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130+ Online Experts Share their Sleep and Productivity Secrets Part I

Posted in Blogging, Health, Round up post, Roundup Posts, and Strategy

Last updated on January 12, 2025

Table of Contents

Sleep and productivity are interlinked.  Sleep is essential to keep a healthy body. If we get enough sleep it surely shows in productivity too. In short, these two are well connected to each other.

In this massive (24K+words) roundup post, various experts from around the globe share their sleep and productivity secrets.

130+ online experts from various fields from around the world share their experiences.

The time required or allotted for sleep is most of the time insufficient!  There are only 24 hours in a day! Yes,  there are only 24 hours in a day!


Yes, it’s a universal fact! And nobody can deny it!

Nobody can add an extra minute or even a second to it or delete it!

For some, especially bloggers, writers, or even many others, this is indeed sad news!

I mean, the hours allotted in a day are not sufficient to fulfill most of their day job!

In this roundup post titled, 130+ Experts Reveals Their Secrets On Sleep and Productivity

Sleep and productivity

The contributors are from many different countries and they speak about sleep experiences and their effects on productivity.

Of course, as mentioned above, 24 hours in a day is not sufficient to do many of our activities!

I am sure this is not only the problem with bloggers, but it’s a problem with many of the busybodies in different fields!  Anyways, that is not the subject of this post at the same time it is very much related too.

The latest studies reveal that students who get up at 5 in the morning, or even earlier, can help you get more quality work done in less time.  I am sure this is very well going with adults too!

I asked the following questions to some of the busybodies in the world of the internet, especially to the blogging experts and entrepreneurs from around the world.

How does sleep or lack of it, influence your productivity? And what is the best time you use for your writings?

The reply I received from them is amazing! And am glad to share that with my fellow bloggers here.  The most notable point here is, though they are all super busy, they still keep a solid time for rest, I mean for sleeping.

I am sure my fellow bloggers/writers and other readers can pick up some schedule and emulate it in their life from these experts’ life experiences!

130+ experts share their sleep and productivity secrets. Check out this massive roundup post @ #philipscom Share on X

Sleep and productivity

Before getting into the responses I would like to share my take here:

Sleep is essential to our body or let me put it this way,  “it’s the part and parcel of our daily life,

A recent survey/report says that an average person needs a minimum of 8 hours sleep to lead a healthy life.

When I thought of the subject ‘sleep’ I thought about myself and the first thing that came to my mind is the words of one of my Company Directors in a meeting.

He said:  “Getting up early in the morning is a good sign of a healthy life and one needs to get up early by 4 O’clock in the morning and start the day.  It is the quietest and the best time to start off, and that leads you to a productive day!” 

No doubt that was indeed a great suggestion and I started following that from the very next day!

Note: Before that, I was a night owl! 

Initial days, I followed this instruction very religiously and I could find a lot of difference in my daily life which I cannot explain it in words.

Sleep and productivity are closely knit together or say both go together! Check out this Roundup post Share on X

In short, the energy we get in the early hours of the day is really pleasant and cool. 

But sad to say, as the days passed by and when I started my blogging journey my lifestyle totally changed and the situation made me again to a night owl!

And now I count my productive time in the wee hours of the night. 

Of course, even then, I tried to get a minimum of 6 to 7 hours of sleep in a day. 

But sometimes I feel that it is not sufficient and I take brief naps in between. 

The lost sleep will surely affect our productivity and sometimes that leads everything to a haphazard way.

I fully agree that sleep and productivity are closely knit together or say both go together!

My fellow bloggers/writers and readers can pick up some 'time schedule' and emulate it in their life from these expert’s life experiences! Share on X

My best time for writing is in the quiet time of the night, most of my poems, and songs I wrote in the wee hours of the night.

Sometimes, as someone said “We do not know when the inspiration flows in or ideas flow in” Yes, in such a situation, I jot down the points on an available paper or in a notebook, but these days notebooks and papers are in a state of extinction, and electronic gadgets have occupied their places, and I jot down such emergency thoughts on my smartphone’s  apps like Evernote, etc.”

How does sleep or lack of it, influence your productivity? Share on X

Sleep and productivity

Each one follows a different style or pattern in their sleep and productivity schedule.

As I mentioned each one has a different style and time schedule.

Big company’s CEOs’ are no doubt super busy people.

Check out this post originally published on the pages of FastCompany and republished by

Nine Tricks  from 9 top successful CEOs use to squeeze more productivity out of themselves and their employees.

In this roundup post, most of them noted that the lack of sleep had a great influence on their productivity.

I am so glad to present an intro to this post written by the expert blogger, CEO, and Managing Director of PAC Affiliate Club, Lesly Federici.  Read on:

“I have never been in a “Roundup Post” before. I’ve seen what Philip has presented in previous roundup posts and I enjoyed them. I really enjoyed seeing so many entrepreneurs and bloggers sharing their tips, knowledge, and experiences.

So, when Philip asked if I would participate in this roundup, I accepted. I’ve been secretly anticipating this roundup going live, reading what others have to share, and being a part of it.  And here it is …

Thank you, Philip, for a great opportunity to share and learn from others.  I’m sure it takes a lot of your time to organize a roundup – I appreciate your commitment to connecting and promoting your roundup guests.  Thank you for inviting me – you have a heart of gold. “

Nine tricks from 9 Top Successful CEOs use to squeeze more productivity out of themselves and their employees. via @pvariel #pvariel Share on X

Lesly Federici RN CEO/Power Affiliate Club

Sleep and productivity

Thank you, Lesly, for the kind words, it means a lot to me and I appreciate your valuable presence here on my page in connection with this roundup post.

We once again express our heartfelt thanks to one and all for the kind responses extended to my invite to join me in this roundup post.  We appreciate it.   Keep up the good work! Keep going with your activities, and Ha, of course with enough rest or sleep! :-)

We also invite our esteemed reader’s suggestions, experiences, opinions on this wonderful subject. Please air your views, and feedback in the comment box below.

Please air your views, and feedback in the comment box below.

Sleep and productivityThanks for your valuable time.

Yes. “Time is so precious, we all know that!

So without much ado, let us check how my fellow beings allow their time for the day’s activities!

Here we go…

Also, please read some of the related posts in this regard given at the bottom of this post:

You can relax by listening to this soothing voice of the stream sound.  A recently uploaded relaxing video on the portals of Philipscom Views the new YouTube Channel of Philipscom Associates.

For Philipscom  Associates  

Philipscom comment authors
Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’

PS: At the end of this post there is a link given, You can check your Sleeping Time by using your Twitter handle.

I love to sleep. I love to be awake. Two different worlds experienced in a 24 hour period. One can not function without the other and yet so many have challenges balancing their days to get enough sleep.

We all have 24 hours in a day. How we decide to use them is always a great discussion. But here’s what works for me and I’ll also answer the question about being productive and how sleep or lack of it can influence it.

I absolutely must have a minimum of 6 hours of sleep every night. I do try for 8! If I get 7 hours, I’m happy.

Six or fewer hours of sleep make me wake up groggy and I’m not as clear-headed in the morning and feel like pulling the covers over my head to fall back to sleep.

But I must get up because I go to the gym for a morning swim and weightlifting to start my day just about every day at 7:00 AM.

Sleep for me is being able to enter another realm of my existence. Often I use it as a tool to solve problems or get ideas. Sometimes I’ll ask a question before I sleep and at times, I’ll dream the answer in symbolic dreams.

For Example, when I was in Nursing school I was very insecure about treating patients and working with doctors. I kept having dreams of making mistakes, being yelled at, etc.

The more secure I got with my training the less upsetting the dreams were and they got to a point where they reflected my newfound confidence as a Professional Nurse.

Dreams are valuable and informative. They are not spooky – they just reflect what’s going on in your life and can be a great source of comfort, healing, and guidance. That’s how I view my sleeping experience.

When it comes to productivity, lack of sleep will kill most of my motivation or inspiration because I’ll just want to slow down and curl up and nap. So getting my 7 hours of sleep daily is the best.

Productivity is a commitment of sorts too. And I think how one uses their time during the day can impact productivity.

So if I’m distracted by surfing the internet and groggy from a lack of sleep – heck my day is pretty unproductive. However, I use an egg timer to keep me on track. I set it on an hourly basis and I am always amazed at how much I get done!

Why? BecauseSleep and productivity I’m focused on one task at a time.

Everyone is different in finding their own sleep/wake balance. Sleep is vital not only for productivity but for overall good health as well.  Sleep and productivity go hand in hand! :-)

~ Lesly Federici ~ CEO/Power Affiliate Club


I am reminded, of my beloved wife and her note on this massive roundup post. I am so glad to update this post and present it here again.  Though her departure is a great loss to us, we are slowly recovering from that great shock with the grace of God Almighty.

Read what she shared about her experience with sleep and productivity.

sleep and productivityNo Doubt, Sleep is essential for a healthy life.  If I am not getting enough sleep, that means a minimum of 7 hours in the night the next day will be horrible and that will surely be a less productive day.  That day, I can’t fully concentrate on the things I do, and make mistakes.

So most of the time, I keep this in mind and try to get enough sleep at night.  By any chance, if I miss that measure, I will try to compensate for that with a quick cat nap in between. :-)

Yes,  I can very well say that these cat naps are wonderful medicine! LOL

Yes, in a nutshell, a minus sleep will surely bring out minus productivity’! Yes, sleep and productivity are much related.

Coming to the second question, there is no fixed time as such, but whenever the idea comes in I jot it down on a piece of paper and later transfer it to the computer in the word format, though this is the case, often I make this into a shape in the early hours of the day say in between 4 AM to 5 or a maximum of 6.

~ Ann Phil Verghese  ~ Philipscom Views

I always tSleep and productivityry to rest at least 8 hours, because I know that a lack of sleep may influence my productivity. In the case of fatigue during the day, I have a special weapon: power naps.

A short sleep, lasting 20-30 minutes, restores my mental alertness and replenishes my energy, to complete all my work and commitments during the day.

My best productivity time is in the morning. Working in front of a computer is a valid reason to stay fit. I do exercise every day. It can be a gym workout, a walk, or some jogging. Even skydiving during the weekends helps me stay fit!

~ Erik EmanuelliNoPassiveIncome


Sleep and productivitySleep by far is the most important thing that could affect productivity. That is why I make sure to eight hours of sleep every day. Lack of sleep causes me to compromise my ability to think through decisions properly.

Lack of sleep causes me to compromise my ability to properly think through decisions.

I am most productive in the morning or at any given time when I’m under a lot of pressure.

~ Vladimir Gendelman ~



Sleep and productivityWhen you are deprived of sleep, your mind and body may not function at its best as proper sleep is essential for the normal metabolisms of your body in general.

If you don’t have the necessary amount of sleep that is needed for a day it will lead you to have a very less productive day until you find time to cover up for the lost sleep.

In my opinion, it is always better to maintain a proper schedule for sleeping in a way that it does not affect your productivity negatively. Keep in mind that a lack of a proper amount of sleep for a longer duration of time may lead you to many illnesses.

Regarding the second part of the question, I never felt any particular time is better for me to write. For me, I can write at any time of the day provided there is no loud noise disturbing me and the mind is not wandering somewhere.

Frankly speaking, I choose my time for writing depending on the amount of work that needs to be finished in a day. So, in effect, I try to choose any time that is available for me to write. No matter morning, evening, night, or midnight.

~RejiStephenson~ DigitalDimensions4You


Sleep and productivity Whenever I don’t get enough sleep I lose my discipline and I stop following my calendar properly. Most of the day go waste. That extra hour I stay awake at night to finish off something ends up ruining the next 24 hours of my day.

I don’t really have the best time for writing. As long as the place is quiet and I know what to write I can write.

~ Zak MustaphaFoolishnessFile.Com


This is thSleep and productivitye topic I am an expert in…maybe even the expert! At the best of times, I have always had difficulty sleeping. But for the past few months, I’ve been working onsite at a client’s offices off in the big city, which has meant that my time for family, running the business, and serving other clients has often kept me up late.

As it happens, yesterday was my daughter’s singing class. Each one has an hour. And my wife had to stay late at her office. By the time I had picked her up and gotten home, it was 10:30. Then we had to work on taxes past midnight because she was heading out of town. So at this moment, I am pretty fatigued.

How this affects my work can be described in one word: concentration. I have had to put off some brainstorming for a client because I just cannot concentrate well enough do him justice. And the client deserves nothing but the best!

Ironically, when I wrote about the ‘health risks faced by writers’, fatigue was not one of them. I mentioned sitting too much, eye strain, headaches, backache, repetitive strain injury, overeating, and depression, but somehow I left out too little sleep. In a few minutes, I’m heading to bed – a little earlier than usual. :-)

~David Leonhardt  ~ THGMwriters

Sleep and productivitySocial media and the way content is produced and distributed now, truly never does sleep but what I find is that social media is very reactive.
You have to put out to get back to at some point, usually, late at night, you simply have to put a hard stop in place.
That is hard for me since I am a prolific content producer on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat… and since I think in 140 characters, and images naturally, I am always spitting out content.
Since I have come to realize that I can survive on 5-6 hours of sleep for many nights in a row when necessary, but anything less than that does not work, I know I cannot carve any more time out of the day, so 2 am is usually my hard stop when I find myself going overboard.
Order and consistency are all in how you perceive what you are doing and how you maintain your connection to what is important.

My personal brand, and who I am, is all about being responsive and creating trust and relationships. So I find the social media world, and all the connectivity it affords, a perfect medium for maintaining connection and consistency.   ~Ted Rubin ~ TedRubin

Sleep and productivity
First, let me say, that I am awesome at sleep.
It’s one of my best skills.
My head hits the pillow — and boom! — I am out for the count in seconds until my alarm goes, however, many hours later.
That said, I don’t always sleep as much as I should.
It isn’t because of blogging… my blogging is a secondary activity. My primary focus — as always — is on freelancing… running an online, service-based business.
In the early days, when I did longer hours for less money, it was quite common to sleep only 3-6 hours a night. Sometimes less. I’d try to “catch up” one day a week, but I was rarely successful. I can’t say it hurt my productivity any. I certainly got a lot done. But it wasn’t sustainable, and I often found myself stressed, with a headache, and limited patience. My mental health was affected more than anything.
The key, back then, was to do my writing first thing in the morning when I had the most energy for the day. Still, to this day, I do my best writing first thing in the morning. Then again, I work far fewer hours these days. I have better clients. I earn more. I have paid for help. I don’t do it all on my own, so, rarely, I don’t get a full 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

~Brent JonesBrentJonesOnline

Sleep and productivity“I work 10-11 hour days and exercise 1.5 hours each day, so sleep is extremely important to me.

I used to sleep about 7 to 8 hours each night, going to bed around 12:30 AM and waking up around 8:15. But even getting that much sleep, I’d still struggle to get out of bed.

