Thank you for share such great post.
What an amazing infographic, full of valuable information on wordpress maintenance.
Thank you for sharing it with us.

Blogger’s Pit Stop
Kathleen – Bloggers Lifestyle recently posted…Does God Love Coffee?
Thanks for sharing good and helpful article about WordPress Website Maintenance. appreciate. keep up the great work.
Amazing Article can you Suggest me a Good Plugin for WordPress Security?

Victoria recently posted…Download Gmail Password Cracker of 2017 – 100% Hacking Tool
Great Post Sir Do you have any Article about How to Keep AdSense Safe from Fake Clicks? if yes Please Share the Link Thanks
A debt of gratitude is in order for this decent article, I truly welcome the significant data that common in the article.
I am certain these are essential things any WordPress clients ought to follow in their day by day movement in connection to blogging.
An attractive infographic, for sure a decent guide for individuals like me.
Continue sharing.
Have a great time ahead.
Very nice information especially for a beginner.Such an amazing information that you have shared.These are great tips for WordPress step by step for WordPress site maintenance.
Great Post Sir!!
I have use this method on my blog so many Times.
Really Helpful Infographic!!
Hello, Philip Verghese Thanks For Sharing Amazing Article can you Suggest me a Good Plugin for AdSense Security? because someone giving me fake clicks :-(
Hi Aatrah,
Good to see you on our page, I appreciate your maiden visit over here.
This, plugin: AdSense Invalid Click Protector (AICP) will help you in this regard.
Check out WP:
Keep visiting.
Have a great time of interaction ahead.
Best Regards
Thanks for sharing this information with great infographics. I appreciate it.
A lot of things to look into, learn and practice it. This is indeed a wonderful and informative post.
Keep sharing
This was such a good article. Keeping it for future reference as a WordPress user.
Dear Admin,
Your Post is really amazing, it speaks a lot of things on website maintenance.
Very useful to all website owners.
Please continue to post this type of informative posts.
Thank you.
Keep sharing.
This ultimate guide will show you how to maintain your WordPress website. By following these simple steps, you will keep your website running smoothly and enhance its appearance.
Thanks for sharing.