Interview With Ryan Biddulph The World Renowned Travel Blogger
I am so glad to present yet another interview to the readers of Philipscom.
This time our guest is Ryan Biddulph the world-renowned traveler blogger. He covers a lot of travel stories related to blogging as well as different life experience through his blog “Blogging From Paradise” and through his travel blog. He has been featured on famous platforms like Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur F Richard Branson’s Virgin Blog, Huffington Post, and many others.
He has also published 100+ Bite-sized eBooks on Amazon covering almost everything about blogging. He is lately, known as Guest Post Blogging Machine or an eBook Machine.
He has published hundreds of Guest posts on fellow bloggers pages as well as many other famous platforms.
Philipscom and News and Views too got the opportunities to publish some of his guest posts.
If you are a new blogger or planning to start a blog page of your own then, we recommend to, obtain his eBooks which shares a lot of tips and tricks on blogging which can be useful to newbies as well as professionals.
I am glad that he consented to my request for an interview in between his busy traveling and blogging schedule.
Here we go with Ryan:
P V Ariel: Ryan, Though you are a familiar face to the readers of Philipcom, for the benefit of the new readers will you share few words about you and the beginning of your blogging journey?
Ryan: Hi all! My name is Ryan Biddulph. I am a former security guard turned pro blogger who helps people build successful blogs.
P V: Coming to your website, can you tell me about its name “Blogging from Paradise”. It is indeed an amazing and attractive name! How did you choose this name for your webpage? Is there any specific reason for selecting this amazing, eye-capturing and soothing name?
Ryan: I chose the name because it summed up my life. I retired to a life of island hopping through smart blogging, living in places like Fiji, Bali, Costa Rica and India for months at a time. I decided to say that I blogged from paradise, and Kelli helped me get clearer so I picked the name Blogging From Paradise.
PV: I have noticed that in the initial stage of your blogging you used to comment regularly to some of the fellow bloggers’ pages and you have been branded as a Comment King among the bloggers. But in the recent times the frequency of posting comments on others page is tremendously reduced, is there any specific reason to this, or is it due to the time constraint or your involvement in other pages with your Guest posts?
Ryan: Guest posting and promoting my eBooks, as well as doing more fun stuff offline, has goaded me to release on commenting on a bit. I still do write meaty comments on top blogs though; just not the volume I used to, because as you become more well known you have to scale. This means that as you grow, you must let go of some activities to make room for new, fun activities. I still love blog commenting though; just needed to pull back.
PV: Blog Comments are a vital part of blogging, every blogger long to receive comments on their blog posts. You have published many posts on the subject “blog comments”. Do you believe that blog commenting on related niches is a good strategy to get more traffic to our pages? Of course, you have published an eBook too in this regard. I can relate much to you in blog commenting, as I myself started my blogging journey as a blog commenter, even before having a blog of my own. I would like to request you to shed little more light in this regard.
Ryan: I love blog commenting. This is an awesome way to make friends and to share value with blogging communities. Anybody can publish a thoughtful comment on a top blog from their niche. All it takes is mindfulness and the right intent. Comment to add value and to make buddies.
PV: Ryan, We all know that you are a world traveler and in a recent post, you mentioned that you have been to major cities worldwide and in NYC too have the panhandling problem. I think this menace is a universal one and I would like to ask or will you explain the worst experience you faced in this regard.?
Ryan: Panhandling is an issue in NYC but really, if you are kind to people who are suffering, and understand how fearful they are, leading them to beg to survive, you can release on these folks and allow them to find their own way. I have had no bad experiences really because I usually move on when asked by someone for money. Giving money to most people only disempowers them, conditioning them to believe that they only way to survive is to beg people.
PV: One more question about your world travel. You extensively traveled many countries and along the way you visited some of the Indian cities too. As I am a Keralite and would like to know your opinion or experience you underwent while visiting some of the cities in Kerala.