Then I found this app called Sleepy Time. It tells you the best time to go to bed based on 1.5-hour sleep cycles. I decided to test out sleeping for 4 cycles (about 6 hours).

I got used to it after two weeks. I added an extra two hours to my workday, and my energy level didn’t drop at all. This gave me 48 more hours each month to help out my clients or write monster blog posts (like this one) and promote them. On a blog post like that, I’ll usually spend 15-20 hours creating, editing, and formatting it — so any extra time I can get is huge for my productivity and growth.

I highly recommend checking out Sleepy Time and adjusting your sleep schedule based on cycles. It has probably made the biggest impact on my business so far this year.”   ~ Michael Karp ~  Copytactics

Sleep and productivityLack of sleep affects productivity to a greater extent because when you are feeling sleepy or didn’t sleep well last time, concentrating on the work is almost impossible.

I have faced such a situation many times in which I had to do some urgent work that was supposed to be completed by that time, and my eyes were not opening due to lack of sleep.

I used to try a cup of tea to stay awake and complete the work, but to be honest; I was never got successful and ended up leaving that work in the middle.

Nowadays, I have changed the way I work. When I feel sleepy, I don’t do any work and prefer to sleep because once I complete my sleep, I can work with more concentration and better productivity.

If I have not completed my sleep, I find it tough to work. Even if I do some work with sleepy eyes, there is nothing like productivity. The work is done in an untidy manner which I don’t like so better I complete my sleep first and then work.

I work from home, so I have the freedom to fix my schedule of work. I mostly work at night from 10 PM to 3 AM. In this period, I used to do the tasks that need more concentration such as writing, keyword research, backlink analysis, etc.

In the daytime, I work from 1 PM to 6 PM mostly. In this period, I check my emails, talk to clients, research, read, and do other tasks that need comparatively less concentration.

I would suggest everyone not compromise with sleep because without proper sleep you cannot work well and there will be nothing like productivity.

Apart from all this, lack of sleep has many health dangers. So better, take a sleep of 7-8 hours and stay fit. ~ Atish Ranjan ~  TechTricksWorld


“When I Write any content, I look for a peaceful place and I think night is the best time to sleep as well as write content because no oneSleep and productivity is there to disturb you, No phone calls or no sounds at night so it is the best time for me to write content.

And surely the lack of sleep sometimes affects my productivity too.  In short ‘sleep and productivity’ are a vast subject to discuss with.

I take care of my health properly, whenever I sleep late in the night and then wake late in the morning and do all my physical exercises in the evening. I mean for a blogger it is more important to exercise regularly for about an hour. Sitting day and night will affect health.

So, I have made a schedule for doing different things at different times, like Doing blog commenting and promoting the blog in the daytime and writing content in the night when no one disturbs.”

~ Robin Khokhar ~ TrickyEnough


Sleep and productivity
I sleep at least 6 hours at night and do a power nap throughout the day whenever it’s needed. Getting sufficient sleep time maximizes my energy and helps my mind focus better, which in turn maximizes my productivity at work. Morning 9 am – 11 am (I usually start my day at 7 am) is my best time to write.


Sleep and productivity
Having been in the online marketing space for 20 years now, I’ve made a lot of adjustments to my work schedule over the years.
When I first started out, I was just a kid in high school and worked after class and into the night. Later on, I worked later in the day and throughout the night.
These days I now work throughout the day and rarely into the night.
The point is… everyone has their own schedule for what works best. In terms of writing, I would have to say it’s all about “being in the zone”. Sometimes you feel like writing content, and other times you don’t.
Those times that you are in the zone, you can pump out some great work in a short period of time!
Whether it’s writing content or working on ad campaigns, I would say that a lack of sleep is something you wouldn’t want to be trying to do your best work on.
I don’t have a specific time that works best for me, but I do try and break the day up with different activities like walking my dog or playing basketball to keep the motivation and creativity flowing.
Sitting in front of the computer for too long of a time can really put a drag on productivity.

~ Zac Johnson ~ Zac Johnson

Sleep and productivityThis is a very good point to talk about. Some bloggers and writers work long hours and deprive themselves of this refilling moment called sleep. Sleep plays an important role in physical health.
It’s said, sleep is required for the healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels.
This alone a solid proof that blogging without taking off enough time to sleep is a health danger. Good sleep can improve your problem-solving skills and enhance your memory.
That’s why the best moment I do flow in writing is the early hours of the day. I know quite many of us do well writing early in the morning.
That’s simply because your brain was refreshed while you slept at night. If you keep writing without getting enough sleep, watch as your productivity dwindles.
Notice that Sleep and productivity go together, don’t separate them for your peril! LOL

~ Enstine Muki ~ EnstineMuki


Sleep and productivity I had insomnia for many years. This issue was caused by stress and the sedentary lifestyle that I had been living.

My sleep has started to improve a lot in the last few months because I started to have more confidence in myself and took more action in solving my problems, not just complaining about them.

I used to spend every night lying in my bed for 2 hours, trying and hoping to fall asleep. I now sleep 8 hours a night, from 12 pm to 8 am.

I don’t work at night because I can’t focus well and I don’t feel productive. I prefer to wake up early in the morning with a clear mind and work on my projects.

Here are a few tips you must follow if you want to improve your productivity:

  1. Have a regular sleeping pattern of 6-8 hours per night
  2. Eliminate the stress by taking action toward fixing your problems
  3. Play sports
  4. Have a healthy diet (eat lots of fruits and vegetables, don’t smoke, don’t eat junk food and don’t drink alcohol)
  5. Figure out which time of the day you are most efficient
  6. Focus only on the daily tasks that you need to do and don’t let other concerns distract you.

~ Minuca Elena ~MinucaElena


Sleep and productivity“Trying to be productive with the lack of sleep is like trying to jump on one leg in a straight line while fat leprechauns are trying to head-butt you.

In other words, getting enough sleep is VERY important regarding your productivity.

Studies have shown that the majority of people are the most productive the 2 first hours after they get out of bed.

Those two hours are called The 2 Golden Hours. However, some people are more productive during the evening, while others are at night.

The point is finding out when YOU are the most productive, and then blocking out those two hours for your most income-generating tasks (read: writing)  for your business.

I work on my most income-generating tasks every single day from 8-11.30 am.

Being productive is what helped me to get featured on 158 blogs in my first 14 months of blogging.”

~TorRefsland   TheTimeManagementChef

Sleep and productivity
To be honest, as a life coach, I know many tricks to make sure I get a good night’s sleep, so there basically nothing that’s going to deprive me of sleep anymore. But in the past, if I had a very bad night for one reason or another, I had a very hard time functioning.
My brain doesn’t work properly if I’m lacking sleep. That’s why a good night’s sleep is really important to me.

To answer the second part of your question, I am a morning person all the way through. My best productivity time frame is between 6 and 11 AM. Those are the hours I do most of my writing.   ~ Sylviane Nuccio ~ SylvianeNuccio

Sleep and productivity
My question is: How does sleep or lack of it, influence your productivity? And what is the best time you use for your writing?
Since we the bloggers and writers often get less sleep this surely affects our health and of course our productivity too! So please do write about your experience in this regard in 1 to 6 sentences or a maximum of 100 to 200 words.
On this question, I have to mention the statement by an actor that is fans that keep him motivated. Bloggers also are motivated by the readers. As we announce a series of posts, the response of readers forces us to sit late night and complete the posts. I write my posts from 6 to 8 am or 8 to 10 pm normally on weekdays.

On holidays, time can increase. A Huge majority of active bloggers do not make money. Many bloggers are happy to get 100 visitors a day. That is a good number to motivate many bloggers.  I feel bloggers have to give importance to health first. They need to change their blogging habits in case of need from a health point of view.

~ Prof. Narayana Rao K.V.S.SNRaoIEKC.Blog


Sleep and productivity“Ironically enough, I am wide awake from insomnia at 2 AM in NYC as I write this. But I almost always get 8 hours of sleep a night. I do stay in bed for 8 hours even if I don’t sleep for 8. Keeps me rested and refreshed for my writing. If I sleep poorly my productivity usually drops like a brick.

As for writing, I set aside 1-2 hours daily to write for my blog or now, again, for my eBooks. Sometimes afternoon, sometimes morning. If I just set aside the time, I walk into a quiet room, close the door, and the words flow.”

~Ryan Biddulph ~  BloggingFromParadise


Sleep and productivitySometimes when I lack sleep it can make me lose focus and thereby have an effect on my productivity. If I get those days, even if I try to catch up, it won’t be sufficient. Sometimes I just have to let it go and use that day as an “off” day. Take a long walk or do something unrelated to business.

I don’t usually have this happening, but when I do I can see the difference of how I am able to keep up. Even if I have a client that day for an appointment, I would have to put them off to another day. Lack of sleep can really slow me down and I cannot give 100% to others. That’s why I need to just back away.

~Donna Merrill   ~ DonnaMerrillTribe


Sleep and productivity
As for the first part of your question. “How does sleep or lack of it, influence your productivity?”
I don’t like to waste a whole lot of time sleeping, as I think sleep is overrated!
But it is important for me to get at least 6-7 hours a day for me to perform at my best.
As for the second part of your question.
“What is the best time you use for your writing?”
For me late night seems to work best, I am not sure as to why it just works for me.

~ Chery Schmidt ~  SuccessCoach.Chery-Schmidt

Sleep and productivityWorking with people in different time zones often sees me online well into the night or early morning.  I also do any major updates to Australian websites during our night.

I’m fortunate that I don’t have to work outside the home and my children are grown. I’m no longer a “taxi” mom. I fit in sleep when I need it, wake up, and jump out of bed, ready for the day.  It wasn’t the case when the alarm clock woke me. I’d always want to roll over and go back to sleep.

Power naps (and sometimes longer) are really beneficial.  Apart from possible health problems, I’m not efficient or productive when I lack sleep. Normally a positive person, I can get (internally) grumpy and negative when overtired. A set routine really doesn’t suit me.

~ Sue  Bride ~  SueBlimely

I muSleep and productivityst admit that I am a quite good sleeper and certainly cannot complain about that. However, if I do not get my normal 8 hours, I certainly notice the difference, especially towards the end of the day. At that time, it was pointless to do anything important or significant.

In terms of the best time to get things done, first thing in the morning is not my best or most productive period. I prefer to warm up the day with a coffee and email or social media while my brain slowly gets up to top speed. Then, it gives me time to get ready for more weighty tasks such as client work (Website Design, SEO) or to write something for my blog or someone else’s!

I recommend that anyone working online (or offline) should know when they are most productive and make a habit of scheduling their most important tasks for the day during that period! The results can be amazing.

   ~ Ashley Faulkes ~ MadLemmings

Sleep and productivity

I don’t take for granted recharging my body. In the past, I did take it for granted and would work round the clock and take little rest. This affected me greatly and I would fall sick for a week. So I had to change because my productivity and creativity were on the line.
My sleeping hours differ so much as I usually sleep for 4-7 hours. When It comes to my best writing times, I am more of a morning person and I would wake as early as 3 am to begin writing my posts. Sometimes during these hours, I could work till daybreak which is why I love taking short quick naps as, without it, I will be drained.
There are times when my body decides that it needs to fully charge, then I just go to sleep and allow my body to wake me up.

~ Ikechi Awazie ~  AwazieIkechi

Sleep and productivityWell, sleep is definitely hard to get as a blogger. Blogging may look like an easy home-based job, but when you have to manage a blog and manage a home at the same time it takes a toll on you.
Lack of sleep definitely affects my productivity. But from the very beginning, I’ve always practiced stringent time management to maintain a balance between my personal and professional life.
Generally, I work more during night time when there are fewer distractions and disturbances. As a mother of a toddling, it means a lot.
However, I make sure to get at least 7 hours of sleep a day. A fatigued mind is no good when you have to churn out interesting content for your readers. I also make sure to use all my unproductive time to do reading and research on various topics.
This way I can dedicate my late-night working hours for writing and managing my blogs.

~Nisha Pandey ~  SeoTechyWorld

As someSleep and productivityone who has sleep apnea, this subject is close to my heart. I understand that many bloggers have to work around a regular job and family commitments. However, sacrificing sleep and rest is detrimental to your ability to succeed.

It was only after being treated for sleep apnea that I began to find the clarity and passion it took to recover from losing the family business and start my own online business.

And yes I have worked way too many late nights for my own good. We all do it. So, the key is to make sure you allow for sleep, rest, and relaxation.

If you have started to lose interest in your favorite activities, are finding yourself more short-tempered, or you are constantly feeling tired and run down; then it should be obvious you need more sleep. However, it could just be, you need more fun.

I think it’s interesting that we give kids recess but only give ourselves coffee breaks. Make sure your sleep space is free of distractions to allow you the best chance to get the most out of the hours you do sleep.  Address emotional upsets before even trying to fall asleep.

The old line about not going to bed angry is sound advice. Establish a routine. For example, I sleep much better after taking off my socks and folding them up. I live in an old house that isn’t always warm in the winter, so some nights this isn’t possible. I can tell the difference.

Have a favorite movie, TV show episode, or song to fall asleep to. Have a sleepy time playlist just like you have an exercise or work playlist. In Iron Eagle, the wise old pilot said to be sure and play the right music.

Very few of us in today’s world will get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep. Most of us won’t take time out for play or distraction. So, it’s critical that you get the most out of the time you take away from the world.

And if all else fails to lock your office door put your feet up and take a nap. Good Wishes.

~ Maxwell Ivey  ~ TheBlindBlogger


“I’m actually able to function quite well with minimum sleep, however according to my FitBit, I do average around 7 hours sleep per night. I’m usually exhausted and mentally drained by the evenings. Running an online business and taking care of a family is pretty exhausting stuff.
I’m at my most productive from the moment I step into my home office in the mornings, after some serious coffee fix. Before I take care of anything else in my business, I focus on blog writing. So from 9 am to around 1 pm, I’m just writing and doing nothing else.
I keep to that routine and it works wonders for me. My mind is fresh and alert, I can focus without procrastinating. I know I’m creating something of quality and not something half-baked because I’m too tired or have too many distractions to write.”

Fabrizio Van Marciano ~ Magnet4Blogging


cutmypic(31)Lack of sleep is a big reason I have some days that I just feel blah, sluggish, and unmotivated.

Plus getting the right amount of sleep for me keeps me happier and in a positive mindset that helps me write content, blog posts easier and at a higher level.

For me, mornings are best, everything is quiet, outside is quiet, I’m fresh and ready to start the day. All this helps me stay focused and to think clearer, which helps be more creative when I write.

