Last updated on June 19, 2015
Philipscom Blog Review by Naman Kumar of Blogging easier.

Naman Kumar, the young CEO and founder of Blogging easier blog page is offering blog reviews for your pages.
I am so glad to present the review he made for my blogger page Philipscom.
Though he is a student just completed his 12th class and is pursuing for his further studies, he set apart some time for blogging especially in helping and sharing his knowledge to his fellow bloggers.
This is a rare character one can find among bloggers. Though he started this page just a few months ago his mission is accomplishing well.
His pages are filled with lot of informative posts on various subjects. He mainly concentrate on blog related niches like widgets, tweaks, SEO related articles reviews and various other subjects.
He did a wonderful jumbo review for my page Philipscom at
Though my page status is below average i need to do a lot of hardwork on it!
Thanks Naman for telling this out thru this review!
At the same time since now I am mainly concentrating on my WordPress page I am a bit hesitate to concentrate on the blogger page. :-)
Here is the review of my page done by Naman Kumar. Philipscom Blog Review.
Since I have migrated all my posts from to WordPress pages here, and I informed about this to him and he agreed to do a review for my present page too!
Along with his studies Naman is offering help to the newbie bloggers to reach the level of pro-bloggers.
Please read his sharing and caring in his own words:
“Anyone can start a blog, but the real test is getting readers. As anyone who’s been blogging for more than a few months knows, getting readers is complicated. Getting readers is hard. And for the first few months at least, getting readers is certainly not fun. Most people get fed up and quit. Others, like you, scour the web for answers. Either way, it’s frustrating, because you can’t figure out what to do first.
But wait, don’t worry! We are here for you. We’ll make you be an authority in your niche and get, what you deserve.”
Yes, this is his offer!

You can meet this gentleman here on this below link.
And you can send your request for a review by clicking on the below link:
Since he is pursuing his studies it may get a bit delayed. But I am sure he will attend to your request.
Make a request to Naman here at this link. Blogging Easier
Check your domain ranking
I’m really happy that you like our service. I seriously don’t have words to thank you for sharing our service.
Keep supporting!
Best of luck for your blog.
Hi Naman,
Good to see you here on my page,
Thank you once again for your kind review,
Good that we met.
Keep sharing your knowledge with your fellow beings
Keep up the good work.
Have a great day,
Best Regards
~ Philip
Hi Phillip,
Its good to learn of Naman Kumar. This is my first time of meeting him. The review on your blog is cool. I sure would be encouraging for newbie bloggers to actually follow his footsteps and advice on how to succeed as a blogger. More power to his elbow!
I left this comment in as well.
Hi Sunday,
Nice to see you here again!
What joy to see you again :-)
Yes, this young gentleman did a wonderful job with my blogger page,
I need to do a lot of home work with it
Keep sharing,
Have a great and profitable day
Best Regards
~ Phil