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Indian Cities Boiling – How Can We Escape From This?

Posted in Current Affairs, and Environment

Last updated on June 5, 2019

Last updated on June 04, 2019.

Indian Cities Are Boiling! How Can We Escape From This?

Our State Telangana Touches 48 Degree Celsius Today May 28, 2019)

Yes, the Indian cities are reeling under the scorching sun!

A report from Telangana’s Mancherial District. Marked 47.8 degree Celsius. And also other 8 districts in Telangana touched the 47+ degree Celsius. See the below report. Read the full report Times of India, Hyderabad.

Churu in Rajasthan registered 50.8 degree Celsius the highest ever temperature in Rajasthan Reports Times of India.


Heavy rain lashed out with a hailstorm in Hyderabad after 4  PM today (June 3, 2019).

Watch the below video taken from my balcony at the time of a sudden outpour in the peak summer.

In fact, the mercury touched 48+ degree Celsius in Telangana this summer.


Indian cities weather

See a screenshot of the feedback I made on this news in Times of India at the bottom of this post

Indian cities boiling

Latest Information received via Praveen Alagani, President, MJ Colony, Moulali, Hyderabad.


Indian cities are boiling
Image Courtesy: PTI/NewsMinutes

Today’s (27.05.19) reports show 44 to 47 degree Celsius in Telangana State

Latest information courtesy: Lenin John, Hyderabad.

Picture Credit:

Max Temperature recorded in some of the Indian cities in recent days:

☀Kota 48 degrees

 ☀Delhi 47 degrees

☀Agra 45 degrees
☀Nagpur 46 degrees
☀Lucknow 48 degrees
☀Hyderabad 46 degrees
☀Pune 42 degrees

☀Khammam 48 degrees

☀Ahmedabad 46 degrees

☀Ahmedabad 46 degrees

The above statistics are from 2015 but there is not much change this year too.  Check out the latest weather in India.

Indian Cities boilingAccording to the latest report, in the coming years, these cities will cross 50-degree Celsius.

Even our air conditioners, coolers or fans will not save or protect us in summer.

Why is it so hot ?????  What are some of the main reasons to this!
In the last 10 years over 10 crore trees were cut for widening roads and highways.   And this is happening every other day.  In the name of developments, the authorities are allowing to cut trees!  ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? 

But the statistics say that only more than a lakh trees have been planted or replaced by the govt. or public, but cutting down the trees are numberless!

How to make India cool ?????

Please do not wait for the government to plant trees.  Here are some solutions we can apply!

Sowing seeds or planting trees does not cost much.
?????? ????????????
Just collect seeds of fruits like Mango, Lemon, Jamun, Neem, Custard Apple, Jack fruit, and other seeds.
???????? ????????????????
Then dig two-three inch hole on open spaces, roadside, footpaths, highways, gardens and also in your locality, society or bungalow.

Bury these seeds in each hole with soil and then water them every two days in summer.
In rainy season no need to water them.

After 15 to 30 days small plants will shoot up.
Please nurture them and ensure they grow big.

Let us make this a National movement and plant 10 crore trees all over India.
This act will surely help us to reduce the temperature level from crossing the present level.
Please plant maximum trees and forward this message to everyone. Let us distribute saplings as return gifts during functions, birthdays, etc.    ‘


Published on: May 23, 2015 @ 00:53

Some of these pics and tips are noted down and posted here from a WhatsApp message received today.

The last report came in says:  The Death Toll Raised to 852 in AP and 269 in Telangana due to the heatwave in just 1 week. (Courtesy Sasidhar Kareti)

Also please read these post on the same subject:

Trees Are An Integral Part Of Human Beings

To Read More On this Subject Please Do Click on the below Link:


Indian cites and weather


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Published on: May 23, 2015 @ 00:53

Last updated on May 28, 2019

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  1. 48 degrees is super high I guess, I really love your efforts to compile the temperature of the cities.


    May 23, 2015
    • Hi Samantha,
      Thank you so much for the kind visit and for the comment.
      Yes, 48 is indeed super high!
      several cities in India is running that degrees the other day!
      It is really increasing daily
      Let us make awareness among people about this alarming situation~
      Thanks for sharing it in your social networks
      Have a great week ahead
      ~ Philip

      May 24, 2015
  2. Naveen Kumar
    Naveen Kumar

    Hi phil Sir,
    Its very warm here in our present place. I really missing my village in Himachal Pradesh where it is pleasant climate with cool temperature! As you know that is indeed a place filled with lot of greenery. I really miss it and facing the painful situation here, as you said, we need to seriously think on the tips mentioned here, each one plant a sapling for the benefit of our coming generation, Thanks for your suggestion! Wonderfully created post.
    Keep sharing
    Have a Happy weekend :-)
    ~ Naveen

    May 24, 2015
    • Hi Naveen,
      Thank you so much for the visit and for the insightful feedback.
      Sad to note that you really is missing your lovely native land!
      what to do we are aliens on this earth, for different need we
      need to move around. Hope you read my post “God is laughing Out Loud”
      There it is!
      Keep visiting
      Keep sharing
      Have a great week ahead,
      ~ PHilip

      May 24, 2015
  3. Piyush Ranjan
    Piyush Ranjan

    Hello Philip Sir,
    well India is boiling these days. Here I came to your doorstep and I bring some hot news. The news is I will plant trees as much as I can so that everybody get rid of the hot weather.
    Very informative post. And the solution to get rid of it is quit awesome.