~ John Paul ~ JohnPaulaguir


LesMi Muba rs sleep does not mean simply how short your sleep is. It equally means how uncomfortable or stressful sleep you take. A very deep and comfortable sleep of four to five hours is better than seven to eight hours of sleep with a few breaks it with the lack of comfort on your bed, body, or mind.

So instead of lengthening your sleep hours, it is better to comfort your sleep by eating the proper diet at the proper time, doing exercise or walking thinking positive and doing more and better.

Yes, less sleep does affect our productivity but instead of worrying about it, we need to correct the basic fault that lies in taking an uncomfortable sleep. I pointed above how we can make our short sleep better than the one taken for quite long hours.

I do most of the productive work early in the morning but for doing this my age factor equally counts a lot. Usually, people above 40 get so punctual of going to bed and rising from the bed but for teenagers, it is quite difficult to adopt a proper schedule because they equally have to enjoy it more than an aging person.

So the best time for doing any productive work is after taking a very comfortable and deep sleep. It could be any time in the morning, evening, or in late hours. Yes for doing any productive work never forget to do your homework before taking sleep and you will see its miraculous impact while doing that work.

~ Mi Muba  ~   BeAMoneyblogger



Luckily I work from home, so I have a bed near my studio. I start my day at 3 am, a little private time to meditate, and then straight into writing by 4 am. My mind is always fresh early in the morning, brimming with ideas.
At about noon, I hit a creative wall and my mind becomes foggy–so I take a nap for 30-90 minutes. When I wake up, I have new ideas and energy to continue on until evening.
So how does sleep influence my productivity? It’s my recharging process to assist my health AND my ideas!

~ Jaime Buckley ~   wantedhero

Harsh agarwalWhen I was starting out, I used to sleep quite late. In fact, with the numerous thing to learn, at times I sacrificed my sleep. I remember the days when by mid-noon, due to lack of sleep I started slurring.

It’s really fun to work in the night as there is no disturbance & you can work on one thing for a longer period without distraction.

This kind of work schedule worked out for me for years but eventually, this made me lose a lot of stuff. Such as:

  • Being social
  • Skipping the meals
  • Health was deteriorating
Eventually, I realized working in the night may look good but on average, my productivity was down. It’s been about one and a half years, I have become a morning person.
Usually, I write either in the morning until 11 A.M or between 4-7 P.M. Now, I have made a habit of putting my phone on airplane mode when I’m writing.

If you would ask me the same question after a year, I’m sure my favorite time for writing would be different. :-)

~Harsh AgrawalShoutMeLoud


cutmypic(34)Sleep is essential for productivity. Lack of sleep reduces your creativity, focus, and productivity. The best writing times for me are early in the morning when there are no distractions. I sit down with a cup of coffee and I find that’s when I write some of my best stuff in the least amount of time.

~ Syed BalkhiOptinmonster


cutmypic(14)For me, quality sleep is a must-have in order to work actively the next day. When I started out, I used to sleep for only 3-4 hours a day and that eventually showed up in my performance.

Fatigue, regular migraine attacks, and low productivity all crept in.

Nowadays, I try to sleep at least 5-6 hours in the night and make sure I have an afternoon nap (around 1 pm-2 pm) for an hour. This has been my savior making me rejuvenated for the next half of the day.

Just because I make a living from my freelance writing services, I am very careful as to when I am more productive and when my performance is at its best. I find the morning time as the best fit for my writing. I lock the first half of my working schedule (9 am-1 pm) for writing my client projects. I divide the time into 50 minutes of work and 10-minute refreshment gaps. :)

~ Swadhin Agrawal ~ SwadhinAgrawal


cutmypic(101)Sleep is very important for my productivity. I have seen that when I’m deprived of sleep my levels of productivity plummet. Though I strive for a proper 8 hours sleep, I have clients across time zones including countries like the United States, U.K., China, and New Zealand which makes it difficult to keep to a strict sleep regimen especially if there are emergencies or any launches of my clients.

To ensure that the lack of sleep doesn’t affect my productivity and work, I use the below strategies:
1. Social media/communication free windows of time during which I work the best.
2. Schedule work according to my body cycle so since I am a morning and evening person I work best then and keep routine work for the afternoon.
3. Before a client launch or any major work contract, I ensure that my social calendar is empty so that there is no late-night socializing which will affect the next day’s work.
The best time for my writing is undoubtedly early morning or late evening. Both these times I have the quiet and peace where I can focus and get into the zone. I try to keep this time phone free so that I can focus on my writing.

~ Russell Lobo  ~ RussLobo.Com

“Lack of sleep doesn’t have much of an effect on my productivity levels during the morning. The afternoon, however, is a different kettle of fish. If I don’t get enough sleep the previous night my ability to focus and concentrate during the afternoon diminishes, especially if my work environment is warm.
As you may have surmised, my writing is most productive during the morning. That’s not to say I can’t write during the afternoon, I just have to make more of an effort to buckle down and concentrate on the task at hand.”

~ Martin Eising ~  Healthquotes

Monna Ellithorpe rI find that lack of sleep does cause me to make more mistakes in my writing, such as leaving words out or putting the wrong word somewhere.

I do my best writing during the morning hours but since I am a caregiver to Mom with Alzheimer’s Disease, I have to adjust my schedule around her.

Before becoming a caregiver, I could edit my writing as I wrote. Now I find it best to let whatever I have written sit until the next day and then I will read it again a few more times to check for errors.

I don’t have as much time online these days as I would like to but I have resolved to use my phone to record any ideas for blog posts or new books I want to write. Many times a post can be dictated to my phone, I email it to myself and then I can edit and post when I am able to work on my laptop.

  ~Monna Ellithorpe ~ MonnaEllithorpe


cutmypic(16)I wish I could say that I get the perfect amount of sleep, get up every morning to drink green juice and meditate… sadly, that’s not true.

Sometimes I’ll stay up until 3 am writing, sometimes I get to bed by midnight. I haven’t noticed a difference in my writing either way. I will say, though, that the mornings are always the most productive (probably because my kids are at school and they’re not crawling all over me at that time!)

~Brittany Bullen  ~ BrittanyBullen


Lack of sleep definitely affects my work and productivity. If I don’t get at least 8 hours, my mind is slower to process things and I just move at a slower pace overall during the day. I also find that when I sleep well consistently, it’s easier to stick with my good habits like eating right and exercising.
To answer your second question, the best time for me to write is either mid-morning or late at night. My brain needs a bit of time (and coffee!) to get going most mornings. The afternoon is usually a lost cause and I plan that time for less consuming tasks. Since I know when’s my best time to write, I plan my time accordingly.

~ Andréa Jones ~ SociallySavvySchool

cutmypic(38)“Sleep is extremely important for me. Ever since I finished my army service, I tried to make sure I wake up naturally because my body wants to, as opposed to when I have to. So basically, I wake up whenever my body is fully recharged :) I think that’s the most healthy way to go about it.

When your body is well-rested and energized, your productivity goes up the roof, and that’s a case I constantly try to maintain :) I don’t have a preferred time for writing. In most cases, it comes. :-)

~Nadav Dakner ~ InboundJunction


Ajay MisraSLEEP is often the most ignored parameter in productivity enhancement. And I consider it as essential to have higher productivity and greater focus.

But when I started blogging, at that time I was working in a Top Corporate Job and running my blog so I was compromising heavily on sleeping.

I used to sleep only 3 to 4 hours a day and I was writing most of the blog posts at night. I believe all beginners follow this path only because most of them doubled up blogging with a full-time job or studies.

But when you become a PRO you need to change your strategy for greater

productivity and massive success.

After leaving my Corporate Job and turns into a Pro Blogger, now I write mostly in the MORNING. I sleep for 7 to 8 hours every night and it has increased my productivity, focus and success rate significantly.

All these are vital for success when Blogging become your passion and profession. And Sleep is your essential tool. Try it and you will be surprised by the result.

~ Ajay Mishra  ~  AwesomeAJ


Majo round

The best time for me to write is in the morning and I like to make it one of the first things I do. I’ll start off by checking my e-mails for the day and then I work in ”timeblocks” (check it out, it’s so cool!  After having attended to my e-mails, I like to spend a time block of about 2-3 hours writing (if it’s a ”writing day” for me). This means that I produce a lot and I allow myself to enter into this ”flow”.

I don’t actually need a lot of sleep as long as the sleep I am getting is high-quality sleep. When my quality of sleep is high, I feel very ”sharp” and ready to make important decisions – feeling rested allows me to make the right decisions fast. Also, when my need for sleep has been covered, it’s easy for me to be productive without feeling sleepy. I’m just a better and more productive, efficient and present person when I get a good night’s sleep under my belt.

~ Maj Wismann ~


cutmypic(99)Sleep is very important to my blogging and being on social media too. Several times due to lack of sleep I either made many spelling errors or typos in my posts. I once tweeted something crazy via lack of sleep.

I now get more sleep and don’t blog just for the sake of getting a new post out there. I put it through a spell checker first and usually sleep on it before publishing. I do my best work in the morning and rarely after 8 pm in the evening.
My best work tends to come after a shower or a good walk. It clears up your mind and gives me more creativity.
It is hard to function with more than one night with a lack of sleep. It can make it harder to focus on.  7-8 hours is optimal for me.

~ Lisa Sicard ~ InspireToThrive


cutmypic(13)Expressing my side of the world and my understanding comes naturally to me and I use blogging as one medium to reach my readers.

Being an entrepreneur and running my Corporate Training and Organization Development Consultancy takes a major part of my days’ time.

Apart from my professional world, I am a movie buff catching up with the latest movies and writing reviews about them is a passion. And then I am a family man and love to spend my time in that wonderful world to a lot.

Balancing various roles, responsibilities need actions to be performed within the finite time of 24 hours seemed quite challenging for me initially when I used to divide my actions linked with each role and responsibility evenly.

My experience clubbed with my failures and triumphs taught me that it’s not important how much time I spent on each activity but how much quality time I spent on each activity to fulfill my roles and responsibilities.

As I am not a nocturnal being like many of my blogger friends I prefer to wake up early finish off my family chores and rush to my office much before time into my happy space for writing and also stay back after office hours to continue and finish my writing before I rush back to my home. There are some privileges I enjoy being my own boss like a flexible work schedule, not to answer to a hawkish boss why and what I do before and after my office hours.

~ Thomas Mathew  ~  LifeConnoisseur


cutmypic(6)As far as I knew, most of the bloggers are working hard. As did I. You will find me and many bloggers are online on social platforms while working at middle night. In brutally honest, I am not a hard-working blogger, but I have a problem sleeping. I find it difficult to sleep earlier hence blogging should be the best for me. I watch the tutorial on YouTube, read the blog article, and enjoy social chatting.

Mostly, I make sales on social media such as Facebook and Twitter, and most of the clients are my friends. I don’t know what to say, but the relationship is worth a lot to me, and I cannot think about blogging without those people.

A priority job of mine is to get up in the morning (usually 9 AM. Is it early morning?) and go to the coffee shop. I spend 2 hours every morning to achieve about 3000 words, and it takes me 2 or 3 days to finish writing. Sometimes, I write the article at home after back from the coffee shop, but It seems to me that working in the morning gets a better result than the daytime. Yes. I love morning writing.

~  Kimsea Sok  ~  BlogMarketingSea

Barry Kort rI sleep when I am tired and rise when I wake up. Some days I nap, some days I don’t.

I usually do my best writing at dawn, mainly because ideas tend to come to me in my sleep.

~ Barry KortMoultonLava

I try my best to sleep for at least 8 hours a day. I sleep around 12 am and wake up at 8 am. I believe that my mental capacity is extremely important as a thought leader in my field and every time you do not sleep right, it affects your brain cells – which affect your overall mental capacity and processing.
That’s a bad thing. So sleep is extremely important to me.
I am a motivational speaker in the morning and an SEO and analytic guy at night.

~ Sean Patrick Si ~ PandoraLabs

cutmypic(13)I am happy to say that I have no problem with sleep as many bloggers may have. I was always an “Owl” and liked to do my work which needed focus or new ideas late or in the night. This is the best

time when everybody is sleeping. To stay awake and alert I have a trick, which I will tell and it maybe helps others. It helped many famous people as well to be alert and more creative to get answers to

questions and new ideas. It is called cat nap and it boosts the performance make alert and creative. This is scientific is proven.

A short nap in a special way, (Sit in a comfortable chair or on a couch and relax, hold a key or a stone in your hand, if you fall asleep, at the right time, the key or stone will fall down and you will wake up and will be highly alert and productive. You can also lie down, but the key may not make a noise.

Try it, it works. I do not need a key or stone, with practice it works without. Everyone interested can read more about on my blog.

~ Erika Mohssen Beyk  ~ Erikamohssen

Sleep is interesting to me. Every few weeks or so I go 24 hours without sleeping. This period heightens my creativity for a little while and I get some interesting ideas. I write them all down in batches as titles or ideas in Evernote or a notebook, then I sleep. If I go too long without sleep, around 36 hours then productivity and creativity decrease. So I know it’s time to sleep.
Under normal circumstances, I sleep about 4 to 6 hours and usually wake up between 3:30 am and 6:00 am and I do most of my work during that time because everyone in the house is asleep and my mind is really alert as I wake up. I prefer to write during the really early hours of the morning and I do the rest of the stuff (vlogging, social media, comments, etc) throughout the day.
I drink coffee throughout the day, in moderation, but I find if I sleep too much, then I am groggy throughout the day unless I have a lot of coffee.

~ Oscar Gonzalez ~ Notagrouch

Sue Anne Dunlevie
 I am the type of blogger that needs my rest. I sleep 7-8 hours a night and wake up early in the morning, I first work on my income-producing activities after I wake up. Then I work on writing and other blogging activities. Only then do I check email and do lesser-important activities.
Jim Edwards taught me this method. He calls it the “Golden Hours” – 2 hours spent in the morning on the most important activities that bring me in money. It works and even if the rest of the day gets away from you, you know you have had a profitable day.

~ Sue Anne Dunlevie ~ Successful Blogging

cutmypic(12)I am a morning person; I like to jump in and start work after my morning cup of coffee.

When I don’t get enough sleep, and it happens more often now that I am caring for a sick husband I will get up later than I like. This makes me feel that I have wasted the most productive time of the day.

So I am finding by getting up early every day regardless of the time I have slept. I do have ample energy in the morning to write my articles as well as accomplish some social media engagement.

On those nights when I have slept very little, I will write articles then wait until I have a good night’s sleep to review.

~ Pamela Jacob  ~   ArtistaDesign


As a baby boomer that blogs, and does online marketing, for me, sleep is a critical element in my blogging and business success.
I find, unless I get my full 7 1/2 to 8 hours, I really drag in the morning, and struggle to get the creative juices flowing.
In my case, my recipe to be alert as I start my day, is first off, get the sleep, and then start my day with a few cups of coffee. If I have a particularly busy schedule, I’ll admit, I can end up with 4-5 cups before the morning is through.
But, this works for me. I really do get more done this way, whether it be blogging, recording videos, or helping team members in my online business.
Eventually, I also try to get in a 30-minute walk, to help keep me focused, balanced and energized.

