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How to Convert PDF Files into an Editable Document Format for Free

Posted in Review, and Technology/Software

Last updated on June 4, 2016


Convert your PDF files into an editable text format.  Yes, you heard it right!  

Here is a wonderful and very user-friendly free online service.

You can convert your PDF or scanned documents into an editable word format.lamp9

This service is free on online. You need not install it into your computer.

Your PDF documents can be converted into an editable text format.  Fax copies, photographs or digital camera captured images too can convert into an editable format. Your electronic documents like Adobe PDF, MS Word, Excel, Rtf, Html and Text too can be converted by this software.  You can upload any files like TIF/TIFF (multi page TIFF) JPEG/JPG, BMP, PCX, PNG, GIF, PDF, Multipage PDF, it should not exceed 5Mb in free guest mode and a registered user will get 100 Mb. service supports 46 languages which include Western and Asian languages like English, Danish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Korean and others.

Initially, 15 pages can be used in an hour of time.   Your Registration will give you permission to convert multipage PDF documents.

Also, you can earn more free pages by referring to the following services:

See their Chart Below for more information.  It says:

How to earn free pages: Pages awarded:
Link to our service
If you place a link to our Online OCR service on some well-visited website, forum or blog – we give you 50 pages. We are not interesting in links on sites containing warez, cracks, adult and illegal materials. 50
Article about our service
Write an article or blog post about our service and receive 200 pages 200
Tutorial video
You can create a tutorial video about using our service and place on some well-visited website. You`ll get 500 pages. 500
Invite friend
For each friend you invite that buy credits, you will receive 10% from his first payment.Avail this facility now by registering by clicking the following link:

Avail this facility now by visiting and registering at their site:   ONLINE OCR SERVICES


We are using it and is working very well and I am pleased to recommend it to our readers who want to use this service for their personal and official use.

May you have a wonderful time ahead.


My Signature1
Philip Varghese Ariel



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  1. Samir

    Very useful post Philip,

    I’ve searched for this converting from pdf to word document so many times. Actually I need to edit some pdf documents and I guess you’ve shared food for the thought.

    I’ll try this soon enough.

    May 16, 2014
    • A P Ann
      A P Ann

      This is really very useful one for our use.
      I must try it out for our office use.
      Is it limited only to the registered users?
      Thanks for sharing this valuable information
      Have a good day
      Have a profitable Weekend

      May 23, 2014
      • Hi A P Ann,
        No its not limited to the registered users,
        all can avail it but only on a limited basis,
        whereas a registered user will more benefits.
        Nice, to know that, I am using this in my office
        and i got an additional 200 pages for this review
        as per their offer.
        May you have a good and wonderful time ahead. :-)
        ~ P V

        June 20, 2014
    • Hi Samir,
      I am sorry i missed this comment.
      Nice hearing from you,
      Good to know that this timely piece
      is useful to you.
      Hope you joined in and enjoyed.
      Yet another good news is that
      I am using it for my office purpose
      and i fetched 200 extra pages for this review
      as per their offer:
      Write an article or blog post about our service and receive 200 pages 200
      I received this gift giveaway and I am utilizing it.
      Thanks for sharing your happiness.
      May you have a good time ahead Samir.
      Keep informed.

      June 20, 2014
  2. Hi Philip,

    That sounds interesting :)

    I usually use good old MSWord and the PDF that can be made from it as well, though never thought of editing it, so this is a useful post I must say. I shall surely head over and give it a look because you never know when you might need one, just in case.

    Thanks for sharing it with us. Have a nice weekend :)

    May 16, 2014
    • Hi Harleena,
      Good to hear from you,
      Sorry I am a bit late here.
      Sure, its a very useful one and I am using it
      personally and officially. As per their offer
      i received an extra 200 gift pages for this review.
      Hope you had a wonderful vacation time.
      Keep informed. :-)
      Best Regards
      ~ Phil

      June 20, 2014

    Very useful to everybody!

    May 17, 2014
    • Hi Arumai,
      Its good to see you here.
      Yes, its very useful. and
      we are using it in our office.
      Keep visiting.
      Best Regards
      ~ Philip

      June 20, 2014
  4. Hi Phillip,

    Post like this always come in handy for us bloggers for sure. We have so much going one all the time that any little thing we can do to shave off a little time while keeping quality is huge.

    I will look into it for sure.

    Have a great weekend!

    May 24, 2014
    • Hi Steven,
      Thank you so much for your kind visit and the feedback.
      Yes, as bloggers and writers this type of facility is a handy one.
      I am using it and its a user-friendly one. and ha, to my surprise
      i received an extra 200 page giveaway for writing this review.
      Keep join in and enjoy the facility they offer.
      Best Regards
      ~ Philip

      June 20, 2014

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