Ryan: I loved Kovalam! Kelli and I visited Kovalam Beach in 2013 for 2 weeks. We enjoyed the kind people, beautiful scenery, and lovely food. We also had fun with the low key, laid back, chill pace of living in Kerala compared to the more hustle and bustle way of living through many Indian cities we visited prior.
PV: Now I think you are branded as a Guest Posting Machine I wanted to ask you a serious question. In the recent time, I have noticed that you are on a guest post spree. And on your Facebook notification every other day you post these offers. Is there any specific reason for this? Of course one can understand that publishing guest posts on high ranking or high DA pages is beneficial to both parties, but guest posting even on the pages of less traffic or less DA pages you offer guest posts. What is the logic behind this?
Ryan: Kindness.
If you have a gift for writing, not sharing it with the world is selfish, because any thoughts shared, multiply.
I just give as much as possible, then I give a little bit more because it brings the world together. That is the prime intent behind my guest posting campaign.
I have pulled back on guest posting on lower DA pages only due to time constraints but will write one here and there, for a lower traffic blog. I am genuinely not trying to get anything out of these guesties; I mainly want to give.
PV: Ryan I am sure you have many things to be proud of throughout your blogging journey. But what accomplishment are you most proud of throughout your blogging career?
Ryan: I am not too much of a prideful guy; I genuinely am humbled and grateful to do what I do and wish to serve people. I guess I feel most grateful for doing what I love to do, circling the globe and helping people become successful bloggers.
PV: I have been closely watching your activities through your blog pages as well as other platforms like Facebook, HuffingtonPost, Medium, and several other platforms. Also writing guest posts on other’ pages and making eBooks and videos etc. How do you manage your time to do all these in a day. What is the time management you are following?
Ryan: I do a few specific things and let go everything else.
Example; my core blogging activities are writing posts for my blog and guest posts for other blogs, in addition to blog commenting. So I waste no time save 10 to 20 minutes daily on Facebook and Twitter, building my day around writing.
I just do what I love doing, and let all else go. Most people do stuff because people tell them to do stuff, and for fear of missing out on traffic, try to do 34 different things daily, and run out of time. I do 2-2-4 core things daily: write posts, comment genuinely on top blogs, check Facebook, check Twitter, and engage a bit on each platform. Plenty of time to stick to those 4 things.
PV: Ryàn, Though you are known as a blogger, your other activity is traveling, but do you have any other passions, hobbies, and interests apart from these two?
Ryan: I love exercising, and I am a basketball fan too. I follow high school, college and pro basketball. High school basketball in New Jersey is highly competitive, with current NBA stars Kyrie Irving and Karl Anthony Towns being NJ guys who I have met and talked to more than a few times. Other than that, I love watching shows online, through Netflix or different cable stations.
PV: Do you believe that the year 2018 will be the year for visual or images? I mean the videos will occupy the place of contents or texts?
Ryan: Visual seems to be a big trend developing in 2018, especially live broadcasts because doing live videos creates a deeper human connection between bloggers and readers.
PV: I know you as well as Kelly, I have been to her page and posted a few comments too. Will you please share a few things about Kelly and her present activities, blogging etc. Of course about the little one, your niece?
Ryan: Kelli is enjoying her coaching business, writing about the law of attraction and running a successful podcast on how to live your life made to order. We have really enjoyed our time back in New Jersey because we have watched our little niece quite a bit, and she is loads of fun. She also gives us a chance to be a little like parents for a few days a week, then we can keep traveling when she goes home LOL!
PV: Last and final question: No doubt, blogging is a tedious job and many enter into it and quit within a short period, what advice do you have for bloggers especially young people who long to enter into the blogging industry?
Ryan: Follow your passion. If you blog about a topic that feels fun to blog about, you will never want to quit, because the work is the reward.
PV: Thanks Ryan for your valuable time you shared with Philipscom readers in this busy holidaying season. I appreciate and wish you all the best in your future blogging journey. Also, Philipsocm wishes you and Kelly a wonderful and prosperous New Year 2018.