 ~Patrick Batty ~ BoomerHigh

cutmypic(25)I have always been a deep and long sleeper.  I like at least 8 hours a night to make me function better during the daytime.  I also prefer to sleep at night.  I used to work shifts and sometimes nights, but I found and still find it very difficult to sleep during the daytime.

I like to work mostly in the mornings.  I’m much fresher and clear-headed when I first get up and often have great ideas last thing at night, so I note them down so I can work on the first thing!

I do work in the evenings sometimes, but I really prefer not to.  Sadly a lot of webinars and online meetings happen during the evening hours.  I prefer to relax in the evening.

Lack of sleep makes me fuzzy-headed and I can’t focus properly, so I prefer to take a step away from online work and head out in the fresh air when I get less or poor quality sleep.

~ Mandy Allen MandyAllen

sleep and productivityA dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination & hard work. With a 9 hrs daily job, I manage to work extra 6-7 hrs for my tech news blog – Elkees Media and It’s not an easy task for me but I am compromising with my health because I look for the best future of my site.

In the past few months, I had to change my sleeping schedule because I really need to more focus on fresh & quality content for my site. Now the challenge is to finish my all works (job, blogging & other works) in 24 hrs with a good sleep of around 8 hrs. I love to write posts with a cup of coffee every morning, this time best suits me. First I read tech news on Huffingtonpost & TechCrunch. It motivates me to do lots more for my blog.

~ Lalit Kumar Sharma~


cutmypic(23)Sleep has a pivotal role in determining productivity. I know it is not possible for us, internet marketers to sleep all night as most of us work at that time.

In my case, it hardly takes six hours daily that is the minimum time a healthy person needs to sleep according to the Sleep Foundation chart.

It may be the same for all the part-time bloggers as they get time only in the night to spread their online wings.

In the days when I had to work for more than usual hours and sleep took second place, it was not easy for me to concentrate on the office work due to headaches. On contrary to this, the days I had a perfect sleep (at least five hours) went well without any physical issues.

As a part-time blogger, being a full-time marketing manager at a Delhi-based firm. Hence, I barely get time to devote to article writing. On typical days, I leave my office at sharp 6 PM.

It takes about an hour to reach my residence, and I use this time for social media promotion, topic hunting, etc. It’s about 9 PM when I take my laptop to start working. We bloggers need to take care of a lot of things other than content writing!

And frequently, the day becomes almost over when I start writing posts. The best part about writing in the night is it’s devoid of distractions except the snoring of family members! Then, I sleep at night around 2 PM.

Due to my busy schedule, it sometimes takes 2-3 days to come up with a post on my blog, and I never regretted that because I always make sure my audience gets the perfect pieces of content.

~ Savita Singh ~  ComputerGeekBlog

Anil-Agarwal r

If you are doing an online business or running a blog full-time, you already know it’s really hard to be consistent. Here’s where productivity comes into play. Although it differs from person to person, one should quickly be able to find out what works BEST for them.

If you are a night owl, getting up early in the morning won’t work.

But as a blogger, I can surely say those mornings are the best to write flawless and in-depth blog’s content. You will be less distracted in the mornings. I personally prefer to write in the mornings and usually, work until late nights to keep things up.

I guess sleeping 7 to 8 hours a day is the surest way to keep yourself healthy. Anything less than that can create more stress and eventually leads to a mediocre lifestyle. Although it’s my personal opinion about the sleeping pattern one should aim at sleeping at least 7 hours a day to lead a healthy lifestyle.

If you want to be a productive person, don’t sleep less than 7-8 hours. Sleep deprivation is one of the horrible mistakes anyone can make.

~ Anil Agarwal ~ BloggersPassion


cutmypic (9)
 Lack of sleep is one of the main culprits for diminished productivity. Therefore, I take sleep very seriously indeed. Productivity happens to be a function of time, attention and energy. Lack of sleep equals a lack of energy and therefore lower productivity.
The trouble is, most people don’t realize how a lack of sleep affects them. Over time, people get used to sleeping less than the necessary 7-9 hours a day, and they don’t even feel physically fatigued for doing so.
However, that has a negative impact on our IQ, our moods, and our decision-making capability – all of which lead to lower productivity, whether you are cognizant of it or not! The bottom line, more time does not equal more productivity, especially at the cost of sleep.
I personally find that the best time to write is early morning. That’s when my brain is sharpest and distractions are at a minimum. Besides, writing in the morning also gives me a sense of accomplishment which makes me more productive for the rest of the day.

~ Peter Banerjea ~  SuccessIsWhat


cutmypic (7)I hardly find 4-5 hours to sleep and that too in odd timings. Mostly I am awake at nights to work and grow my blog and my knowledge.

Talking about its effect on health, it has a bad effect on my health. Most often I am suffering from a cold or a cough. A headache is common.

I live on painkillers and that is the worst thing that has happened to me due to lack of sleep.

For writing, I am awake at night hours while office people are sleeping.

~ Vashishtha K Kapoor  ~


Sleep is a natural phenomenon which must occur at pre-defined intervals. If you are disturbing your routine, you might see some unpredictable results.
Saints mastered this art by training their bodies in such a way that they could work for many days without taking proper sleep. But to reach that level, you need to put extra effort and dedication.
And as you know we are in the fast tech world, where things are very fast. We want to see results as quickly as possible.
So disturbing this phenomenon can not only make your body more fatigue but you will see some unnoticed changes in your body which will cause a huge problem in the future.
My writing time is between 8:00 PM to 12:00 AM. This is the time where you see less distraction around you, you feel more focused and your mind responds in a much better way

~ Kulwant NagiBloggingCage.Com


cutmypic(3)It is recommended that we as adults get between seven to nine hours of sleep per day. I find that if I do not get enough quality sleep, I find it harder to concentrate and I tend to get irritable.

When this happens, I would sometimes take a short break and just have a “power-nap” of 10 – 15 minutes. After I have done this my energy levels are up, I’m focused and I get double the amount of work done.

As to the question of what is the best time for me to write; I try to do most of my writing first thing in the morning when I am still fresh and I find it easier to focus.

But I have found, after spending some quality family time and relaxing in the evening and everybody went to bed, I feel relaxed and I can easily lose myself in the silence and this is often when I do some of my best posts.

In terms of the best time to get things done, first thing in the morning is not my best or most productive period. I prefer to warm up the day with a coffee and email or social media while my brain slowly gets up to top speed.

Then, it gives me time to get ready for more weighty tasks such as client work (Website Design, SEO) or to write something for my blog or someone else’s!

~Jaco AlbertsJacobAlberts.Com


Sleep massively impacts my productivity. If I’ve had very little sleep, the next day I’m usually less productive. The biggest issue is that with the lack of sleep, it’s difficult to focus, so I tend to procrastinate more.
And as a business owner, I have to make a lot of decisions every day, so decision fatigue usually kicks in at some point. With little sleep, it kicks in a lot sooner.
As for writing, I usually find that I’m more productive when I write in the mornings (within the first few hours after getting up). But, I also find that my writing comes across as slightly more inspired if I write in the evenings.

  ~ Adam Connell  ~ BloggingWizard


Lack of sleep is an absolute productivity killer. I have to admit I write day and night and often have spurts of great creativity and productivity at night when I should be chillin’ out. Such is the life of a writer. I roll when the inspiration calls. I also should admit, I’m a slow starter so I rarely write early in the day. I ease into the workday by reading.

~ Barry Feldman ~  CalendlyBarryjFeldman


cutmypic(25)Being a Life Coach and an entrepreneur, my daytime is usually engaged with my commitment to my organization. To pursue my passion for blogging about film reviews, I choose late night hours after spending some quality time with family. Though I personally love the silence of the nights to blog, physically, at times I do feel less agile and less mentally active at this hour. Certainly, keeping awake for a longer duration at night, and catching up with sleep for fewer hours does take a toll on the body. But then, the passion for blogging and craving to write helps. The satisfaction of writing a film review does balance out the duration of sleep. Besides, I don’t force myself to write, I write when the body, soul, mind helps to write effectively.

~ Bindu Cherungath ~  MovieReviewsByBinduC

 I’m one of those that turns into a ferocious bear when I’m sleep deprived. My productivity plummets, my focus fades, and my creativity tanks. Sooooo, it’s essential that I make time to get sleep every night, or at the very least only go a couple of nights with less than 6 hours of sleep in a row.
My most productive hours are those in the late morning and late evening, so I use those wisely. I make sure my most critical tasks are scheduled during those times so I optimize my ‘sweet spots’ on the clock. When I don’t have the luxury of being well-rested I try to stick to the ‘busy’ work and more mindless tasks, by getting myself quite a bit ahead on those so I can buy myself more time when I AM rested to work on the tasks that require my full brainpower.
It’s all about knowing yourself, your habits, and how and when you work best and using that information to set yourself up for success.

~Andrea Beltrami ~ TheBrandedSolopreneur

cutmypic(78)I would have to say that my writing is affected by both a lack of sleep and getting enough sleep. I like to do most of my writing in the morning after I’ve had a great sleep.

Sometimes that doesn’t always happen. When I don’t get enough sleep my writing becomes vague and doesn’t flow well together. Is it possible for one can write too much?

~ Alicia Osmera ~  ConnectWithAlicia

cutmypic (18)I want to start with the famous quote “early to bed & early to rise”, as I am a big follower of the same since my childhood. I got this habit from my father and right now as a father, I am passing the same to my kid as well. However, I wasn’t aware of the fact that this habit will become my best weapon to start dreaming about my blogging career.

We all know that blogging is a huge time taking a job where one needs enough time to think and produce a good quality resource. Otherwise, your content and thought will be recycle binned immediately. Being a typical 9 to 6 IT professional, I spend most of my time at the office and rest to regain myself back to action for the next day.

As an early riser, I found the best time to think and work effectively in the morning. Generally, I wake up at around 5-5:30 am and able to manage 2-3 hours to pursue my hobby with 100% satisfaction. But whenever there is a change in routine like a late-night party or some other plan, I have to get ready for a bad & unmanaged day.

So, whatever is your biological clock and sleeping habit, make sure that you are able to sleep for enough time to give your brain and body enough rest so that you can start your next day with more energy with higher productivity.

~ Santanu Debnath ~MyDailyLifeTips


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Lack of sleep is the first and foremost thing that affects more than any other in reducing a person’s productivity. As per some scientific research, it is said that a person can live for 3 months without food but can only live for 11 days maximum without sleep. When coming to my personal life, since childhood I sleep very less and not more than 6 hours maximum most of the time. Lack of sleep will also affect your brain and reduces learning and memory, immunity and also creates symptoms of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).  As per scientists and our elder’s sayings, Our brain works at its best during early morning hours and that is why many of our elders and ancestors used to study and learn many things during those hours.  Unfortunately, I am a night Owl I write, read and learn many things during the night and I can’t get good ideas or interest to read or write in the daytime mostly.

~ Gurunath Naka  ~ BestOfGuru

cutmypic(20)True writers write. Whenever, wherever, and however they can. They can NOT write!

Writing is as essential to them as breathing, and they often forgo sleep in order to meet their goals.

Practicing meditation and taking power naps are often more useful than getting 6 or 8 hours of sleep.

My own personal productivity depends on a few factors: interest level, time constraints, and my desire to succeed in meeting my goals. I am highly motivated, and so I rest when I am tired and work when I’m not. I can easily work without sleep if I am working on my personal writing projects.

However, client work takes precedence in my life, as I pride myself in offering stellar services at superb rates. This is the main motto at Wording Well! When I am working on a particularly tough assignment, I make sure I am well-rested when doing so.

I generally am most productive when I first wake up. I am also productive late at night when it is quiet.

The fact that I can set my own hours is definitely a plus in my freelancing business!

~ Lorraine Reguly ~WordingWell


cutmypic(45)I have not had the beneficial 8 hours of sleep for at least 20 years… I’m not sure if it helps or hurts my productivity. My situation is that I work with an international clientele, therefore, sometimes I have meetings late at night or early in the morning. I’m sure my creative juices are better served if I had more rest, but inspiration happens at the oddest times.

~ Gabriella Sannino ~ Level343


cutmypicI am very conscious of my sleep schedules. No matter what my work schedules are, I always make sure to have a sound sleep of 6-7 hours every night. I track my sleep behavior using the “Sleep As Android” app. I see the stats over a period of time and reorganize myself if something seems not right.

I am at my best productive self during the early mornings. The calm and fresh environment helps me focus on writing my blog posts. However, this is not always the case. Whenever I have to work on a tight schedule or come up with an in-depth blog post I even work late nights to get the work done. Recently, I had to publish my meaty post on ‘blogging tips’ and for that, I had to work until dawn. I, however, make sure to renew those losses with occasional afternoon naps the next day. I recommend just falling asleep on your office couch for 40-45 minutes and it will renew your overnight stress to a great extent.

~ Ankit Singla  ~  BloggerTips


cutmypic(17) I have always needed plenty of sleep! Honestly, I’m totally ineffective the next day if I don’t at least eight hours of sleep. Yes, I can function after a poor night of sleep, but I tend just to go through the motions of writing more slowly.

Providing I’ve had a good sleep then I tend to work better in the morning. I have a timetable, a framework, which I stick to most days. From 10 am to 1 pm I’m focused on my One Thing – the most important task that I need to complete that day. I’ll take some coffee breaks in that 3-hour period, but otherwise, there are no distractions – just focus.

~ David Hartshorne ~ Byte of Data

cutmypicIn my opinion, one shouldn’t shun regular sleep for any cause which will indeed hamper the natural well-being, gradually making him/her less productive. Sleeping is an inimitable medication for psychological and physiological fitness. Writing activities may set some authors sleepless due to their pungent disquiet for right away reflecting the mind-blowing threads. Though this will help them to profoundly focus and jot down the timely precise feels in the writing, which is not at all recommendable if they used to sacrifice it.

In my past, I never ever preferred a specific time for my writings. Whenever I get a magnificent thirst for writing I won’t look for an ideal condition to draft it. I fear that I may lose the instantaneous imaginations and ideas if I delay to save it. On such times, I don’t bother even to hamper my sleep or any activities for a time in order to note it down so as to develop it conveniently but at the same time, I try to recompense the lost time through possible means. In the case of some strong desires, causing hindrance to our sleep, we may also find suitable times to recuperate the loss to keep us always fresh and healthy.

