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How YOU Can Write A Best Selling Book? 7 Critical Keys

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Last updated on April 6, 2024

How YOU Can Write A Best Selling Book? 7 Critical Keys

  How you can write a best selling book?

Yes, How you can write a best selling book?  This question is answered in this amazing guest post by renowned writer Jaime Buckley. He is a bestselling author, cartoonist, and a prolific fiction writer.

I am so glad to introduce this week’s Guest Author Jaime Buckley to my readers.  He is a loving husband and father of 12 talented, brilliant kids.

He has become the children’s champion and a parent’s best friend. Author, illustrator & popular parenting blogger, he writes about his exploits, sharing daily tips and techniques with readers.

Jaime entertains the young and young-at-heart through epic fantasy and his off-the-wall parental cleverness. His focus and passion revolve around the potential of others.

You too can write a best-selling book! check out this informative post by renowned writer, Jaime Buckley Share on X

I am glad that I met him on my blogging journey.  Read more about him at the links given at the bottom of this post.

In this post, he talks about his very passion and various other things in relation to writing etc.  I am not dragging, Read on…

How you can write a best selling book

I was delighted to receive the invitation to share some information on my single greatest passion outside of being a father: writing fiction.

My career didn’t start out as a writer but as a cartoonist. I was making monthly comic books for youth and selling them around the world. I have to let you know, and I say this with a huge smile on my face, that my second biggest readership in the world was in India!

So it’s with extra joy that I write this now…

Stories are THE most powerful teaching and selling Tools Available

It’s the perfect time to write your story and get it published. Not tomorrow, not next week.



With the dramatic changes in the publishing industry and landscape, there’s a tool for your every need and platform in social media to get your story seen by readers all over the world.

How would I know that? It’s because I’ve been doing this for ten years now and when I started, writing and publishing comic books, there was no such thing as a Kindle or an eReader. The process, though a bit more complicated, was still possible even then.

Today I have set the pencil, paper, and inks aside to publish the epic fantasy stories I was made to tell. Through this process, I’ve been able to touch the minds and hearts of thousands upon thousands of readers.

The fact is, storytelling is the most powerful tool available, hands down.

  • A story gains a person’s attention.
  • Stories are used in every medium of life, from parenting to advertising to higher education.
  • Storytelling can be learned and is not dependent on natural talent alone.
  • Stories are remembered as raw information because they draw on emotions to cement the experience.
  • Stories are naturally shared, which increases word of mouth advertising for those who use it.

So here I am, ten years later, 21 books under my belt…and it’s only the beginning. Entertaining and teaching people around the world is what I do and you can do it too.

Now, this article isn’t the place to teach you writing skills, but while I’ve been writing my Chronicles of a Hero series, there are 7 critical keys you must NEVER do if you want to craft the best selling book.

How to write a best selling book? Great tips and tricks shared by a famous novelist, read at #pvariel Share on X
  • Try Not To Lose Your Readers

    (except IN the story). Write your story so it’s easy to follow and not overly confusing. Stories too challenging will be set aside, never to be picked up again.

  • Keep It Filled With Emotion So Readers Don’t Get Bored. There’s always a balance between action, adventure, suspense, and wonder. Keep it flowing, keep it real.

  • If You Rely On Flashbacks To Tell A Story, You Won’t Have A Future As A Writer

    . Flashbacks should be used sparingly, if ever because they can pull a mind and heart out of the flow of a story.

  • Fulfill Your Promise And The Needs Of Your Readers.

    Every story makes a promise. To save the world, rescue a princess, or perhaps to reveal a truth. Great stories may hide or redirect, but they always seek to deliver on the initial promise given at the start of the book.

  • Never Be Predictable.

    Nothing is worse than investing a portion of your life into someone else’s creation and suddenly realizing you’ve wasted that time altogether. The journey must be worth it!

  • Maintain The Balance.

    Modern fiction tends to be heavy in one aspect or another: dialogue, intimacy or romance, violence. Don’t do that. A great story is balanced and uses multiple triggers to affect the reading experience.