Ryan: Thanks Phil for your initiative, invite and good wishes, I am honored and am Happy that I shared some of my experiences with your readers and am sure your readers will like it. Keep up the good work. :-) I wholeheartedly reciprocate your New Year Wishes
A Multilingual Freelance Writer, Editor, Blogger, Roundup Expert, Translator, Internet Marketer And A Social Campaigner. Manages different sites in English as well as in Malayalam. Born And Brought Up In Kerala. Now Based At Secunderabad Telangana, India. Facebook or
Can Reach At: philipscom55(@)Gmail [.] Com twitter: @PVAriel Skype Philva6
Glad to see Ryan’s interview on this blog. All newbie bloggers, as well as established professional bloggers, have something or the other to model from Ryan. I totally agree with you that he is an e-book making machine and a guest posting machine on the Internet world.
Absolutely a great new year present for your followers and readers. Keep up the good work.
Hi Reji,
Season’s Greetings to you.
So glad to read the first comment of 2018. :-)
I appreciate your relentless support to Philipscom.
Yes, no doubt Ryan is indeed an amazing person who does his routine job in a systematic way.
As you said all can pick one or two lessons from his life book.
Yes, Ryan’s this share is indeed a New Year Gift to me as well as to the readers of Philipscom
Thanks for the wishes and I reciprocate.
Have a blessed, year, 2018.
Best Regards,
~ Philip
Glad to note that I made the first comment on this blog in 2018. I hope you will have a very prosperous 2018.Keep posting more and more valuable posts like this.
Hi Reji,
Happy to hear from you again.
I appreciate your valuable time,
I wish you the same.
Hey, yet another surprise to note:
The above comment is your 100th Comment on the pages of #pvariel
Thank you so much.
Keep visiting
Keep sharing.
All Good Wishes In This Blogging Journey. :-)
~ Philip
Hey Reji,
Happy to see you again.
Yes, I am sure you can and you will be going to become one among the comment kings. :-)
Keep blogging.
Best Regards
Glad to read the review of Ryan. He’s a master of building great connections with other bloggers and as once Rahul Kuntala said Ryan is the blog commenting Ninja. He is one of the few guys who’s consistently blogging for years and always focuses on networking rather than self-promotion (or selling).
Follow your passion – I think that’s the key as Ryan said to network with others successfully and build a profitable blog in the process.
Great interview and a ton of thoughtful questions Philip.
Keep rocking!
January 15, 2018
HI sir
Good to know about this amazing person and his daily blogging journey. Very interesting person to look into.
Thanks for this article.
Keep writing more about such personalities.
Have a wonderful and profitable New Year 2018.
~ Anshul
Hi Urwa,
Season’s Greetings to you.
Thanks for your maiden visit.
Good to know that you like the posts on Philipscom
Keep visiting and keep sharing.
Best Regards
~ Philipp
What a great interview you have done with Ryan. I’ve seen Ryan morph into a blogging machine lol. But what I like best is that he is truthful and authentic. No nonsense, no hype. Ryan really cares about people. When he is visiting a blog he will give a great comment and you know he has read the blog post.
Ryan’s daily Facebook Live is what we need to be mindful of doing ourselves. It is the best way to get personal with others. Because it is visual and not scripted, people see who we really are. When it comes to technology issues doing a FB Live, they get to see that we don’t crack under pressure lol. They also get a chance to say hello to us and type in a question or comment. What better way to brand ourselves? Ryan is a pro. Just watch hime and learn.
Ryan’s adventures he shares are always so much fun to read. He is a world traveler and we can learn so much from his encounters with others he is around.
Hi Donna,
Season’s Greetings to you. :-)
Great to see you with an insightful feedback on our page on this New Year Eve.
I appreciate your valuable time.
I fully agree with you what you said about Ryan, Yes, he is indeed an amazing and adorable personality among the bloggers. He is real and not a nonsense! Yes, his FB live proves that.:-)
Thanks again for your encouraging word.