~Joy Guruvayoor  ~ Koottukaar

Annette R SmithI am more of a night owl than a morning lark, so I usually do my best writing in the evenings or at night. But family obligations require me to start my weekdays early, so working into the night deprives me of valuable sleep. This lack of sleep definitely reduces my productivity and work efficiency, so I’m trying to rearrange my schedule and build better sleep habits to improve my writing and my health.

~ Annette R. Smith ~ SavoringHome



cutmypic(18)I’ve always enjoyed 8 hours of sleep each night, hence, I’ve never really experienced a hit on my productivity due to a lack of sleep.

In spite of life’s pressures, (and who hasn’t those?), when I hit the pillows I sleep like a baby. I guess I’m blessed.   I’ve been that way for all of the 65 years I’ve been around on this planet.

I do my best Blog post creation/writing work between 06:30 am to 11:00 am every day, six days a week.

~ Ivan Bayross  ~  IvanBayross.Com


For some reason, I have never really been a person who sleeps a lot. Typically I get by on anywhere from 6-8 hours max. I find that if I sleep longer than that I end up dragging the next day. So. I tend to sleep right around the 8-hour mark.
Usually, I find that I am most productive keeping within this range.
If I get less than 6 hours, it doesn’t impact my work early in the day, but the later the day gets I can tell a difference in productivity.
As for the best time to write, oddly enough I don’t really have one. It can be first thing in the day or late at night. The key for me is to have at least 2 hours or so of uninterrupted time to work on a blog post.
 ~  Chris Makara ~ Bulk.Ly
Well in my opinion bloggers do not need sleep. They want to blog 24 hours a day. But it is their body that requires sleep to rejuvenate their body and senses. In my opinion, blogging is what drives me.

I feel complete when I used to complete a post and for that, I don’t even mind not having the sleep.
I feel sometimes that it is affecting my health but when you receives a message of thanks from my reader then this feeling fades away.
We bloggers even think of writing posts while enjoying on toilet seats. I used to write when I am bored of promoting my other posts. Getting some time to write during your busy schedule is what I always look for. Nothing matters whether it is a day or a night.
In the end, I would like to say that, sleep is important but blogging is even more.   ~ Abhishek Jain ~  RustyBlogger

cutmypic(32)Getting 7-8 hours of sleep at night is extremely important as it has a direct relationship with productivity. I am very much familiar with the fact that the lack of sleep would let me distract and worsen my on-the-job performance. It would ruin the learning potential as well. I prefer early morning (say 5.30 – 7.30 AM) to craft the content for my blogs. If I would need to do a critical writing task, I take a nap for 30 minutes to ignite my creative juice flowing from the mind. The way we inscribe the words is the key to standing out from the horde and thus I never script any piece of content when I feel sleepy.

~  Nirmala ~  MagicFundas

I think sleeping habits differ from person to person but personally, my productivity drops significantly if I don’t sleep at least 7 – 8 hours a day. This basically means I won’t be able to concentrate for a long period of time to complete the tasks I set out to do.
As for the best time to write, mornings are the best. It’s when you feel the most rejuvenated, and I always try to finish the hardest things first (which is writing most of the time!), this boosts my overall confidence on a day to day basis. I don’t always follow a strict schedule, though, since writing is a creative work and sometimes you’ve just gotta let it flow.”
~Anh Nguyen ~ BloggingThing
Well in my opinion bloggers do not need sleep. They want to blog 24 hours a day. But it is their body that requires sleep to rejuvenate their body and senses. In my opinion, blogging is what drives me.

I feel complete when I used to complete a post and for that, I don’t even mind not having the sleep.
I feel sometimes that it is affecting my health but when you receives a message of thanks from my reader then this feeling fades away.
We bloggers even think of writing posts while enjoying on toilet seats. I used to write when I am bored of promoting my other posts. Getting some time to write during your busy schedule is what I always look for. Nothing matters whether it is a day or a night.
In the end, I would like to say that, sleep is important but blogging is even more.   ~ Abhishek Jain ~  RustyBlogger

In answer to the first question, lack of sleep has a severe impact on my productivity. This is particularly so before lunchtime. I notice that I am prone to making mistakes after a bad night’s sleep. Fortunately, most nights I sleep well and face the day feeling fresh.In relation to the second question I usually write at night because I am too busy during the day. When I write I tend to keep each session to one hour. Then I take a break for 15 minutes. Then I start again.If I am stumped for ideas I’ll do some more research on the topic. I’ve also found that moving locations (eg moving from one room to another) help to stimulate creativity. The other technique I use is to change the format. For instance, if I am typing on a word document and experiencing writer’s block, I’ll print the draft and play around with it using a pencil.Being efficient is the best way to manage time.   ~ Kim Willis ~  PersuasionPusuitr
cutmypic(82)As you said we bloggers get very less time to sleep, and even am a programmer who is studying in school, I do all my activities at night and get 4 hrs of  sleep. Yes, sleeplessness affects productivity.   I sleep around 2 am, and during my holidays, I work the whole night and sleep in the mornings till afternoon because I love to work when no one is around, and it helps us to concentrate on our work.
~ Abishiekh Jain ~  Hackers Den

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Sleeping is very important as it keeps you refreshed and at least we should have it for 6 hours a day. But due to some busy work schedule, I am unable to complete this in one slot and so I prefer power naps. Anyhow, we should do complete it as it helps you to focus on your work and help you to stay fit.

Regarding my writing work, I prefer late night for that. I sit down to write for my blog and ads with a cup of tea (yeah I prefer tea over coffee) and by the time I complete my writing works, I usually finish 2-3 cups. But this is the time when I generate some of my best content.

~ Ashutosh Jha  ~

 “When I first started blogging I was a crazy mess.  I kept erratic hours working on my blog. I used to sleep late and attempt to wake up early. I was exhausted, snappy and completely defeated. I was getting nowhere.   Then something clicked for me. I asked myself:
How much time and energy do you really have? When are you most productive and what tasks do you want to do in those particular hours?
That’s what I had to work with. The faster I acknowledged that and came to terms with it, the better it was.
When you know the size of your energy basket and the size of your tasks, you find it easier to choose what to do and what not to do.   I had only 3 blocks in the day to work with. 2 hours in the day when my daughter was in school. Another 2 hours in the afternoon during her nap. Maybe an hour after she goes to bed.
I also learned to tune into my own body and figured that I worked best in the mornings. Knowing this, I now schedule tasks that grow my blog such as writing during the most productive hours of my day. I’ve experienced greater traction with my blog by having a deeper understanding of what makes and keeps me most productive. ”    ~Meera Kothandaraman ~ MeeraKothand

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My time is managed by a few things.

  1. I create a to-do list of items that is hand-written and always stays with my computer.  This lets me know what I have to accomplish.
  2. I have opened time that never changes on my calendar (I’m starting to use calend .ly as well).  I only have work calls during these times to ensure I can accomplish my written to-do list.
  3. I take a break each day to work out or go outside.  By ensuring I step away from my computer I can regain focus and re-energize to accomplish what I needed to that day.

By avoiding distractions and sticking to when I can have meetings, I rarely miss a deadline.   ~~  Adam Riemer ~  AdamRiemer


cutmypic(15)I normally sleep 4-5 hours a day and I think the lack of sleep doesn’t affect my productivity, but I agree that sometimes it causes a lot of harm and insecurity in our business.

It happens with me that if I sleep less than 4 hours, then I won’t able to write great content because at that time my mind is flushed and I don’t have any idea of my idea for writing new articles and the same thing happens if I sleep more than 7 hours a day.

I follow a great plan to publish articles on my blog, that’s why I need to be consistent about it.
I write 3 days a week and publish an article every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on my blog.

I usually write at night because it keeps me more productive and I also listen to songs while writing my articles.
The most important thing about writing is the place where you write your articles whether it’s home, office, park or public place you need to be satisfied. A humble recommendation: “Follow an epic schedule for writing your blog posts and be consistent.”

~ Rahul Sihmar ~ GrabContent


Malsamy Jacob rTime, space and quietness are some vital needs for a writer. Happy the writer who is blessed with free access to these! But most of us, I guess, have to struggle to find them.

For me, the best time to write is late at night, after the day’s works are done, when the TV is off and the family has gone to bed. I’m then free to concentrate on the stuff I’m writing. I may sit until the wee hours of the morning.

But then, one has to get up when the alarm goes off and get on with the new day. You’re so groggy with sleep deficiency you go about like a zombie. So that badly affects your productivity and efficiency.  Well, whoever said ours is an ideal world?

~ Malsawmi Jacob ~  EmyStoryLand


cutmypic (4)Sleep is important. I do best at 7 hours minimum. I normally do not sleep for more than 8 hours. If I get 7 to 8 hours I’m good. If I get less than 6 hours it can affect me. One night of 6 hours can still lead to a productive day. When I get only 6 hours or less for multiple nights in a row, that is when a lack of sleep can affect my productivity.

My writing time varies. I sometimes like to write first thing in the morning. Other times I’m a night owl and write after dark. This depends on my schedule. I like to take a break after 3 or four straight hours of writing. Go do something else, even if only for 30 minutes to an hour. Sometimes I may continue writing again after doing something different for a few hours. I’m not one who has to write first thing early in the morning like so many people do.

~ Matthew Kaboomis Loomis  ~ Buildyourownblog


cutmypic(3)For years, I have been trying to increase my productivity while working at the same time. There should not be any doubt when it comes to the importance of sleep. Either you are a blogger or not, the sleep is going to impact you. It happened to me many times that whenever I sleep late and wake up early, I usually waste at least 1 to 2 hour in the morning, doing nothing and then the whole day goes slowly however when I take proper sleep, not only I wake up fresh but do twice the work if I compare it with a day when I don’t get enough sleep.

As far as the best time is concerned, there is no best time, it all comes to the idea.. whenever I get a great idea. I open my mobile and start writing.

 ~ Ali Raza ~   Aliraza

cutmypic(9)Sleep is so important when it comes to your productivity. I know that being disabled and living with chronic pain that I sometimes don’t get enough sleep at night, which really affects my productivity the next day.

The brain tends to get muddled and the words for creating content just don’t come. It becomes a fruitless endeavor to create quality content when your brain is in a sleep fog.

I have found that if I wake up and eat a highly nutritious breakfast full of vitamins and fiber (fruits and wheat) that it really jumpstarts the brain and I am able to create content more efficiently!

My best time to write is in the morning before I get to work on client projects. But if I am having trouble with writing in the morning I will wait until that evening when I am more awake from my ay’s

“Sleep is one of the most important aspects of keeping a business going, but in order to get enough sleep, you have to reverse engineer your day. If you can have reasonable goals for yourself for each day, stay focused instead of stressed about them, you’ll manage your time well. The key is going into the flow of your projects so that work gets done without the extra cortisol of being overwhelmed by it all.
Then, when it is time to sleep, you sleep. Your body will be happy and calm and ready for getting a full 8 hours! This will overall change your life from a stress-out one to a happy one with more energy and vitality to enjoy this adventure!”  ~ Jodi Aman ~  JodiAman

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To answer your question for me the lack of sleep influences my productivity in a negative way as it prevents me from bringing my full potential to my writing or what I am focused on for that day. The best time for me to write is in the evenings I find I get my best ideas

 Joan Harrington ~  SuccessWithJoan

Tim SouloFor me personally, the amount and quality of sleep time directly translate into my productivity.

When I stick to a strict schedule of going to bed at 11 PM and waking up at 7.30 AM I’m in my best shape.

But when I try to “hack the system” and work till 1 AM then get up at 6 AM for a morning run (like I’m some kind of bio-robot) that pretty much ruins the rest of the day. I feel sleepy and there’s a clear lack of energy, both physical and mental.

According to my observations, every person needs a different amount of sleep. Some can get away with 6-7 hours while others need at least 9. So my advice would be to A/B test sleeping the different amounts of hours and note when you feel best.

And of course, the best time for writing and for being creative is morning when the brains are fresh.

Here’s a cool hack for being more productive in the mornings – don’t check your emails until the evening.

If I get up in the morning and the first thing I do is check my email – my day is going to be ruined. I will not be able to focus on my own tasks because my brain will keep pinging me about a dozen people that are awaiting my response.

That is why I have installed a cool Chrome plugin for Gmail called “Inbox Pause” and configured it to deliver all emails once a day at 6 PM. This way all my working day is free from distractions and I can accomplish a lot.

Here’s another cool hack: “Start your day as a producer, not a consumer” (can’t remember who said that though).

But if on my way to work I’ll start checking news sites, Reddit, and all that sort of stuff – I’m going to waste a lot of mental energy.

These sites fill my brains with new thoughts and ideas which eat my mental energy and distract me from my priorities.

But that’s just me. I know a lot of people who start their day with news sites and they are insanely productive.

So try both ways and figure out what works best for you.    ~Tim Soulo ~ BloggerJet


Sleep and Productivity

Being a Blogger, I can do most of my work via my laptop. I can work anytime, and I can work anywhere. I just need a laptop + a good internet connection.

People often call me as ‘Nocturnal Blogger,’ I rarely sleep at night, and I somehow find ‘night-time’ to be very productive for my blogging and internet marketing works.

There is practically no one to disturb me via phone calls, or even if I want to hang out with my friends at 2:00 am or 3:00 am, it won’t be easily possible.

So my work time starts from 11:00 pm to 7:00 am, I feel this is the best productive time for my internetwork activities. It’s not like I love working in total darkness, but this is the best time where you have no one between you and your work.

But again, I’m not a machine to work continuously for hours without any rest, so I make sure I sleep for at least 6-7 hours per day.

I make sure I get enough rest and peace of mind before starting my work.

Without this, there is no point in Blogging or doing any work. Our body needs rest, and most importantly, our mind needs rest. I walk a lot during morning/evening whenever I get time, and that tiredness will help me to get smooth and quick sleep.

Nevertheless, if you truly love your work, you will always find time to do it.

~ Pradeep Kumar ~  HellBound Bloggers


Sleep and Productivity I would say that lack of sleep affects my mood, for certain. But even though counterintuitive, sleep deprivation may actually push me to be more productive, to just get the task done so I can finally rest.
Right at this point, I am in the middle of creating a Sexual Reawakening Virtual Summit for which I am interviewing about 36 of my professional sexology colleagues.
The technology piece is very time-consuming – downloading, processing, converting and uploading files to a video storage site. This process takes 1 to 2 hours for each video.  My goal is to complete the video interviews and then quickly convert the files and upload them and be ready for the next interview.
But several of the videos have required editing – hours and hours of processing, downloading and uploading.  The only variable under my control is the amount of sleep I get.  In order to complete the day’s tasks and be able to focus on the next tasks to be done on the following day, I get less sleep.  And I keep reminding myself that this is temporary.
~  Dr. Erica Goodstone  ~ DrEricaGoodstone

Sleep and Productivity It’s not easy to get your work done when you barely keep your eyes open.