    May 24, 2015
    • Hi Piyush,
      Nice to see you here again! :-)
      Nice to know that my post made you to take some serious decision on this alarming situation!
      Good let us spread the news, so that many who are not aware on this serious issue in which
      they are knowingly or unknowingly involved in!
      These types of awareness among people especially among school college students it will reap
      great result.
      Nice to know that you have taken a firm decision to do something on this!
      Keep it up my friend :-)
      Have a great weekend
      ~ Phil

      May 24, 2015
  4. Hi Phil,

    Oh yes…it IS getting pretty hot nowadays, and I am glad you wrote about it :)

    I did read this message in an email message I received yesterday too, and the temperatures always seem to soar higher and higher each year – all thanks to Global warming and the lack of education where conserving the environment is concerned. I wish more people would get down to really planting tress instead of not cutting them.

    Simple things also matter, like using more of water coolers in place of AC’s, and using the power saving tube-lights and bulbs instead of the fancy ones – anything to save the environment or else these temperatures will keep soaring as the years pass – winters become colder and summers too hot to bear.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice weekend :)

    May 24, 2015
    • Hi Harleena,
      Thank you so much for finding some time to drop in!
      I appreciate your concern towards this global warming!
      The latest report says: The death toll increased to a 186+ in Telangana State (my state) alone in these few days,. and an altogether death rate in AP and Telegana shows 400+ This is really an alarming increase!
      Yes, as you said the simple remedies if we follow we can surely curtail temperature level down and eventually the death rate too down!

      As I mentioned in one of the linked posts, We need to make an awareness among people about the coming calamity the Global warming! Making awareness among School College level can make a tremendous change! And we bloggers and writers too can play a big role in spreading this awareness among people. :-)
      I appreciate you for adding more tips to this post.
      May you have a wonderful week ahead.
      ~ Phil

      May 24, 2015
  5. That’s so hot! Here in my country, some cities are experiencing higher temperature.

    Cutting trees is one of the main reasons why we suffer super hot and cold weathers. We need to save Earth because the earth is our home. Planting trees and taking care of other resources would be a very big help.

    Thanks for sharing this.

    May 25, 2015
    • Ann P V
      Ann P V

      Oh My Goodness!
      Indeed this year is really horrible!
      The mercury is soaring high!
      The most affected people are in
      Telangana and Andhra Pradesh!
      48+ degree!
      No doubt, it is indeed our lifestyle is the culprit here!
      The connected links here talks much about this serious issue!
      Thanks for making note of these things here PV :-)
      Yes, the need of the hour is to spread the news among
      the people who are not at all aware about this increasing
      global warming! and what we can do about it, you brought out
      the seriousness in a measure through this post.
      Have a good and wonderful week ahead
      ~ Ann

      May 25, 2015
  6. Piyush Mathur
    Piyush Mathur

    Hi Philip!

    I have to agree, even here in Delhi its crazy hot. I really do dislike the dry heat here. I can’t even imagine how hot it will be when its June or July.

    I wonder what the “Legendary Delhi’s Loo” will be like..

    And i am not talking about a “bio break”.. Lmao!


    May 26, 2015
  7. Wow. My wife panics when the temperature in the house goes above 22. She puts on the air conditioner and I freeze. I am not saying I would trade 22 for 48, but what a difference!

    May 26, 2015
  8. What a timely post Philip.

    I am in Delhi and I can feel the pain of this summer. In fact, we face extreme hot in summer and extreme cold in winters.

    Its going more than 45 degress. Difficult to live.

    May 29, 2015
    • Hi Atish,
      Thanks for the visit and the insight!
      Yes, I too experienced the extreme climate in Delhi.
      That was really horrible!
      But in Hyderabad and surrounding places this is for
      the first time, but i believe if we go forward with
      our present way of living no doubt the temperature will
      surely increase and we will suffer a lot. If we make
      an awareness about the reasons for this developments
      i am sure we can make a change, we the writers and bloggers
      can play a big role in this
      Thanks again for your valuable time Atish
      Have a great weekend
      ~ Philip

      May 30, 2015
  9. Ann P V
    Ann P V

    Hi Phil,
    This summer was horrible!
    I missed this post too!
    Anyways Thank God,
    the atmosphere is now so pleasant!
    Good that you brought out this news
    to make an awareness among people to
    be vigilant about the coming calamity!
    The Global Warming!
    Yes, we can join together and make this
    point out to the people who are not aware about its seriousness!
    Let us plant more saplings in and around our dwelling places and
    work places.
    Thanks for sharing this
    ~ Ann

    June 9, 2015
  10. Hey Phillip,
    The situation in India a few months back was scary. I was beginning to think if the world was coming to an end. Many people lost their lives to the heat waves. This could have been avoided or limited if only we adhere to conservation experts advocates!