Have a Joyous and prosperous New Year. :-)
Best Regards
~ Philip
I really appreciated Ryan’s comment about doing 4 things well….not 34! It’s easy in this field to jump from trend to trend to get traffic. It takes discipline to stay the course and focus on what you’re good at. What an awesome contribution Ryan is making. Jessica
Hi Jessica,
Thanks for your maiden visit on philipscom.
I appreciate your valuable time.
Yes, it’s easy to move on with new trends but difficult to do it in a systematic way, I fully agree with you. Thanks again for the visit with and insightful feedback.
Keep visiting, keep sharing.
Best Regards
~ Philip
Hi Janice,
Glad to see you here again.
Yes, Janice, it’s indeed a good start! :-)
More to follow in the coming days.
Have a great and profitable time ahead.
~ Philip
Hi Phllip,
Great to see and read your interview with Ryan here. He is amazing and I like Donna have seen him grown over the years and it’s an amazing story to follow. Very inspiring!
He really has a way with words to make any story come alive as we read it. Now on video too – he can craft up stories from any of his days. He seems to have a knack for seeing things others don’t – maybe because he doesn’t carry his mobile phone around :)
Thanks for having this one Phillip, and happy New Year!
Hi Philip sir,
It’s indeed a great joy to see our friend Ryan on your page with an amazing interview.
You really cornered Ryan with some wonderful questions which I think others never asked him!
Yes, Ryan is no doubt, an inspiration to many bloggers around the world. His facebook videos are really popular and one can get one or more tips or tricks from it.
Being a digital nomad is not an easy thing and he is doing it. His eBooks are filled with a lot of information for bloggers and are worth reading and those are indeed a collectible item.
Thanks Ryan for being with us again on our friend’s page Philipscom.
Thanks, Philips Sir squeezing Ryan out with a lot of information!!! :-)
And knowing more about Ryan through your blog is amazing.
Keep up the good work.
Robin Khokhar
Nice to read your interview with Ryan, Philip.
He is really a great example for every blogger. Ryan shares his knowledge and experiences generously and many of us have the gift of one of his guest post on our blogs. He is truly talented in writing authentic, I think this is what most people love.
Great also is the meaningful comments. I read your comment policy note too. It seems we all really should not accept one line and meaningless comments anymore. The newbies and unserious bloggers should learn to do it right.
Thank you and all the best for 2018
Hi Philip,
Happy New Year! Great interview with Ryan to start the year off.
I do love the way he writes and what he writes about. Inspiring, his prolific bite-sized ebooks as well as his comments on others blogs. My favorite lines from his post were…
“All it takes is mindfulness and the right intent to comment to add value and to make buddies.
Simple core things like daily writing posts, genuinely commenting on top blogs, check Facebook and Twitter and engage on each”. Only those 4 things.
Favorite quote – Follow your passion.If you blog about a topic that feels fun to blog about, you will never want to quit, because the work is the reward.” Love that one!
Hi Philip,
Happy New Year! Great interview with Ryan to start the year off.
I do love the way he writes and what he writes about. Inspiring, his prolific bite-sized ebooks as well as his comments on others blogs. My favorite lines from his post were…
“All it takes is mindfulness and the right intent to comment to add value and to make buddies.
Simple core things like daily writing posts, genuinely commenting on top blogs, check Facebook and Twitter and engage on each”. Only those 4 things.
Favorite quote – “Follow your passion.If you blog about a topic that feels fun to blog about, you will never want to quit, because the work is the reward.” Love that one!
It is so wonderful to get to know Ryan more deeply. I love how genuine and giving he is with his time and efforts.
Thanks Philip for this New Year Share. :-)
Glad to read the interview with Ryan. He’s a master of building great connections with other bloggers and as once Rahul Kuntala said Ryan is the blog commenting Ninja. He is one of the few guys who’s consistently blogging for years and always focuses on networking rather than self-promotion (or selling).
Follow your passion – I think that’s the key as Ryan said to network with others successfully and build a profitable blog in the process.