It’s a fact – Lack of sleep influences your productivity because we have to maintain consistency in blogging or business work without that it’s not even possible to get a penny if that sleepy blogging thinking of money from his blog.

You have to be punctual in blogging or our Business work. Just punctual. We have to do everything on time. In short sleep and productivity are interlinked.

Since I do a full-time job, I choose my time to write at night between 11 PM to 3 AM, because it’s devoid of distraction, and there is no one else to hurry to.

It’s just you are acting naturally and spilling out the feelings that you’ve accumulated from your daytime experience and utilizing that innovativeness to make something pleasant and exciting.

~ Saurabh Tiwari ~ AllDigiRrends


cutmypic (21)One of the best things about blogging is, we have the freedom to work when and where we want. Ironically, that’s one of the challenges too.
Long hours of work give me a lot of satisfaction but such repeated long hours of work have a long-term impact on health.
When there are important events or product launches to cover, I keep blogging all day and night but the next few days are going to be unproductive due to the hangover of-of the lost sleep. On the other hand, a fresh morning after a very good sleep is probably the best time of productivity.    ~ Tony John ~  IndiaTravelBlog

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As far as my lifestyle is concerned, I can say maybe my body just got used to “not sleeping”, or I’ve not begun to see the effects of sleep deprivation yet as I’ve been doing this since I was 13.

I have a lot of “sleepless” nights, and yes the productivity the next day is decreased, while the night when I sleep tight, I feel more productive and concentrated around the morning.

What feels “most” productive for me is “nap packets”. It’s like 5-15mins naps around 12-6 Am. Those boost productivity a lot. And of course, can’t forget my couple cups of coffee which help me out throughout the night.    The best time of writing:- 12-6 am.

~ Evan Derek  ~ VebbLabbs.


Sleep and Productivity n the flip side of this, however, when I am well-rested and have had at least 8 hours of sleep, I am very creative, productive, charged up and ready to seize the day.
In reference to the best time for writing and getting things done, I tend to write best in the morning. I think it because I am usually supercharged and most inspired to write.~ Kim George  ~YourChickGeek
I believe we can train ourselves and have discipline, but also, we need to work in harmony with our bodies. Filling out the needs of your body is crucial.
Sleep and Productivity
My most productive time is early in the morning, right after 30 minutes workout and nice hot-cold shower. When my brain is recent works best. For me, I found that 6-7 hours of sleep give me plenty of rest. And if I can’t get enough sleep, meditation helps me to recharge and refresh.   ~ Emi Koul ~  EmiKoulev

Sleep and Productivity Blogging is all time into our minds. But as we know we can think and do better with a fresh mind as compared to a tired mind. As we do work on a laptop or computers so, only our mind feels tired, no tiredness into the body.

But it doesn’t mean we don’t need to relax. After a particular time, the mind is tired completely, and we all need to relax. With a tired mind, we can’t focus work and can’t do work properly.

Yes, of course, more and lack of sleeping will affect productivity and health also. Both are the very important point that we can’t ignore. So we all need to take a good sleep daily.

If someone sleeps less, s/he can’t work properly with tired body & mind and if someone sleeps more, s/he can face some problems also, and more sleeping will eat some money time also.  I sleep well daily; 5 hours sleeping is enough for me. Only some days, I sleep more than 5 hours.

For writing a good article, we need lots of time to research and know deeply about topics so that we can come with a comprehensive article fully packed with interesting information.    There is no particular time for writing. I write when my mind is free, no tension about any other work and I think sincerely. So I always keep writing tasks first in my schedule.

~ Mohd Arif ~ TechLazy 




*SAP India CEO Ranjan Das Died After A Gym Workout*

Ranjan Das, CEO, and MD of the SAP-Indian subcontinent died after a massive cardiac arrest in Mumbai recently.
One of the youngest CEOs, he was only 42.

*What killed Ranjan Das?*

He was very active in sports, was a fitness freak and a marathon runner.

After his workout, he collapsed with a massive heart attack and died. He is survived by his wife and two very young kids.

It was certainly a wake-up call for corporate India. However, it was even more disastrous for runners.

The question arises as to why an exceptionally active, athletic person succumbed to a heart attack at 42 years of age.

*What is the real reason?*

Everyone missed out a small line in the reports that *Ranjan used to manage with 4-5 hours of sleep.*

In an earlier interview of Ranjan on NDTV in the program ‘Boss’ day out’, *Ranjan Das himself admitted that he sleeps less and would love to get more sleep.*

*Short sleep duration (<5 or 5-6 hours) increases the risk for high BP by 350% to 500%* compared to those who slept longer than 6 hours per night.

*Young people (25-49 years of age) are twice as likely to get high BP if they sleep less.*

*Individuals who sleep less than 5 hours a night have a 3-fold increased  risk of heart attacks.*

Just one night of sleep loss increases very toxic substances in the body such as Interleukin-6 (IL-6), Tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and C-reactive protein (CRP). They also cause cancer, arthritis and heart disease.

Sleeping for <=5 hours per night leads to a 39% increase in heart disease.
Sleeping for <=6 hours per night leads to an 8% increase in heart disease.

*What is ideal sleep?*

In brief, sleep is composed of two stages: REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and non-REM. The former helps in mental consolidation while the latter helps in physical repair and rebuilding.

*No wonder when one wakes up with an alarm clock after 5-6  hours of sleep, he/she is mentally irritable throughout the day (lack of REM sleep).*

And if somebody has slept for less than 5 hours, the body is in a complete physical mess (lack of non-REM sleep), the person is tired throughout the day and immunity is way down.

Barring stress control, Ranjan Das did everything right: eating proper food, exercising, maintaining a proper weight. But he missed getting proper and adequate sleep, a minimum of 7 hours. That killed him.

*We are playing with fire if we are sleeping less than 7 hours even if we have low stress.*

Do not set your alarm clock to less than 7 hours.

Ranjan Das is not alone…

Please Do Share it with all the Good People In ur Life…

DR.N Siva
*(Senior Cardiologist)*

We are playing with fire if we are sleeping less than 7 hours/day even if we have low stress! A post for all busybodies via Share on X


Last updated on July 3, 2019

Updated on June 10, 2018

Updated on December 11, 2018 @ 12:00

First published on Jul 8, 2016, @ 12:00

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  1. Wow Philip,

    This is what I call a real Round-Up Post! I just love seeing so many different answers to this one question you have given us. Indeed, sleep is important, and when it comes to productivity it is a must! It amazes me how everyone had a different answer….all were unique. And to my surprise our friend Lesly kicked it off! Well done, and thanks so much for including me here.

    Donna Merrill recently posted…Are You A Blogging Zombie?My Profile

    June 7, 2016
    • Hi Donna,
      What a pleasant surprise!
      Glad to see you again on my page as the first comment author to this massive Roundup! :-)
      I appreciate your valuable feedback on this post.
      Yes, our PAC friend Lesly did a tremendous job in connection with this post. I appreciate her support to this cause.
      May you have a great time of good rest and great productivity! :-)
      With Best Regards
      ~ Philip

      June 9, 2016
    • Jony de salva
      Jony de salva

      This is really very impressive!! nice sleep is important, you feel healthy after enough sleep. most of the people doesn’t have it.
      Great share
      One can pick a lot from these life experiences.
      Thanks door the informative share.

      January 22, 2023
    • Metaveresnow

      Well done!
      Well presented round up post.
      Weath of information
      Keep it up
      Best Regards

      November 21, 2023
  2. Hi Brother Phil,

    Thanks for sharing such a massive round-up post featuring many of the world’s best bloggers. Eventhough, the subject is related to “Lack of sleep”, it took me some time from my sleep today to go through it once. Although, most of them have similar opinion regarding the minimum amount of sleep anyone must have, it is interesting to note that few people have entirely different kind of schedule when it comes to finding time for writing.
    Once again thanks for sharing such a wonderful opinion post from bloggers. I am so glad that to be a part of this massive roundup. Thanks for the invite. May you have a great time of interaction with people all over the world.
    Keep Sharing. Keep Going!
    Have a great time of blogging.
    Reji Stephenson
    Reji Stephenson recently posted…Instagram-The best media to build a brandMy Profile

    June 7, 2016
    • Hi Reji,
      I am so glad to see your around once again on my blog with your feedback. :-)
      Thanks a lot for the timely and value added feedback, I appreciate your time here.
      Keep reading and keep sharing.
      May you have a wonderful time of rest and work!
      Take Care

      June 10, 2016
  3. Chery Schmidt
    Chery Schmidt

    Hello, Philip!
    What an amazing post fill with the so many amazing bloggers!!
    Thank You so much for including me!! XOXO Chery :))

    June 7, 2016
    • Hi Chery,
      It’s a great joy to see your here again.
      Thanks a lot for your kind visit and share on the pages of social media
      I appreciate your valuable time to be part of this roundup and for the share all over.
      Keep up the good work
      May you have a great time of blogging too,
      T C

      June 10, 2016
  4. Phil,

    Thank you for including me in your roundup.
    I enjoyed reading what other bloggers had to say.
    Also enjoyed reading other writers comments.

    June 7, 2016
    • Hi Alicia,
      It is indeed a great joy to see you on my page as a contributor as well as a comment author.
      I appreciate your valuable time, it is a pleasure to add you too in the list, Nice to know that
      you enjoyed reading the post as well as the comments of other readers as well as contributos.
      Keep sharing
      Keep visiting
      Take Care
      ~ Phil

      June 10, 2016
  5. That was a MAMMOTH roundup and I have to, first of all, say KUDOS for your efforts Philip, to bring this post out and I know how painful to bring out a massive Roundup post to public. I am so happy to find a tiny spot myself among those mighty professionals and I am honoured and filled with tons of Joy. Thanks for featuring me and I am bookmarking this page for reading everyone’s views in the article.
    Gurunath recently posted…GetResponse Review: Affordable Email Marketing ToolMy Profile

    June 7, 2016
    • Hi GuruNath,
      Happy to see you here again after a long gap! :-)
      I am glad that you shared your experience in this roundup, thanks,
      Yes, indeed this is a tedious job, though the contributors take a part of it, bringing that into a form is really a difficult task!
      I am sure you’re experienced this too!

      Nice to speak to you, Thanks again for the massive sharing and the wonderful interaction via facebook and other social media.
      Guru, the sad part with Roundup post is that people all over social media discuss and appreciate the task, but sad very few turn to the original post and share their view, some even without seeing the original post, post amazing and lovely comments on social media, this looks very funny sometimes!
      Thanks for your wonderful co-operation and be part of the post. :-)
      Keep sharing
      Have a great rest of the week
      Keep sharing, Keep visiting :-)

      June 10, 2016
  6. Hi Philip sir,
    Thanks for including me in this amazing and huge roundup post. Moreover, I learned some of the new secrets of sleep and productivity through this post o yours.
    Thanks for sharing.
    ~ Robin

    June 7, 2016
    • Hi Robin,
      Thank you so much for your feedback,
      I appreciate you for the visit and comment and the massive social share.
      I thank you for the valuable tips given in making this post a success.
      Keep in touch
      May you have a great time of interaction with the fellow bloggers,
      Nice to know that you could pick up some valuable tips from the other
      bloggers’ experience and habit on this subject.
      Best Regards

      June 10, 2016
  7. Issac paul
    Issac paul

    Woah Philip,
    This roundup is so awesome <3 ! I am glad to be featured here ;) ! Keep sharing much more awesome stuff ;) I will be glad to check them out <3 !
    Warm regards,
    Issac paul
    Issac paul recently posted…Installing Java On Linux Command LineMy Profile

    June 7, 2016
    • Thanks Issac,
      for your contribution, nice to know that you like this post.
      Keep sharing
      May you have a good time ahead

      June 10, 2016
  8. You always do great things PV sir. I’m glad you included me in this roundup. Thanks for it. Roundup is a thing in which everybody, the readers the person who worked on it and those who were asked questions, as every one of them gets to know about lots of things and tips from others. Like in this post I get to know about many more productivity secrets.

    Thanks again.
    Naman Kumar recently posted…Here Are 10 Tips That Are Helping Get What You WantMy Profile

    June 7, 2016
    • Hey, Naman,
      Happy to see here again
      Good to know that you could pick up something worth from this post
      Keep visiting
      ~ Philip

      June 10, 2016
  9. Hello
    What a huge article. Happy to see the perspectives of all wonderful bloggers here. We’ve got to learn many things from this.

    Thank you for sharing


    June 7, 2016
    • Hello Basharath,
      Nice to know that you like the post and picked up some lessons out of it.
      Keep visiting
      Keep sharing
      Have a great week ahead
      ~ Philip

      June 13, 2016
    • Hi Abhishek,
      I am so glad that you could join with other amazing bloggers and experts from different countries.
      Indeed this is an amazing experience!
      Thanks for sharing your write-up,
      Keep visiting
      Keep sharing
      ~ Philip

      June 15, 2016
  10. Awesome tips. Its true that lack of sleep can decrease your productivity and cause for many health problems. Thanks for this guide will surely follw this.

    June 7, 2016
    • Hi Salman
      Thank you very much for your maiden visit here
      Good to know that you like the post
      Keep visiting
      Have a great day ahead
      Best regards

      June 15, 2016
  11. Hey Phil,

    A lot of insights from such awesome people. Great to know the thoughts many of my online peers about this very important topic of current time.

    It’s really awesome to be a part of this. Thank you Phil for putting all the efforts. Take care.
    Manidipa Bhaumik recently posted…MH Magazine lite: Best WordPress News Magazine themeMy Profile

    June 7, 2016
    • Hi Manidipa,
      Thanks for your support in this post
      Thanks for the valuable contribution too
      Yes, its indeed a tedious job,I am sure
      many will be making note of this and
      Makeup their sleep schedule
      May you have a great rest of the week
      Keep sharing
      ~ Phil

      June 15, 2016
  12. Thanks Philip for sharing such a wonderful Post.
    Being An Engineering student and A blogger, I also encountered lots of Difficulties in managing my time to write assignments and Also articles for my blogs.
    The major health issue which I faced During these days was Burning Of eyes and headache. To avoid these problems one should take atleast minimum of 7 hours of sleep.
    But after lots of Experience,I have Learned to manage both the things and so far I have not got any backlogs/Failure in any subject and also I ‘m doing well in blogging.
    As an Engineering student,I eagerly wait for my vacations to start.In these vacations I love to work the whole night and sleep in the mornings because no one is around you (only silence) and it helps us to Focus on our work.