  • Make Your Story Easy To Find!                                                                  This comes down to recommendations as well as multiple sources to acquire the story. When a book is completed, it should be available both in eBook and print, as well as through all the popular vendors so readers have an easy time finding it for themselves.

How Do I Get Started Writing & Publishing Today?

I’m glad you asked! Phillip cares about you very much. So much so, he’s placed some of the best tools in his sidebar for your use, which will trigger your imagination, empower your writing skills, and then guide you through the publishing process.

How do I know they work?

because I wrote them to do just that.

Worldbuilding Basics: This first book is for those wanting to dip their toes into the creative process of creating the world they desire to write about. The collection takes you through a specific 31 Day series of blog posts on worldbuilding and will give a novice writer a good foundation to build their own fictional world.

Advanced WORLDBUILDING: Advanced Worldbuilding is a unique guide that takes you by the hand and helps you understand the ‘why’ of worldbuilding. Written in the form of a conversation with a friend, taking you, step by step, through the process of creation with a focus on the end goal: To tell a great story.

Create continents, races, governments, religions, technology, magic, plant & animal life—all with checklists of what readers will be looking for. Advanced Worldbuilding is a fantastic tool for any writer, regardless of skill level…and critical addition to any world-building arsenal.

MADE FROM SCRATCH: If you’ve ever wanted to know how to publish a book and get it to readers around the world, then this is the book for you. It doesn’t matter what kind of budget you have…including no budget at all—MADE FROM SCRATCH will show you how to get your book completed, packaged, and out to the market in the shortest time possible.

Develop the skills and perspectives to take full control over your own publishing project and leave the doubt behind. MADE FROM SCRATCH will change the way you view publishing. It gives you the tools to make a seemingly impossible goal…a complete success.

You Too Can DO This!

How you can write a best selling book
Jaime Buckley


No matter what your writing goals, from articles or short stories to novels…you, can learn to be a Best Selling author and get your story in front of hungry readers!

This site contains vital tools and tips to help you harness your creativity and focus it in the right direction.

If I can do it! No doubt YOU too can do this! Says the world-renowned writer and cartoonist Jaime Buckley in an exclusive write-up on Share on X

The world has hungry readers looking for the next great story to read and share with others. That means there’s an audience not only waiting for you…but an income source you’ve yet to tap into.

Also to read his blog writings please visit his website

Thank You, Jaime, for your valuable time with our readers.  I appreciate your willingness to be a guest author at Philipscom Associates.

We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

for Philipscom Associates

Earn Money Online

Philip Verghese ‘Ariel’

Disclaimer: This is a guest contribution to Philipscom and the tips tricks, strategies mentioned in it do not reflect the view and opinions of P V Ariel or Philipscom blog.

For More Information Click Here

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  1. Carol Amato
    Carol Amato

    Hi, Philip and Jaime!

    Awesome to see Jaime as a featured guest writer here on your blog, that’s wonderful!! :-)

    Thank you for the kind mention, Philip, I’m so glad that I could introduce you to Jaime Buckley – what a wonderful friend he’s turned out to be. He’s the type of guy that no matter how much time has passed, you pick right back up where you left off…such a rarity these days. He’s a talented and giving person, as you have already figured out, I’m sure.

    Jaime! Wonderful theme to your post, and I learned tons! My biggest takeaway is ‘never be predictable.’ I try to have this strategy on my blog by coming up with unique topics for blog posts, but not so sure I’d be able to pull this off in a book.

    Okay, you’ve encouraged me YET AGAIN to determine to write my own book. I will write my own book in 2015! Definitely not today though – I’m in Texas helping my daughter (and watching my granddaughter) as they’ve just moved. Huge task. When ready, I will be contacting you for help, I’m sure, but am definitely bookmarking this post for a step-by-step strategy. :-)

    Thanks so much for this nudge, and for the mention of your guest post on my site – oh so relevant!

    Great job, my friend, and hope you are having a wonderful afternoon.