Great interview and a ton of thoughtful questions Philip.
Hi Anil,
It is indeed a great joy to see you here again with a thoughtful comment.
Yes, as Rahul said he is one of the commenting Ninjas in the blogging world.
As he said in the interview these days as he is more involving in other activities the frequency is reduced tremendously.
Thanks again for your encouraging thoughts. Keep writing, keep sharing.
By the way, Anil this comment I found it in my spam folder, of course, two similar comments. Did you face any problem while posting the comment? I retrieved it from the spam folder.
~ Philip
This is my first comment on your blog. Ryan is an awesome, friendly and helpful blogging guy. He is always full of energy and his smiley face attracts peoples towards him. I know him from past few months and his posts, videos are always very helpful. He is so down to earth blogging personality and helps newbies to become a successful blogger. I have learned many things from him. Thanks for doing this great interview.
I am also a big fan of Ryan. And the best marketing method of Ryan is getting backlinks from commenting. Thank you for this amazing interview. No doubt commenting on other blogs will give a kind of traffic to our pages, Ryan proved this very well through his comment activities.
nice article. I was thinking that using a travel blog, we may become a travel agent and advertise on our blog too. That will be a good idea. But in this way we will have to spend budget on our own tours in order to get how know of famous places and get some charming images to advertise and prepare our readers to go with us. I think one must think of this idea especially a travel blogger. Thanks.
Oh my goodness what an amazing share!
A lot of great advice! Very honest and practical. I really enjoyed reading the questions and it’s replies.
A Nice and Valuable post!!
Thank you for sharing such a great interview. This made my day! A lot of profitable business information shared. Keep up the good work. Wish you both a great success in the days ahead.
Keep sharing such innovative ideas to your readers. All good wishes.
What a wonderful interview.
Ryan in indeed a great blogger.
He is really helps the genuine followers in his field. As you mentioned he is one of the top travel bloggers and his shares to the community is much appreciated.
Thanks Phil for conducting this as someone said unique conversation.
All the best to both of you.
What an incredible interview with the veteran Ryan. A lot of valuable information to pick and follow. Thanks Phil for sharing this unique conversation with us. Great Going Ryan. Keep sharing looking forward to hearing from you.
Regards and love
John F
It was a wonderful time while going through your article and I’ve got what I was looking for
I’m so glad you chose to share this article. It’s given me a ton of great information that I need for myself, but it was just too hard trying to find everything on Google.
For beginners, this is a well-defined and quite instructive site. Thank you for sharing this information in such a straightforward yet beautiful manner.
Wish you all the best for your future endeavours. Once again, thank you for your valuable tips and ideas helping freshers like us. I will surely share this beautiful piece of article with my peers and people who actually need guidance.
Thanks, Lot for your informative article. We can learn many things from this article.
Well conducted interview, great questions apt answers. Valuable information shared. Great going!
I will share with my friends and others on social media.
Keep sharing.
I hope you will become a great writer. Since your writing is very good and attractive and also informative. I hope you will write more quality contents in the days ahead.
All the Best
Great interview Philip the question you have asked is admiring. Ryan sir is truly an inspiration to all fellow bloggers who are just starting and the established one as well. His smiling face and positive aura attract to become fans of him. He changed people’s ways of thinking towards travel blogging through his simple, and innovative way. Thanks for conducting an amazing interview.
Hi Philip Sir,
Glad to see Ryan’s interview on this blog. All newbie bloggers, as well as established professional bloggers, have something or the other to model from Ryan. I totally agree with you that he is an e-book making machine and a guest posting machine on the Internet world.
Absolutely a great new year present for your followers and readers. Keep up the good work.
Have a very prosperous 2018.
Best regards
Reji Stephenson
Hi Reji,
Season’s Greetings to you.
So glad to read the first comment of 2018. :-)
I appreciate your relentless support to Philipscom.
Yes, no doubt Ryan is indeed an amazing person who does his routine job in a systematic way.