    Thanks for sharing such a wonderful opinion from bloggers.
    Ravi sharma recently posted…Best Apps For Hassle Free Movie DownloadingMy Profile

    June 7, 2016
    • Hi Ravi
      Good to meet you on my page,
      Thanks for your time and for the insightful feedback
      Yes, Time management is indeed a hard subject to deal with.
      I am happy that you like this post
      Keep visiting
      Keep in touch
      May you have a great time of blogging ahead
      Wish you all the best

      July 7, 2016
  13. Pavitra Kumar
    Pavitra Kumar

    Hey Philip Sir,

    Great advice for everybody, not just beginners. Impressive list – I found it very helpful. I only disagree about short blog post length as a general rule. subject is related to “Lack of sleep”, it took me some time from my sleep today to go through it once. That completely depends on the niche and audience. But I do like the following advice to focus on one idea.

    Keep publishing the great content as ever.. I would have never thought to gauge the popularity of a quote to determine the viewers’ interest level. I will be sharing and recommending this post to my blogging friends.

    Excellent post, excellent advice, thanks for sharing!

    Happy Blogging :)

    June 7, 2016
    • Hi Pavitra,
      Thank you very much for your maiden visit,
      I am glad that you liked my page and impressed much.
      Keep in touch, keep visiting.
      Thanks for your wonderful share.
      May you have a great time of blogging and interaction.
      Best Regards

      July 7, 2016
  14. Sleep is associated with our health which is so important that we need to fix the health first before doing something we love to do.
    Thanks for sharing this expert roundup.

    June 7, 2016
    • Hi Louis,
      Thanks for your visit and wonderful feedbacks.
      I appreciate you for your time here on my page.
      Yes, the most important thing is health
      if we have good health we can do so many things, but if we don;t !
      Keep visiting.
      May you have a great time of interaction.
      Good day

      July 7, 2016
    • Hi Saurabh,
      Thanks for your wonderful contribution
      Keep visiting
      Keep sharing
      Have a great time of blogging and sleeping ahead!!! LOL

      July 7, 2016
    • Hi Mairaj,
      Thanks for your visit and for the contribution,
      Its indeed a great joy to include you in this roundup post.
      Keep visting and sharing your knowledge with your fellow readers
      Have a great time ahead
      Have a good day
      ~ philip

      July 7, 2016
  15. Shivendra

    Hey Philip, thanks a lot for sharing such helpful info with us. The post is good and explained very well. I am so glad to see all the wonderful bloggers here. Definitely, we learn many things from this article. A short time ago, I have searched several online platforms for blogging. There is a highlight name which is famous for its top quality and clients i.e. Blogmint. It is such a trusted content marketplace for bloggers and brands.

    June 7, 2016
    • Hello Shivendra,
      Happy to meet you on my page today.
      I am so glad that you could pick up few lessons from this post,
      Keep visiting
      Keep sharing
      May you have a great time ahead
      ~ Philip

      February 1, 2017
  16. Riju Debnath
    Riju Debnath

    Hi Philip,
    What a massive list. I never seen before this kind of lenghthy round ups. Congrats to all the participents.
    Find great productvity tips from all the great bloggers.
    You include greats along with some rising blogging stars in this list.
    Now I am sure every newbie blogger can schedule their sleeping routine to stay productive throughout the day.
    Thsnks for sharing this awesome post.
    Happy blogging

    June 7, 2016
  17. Nisha Pandey
    Nisha Pandey

    Hi Philip,

    Thank you so much including me with these top notch bloggers/marketers. This is really inspiring to move more forward after seeing myself listed with 129 other top marketers.

    I was able to sleep very little in my early days of blogging. But, now I am taking atleast 6-7 hours sleep everyday which is very needy for all of us. And which makes me fresh and well performer for every fresh day of my life…

    Happy Blogging guys! Stay connected!

    Have a blessed day!
    Nisha Pandey recently posted…How to Access Facebook Desktop Version in AndroidMy Profile

    June 7, 2016
  18. Phillip Sir

    Wow!!… What a SUPER Round-Up!! Glad to see my humble opinion too.. No doubt, it offers a worthwhile reading.. Keep it up.. Congrats..

    June 7, 2016
  19. Mohd Arif
    Mohd Arif

    Hi Philip,

    First of all thanks for sharing great roundup article about sleep, which having many experts opinions, which I truly enjoyed, and know some deep sleep-related facts, how these experts thought about sleep.
    Today I am feeling proud to be a part of this great roundup series.

    Mohd Arif

    June 7, 2016
  20. Larry Frank
    Larry Frank

    Hi Philip,
    It’s an honour that I’m been featured on your blog here today. I’ll say sleeping is one thing that affects bloggers a whole lot, and even sometimes as human beings that we are, we might not be able to keep with our schedules. But the sure fact remains that if you have a to do list of your day, you can ,manage blogging along side your other activities.
    It’s indeed a wonderful round up.
    Thanks, and do have a wonderful day ahead. :)
    Larry Frank recently posted…10 Best Google Chrome Themes For YouMy Profile

    June 8, 2016
  21. Hi Philip,

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a massive post – and such an important topic.

    Lots of useful tips about a very important subject- – getting enough sleep!

    Lots of important tips, thanks,

    Joy – Blogging After Dark
    Joy Healey recently posted…Time Management For The Home-Based EntrepreneurMy Profile

    June 8, 2016
  22. Hi Philip,

    What an awesome “Round up” and thank you for including me in the company of such great bloggers. I have to admit it’s taken me most of the day, off and on to read the whole post but it was well worth it. So many great suggestions, ideas and explanations that work for others.

    Thank you for your diligence in putting together a great post with this many great people in one place.

    June 8, 2016
  23. A tremendous work you did, Philip
    Reading through all these makes me realize
    what a huge roundup post this is .
    Did you break the record ?it seems so.
    Thank you for all your work and thank you
    for including me. I am happy to see the cat nap
    is something many like to do to be more productive.
    Thanks again for this amazing post.
    Erika Mohssen-Beyk recently posted…What You Shouldn’t Do When You Feel Like QuittingMy Profile

    June 8, 2016
  24. Mi Muba
    Mi Muba

    Hi Phil

    First of all I highly appreciate your skills of relationship marketing that proves you are investing your quality time to manage it and this post is ample proof of the fact how broad, diverse and congenial your relations are with so many experts of different fields of blogging and internet marketing. Do try to convert it into a strongly founded business.

    Every expert has shared his or her own point of view and many of them gave very unique tips that I never read before and this is one of the biggest benefit of including many experts in a roundup post to serve the info needs of all types of readers.

    Many thanks for sharing and have a super nice day

    June 8, 2016
  25. Mandy Allen
    Mandy Allen

    What a great subject to ask everyone about, Philip. It’s something that we all have to have and isn’t it amazing how much our needs and experiences of sleep vary. I love your round ups and it’s a privilege to be included amongst such an esteemed crowd.

    Enjoy the journey!
    Mandy Allen recently posted…Back To Blogging BasicsMy Profile

    June 8, 2016
  26. rahul sihmar
    rahul sihmar

    hey Philip,

    it’s a great post that and I’m glad that you included me in that.

    Waiting for the “Huffington post” — feature

    I hope it will be published on huff post soon.

    I want to thank you mr.philip for wrirting 22k + words post. hats off to you sir



    June 8, 2016
  27. Nanda Rahmanius
    Nanda Rahmanius

    Hi Philip,

    I can call this post as a great round up!
    It’s really interesting to know various opinion about sleep and productivity of their writing. I cannot read this post in a day. I am bookmarking it for my further reference.

    Thank you for inviting me in this massive and joyous project!
    Let me say, it’s a great honor and pleasure to join with such a lot of famous bloggers from the world over. Philip Sir, I am very grateful for the kind invite.
    Thank you very much :-)

    Best Regards,
    Nanda Rahmanius recently posted…My Toughest Time In Blogging!!!My Profile

    June 8, 2016
  28. Thats absolutely right and perfectly said. When i was in my high school and in my business at the present, if i do not sleep for 7 hours, i loose the day and it sucks the most. Sleep keeps me fresh to interact with my team and get their productivity. This as well makes me to stay fit.

    June 8, 2016
  29. Hey Philip Bro !!

    Thanks for your impressive and rocking round up with the prominent bloggers from around the world. Very important and useful tips shared by the famous bloggers. It is no doubt a very needful topic on an everyday schedule. Happy to see my experience too shared/accepted for this massive roundup!
    I am very much interested to read my fellow bloggers time schedule. Amazing to note some of the pro bloggers time schedules. Yes, a lot of things to pick up from this list. Thank you Bro. for accumulating such a lot of useful information to your readers.
    I will surely start working as per the great bloggers’ pieces of routine!!

    Cheers !! Thanks again for Sharing; Keep Sharing !!
    Karthik Linga recently posted…How To Start A Courier Business: 3 Tips!My Profile

    June 8, 2016
  30. A great roundup!
    I know few of them.
    These all are amazing bloggers and working awesome in their niche.
    A lot of tips to pick up and practice. Thanks for sharing this informative post.
    ~Shiv Kumar Gupta

    Shiv Kumar Gupta recently posted…Word press to ecommerce – A quick leapMy Profile

    June 8, 2016
  31. Great Job Philip! Thanks for putting the effort and getting a perspective on sleep habits of so many people in our space.

    June 8, 2016
  32. OMG Philip..
    This is outstanding! I’ve never participated in something like this so, wow, wow, wow! Thank you for inviting me to participate. I’m going to enjoy reading and meeting some new bloggers. The insights are interesting too . So many people have problems with sleeping – thankfully I don’t lol! :-) Thank you again ….

    June 8, 2016
  33. ikechi

    Hi Philip

    Bravo! What a great post. It is great to see how the pros manage their productivity. It was great to read their insights and gain so much inspiration.

    Thanks philip for a wonderful share. Take Care

    June 8, 2016
  34. This is a great post, Phil. Well done!!Thanks for including me in the round up too. I very much look forward to reading others experience as well.

    June 9, 2016
  35. Hey Philip,

    Such a good curation of the experiences :)

    A wise man learns from the mistakes, a very wiser man learn from other’s mistakes.

    Can you make PDF downloadable? So that people can download it and read. Even they can spread the message too. You can use this PDF download for the lead gen too.

    John recently posted…Easiest Way to find CPVLAB 3.1 Server requirements.My Profile

    June 9, 2016
  36. Hi Philip Sir
    Thanks for including me in the enormous roundup.
    I am glad to see my pals here and their response on a great sleep.
    Yes, sleep is required and without it, surviving becomes very very hard.
    You are adding masala to it. :-)
    I am getting recovered from the illness and will be writing more.
    More soon on this

    Vashishtha Kapoor recently posted…5 Actionable tips to get a WordPress Blog Look Stylish and ProfessionalMy Profile

    June 9, 2016
  37. Hi Philip,
    Thank you for including me with these awesome bloggers – I’m honored to be included. SLeep is oh so important to productivity. It is interesting to read how everyone differs on it too. Lots of great tips too!
    Lisa Sicard recently posted…See How Realtors Can Absolutely Benefit From TwitterMy Profile

    June 9, 2016
  38. This is a wonderful collection of sleep related productivity post. It’s nice to read how other bloggers cope and do as far as sleep is concerned. Thank you for including me in the roundup, most honoured.
    Shalu Sharma recently posted…Jalebi – Indian swirls of sweetnessMy Profile

    June 11, 2016
  39. Bindu Cherungath
    Bindu Cherungath

    Unable to even imagine the efforts taken by u to compile 130+ bloggers’ views. Philip, awesome post by u. And i really feel honoured and privileged to b one amongst these great bloggers. Thank u for choosing me. God bless u. Keep rocking…

    June 12, 2016
  40. Mihir gadhvi
    Mihir gadhvi

    Thanks for sharing this Amazing Post!
    I am so happy to read this today.
    Keep writing such motivating posts.
    Mihir Gadhvi

    June 12, 2016
  41. Hey Philip,

    This was an amazing roundup post! 130 people is a lot and I know from this number it was a lot of hard work. I commend you on this feat for sure!

    I’m definitely appreciative of being included in this list. It’s interesting to see how much sleep each blogger puts in. But when it comes to putting out valuable content getting enough sleep is a vital part!

    Thanks for sharing ! Have a great week!
    Sherman Smith recently posted…Conquering The Fear Of Publishing Your New Blog PostMy Profile

    June 14, 2016
  42. Hello sir
    What an amazing and inspiring article. Happy to see all these bloggers sharing their productivity secrets.
    Great job.

    Thank you for sharing


    June 14, 2016
  43. Dear Philip, I have one word for this post LEGENDARY. Its a massive work that you took up and hats off for all your effort. Thanks a zillion.

    June 14, 2016
  44. Thank you for including me in your roundup, Philip, and reading the other contributions was so interesting. Although there are many variations here, the common thread seems to be that our minds are more productive earlier in our day, whatever time our day might start.

    It makes sense, doesn’t it. It’s as if our brains are computers and, because more memory gets taken up the longer we use it, it slows down. We eventually need a reboot (sleep) so important information can be processed and the unimportant sent to the brains recycle bin :-) Then when we wake that important information can flow out from us productively.

    You have enough data here to create an e-book. With some analysis and infographics I’m sure it would be a hit.

    June 14, 2016
  45. Emi

    Hi Philip,
    Well done! How cool it is to meet everyone through your post and learn about their sleeping habits.
    Lack of sleep will influence your productivity for sure; if you don’t have a good rest, you can’t function properly.

    Thank you & have a beautiful day!

    June 15, 2016
  46. Phil, what a massive roundup! Thanks for including me in this. Lots of awesome tips here and I can’t wait to dig in and have a read over coffee :)

    June 15, 2016
    • Hi Meera,
      Thanks a lot for your valuable feedback,
      I appreciate your valuable time here by contributing your valuable experiences in this regard as well as sharing it on your wonderful page. It means a lot to me.
      Keep sharing
      May you have a great week ahead
      Keep informed
      ~ Phil

      July 11, 2016
  47. This is a massive roundup post indeed – what a feat! How hard you must have worked for it! It’s wonderful that you’ve brought so many of us bloggers together. A huge thank you for this great work.

    June 15, 2016
  48. Tony John
    Tony John

    What a fantastic article! I am sure a lot of efforts have gone into this to produce such a massive round-up. Every bit of the post was useful and learnt a lot from the tips given by the great bloggers. I think this is the first time I am reading such a huge roundup post without getting bored.

    Congratulations on this great work and thanks for mentioning my words too in it.

    June 23, 2016
  49. OMG what a huge list of great advises. Thank you so much.

    June 23, 2016
  50. Evan Derek
    Evan Derek

    Thanks a lot Philip for featuring me over here.
    Got to learn a lot from the other buddies :) Cheers

    June 23, 2016
  51. Hi Philip!

    What an amazing roundup packed with tremendous value from blogging rockstars!

    This is a massive list man. You outdid yourself ;)

    I enjoyed reading the tips from each blogger here.

    And I am honored to be featured among these amazing people.

    Thank you very much, Philip!

