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Let Us Save Our Environment For Our Benefit

Posted in Environment

Last updated on January 24, 2018

Let us save our environment for our existence

Save environment
Environment. Image Credit: Anish Thankachan
A Lovely Scene From Barboda The Small Island Nation — This year’s (2014)  W E D Host Country
Picture Credit Google+

Yet another “World Environment Day” is just passed by with a lot of activities and usual celebrations! Yes, let,  ‘Save Our Environment’ is the main aim of each individual in the coming days! yes, it is very much needed for our very existence.

Every year the world over remember the day June 5th as the World Environment Day.

This Year’s Slogan is  “Raise your Voices Not to Sea level “

Barboda The Small Island nation was this year’s host country.

At this point, it is good to have a look back and see the seriousness of this day,

Of course, this day is only a reminder to the people about the seriousness of protecting our environment for our existence and also for the future generation’s protection.

On the eve of this celebrations let me bring forth some of the activities and some of the important and must read articles to know more about this event and its importance.

Picture Credit

Here is an interesting and useful article published by the on this day:

 8 Environment-Friendly Eating Habits

A must-read post, a timely one!

Also Please Read These Connected Posts Published Earlier on these pages:

Yet Another World Environment Day Is Here—A Look back And Some Feedback –

E Stands For Environment, Let Us Protect And Preserve Our Environment

Trees Are An Integral Part Of Our Lives. Don’t Destroy Them

Also, watch this Interesting video on this year’s activity:

Barbados, 2014 global host of World Environment Day,

is adapting to climate change vulnerabilities shared by small islands,

including beach erosion and sea level rise.

Representatives from the Ministry of Environment and Drainage talk about the challenges and

actions needed.


Few Pictures ( Mobile Upload) Taken on 5th June 2014 – Please click on the picture to view clearly.

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Ariel’s Jottings,


Picture Credit. Anish Thankachen, P V Ariel, Kerala Tourism

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  1. The World environment day should not just be celebrated as a ritual, let the impact be felt!

    June 28, 2017

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