As you said all can pick one or two lessons from his life book.
Yes, Ryan’s this share is indeed a New Year Gift to me as well as to the readers of Philipscom
Thanks for the wishes and I reciprocate.
Have a blessed, year, 2018.
Best Regards,
~ Philip
Hi Philip Sir,
Glad to note that I made the first comment on this blog in 2018. I hope you will have a very prosperous 2018.Keep posting more and more valuable posts like this.
Reji Stephenson
Hi Reji,
Happy to hear from you again.
I appreciate your valuable time,
I wish you the same.
Hey, yet another surprise to note:
The above comment is your 100th Comment on the pages of #pvariel
Thank you so much.
Keep visiting
Keep sharing.
All Good Wishes In This Blogging Journey. :-)
~ Philip
Hello Philip Sir,
Good to hear from you that I made the 100th comment in this blog and that too in this post. Hoping to make it a double century of comments soon.
Keep up the good work of sharing the life experience of wonderful bloggers like Ryan Bidulph.
Thanks once again.
Reji Stephenson
Hey Reji,
Happy to see you again.
Yes, I am sure you can and you will be going to become one among the comment kings. :-)
Keep blogging.
Best Regards
Hi Philip and Ryan,
Glad to read the review of Ryan. He’s a master of building great connections with other bloggers and as once Rahul Kuntala said Ryan is the blog commenting Ninja. He is one of the few guys who’s consistently blogging for years and always focuses on networking rather than self-promotion (or selling).
Follow your passion – I think that’s the key as Ryan said to network with others successfully and build a profitable blog in the process.
Great interview and a ton of thoughtful questions Philip.
Keep rocking!
HI sir
Good to know about this amazing person and his daily blogging journey. Very interesting person to look into.
Thanks for this article.
Keep writing more about such personalities.
Have a wonderful and profitable New Year 2018.
~ Anshul
Greeting Philip
Happy to see Ryan’s interview on your blog. You gave me a gift, I’m big fan of yours. Wish you Happy New Year.
Urwa Malik.
Hi Urwa,
Season’s Greetings to you.
Thanks for your maiden visit.
Good to know that you like the posts on Philipscom
Keep visiting and keep sharing.
Best Regards
~ Philipp
Hi Philip,
What a great interview you have done with Ryan. I’ve seen Ryan morph into a blogging machine lol. But what I like best is that he is truthful and authentic. No nonsense, no hype. Ryan really cares about people. When he is visiting a blog he will give a great comment and you know he has read the blog post.
Ryan’s daily Facebook Live is what we need to be mindful of doing ourselves. It is the best way to get personal with others. Because it is visual and not scripted, people see who we really are. When it comes to technology issues doing a FB Live, they get to see that we don’t crack under pressure lol. They also get a chance to say hello to us and type in a question or comment. What better way to brand ourselves? Ryan is a pro. Just watch hime and learn.
Ryan’s adventures he shares are always so much fun to read. He is a world traveler and we can learn so much from his encounters with others he is around.
Hi Donna,
Season’s Greetings to you. :-)
Great to see you with an insightful feedback on our page on this New Year Eve.
I appreciate your valuable time.
I fully agree with you what you said about Ryan, Yes, he is indeed an amazing and adorable personality among the bloggers. He is real and not a nonsense! Yes, his FB live proves that.:-)
Thanks again for your encouraging word.
Have a Joyous and prosperous New Year. :-)
Best Regards
~ Philip
I really appreciated Ryan’s comment about doing 4 things well….not 34! It’s easy in this field to jump from trend to trend to get traffic. It takes discipline to stay the course and focus on what you’re good at. What an awesome contribution Ryan is making. Jessica
Hi Jessica,
Thanks for your maiden visit on philipscom.
I appreciate your valuable time.
Yes, it’s easy to move on with new trends but difficult to do it in a systematic way, I fully agree with you. Thanks again for the visit with and insightful feedback.
Keep visiting, keep sharing.