    Ciao Ciao,

    February 27, 2015
    • Hi Carol,
      What a pleasant surprise!
      Good to see you around. Thank you so much for the first comment.
      Nice that I met Jaime at your lovely place :-) Yes, he is indeed
      a generous person. Yes, upon my request, keeping aside all his
      busy schedule he set apart time for writing this post for philipscom.
      I really appreciate his eagerness to care and encourage others in their need!
      Yes, his presentation here on the subject ‘self publishing’ is so encouraging one!
      May his tribe increase! Yes, He is indeed a family man!! :-) May God Bless his family too!
      Thanks Carol for finding some time to drop in at this place and for the insightful thoughts you put in.
      May you have a great and blessed weekend.
      ~ Philip

      February 27, 2015
    • Hello Carol,

      Well that’s one of the best compliments I’ve had. Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed the post.

      I’m not too sure it’s me that picks right back up when we’re apart–it takes two to be like that, so I’m going to hold a mirror up to you and just say, ‘ditto’. (smirk)

      You know what, Carol, I think if I had to trim that list down (which you shouldn’t, BTW)…I’d choose, ‘Never be predictable’ and “Keep it filled with emotion so your readers don’t get bored.” Those two specific things will affect the rest of the list enough that a clever writer might figure the rest out. However, simply using those two will put you so far ahead of the curve, your readers will love you more than you realize.

      You SHOULD write a book. If you don’t mind me saying so–I’d love you to write about the things you do videos about–the instructional ones, with more in-depth or answering questions in detail. You have so much to offer and as you know with a subject like the PLR materials–once you write a book, the work (of making a product) is done and can generate passive income…well, forever.

      Course, look at me, singing to the choir here, heh.

      Ungh…moving. I’d prefer extra laundry for 2 months myself then pack and unpack.

      Wonderful to see you–and for the record–if I don’t pop my head out much lately, it’s because I have some serious book goals this year…things I’ve promised both readers AND my own kids. So I’m here, but to accomplish these goals, my priorities had to shift.

      Have a fantastic weekend!!

      February 28, 2015
    • Hi Carol,
      Hey, i am sorry following is a comment I posted at Kingged to your response, I think it is appropriate to be paste that here too!! :-) :-) :-)
      HERE IT IS!!!
      It is a pleasant thing to meet you here, and of course i appreciate and love our pleasant communications developed from this very platform. Nice that I met you and many others here in this amazing platform. Of course from here to many other pages and now to the wonderful writer Jaimie.
      Nice that i met Jaimie the best selling author from your page Carol.

      Hey, Carol, that was indeed my great pleasure! how can i leave that!! LOL :-)

      Yes, Carol, I am sure people like you, me and many others can really pick up some lessons from the write-ups/pages/books of Jaime the writer and above all a wonderful father of 12!! :-) I still wonder how he managed to cop up with such a lot of kids with his writings and other busy activities in publishing etc! This really amazes me! yes, as you mentioned elsewhere, he is indeed a unique personality in the world of writing. I am so glad that I met him. He kindly consented my request without any delay, that again really surprised me :-)

      Thanks Jaime once again for your wonderful friendship.

      Thanks Carol being the reason for that LOL :-)

      May you both have a great weekend.

      ~ Phil

      February 28, 2015
  2. Phillip,

    Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share with your community here. Writing is such a fantastic way to connect with people and telling stories is the most powerful way to convey ideas and teach that I know of.

    Unfortunately, people don’t realize that they CAN write a fantastic story, publish a book and get it in front of people…all around the world. More writers should take advantage of the changes in the publishing arena and stake their claim!

    Thanks again for the honor, Phillip.
    Greatly appreciated!

    Jaime Buckley
    You’re New Favorite Author

    February 27, 2015
    • Hi Jaime,

      It is indeed a great privilege and honor to have such a personality in my page! :-)
      In fact I am much honored by your very presence in my page with a wonderful and educative tool for my readers! :-)
      I am doubly sure that our visitors and readers here will definitely get some solid food on the subject called publishing! :-)
      You presented those vital facts in this short post, and I am sure those who opt for the said books will surely give more light in this aspect, and for such people it will not be a lose. Let us hope that many will opt for this rare opportunity!

