Last updated on April 14, 2016
Church Must Stick to Religious Affairs
Church Can’t Keep Quiet on Serious Matters
Apropos of the editorial “Times view/Counter view”, I fully disagree with your view, of course as you said, ”Church must stick to religious affairs” at the same time how can they just close their eyes on the increasing number of road accidents in their country?
It is their bounden duty to warn the countrymen or for that matter their members -a major number of citizens in Vatican are Catholics-about the alarming growth of road accidents. A country like Vatican, the religious head has every right to raise their voice in such situation. Your counter view very clearly brought out the seriousness of this issue.
Road accidents stand in third place which is very preventable. Vatican’s initiative is very laudable and will definitely help the traffic police; I can’t understand the idea behind your bias view. What is wrong in taking an initiative to save the fellow men from such a calamity? Whoever come forward to save their fellow citizen should get a pat at the back, instead here you condemned them out rightly, very sad indeed.
A report says two-thirds of most of the road fatalities were caused by drivers who were angry. In such situation if the warning comes from a religious head it will have a far reaching effect than from a law forcing agency. As your counter view said not only Church all NGOs should follow Vatican’s steps in this matter even in our country not in a Catholic way. It will tremendously reduce many fatal deaths on the road. Let us not look such action with a biased or ill- conceived mind. (For your info. I am not a Roman catholic but a believer follower in Christ Jesus).
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