    It is time we do our part to save the planet and save India. Planting trees is one way of respecting nature and making the world a better and safer place!

    I left the above comment in as well.

    August 20, 2015
  11. sachin thakur
    sachin thakur

    Thank you for sharing this timely information with us as the cities in India are really boiling at an alarming rate. The suggestions are really worth trying. There is no doubt that if we follow those suggestions we can surely bring down the rate of heat tremendously.
    Let’s plant trees/ saplings wherever we can.
    Thanks Phil for this share.

    keep posting such articles

    May 24, 2019
  12. Poonam

    Yes, today’s temperature of Indore is 40-degree Celsius and it is a serious matter and we need to do something very urgently to curtail this global waring. Yes, all we need to do is to grow plants in and around us as much as we can, I am sure this will help our coming generation to face the alarming heat.
    Thanks Philip for sharing this timely warning. Keep sharing.
    ~ Poonam .

    May 24, 2019
  13. David B
    David B

    The temperature in cities are increasingly alarming!
    How to curtail this effect is the question now. As thou mentioned trees can play an important role in this regard. Let’s plant and save our ? from the scroching sun.

    May 25, 2019
  14. Kishan Kumar
    Kishan Kumar

    This is really an upsetting news!
    Where are we heading! :-(
    We need to take this issue very seriously and should do something about it! It’s everyone’s need. The suggestions brought out by the author is very timely and each one can put their mite in this regard. I like this article, indeed an awareness post, I will share with my friends and families.
    Keep sharing.

    May 25, 2019
  15. Apruvi Smith
    Apruvi Smith

    Oh My goodness! The temperature in India is in it’s peak. As the post says we need to make a total awareness among the people about its seriousness even to the young children. That will help the future generations a green and cool environment.
    Thanks Philip for this great post. Will share it.
    Best regards

    May 25, 2019
  16. Ethen

    Hey Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’, Nice Content and Very informative article.
    As the author said it’s high time that we need to do something urgently to curtail this alarming heat rate.

    A great and timely share.

    May 25, 2019
  17. Jill

    Yes, planting trees should help a lot. I notice even when I just walk around the block, it’s at least 10 degrees cooler in the shade. My town is a ‘tree city’, they’ve committed to keeping as many trees as they can. They plant trees along the roads and try not to cut any down.
    Its a great idea to plant fruit/nut trees. That helps with feeding people too. I have planted orange, lemon, lime, and almond trees in my yard (along with the giant old oak trees that were here before. The citrus keeps me stocked all year. I guess it’s too hot for the almonds to produce. I’m trying some apples this year.

    May 26, 2019
  18. Sandeep singh
    Sandeep singh

    I have lived in India for all my life. Completely agree with you.

    May 27, 2019
  19. Lenin John
    Lenin John

    Yes indeed. Increase green cover. Conserve water. Some of the little things we can do.

    May 27, 2019
  20. Bablu Baleacha
    Bablu Baleacha

    Bahut shandar article h sir ji so nice information. The climate change is a great subject to look into seriously.
    Our nation if goes like in the near future we can’t live on this earth.
    The tips mentioned in this post is very good to follow to curtail the alarming temperature.
    Great share. We need to make aware about this serious issue with other fellow beings.
    Best Regards

    May 28, 2019
  21. Muneeb

    great information about Indian cities and it’s soaring temperature.
    Thanks for giving us this updated information about the weather in India. I fully agree with thou that we need to think of the coming generation, yes we can provide them a better India by planting plants and trees in and around our cities and courtyards.
    We need to make an awareness about this among people. But sad, Many just enjoy the facilities of modern amenities to escape from this this scorching heat.
    But if we take an initiative to curtail it naturally it wil last forever.
    Thanks for this share will share it with my friends.
    Keep writing.

    May 28, 2019
  22. Matt

    Thanks for such informative/ eductive content. Least we know how to survive in Mancherial District and other cities in India. It is indeed a horrible situation in India with the mercury going up.
    The remedies you mentioned in the post will help to reduce the heatwave.

    May 29, 2019
  23. Mittal Solanki
    Mittal Solanki

    Amazing and very timely alert!
    It’s really a useful information.
    As many of them mentioned it’s a serious issue and we need to address this urgently. The suggestions and tips are very important and to follow.
    Thanks for sharing this with us.
    Keep sharing

    May 30, 2019
  24. Protect Forests, Protect nature!!!
    Save our resources and save our coming generation from the global warming!

    Thanks for sharing the present situation and the initiative you have taken to make the awareness among people about this serious subject called global warming.
    Keep sharing.

    June 1, 2019
  25. jyoti atoliya
    jyoti atoliya

    its really to hot summer and it is highest since past years.we should do something for conserving our environment to minimise the temperature.
    thanks for raising such issue.

    June 4, 2019
  26. Hey Phil,
    I can’t imagine what 48 degrees Celsius feels like.
    Here in Serbia it’s 35 degrees and it’s so hot for me that I can barely work. All I want to do is sleep.

    June 16, 2019

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