      I am again glad to mention that you gladly consented my request for a write-up on your wonderful books. This is indeed a rare character found in so called established writers or bloggers. Some even hesitate to send a line in reply to such request. I am experienced this in my blogging/writing journey, some think that they are something!!! LOL I am sure such adamant attitude will not never help in their career. Jaime, I appreciate your helping and caring nature to your fellow being! I am not ashamed to tell this openly in my page. I am here reminded of a common phrase our dear Carol often place it in her blog posts. I would like to repeat that here! She says to her readers especially to the commenters You’re A Gem- Thank You” Yes, Jaime, You are indeed Gem of Gems! I am not exaggerating or boasting you at all! This is what I felt of you in these short period of interaction.
      Keep going my friend

      Wish you all the best to you and your loving and wonderful family, especially those cute little ones. May God help them.
      Thank you so much for your kind co-operation. :-)

      Sincerely Yours,

      ~ Philip :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

      February 28, 2015

    Hi Phil and Jaime,
    Jaime, welcome to phil’s blog. It is my first time on here. I got this url from my social media.
    Now I am coming to the point. Even writing a small guide is not a easy task but you have share a super cool trick that will helps a lot to write a book.
    Thanks a lot for sharing these all with us.
    With Regards
    Elite Image Software Sollution

    February 27, 2015
    • Hello Catrina,

      I’m glad to hear you liked the info. Writing a book isn’t as difficult as some may think. I know some seasoned writers will read this post and realize that even if they consider themselves as ‘just bloggers’ (crazy, but I hear that from time to time)…they already have a book waiting to be published, just from regular posts!

      Have a wonderful weekend & thanks for stopping by.

      February 28, 2015
    • Hi Catrina,
      Glad to see you here! :-)
      Nice to know that you found this page link at your social media page.
      Yes, I fully agree with you that, even writing a small perfect guide it is not an easy task, then think of a large or a short book how much time and energy should be put in. Yes, Jaime simplified all those and encouraged all of us to go forward to have one. I am sure little effort and hard work will bring forth great dividends!
      I just visited your page and found that an excellent place, but sad to note that i could not locate a feedback button, so i posted a P M to your contact page. Thanks again for your valuable time to drop in. I am sure this post will surely give you some excellent insight into the subject.
      Keep visiting.
      Keep sharing
      May you have a great and profitable weekend.
      ~ Philip

      February 28, 2015
  4. Hey Phil,

    First, thanks for sharing this post by Jaime Buckley on We would have buried it in the “Self Promotional” category, as we usually do posts with lots of affiliate links, but it also included some great tips that can help anyone, whether they buy the recommended books or not, ;)

    About this post itself… I remember reading about Jaime on Carol’s blog not too long ago but didn’t get the chance to comment on the said post. I certainly won’t be passing up that opportunity today. He’s indeed a super talented individual that everyone can learn from, regardless of their experience.

    Being an Internationally published author myself, I can relate to some of the tips shared by Jaime. It’s interesting that he started as a cartoonist. Even more interesting him being a “children’s champion”. I can only imagine how much joy and laughter his 12 kids bring him on a daily basis!

    Like Jamie, I wrote and published my first physical books way before Kindle or eReaders. I was lucky to start writing early, with even completed manuscripts in my teens; so I had built up the skills needed to work with the publishers at the time.

    And yes, Jamie is right – it was more complicated back then. I remember my book published in the UK took me months longer than planned to complete, and I had to work back and forth with 3 professional in-house editors of the publishing company. Not a walk in the park at all to write and publish physical books those days. It’s certainly easier now with Kindle, eReaders, etc, ;)

    But unlike Jamie, I haven’t really done storytelling on a professional level, so I have lots to learn from him on that regard. Thankfully the 10+ years experience and 21 books under his belt would certainly come handy for anyone who wants to excel in this or other aspects of writing.

    Re his “7 critical keys one must NEVER do if they want to craft a best selling book”, one word – GOLDEN! Reading and taking action on them, before starting or concluding any book, would certainly help a great deal!

    Lastly, I agree with Jamie’s concluding remarks – ANYONE can become a best selling author and get their stories in front of hungry readers… if they learn what needs to be learned and actually take action. Thankfully they can start the process from just reading the tips in this post, :)

    Once again, thanks Phil, for sharing this on And thanks to Jamie, for taking the time to write this. I have “kingged” it and am sure others will as well.