Best Regards
~ Philip
Hi Phillip,
So exciting to see Ryan here! A great choice to start your 2018 interview series.
Hi Janice,
Glad to see you here again.
Yes, Janice, it’s indeed a good start! :-)
More to follow in the coming days.
Have a great and profitable time ahead.
~ Philip
Hi Phllip,
Great to see and read your interview with Ryan here. He is amazing and I like Donna have seen him grown over the years and it’s an amazing story to follow. Very inspiring!
He really has a way with words to make any story come alive as we read it. Now on video too – he can craft up stories from any of his days. He seems to have a knack for seeing things others don’t – maybe because he doesn’t carry his mobile phone around :)
Thanks for having this one Phillip, and happy New Year!
Hi Philip sir,
It’s indeed a great joy to see our friend Ryan on your page with an amazing interview.
You really cornered Ryan with some wonderful questions which I think others never asked him!
Yes, Ryan is no doubt, an inspiration to many bloggers around the world. His facebook videos are really popular and one can get one or more tips or tricks from it.
Being a digital nomad is not an easy thing and he is doing it. His eBooks are filled with a lot of information for bloggers and are worth reading and those are indeed a collectible item.
Thanks Ryan for being with us again on our friend’s page Philipscom.
Thanks, Philips Sir squeezing Ryan out with a lot of information!!! :-)
And knowing more about Ryan through your blog is amazing.
Keep up the good work.
Robin Khokhar
Very interesting and insightful post, thank you for sharing. I will certainly be looking at the e-books mentioned.
Nice to read your interview with Ryan, Philip.
He is really a great example for every blogger. Ryan shares his knowledge and experiences generously and many of us have the gift of one of his guest post on our blogs. He is truly talented in writing authentic, I think this is what most people love.
Great also is the meaningful comments. I read your comment policy note too. It seems we all really should not accept one line and meaningless comments anymore. The newbies and unserious bloggers should learn to do it right.
Thank you and all the best for 2018
Hi Philip,
Happy New Year! Great interview with Ryan to start the year off.
I do love the way he writes and what he writes about. Inspiring, his prolific bite-sized ebooks as well as his comments on others blogs. My favorite lines from his post were…
“All it takes is mindfulness and the right intent to comment to add value and to make buddies.
Simple core things like daily writing posts, genuinely commenting on top blogs, check Facebook and Twitter and engage on each”. Only those 4 things.
Favorite quote – Follow your passion.If you blog about a topic that feels fun to blog about, you will never want to quit, because the work is the reward.” Love that one!
Hi Philip,
Happy New Year! Great interview with Ryan to start the year off.
I do love the way he writes and what he writes about. Inspiring, his prolific bite-sized ebooks as well as his comments on others blogs. My favorite lines from his post were…
“All it takes is mindfulness and the right intent to comment to add value and to make buddies.
Simple core things like daily writing posts, genuinely commenting on top blogs, check Facebook and Twitter and engage on each”. Only those 4 things.
Favorite quote – “Follow your passion.If you blog about a topic that feels fun to blog about, you will never want to quit, because the work is the reward.” Love that one!
It is so wonderful to get to know Ryan more deeply. I love how genuine and giving he is with his time and efforts.
Thanks Philip for this New Year Share. :-)
Hi Philip and Ryan,
Glad to read the interview with Ryan. He’s a master of building great connections with other bloggers and as once Rahul Kuntala said Ryan is the blog commenting Ninja. He is one of the few guys who’s consistently blogging for years and always focuses on networking rather than self-promotion (or selling).
Follow your passion – I think that’s the key as Ryan said to network with others successfully and build a profitable blog in the process.
Great interview and a ton of thoughtful questions Philip.
Keep rocking guys.
Hi Anil,
It is indeed a great joy to see you here again with a thoughtful comment.
Yes, as Rahul said he is one of the commenting Ninjas in the blogging world.
As he said in the interview these days as he is more involving in other activities the frequency is reduced tremendously.
