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E is for ENGLISH: Command over English Language – The Need of the Hour!

Posted in A to Z Blog Challenge, and English Language

Last updated on February 4, 2017

English – Indian Politicians And Top Indian CEOs

Post updated on 2nd February 2017

Though there are few Indian politicians who are against English education in India and give emphasis to the regional languages to get some political mileage.  But the interesting fact is that these so called politicians at the same time send their children to the English medium schools/Universities like the Oxford and Cambridge.  But the general tendency is that most of the rural and urban area, people opt for this language and try to send their children to the English medium schools.  The result of such acts shows good results in the long run and even their children are getting higher education in the foreign universities. And many of the Indian children after their higher studies procure high positions in western countries. The latest in the line of such happenings are creating a big outcry even in other developed nations like China etc.

Satya Nadella CEO Microsoft. Picture Credit:

Today’s newspapers’ reported one such incident:


Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella recently joined the growing list of Indian-born chiefs at the helm of American companies has caused a bit of a stir” in China.

The Wall Street Journal said that Mr. Nadella’s appointment as CEO has ‘caused a bit of a stir in China, where people are questioning why Indian but not Chinese are getting top jobs in the US.  The high pay and advancement opportunities keep many Chinese executives at home while Indians’ good command over the English language gives them an edge over their Chinese counterparts.

The report at Wall Street  Journal says under the title:   “Why China Doesn’t Export World-Class CEOs’  also said Indians’ good command over the English language and their willingness to move gives them an edge over their Chinese counterparts to get the top jobs.

Sundar Pichai, CEO, Google,

“Languages and familiarity with Western culture are the obvious reasons why many chief executives of top companies. such as Sundar Pichai, CEO, Google, Satya Nadella CEO Microsoft.  Indra Nooyi CEO of Pepsi Co Inc, Anshu Jain of Deutsche Bank and MasterCard Inc’s,   Ajay Banga, president and CEO of MasterCard,   Sanjay Kumar Jha CEO, Global Foundries,  Shantanu Narayen CEO, Adobe,  Nikesh Arora CEO, SoftBank Internet and Media Inc,   Francisco D’Souza CEO, Cognizant,   Dinesh Paliwal, CEO, Harman International,   Sanjay Mehrotra. CEO, SanDisk Corporation,  Rajeev Suri, President and CEO, Nokia,  George Kurian. CEO, NetApp  have succeeded in the West.”

A few years back when Obama took charge as the President of America he made a state like this at a function in a school at Buffalo:

“Beware Children Indian and Chinese Children are coming”  :-) Such was the fear even in the US about the progress among Indians and Indian children.

The reason for this statement is the good performance of Indian children in the American schools and universities.  But now the technology sector has been a breeding platform for such talented Indians to showcase their brilliance.  A study by Egon Zehnder reveals that after the Americans, Indian CEOs are the top ranking one in the industries.  The Time magazine once reported that  CEOs as India’s leading ‘export’ and said that the subcontinent could be ‘the ideal training ground for global bosses’.

Indra Nooyi,  The Chairman, and CEO of PepsiCo

The latest in news is. U. S. President Donald Trump’s selection of the Indian American, Indra Nooyi,  The Chairman, and CEO of PepsiCo.  to advise him and help him run the country.  Ms. Nooyi’s appointment to his strategic and policy forum was announced Wednesday by Mr. Trump’s transition team as one of three new appointments to the 16-member group. SpaceX Corp’s Elon Musk and Uber Technologies Inc.’s Travis Kalanick were the other two appointments. Read more about this news in Wall Street Journal 

Indra Nooyi, The Chairman, and CEO of PepsiCo. PHOTO: REUTERS Source WSJ

Seema Verma, CEO, and founder of SVE Inc


Seema Verma, CEO and founder of SVE Inc, A U S Based health policy consulting company  to serve as is yet another appointee by Donald Trump.  last month nominated Indian-American Seema Verma, CEO, and founder of SVC Inc ., a U.S.-based health policy consulting company to serve as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Nikki Haley Governor of South Carolina

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley named U.S. Ambassador to U.N. Source:

Yet another latest development in relation to Indian origin people in the US is the name of Nikki Haley The South Carolina Governor.  Donald Trump picked him up to serve as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.  Read More about here HERE



Wall Street Journal

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  1. Shailaja V
    Shailaja V

    As an English teacher myself, this resonates with me so much, Philip! I agree, the general tendency these days is to lapse into bad language and abbreviations, stating lack of time as the reason.

    Great post :)

    Introspection in Shades of 11
    A to Z Challenge, 2014/ UBC, April 2014

    April 6, 2014
  2. Hey Philip,

    It is really very interesting post and I enjoyed a lot while reading. For as long as I can remember myself, I’ve been fascinated with the English language and all things related to it.

    I had my first encounter with English when I was around ten years old, and I haven’t stopped loving and learning the language ever since. English is the most commonly spoken language in the world. Now-a-days the global economy is more consolidated than ever, large corporations have established themselves all over the world in almost every country and all stock, commodity and currency markets are so closely tied up that even the tiniest changes in an important stock price will have a immediate effect on other prices worldwide.

    It is only common sense that in a situation like this a common language would be chosen to make the information flow as easy and effortless as possible, and whether you like it or not – English is the language serving this purpose effectively. Eventually, thanks for sharing your worthy thought with us.

    With best regards,

    Amar kumar

    February 6, 2017
  3. I wonder how long it will take before developments in machine learning and AI catch up and allow for flawless realtime translation. Maybe that would serve most problems.

    February 7, 2017
  4. Hello Philip. Very interesting topic for a blog post. It’s very true that a lot of Indians have risen to the top leadership in the biggest U.S. companies. I also fully agree that we have the advantage of being able to communicate properly in English. Every spelling bee winner in the U.S. is usually an Indian kid. At the same time, I would also like to point out that our expertise in subjects like programming and maths is also just as important. The CEOs of Microsoft and Google are examples of Indians who rose through the ranks.
    Anand recently posted…SaaS Click to Call Service for Website MarketingMy Profile

    February 7, 2017
    • Gaby

      Another example of area that the Indians are dominating is the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) market. I participate in many SEO groups on Facebook where there are many Indians. I realize a lot of the SEO experts are Indians. I’m very happy about it!

      February 19, 2017
  5. I made a website for english grammar and my inspiration was this site. to learn english grammar

    July 10, 2017

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