    February 27, 2015
    • Hi Kingsley,

      What a pleasant SURPRISE!!! :-)

      Thank you so much for the kind visit, it’s indeed a Great surprise to see you in my page. Thanks again for sharing your own experience on writing and publishing! Nice to know a bit more about you on this line. :-)
      Oh MY… That was indeed a tedious job few years back, but now with the advancement of technology things are at the release of our mouse and keyboards. That is really amazing!! :-)

      Yes, Jaime is an amazing personality whom i could encounter recently.
      He is indeed a caring personality,his pages and activities tell it all.
      I repeat May his tribe increase!! :-)

      The amazing thing is that he is having a loving family with 12 children and ha! now some additions as grand ones. Oh God! as you said that is amazing indeed to have a day to day interaction with those lovely ones.
      May God Bless him. :-)

      Thanks again Kingsley for your insightful and thought provoking piece of feedback on this guest post.

      Have a good day :-)

      Regards :-)

      ~ Phil

      February 27, 2015
    • Hello Kingsley,

      I’m always a bit nervous when someone asks me to do a guest post–then add that they’d like me to ‘talk about what I do’ because no matter how I put it, someone feels it’s more of a self-promoting stint than a meaty article. The last thing i want to be perceived as doing is beating on my own chest…so I’m grateful you found value to allow the article anyway :D.

      Yes, my children bring me a LOT of joy and our home is filled with a great deal of laughter. In fact, I’m responding to you after driving all morning back form my dearest friend’s wedding. My son and his wife rode with us and that’s hard, because when we get going, I’m laughing to tears and that’s not good WHEN YOU’RE DRIVING!

      (note to self: bring handkerchief)

      I always enjoy hearing of others who published themselves before the Kindle. I actually used Lulu when they started surfacing as well–jumped on the whole POD (print on demand) scene and took the comics I was making and even printing through the local copy companies…then created Graphic Novels at the end of the year. In fact, they’re still selling after all this time =)

      Would you agree, Kingsley, that having gone through the experiences we did, the current landscape feels a LOT easier to navigate, doesn’t it?

      I think storytelling in my family is actually genetic. Even my children amaze me with their writing talents…and now contribute to my website on…oh, WAIT…Fridays!

      (time to release another My Minds Eye from my kids!!)

      Thanks for giving your feedback and sharing your experiences. It was very nice to meet you!
      Have a fantastic weekend!!

      February 28, 2015
  5. Hi Brother,

    Thank you very much for introducing one more awesome personality Mr. Buckley to your readers. Great to know that he is a cartoonist as well. Also, it sounds great that his second highest readership comes from India.

    Thanks to the vast changes in the publishing industry with the emergence of social media and digital publishing options like the Kindle, Smashwords and the likes.

    I am pretty sure that the tips Mr. Buckley can offer will be of great importance to anyone interested in pursuing a career related to writing .

    Hoping to read more and more interesting posts from this blog in the coming days.

    Reji Stephenson

    February 27, 2015
    • Good afternoon Reji!

      Thanks for the kind words, it’s greatly appreciated.

      It is fantastic, the changes and growth in the publishing arena, but I agree with you–social media is incredible. To be able to connect directly with readers, well, that was unheard of (at least on this scale) not long ago. I’ve learned that one can build a full time living with a minimum of 1000 “fans”. That’s not readers, but actual, excited and hungry ‘fans’.

      Thing is, even the newbie writer can create a wonderful cash flow and influence in the right circles and with the right information. Doesn’t have to be a career, like myself, but a hobby with keeping a job you may enjoy.

      The great thing is, we all have options now.

      Nice to meet you, Reji–have a great week.

      February 28, 2015
    • Hi Bro. Reji,
      What a pleasant surprise to see you in my page.
      I am so glad that you found my page, it’s really
      a joyful thing to meet yet another blogger from my own land LOL
      Nice to meet you. It’s indeed a great joy to have Jaime the wonderful personality in my page.
      Yes, his tips on this subject is worth noting and each one especially a writer or blogger can
      surely pick some tips from the life book of Jaime. Glad to know that you liked the post of Jaime.
      Keep visiting, Keep writing, Keep informed.
      May you have a great and blessed weekend
      ~ Philip

      March 1, 2015
  6. Hi Jaime and Philip,

    Those are great writing and story telling tips you’ve given, and a big help for anyone wanting to write an avoid making some mistakes.