Thanks again for your encouraging thoughts. Keep writing, keep sharing.
By the way, Anil this comment I found it in my spam folder, of course, two similar comments. Did you face any problem while posting the comment? I retrieved it from the spam folder.
~ Philip
Hello Philip Sir,
This is my first comment on your blog. Ryan is an awesome, friendly and helpful blogging guy. He is always full of energy and his smiley face attracts peoples towards him. I know him from past few months and his posts, videos are always very helpful. He is so down to earth blogging personality and helps newbies to become a successful blogger. I have learned many things from him. Thanks for doing this great interview.
Have a Great Day :)
I am also a big fan of Ryan. And the best marketing method of Ryan is getting backlinks from commenting. Thank you for this amazing interview. No doubt commenting on other blogs will give a kind of traffic to our pages, Ryan proved this very well through his comment activities.
nice article. I was thinking that using a travel blog, we may become a travel agent and advertise on our blog too. That will be a good idea. But in this way we will have to spend budget on our own tours in order to get how know of famous places and get some charming images to advertise and prepare our readers to go with us. I think one must think of this idea especially a travel blogger. Thanks.
Very interesting and insightful post, thank you for sharing. I will certainly be looking at the e-books mentioned…
very interestig and helpful article. great artcile for start interview tips
Hey Phil,

great to see Ryan here.
He’s a blogging superstar to me, Because he managed to achieve success without sacrificing his life’s quality.
What’s the point of success if you have to be become a workaholic to have it, and never see the light of day?
Nikola Roza recently posted…Make it better-Learn how to add content tables to your WordPress posts and pages (No HTML needed)
Great to see and read your interview
Oh my goodness what an amazing share!
A lot of great advice! Very honest and practical. I really enjoyed reading the questions and it’s replies.
A Nice and Valuable post!!
Thank you for sharing such a great interview. This made my day! A lot of profitable business information shared. Keep up the good work. Wish you both a great success in the days ahead.
Keep sharing such innovative ideas to your readers. All good wishes.
What a wonderful interview.
Ryan in indeed a great blogger.
He is really helps the genuine followers in his field. As you mentioned he is one of the top travel bloggers and his shares to the community is much appreciated.
Thanks Phil for conducting this as someone said unique conversation.
All the best to both of you.
What an incredible interview with the veteran Ryan. A lot of valuable information to pick and follow. Thanks Phil for sharing this unique conversation with us. Great Going Ryan. Keep sharing looking forward to hearing from you.
Regards and love
John F
It was a wonderful time while going through your article and I’ve got what I was looking for
I’m so glad you chose to share this article. It’s given me a ton of great information that I need for myself, but it was just too hard trying to find everything on Google.
For beginners, this is a well-defined and quite instructive site. Thank you for sharing this information in such a straightforward yet beautiful manner.
Wish you all the best for your future endeavours. Once again, thank you for your valuable tips and ideas helping freshers like us. I will surely share this beautiful piece of article with my peers and people who actually need guidance.
Thanks, Lot for your informative article. We can learn many things from this article.
Well conducted interview, great questions apt answers. Valuable information shared. Great going!
I will share with my friends and others on social media.
Keep sharing.
I hope you will become a great writer. Since your writing is very good and attractive and also informative. I hope you will write more quality contents in the days ahead.
All the Best
Nice post! Thank you for sharing this post I have got a lot of ideas.
Great interview Philip the question you have asked is admiring. Ryan sir is truly an inspiration to all fellow bloggers who are just starting and the established one as well. His smiling face and positive aura attract to become fans of him. He changed people’s ways of thinking towards travel blogging through his simple, and innovative way. Thanks for conducting an amazing interview.
I love this page and the information. I hope you will publish more such informative posts in the days ahead.
Best Regards
Your blog is very informative thank you. It’s really helped me. Three interview speak volumes.
Thank you.
[…] Ryan is the Owner and CEO of BloggingFromParadise and is a renowned travel writer. Read an interview with Ryan […]