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His Love is Amazing! Let Us Have An intimate Relationship With God

Posted in A to Z Blog Challenge, and Biblical/Religious

Last updated on February 14, 2016

His Love is Amazing! Let us have an intimate relationship with God

mom-s-love-freeSweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer!

that calls me from a world of care,

and bids me at my Father’s throne

make all my wants and wishes known.

In seasons of distress and grief,

my soul has often found relief,

and oft escaped the tempter’s snare

by thy return, sweet hour of prayer! …Read   More Here

 Sweet Hour of Prayer Sweet Hour of Prayer…

Why this song says sweet hour of prayer.

Yes there is a good reason for it.

What is prayer?

Prayer is in short, ‘a communication with the God the Creator.’

Or let me put it this way: “An intimate conversation with a loved one”

Yes, take another example: “A child father intimate relationship,  exactly the same.”

We are His creation and His children.

How a father loves his child intimately, how the child approach his father for his needs?

Generally no loving father will reject or neglect his child’s plea or request. Exactly the same way God the Father listen to our (His children’s) voices or cries.

We know many things about this word “LOVE” This ‘word’ is very much in the world or let me say all around; indeed, though it is a very soothing word it is a much misunderstood one too. Likewise though its presence is everywhere, in the family and in individual lives, sometimes due to its wrong application disharmony drips in and untoward incidents happens. Such news is coming day in and day out. In some cases its extreme usage creates problems and in some other area its less application creates problems. This is the ultimate result of worldly love.

The other day the world around us celebrated ‘Valentines Day’ with much pomp and pleasure. We all know what it is and its history or background. But people are celebrating this day with a different motive or angle. Today’s newspaper reported a ghastly incident happened yesterday in the city. “Student kills teen to gift his Valentine” was the news paper heading for the news. A 21 year old B.Com student took the adage “all is fair in love” to brutal levels by robbing and murdering a teenager last Saturday to buy gifts for his lover on Valentine’s Day. (Deccan Chronicle, 16 Feb 201, Secunderabad), what a sad state in the name of that attractive word called “Love’.

Anyways whatever may be the ugly side of it that is not our subject as I said earlier “sweet prayer, indeed it is sweet! Prayer or communication with our loving father is sweet indeed! Its sweetness is unexplainable. Only the one who experienced that love only can understand its sweetness. Yes, we as a privileged group and we know its greatness and its sweetness. Yes only the one who tasted it or experienced it only will know its value too.

But today I wanted to talk about a love which is above all these worldly love, that is the love of our creator God. The Bible says: “He loved us with an everlasting love.” The love which world gives or offers are temporary or momentary but this love greatest of all love is permanent or eternal. Yes, it last for ever. We the group of believers of Christ is no doubt a privileged group. Yes we have a great hope, our lover has given to us, the eternal hope! That we will be with Him for ever and ever to enjoy His presence and His unfailing love. This is not a simple thing; generally we take this as for granted. Ok He loved us and gave His only begotten son for our sake. Ok that is fine, we accepted him as our Savior and Lord and any way when He comes back He will take us with him. That is for sure, so rest of the available time let me enjoy in this world, why to think about all those things.”

Very sad to say that, this is the attitude of many of the believers today. But that is not the purpose of our God when He accepted as His children, instead to be faithful to Him as well as to be or have an intimate relationship with Him.

You may ask how we can have this intimate relationship with Him?

It is very simple to have a closer walk with him, by obeying His words and also by having a constant communion with him through prayer and the meditation of His Word (The Bible). When we walk with him more closely His nature, mind everything will be reflected in us and we will show His image thru our life. Let us grow in the knowledge or our Savior that will be a blessing you us as well as our society and the congregations which we are involved in.

We the believers are a privileged group and we have a great hope in us, the hope which a loving Father/ Savior has given to his children. We are the blood bought children of this Savior and one day he will come again and take us home to live with Him for ever. With this hope let us lead a victorious Christian life which is pleasing to our Savior.

His love is Greatest of all love* unfathomable, unchanging and unfailing one. Let us stick to this love only, all other love in this world will fail you and definitely that brings you dissatisfaction , disharmony and turmoil. So cling on to the love which is everlasting and eternal.

Let us have an intimate relationship with the lover of all love. The creator  God  the Savior of this world that is the only thing our Lord expects from us.

Let us be faithful to Him in doing this. May God help us.

Read More about this Great Love in yet another blog Click  HERE

(An unedited message delivered to a small congregation today  16th Feb 2011 by the blog author)


A Freelance writer from Secunderabad India

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