    As you know, I’ve got your eBook Made From Scratch, because I wanted to learn more about available ways to publish my upcoming short eBook, but also my upcoming book.

    Thanks for sharing those valuable tips, Jaime. And thanks for having him here, Philip.

    February 27, 2015
    • Hello Wonderful,

      Thanks for stopping by and showing your support. Means a lot to me (and I’m sure Phillip too =)

      Well, I did write MADE FROM SCRATCH for all my blogger friends, because it didn’t make any sense to me why so many of you–whom I care about and respect to much…weren’t publishing the stuff you know!??

      I mean, how can that be?

      Now none of you have any excuse (points a finger at all his friends)–you ALL have amazing knowledge that the REST OF US would like to learn from and have on our shelves to use as reference.

      Now you know. ..and knowing is half the battle.
      G.I. JOE!

      (sorry,….got carried away there…)

      February 28, 2015
    • Yes, Sylviane,
      It’s really wonderful to see you here again with a lovely note on Jaime’s post.
      Yes, Jaime presented here some valuable tips on that important subject on publishing.
      Good to know that you already had the copy of it and enjoying the results.
      Again happy to know about your new projects in publishing.
      Wish you all the best. Keep inform about its progress, so that we can have a look at it :-)
      Best wishes.
      May you have a great weekend. :-)

      February 28, 2015
  7. Hi Jaime and Phil

    You both are my good friends and I am in a dilemma, who to talk first and who to later because of you both being of same gender otherwise I could have exploited the benefit of ladies first. :-)

    As you know Jaime I have been visiting your blog for quite a long though I don’t comment on your posts regularly but hardly miss your updates.

    In this post, the way you helped build the confidence level of aspirant writers to come up with an idea and write their first ebook is just amazing and this can do none other than you having a huge list of ebooks and other apps on your profile.

    Conceiving an idea to write an ebook and planning a schedule to make it happen can be not as much difficult as to start writing it and finishing it within the deadline.

    This is the big challenge in creative type of freelance businesses where an entrepreneur has to be mentally proactive and never let the procrastination stops him achieving his goals.

    Thanks a lot Phil for featuring this gem of online writer and that’s really a wonderful experience talking and interacting with him at his blog and at social media as well.

    Have a nice weekend.

    February 28, 2015
    • Hello MI,

      Does it count if I say that I take after my mother? LOL.
      So good to see you.

      Sorry for the delay in responding–I don’t comment on weekends–it’s family time.

      You read my articles? I actually didn’t know that. Must have been last week that i saw an average of 3500 new visits to my website a month, but people were not leaving comments. It seemed very strange to me–at least because I THOUGHT my articles were engaging enough to spark a conversation…but not always. That’s alright–I’m glad to know you’re reading my meager offerings (grin).

      You’re completely right that a new author–especially if they want to write as a freelancer, has to be proactive. Writing, though there are systems and ways to boost your creativity–it still takes discipline. Procrastination WILL kill your success (pointing a finger at myself here–because I have my days). I just hope readers will realize that they CAN do this…and it IS a great deal of fun!

      Thanks for stopping by, Mi–have a wonderful week.

      March 2, 2015
    • Hi Mi Muba,
      It’s indeed a great joy to see you in my page again,
      Yes, I love that opening remark in the comment, Oh not me. The real author gets or deserve the credit here LOL, sadly no ladies are involved as an author here in this post LOL. :-)

      I liked your latest post on blog comments, indeed that is a worth reading one for all bloggers who take time to comment, in fact while writing comments or replying comments immediately that will come in mind and one will be very careful too!! I am too cautious… :-)

      Nice to hear from you Mi, Indeed you are a wonderful motivator to me as well as many others around the blogging world. :-) :-)

      Yes, Mi, I got that golden opportunity to feature Jaime ‘the gem of online writers’ to my readers here; I take this as a great honor I achieved lately. He did a wonderful job with this Guest article. Thanks again Jaime for accepting my request. :-)

      Thanks Mi for your valuable time and a thoughtful feedback on this post. :-)

      May you have a great day.