    Keep up the great work! :D


    June 24, 2016
  52. Congratulations in having this post taken up by Huffington Post, Philip. That’s a great achievement, but well deserved considering all the effort you put into it. I’m really pleased for you.
    Sue Bride recently posted…Divi Extra – My New ThemeMy Profile

    June 24, 2016
  53. I Love Sleep, But Last 6 Months Only Sleeping 6 Hours only. I have Work 8-10 Hours per Day. And I give my Productivity In My Office. But I Enjoy This life Too.

    June 24, 2016
  54. Hi Phillip,

    Incredible “sleep study” you executed here. Thanks for the opportunity to participate. :)

    Amazing work,


    June 29, 2016
  55. Hi Phillip;
    First, let me thank you for being willing to change the comment system so I could participate in the discussion.
    The importance of posts like this is in creating a conversation that will lead to new solutions and attitudes.
    It’s also a great vehicle for introducing long time bloggers to new voices so we can continue to build a community
    online to make up for the general lack of human interaction in our “real lives” :)
    So thanks for being willing to accommodate me and to do it so quickly.
    I don’t feel right if I don’t get to leave a comment and will actually stop visiting sites of people who think they are too busy or too famous to allow them.
    So, now to this most excellent roundup post. I noticed that everyone here accepts that they need to get a minimum amount of quality sleep or rest.
    The problem seems to be the how do we do it. And in many cases, it is about having to fit our creative or business endeavors around other existing obligations. That is why I say it’s important to get as much out of the sleep you do get as possible. And if you aren’t getting sleep, then replace some of your work time with play. I agree that diet is important. Protein is supposed to be the fuel for the body, but you can’t discount the mental aspect of what you eat. If you think that fruit and fiber work best for you, then go with that. :)
    Thanks for including me.
    I’m looking forward to finding out what your next project will be. Many blessings,
    ~ Max
    Maxwell Ivey recently posted…my 2nd book it’s not the cookie it’s the bag is finally hereMy Profile

    July 1, 2016
  56. Hi Philip, Great information….Everyone need to sleep 8 hours or it leads to so many health problems.
    Yes, if mind is fresh and peaceful productivity increase automatically.
    Thanks for sharing and introducing so many great bloggers on this platform.
    ~ Sazia

    July 10, 2016
  57. Hi, Philip!… You know? it might be some sort of mistake as I did found this post!

    However, a few days back I found Huffington and now I arrived here. You know? this the kind of amazing post which you’ve collected many wonderful blogger amounts the community. I believe that this will be helpful to every blogger, and especially newbies who want to improve better productive.

    Also, thanks for putting me in your list.

    July 31, 2016
  58. You are actually a fantastic web marketer.
    The website running velocity is amazing.
    It sort of feels that you are carrying out just about any exceptional technique.
    Also, Your items are usually masterwork.
    You must have done an impressive career during this topic!
    ~ Exitus elite,exitus

    September 30, 2016
  59. Anna

    Very rapidly this web site will be famous among all blog viewers, due to it’s pleasant articles

    October 13, 2016
  60. Hello Philip, It’s a very interesting post to know about popular webmasters sleeping schedules. Atleast 8 hours of sleep is required for good health and mind. Work is import live a great life, however a well-time sleep can not be ignored. Thanks one again for sharing nice information on sleep and productivity.

    October 17, 2016
  61. Hey Philip,

    Informative and helpful post indeed…!!!

    We knew that “Health is wealth” and specifically sleep is the key factor which maintains your health balance as well as productivity too.

    All experts share their valuable thoughts and experiences about sleep and productivity. Once again Philip thanks for sharing such an important topic with us…..Have a great week ahead….!!!


    December 19, 2016
  62. Hi,
    This is my first visit to your blog.
    It is really cool and you have shared a lot of awesome stuff here.
    Happy to visit again. Thanks for sharing this wonderful list :)

    February 14, 2017
  63. Lalit Sharma
    Lalit Sharma

    Thanks Philip for sharing a nice blogger productivity report with us.
    All is nice, however, I found few connected links are broken and no more live, please fix it.

    ~ Lalit Sharma

    April 10, 2017
    • Hi Lalit,
      Thanks for your kind visit and timely notification of the broken links, will fix it soon.
      I appreciate your time, and happy to have you on board.
      Keep sharing.
      Best Regards
      ~ Philip

      January 15, 2018
  64. Great Post right here

    Thanks for sharing such a massive round-up post featuring many of the world’s best bloggers. Eventhough, the subject is related to “Lack of sleep”, it took me some time from my sleep today to go through it once.
    Although, most of them have similar opinion regarding the minimum amount of sleep anyone must have, it is interesting to note that few people have entirely different kind of schedule when it comes to finding time for writing.

    August 23, 2017
  65. Sleep is the necessary thing in the life. Normally I sleep early at night and wake up at early morning. 7 hours of sleeping is enough to me. After pray to god, I exercise enough to get energetic. Then I shower at morning. As an entrepreneur I start to work at this new morning. Early morning working never get disturb from outsiders even chats on social media. After noon I spend my time with my family.

    October 16, 2017
  66. Aayush

    This is my first visit to your blog.
    Good to read experts experience in relation to sleep and productivity.
    It is really a great post :-)

    October 16, 2017
  67. This was so interesting to read and knowing a routine of these renowned bloggers. Great you could gather so much information here.

    Great post!

    November 1, 2017
  68. Binod Jha
    Binod Jha

    Interesting post.
    Deep sleep is the most important things in life to be proactive and productive.
    Thanks! for valuable information.

    September 30, 2018
  69. malik sanwal
    malik sanwal

    This is my first visit to your blog. so good to be here.
    Good to read experts experience in relation to sleep and productivity. A lot of things to pick and follow.
    Thanks for sharing.

    December 12, 2018
  70. Saiprakash

    Thanks for sharing such a interesting and a huge post ,
    It was nice knowing more on sleep and productivity secrets from this renowned bloggers.

    December 21, 2018
  71. Anishad Y
    Anishad Y

    As a entrepreneur i sleep early and try to wake up early morning to work .beacuse fresh mindset can spark out big ideas for my business . So i am working in morning trying to write morning sometimes evening.

    January 3, 2019
  72. B I Valvan
    B I Valvan

    Thanks a lot for sharing the importance of sleep in our life thru this post.
    It is really interesting to read the different ways/methods people around the world use for their daily sleep.
    I agree with you that if we lose sleep for the day, our productivity for the day too will get curtailed accordingly.
    Thanks for sharing different testimonies from the experts from around the world. I really appreciate the efforts you put in to make this roundup post a grand success. Keep sharing more such post.

    January 13, 2019
  73. Mudassir


    Clean and crystal blog, appreciated!

    Sleep is very important, if we don’t have sufficient sleep then of course our productivity goes down without our consent.
    Great share.
    Thanks for sharing these wonderful experience and tips from professionals.


    April 3, 2019
    • Hi Mudassir,
      Thanks for dropping by.
      I appreciate the kind words.
      Yes, the experiences of these experts are worth notable. Good to know that you liked the post. Keep visiting.
      All the best.

      February 7, 2020
  74. Partha Roy
    Partha Roy

    Amazing post with really informative points, I totally agree on those points many different people mentioned in this post.
    Also I do believe that sleep plays a very pivotal role in our daily productivity. It is also very necessary for running the brain continuously.
    Thais for sharing this amazing compilation.
    Best Regards.

    June 17, 2019
  75. dharmesh kumar
    dharmesh kumar

    Great share.
    A lot of information to note and follow.
    Nice blog post, thanks for sharing.
    This is my first visit to your website.
    I found a good number of valuable posts shared by you.
    Thank you so much.
    I bookmarked it for my further read.
    Keep sharing.

    July 6, 2019
  76. Graviil Petrov
    Graviil Petrov

    This is indeed a great roundup post.
    Great experiences shared by many influencers from around the world.
    Nice to read such s lot of things one blog post.
    This is really a useful post.
    Keep sharing.

    July 9, 2019
  77. insights k
    insights k

    Great share! Thanks a lot for sharing the importance of sleep in our life thru this post. Good to read experts experience in relation to sleep and productivity.

    Best Regards,

    July 15, 2019
  78. Priyanshu Bansal
    Priyanshu Bansal

    This post really sounds too informative. It make me believe that sleeps plays a vital role in productivity. As we all know giving rest to brain is very much necessary to gain more productivity….
    Thank You!!

    July 15, 2019
  79. Meddco Healthcare
    Meddco Healthcare

    This is my first visit to your blog.
    Good to read experts experience in relation to sleep and productivity.
    It is really a great post :-)

    July 16, 2019
  80. Riya patel
    Riya patel

    This is really good to read because it is a really great post. :)

    July 22, 2019
  81. Rakesh Tiwari
    Rakesh Tiwari

    I have learn several excellent stuff here. Certainly price bookmarking for revisiting.
    I surprise how a lot attempt you place to create one of these excellent informative web site.

    August 19, 2019
  82. Titus Hauer
    Titus Hauer

    Excellent post.

    Your site looks great and the headlines are eye-catching is that the material is simply filler. But some sites I visit are downright unreadable. You can forget it 6 seconds after you read it. Not the case with your post though really enjoyed reading it and it held my attention all the way through! It really brought out some valuable stuff from different experts from around the world. Excellent Jobe! Keep it up. Keep writing.

    September 30, 2019
  83. Florarie Online
    Florarie Online

    We can speak a lot on this subject. I think that sleep is very important for your productivity. You need at least 6 hours a day.

    January 7, 2020
  84. Suman Singh
    Suman Singh

    Wow! Finally, I got a webpage from where I will be capable of in fact obtain helpful facts regarding my study and knowledge. Look into my web page.

    January 8, 2020
  85. Jeffrey Shepard
    Jeffrey Shepard


    Very nice article.

    I really enjoyed going through all the great information you’ve provided in this great article.

    Keep up the great work.

    Thank you

    April 7, 2020
  86. Kirtika saha
    Kirtika saha

    Really it was an awesome article. Thank you so much for the post it is very helpful, Keep posting such type of articles.

    June 23, 2020
  87. Visa Emirates
    Visa Emirates

    Thank admin, I appreciate your effort, you have quality content on your website,
    I have bookmarked for future pursue. Keep it up Truly decent and intriguing post. I was searching for this sort of data and delighted in perusing this one.
    Continue posting. A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing
    Usually, I never comment on blogs but your article is so convincing that I never stop myself to say something about it. You’re doing a great job Man, Keep it up. very interesting, good job and thanks for sharing such a good blog.

    November 20, 2020
  88. Nardi Freeman
    Nardi Freeman

    Hi, Donna! Some time ago I had a sleeping problem. I Woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t fall back asleep. Took me some to create a regular, nap-free sleep schedule for at least the first week, and got better. Thanks for the post! Regards

    December 15, 2020
  89. eman

    excellent work, great efforts you put in. Keep up the good work. great collection from the famous people and their life style.
    Thanks for sharing.

    December 15, 2020
  90. Bhagyashri

    Its a great article. For good health we need at least 8 hour sleep. As Ashley Faulkes said he is a good sleeper and do not complaint about that we must try to find our free time to maintain our health as well as Productivity is also a important. Your article is so satisfying . I have saved this article for future. it is really helpful for me.

    December 15, 2020
  91. Pooja

    I am new in blogging. I don’t understand the whole article completely but it really gives me a lot of information.

    December 18, 2020
  92. Sweety Joshi
    Sweety Joshi

    Thanks for such an amazing article. You wrote it very nice and easy to understand. Really it was an awesome article. Thank you so much for the post it is very helpful, Keep posting such type of articles.

    December 19, 2020
  93. Anant Vijay Soni
    Anant Vijay Soni

    Thanks for sharing this ultimate blog on productivity. That’s the main issue of every startup or for individual. I like your way you explain. Thanks for share!!!

    August 9, 2021
  94. SNK Social Fame Jyothibasu
    SNK Social Fame Jyothibasu

    Such an excellent Post as always and you have a great post and i like it thank you for sharing.
    Great information picked from experts. Good job
    All good wishes.

    May 3, 2022
  95. Kirtika saha
    Kirtika saha

    I hope it will help a lot for all. I learn new information from your blog in relation to sleep and productivity. Thank you so much for this amazing post.
    Keep sharing.
    Expecting more such posts.

    September 20, 2022
  96. K Store
    K Store

    Good information was shared, thanks for this. Sleep is very important in life.
    Great testimonies shared. ??

    November 10, 2022
  97. Bigg Nutrition
    Bigg Nutrition

    Very interesting and informative article. Thanks for sharing such type of precious article.

    November 11, 2022
  98. sunil

    Really it was an amazing article. Thank you so much for the post it is very helpful for a new blogger or content creator.

    November 29, 2022
  99. Christian Steinsworth
    Christian Steinsworth

    Great theme here — sleep is so important! This is one thing I’ve struggled with through much of my life. I’m not good at getting enough sleep! I know many who are, in my life, and am jealous at the ability to sleep wherever and whenever needed. I find when I’m working hard to maintain my sleep schedule, my productivity absolutely soars.

    December 29, 2022
  100. Shubham pratap singh
    Shubham pratap singh

    Wow, what an incredible resource! I found the article “130+ Online Experts Share their Sleep and Productivity Secrets Part I” to be incredibly informative and helpful. It was great to see so many different perspectives and strategies for improving sleep and productivity from such a diverse group of experts.

    I particularly appreciated the emphasis on the importance of consistency and setting a bedtime routine. It’s something I’ve always known to be important, but seeing it reinforced by so many experts really drove the point home.

    I also found the tips for optimizing one’s sleep environment to be very practical and easy to implement. It’s amazing how small changes such as investing in a comfortable mattress, or keeping the bedroom dark and cool can have a big impact on one’s sleep quality.

    I am looking forward to reading the next part, I am sure it will also be filled with valuable insights and tips. Thanks for sharing this great article!

    January 19, 2023
  101. Madison

    Thanks for sharing these productivity tips!
    Great lessons learned from the experts. Sleep and productivity is interlonked!!
    All the best

    January 20, 2023
  102. Asghar Ali Khan
    Asghar Ali Khan

    Very nice post thanks as you shared amazing information.
    Keep sharing.
    All the best.

    November 23, 2023
  103. Gnaneshwar Gaddam
    Gnaneshwar Gaddam

    Wonderful! so amazing sir

    December 1, 2023
  104. Ali

    Thanks for you all Sharing your experience
    It’s very beneficial information

    December 8, 2023
  105. Deccan spark
    Deccan spark

    Pvariel is a treasure trove of insights on technology and digital marketing, providing readers with valuable strategies to enhance their online presence. Their well-researched articles and practical tips make navigating the digital landscape easier for businesses and individuals alike.

    October 15, 2024

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