      Best Regards
      ~ Philip

      March 5, 2015
  8. Hi Jaime and Philip,

    This is nice to read you here, Jaime.

    Building on one idea and weaving words around it to create a book is not easy. In fact it is one of the toughest thing for a writer. A a harder task is to keep the reader interested in the book till the very last line.

    Thanks Jaime, for sharing these awesome tips. It is a great help for any budding author.

    Enjoy your Sunday both of you.

    March 8, 2015
    • Hi Nisha,
      Thanks for your valuable time here,
      Sorry i missed to respond to your
      valuable feedback, yes, Jaime very
      well added those tips here. I appreciate
      your presence here. Hope you have a great
      Week ahead, Keep visiting
      And Regards
      ~ Philip

      March 24, 2015
  9. Hi Jamie,

    When I read your seven tips covering what a writer must not do in this Blog post I marvelled at their simplicity and common sense.

    I’ve been a tech writer for over 32 years, one of the things I’ve really strived hard at is to deliver technology to the reader in such a way that they will not get lost, ever. My greatest reward is when someone writes in to me and say what a Eureka moment they had while studying some material or the other from my books.

    Apparently, I’ve – not been doing – all that you’ve said a writer should not do. Its great to be validated in such a way.

    While I do not write fiction, I don’t believe I can because my fantasy is in coding / technology, I do adhere to all that you’ve recommended.

    Thank you Philip for providing a platform where Jamie’s World Building books are featured. I’m going to take a quick look because all sorts of fantasy fascinates me, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Trek, The Matrix and more.

    In a strangely Bi-Polar way when I’m not steeped in coding I bury myself in fantasy. My wife and daughter tolerate my persona, although I’ve never quite figured out why. (Hmmm must be love . . )

    May you pen forever spout fantasy Jamie, while you stay rooted and down to earth in the warmth of your large family.

    Thanks for making Jamie visible to us code junkies Philip.

    BTW, I saw your post on Kingged and hopped across here.

    March 15, 2015
    • Hi Ivan,
      Thank you so much for the wonderful insight you put in for this post. I am extremely sorry for the delay in responding to this valuable comment on Jaime’s Guest Post. Indeed it’s a great privilege to have such wonderful writers adorn our pages with their valuable thoughts. I am glad to note that you liked the way of Jaime’s presentation here. Nice to know about your decision to look into the other field of writing.

      Yes, let us wish him to bring forth more such useful books for the new generation, Thanks for your valuable first visit to my page.

      Keep visiting
      Keep sharing
      May you have a great week ahead,
      ~ Philip

      March 24, 2015
  10. Ron Killian
    Ron Killian

    Some fantastic tips Jamie. Thanks for the info! And thank you Phillip for sharing it here on your blog.

    While I am not writing fiction, these tips will still help and they come at the best time and it’s some inspiration.

    No doubt storytelling can be very powerful, not just for fiction books, but for many other genre’s. It’s something I’ve been trying to get down. One of these days.

    Enjoyed the read.

    March 25, 2015
  11. Hi, Phillip,

    Thanks for bringing Jamie to the blog. Nice to read about his work in the comic and fiction field.

    I might have lay hands on some of his work when I used to be a lover of comic books. I learned some new angles to publishing in this post.

    Thanks, Phillip and Jamie, nice read.
    Shamsudeen Adeshokan recently posted…SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool ReviewMy Profile

    July 16, 2020
  12. Jothybasu

    Thanks for Sharing this impressive and Valuable Article. It has so much information in it. Thanks for providing such excellent information to us. The post will be helpful to everyone.

    Thanks and Regards,

    July 21, 2020
  13. It’s worth noting that people are still reading, so there remains a HUGE market for books.

    We conducted a survey of almost a thousand readers, and they plan to read more in 2023 than they did in 2022. Not only that, but paper is still preferred over digital, with 41% of people reading mostly paperbacks and 16% reading mostly hard cover books. All the data is revealed at

    March 8, 2023

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