Since my blogging journey, oh NO, let me put it this way, since my Internet journey started way back in 2007 I met a good number of Amazing Bloggers from the world of the Internet.
And I went through various aspects of this wonderful phenomenon called blogging. I have faced good and bad experience on this journey, though there were few incidents of bad experiences I can very well say that 99% was pleasant thus far.
I am so glad to present few of such amazing bloggers and their uplifting and valuable mentions on their web pages.
In this post I am giving such amazing bloggers names and their websites addresses:
My sincere thanks to all these bloggers who featured me on their websites.
This will surely be a great motivation to me as well as others who mentioned me in their esteemed pages.
I never thought of publishing a post like this, but in the recent past, I noticed that many of the bloggers’ are doing this as an inspiration to them as well as to the regular visitors and other readers.
These are only a few which came to my memory since I was not keeping a record of such things I may miss out on some mentions somewhere!
If any such friends, maybe reading this, kindly let me know via an email or as a comment below, that will be very much appreciated and such mentions can be incorporated in this post.
Here I am expressing my heartfelt thanks to all our loving friends who took the pain to feature me on their pages.
I am sorry about some of the places where I am mentioned by my esteemed friends, I could not recollect, and as mentioned above please share that in the comment column or through an email to me, so that I can incorporate the same in this post. This is my humble request to my loving friends.
Also, I wish you all a wonderful and profitable time of blogging ahead!
The latest in this “Mentions And Featured” list is the kind mention of my answers in a roundup post by the pro blogger Brent Jones of BrentJonesOnline.
This roundup post is indeed a unique one among the other series of roundup posts. In this roundup post along with the free version, he is providing his readers with a wonderful opportunity to know some of the secrets or top source (s) of new business.
I am sure this is a golden opportunity to know how the experts are running their business. He also provides this opportunity to others too in an affiliate offer.
You can see an ad on the sidebar of this page, by clicking on the page you can buy that amazing offer. Or by clicking on this link HERE you can avail this offer.
This is indeed a pleasant surprise to me as when the invitation received from Martin Lindeskog the professional podcaster from Sweden for a podcast interview. We are members of the esteemed Internet Marketing platform called the BizSugar Mastermind community.
Please click on the below link to listen to the Podcast via Egonet. You can also download the App from the Apple Store or Play Store for better audibility.
This Podcast Interview is my first ever attempt, and there may be some flaws, please take it lightly and share your views here in this comment box as well at Egonetcast so that I can rectify and have a better performance in the days ahead.
I am so glad to mention that I could win this wonderful giveaway from OptinMonster organized by Wittysparks. Happy to join the BIG Family of OptinMonster.
How to grow your eCommerce business: 48 Experts share their secrets
Last week, I raved about WebTalk. Since I am familiar with the site, I know what a thorough job Philip did with his WebTalk review. He even updated his post when new information became available.
Watch the videos he includes and read his text. You’ll have a vast understanding of this multi-dimensional site.
BizSugar Sharing: How to Get More Views for Your Content
The Zen of Achieving Goals in Time | Expert Round Up
(Naman Kumar)
How To Remove Your Last Name From Your Facebook Account – My Guest First Post
(Naveen Kumar)
110 Top Bloggers And Entrepreneurs Share Their Most Successful Social Media Action
(Sue Anne Dunlevie And Minuca Elena)
73 SEO Experts Share Their Best Method Of Removing Penguin
(Nikolay Stoyanov And Minuca)
13 Blog Promotion Strategies that generated me 5Khits and 1K+shares.
(Evan Elan)
ബൂലോകത്തിലെ ഏരിയല് കാഴ്ചകള്
The well known Malayalam Blogger Mr. Faisal Babu(Oorkkadavu Blog), from U A E, Reviewed my Malayalam Blog “Ariel’s Jottings” in IRIPPIDAM BLOG REVIEW WEEKLY’S “VAAYANA” Page. To Read the review please click on the below link:
A Multilingual Freelance Writer, Editor, Blogger, Roundup Expert, Translator, Internet Marketer And A Social Campaigner. Manages different sites in English as well as in Malayalam. Born And Brought Up In Kerala. Now Based At Secunderabad Telangana, India. Facebook or
Can Reach At: philipscom55(@)Gmail [.] Com twitter: @PVAriel Skype Philva6
Hi Naman thanks for your loving notes.
Nice that i met you on this ocean called Internet
Keep sharing
Season’s Greetings
Have a nice day
Hi Brent,
What a joy to see you on my page again!
It is indeed a great privilege to meet you and associated with you.
Thanks a lot for all your kind co-operation in this regard,
Nice that i could contribute my mite too in your prestigious project!
Keep Going
All Good wishes And Season’s Greetings!
~ Phil
You deserve it and I think there are many bloggers like me who want to learn from you. I have read many of these blogs and I see you and Harleena ma’am everywhere. I would like to learn how do you manage this and how anyone could be so good at networking?
Hi Yogesh,
Thanks a lot for your kind presence and good words about me and my networking,
This is nothing but the continuous struggle of a blogger LOL
Or I can put it this way, A kind of consistency on the things you wish to do!!! LOL
Good to know about your curiosity.
Keep going
Good wishes
~ Philip
Thank you very much for publishing a post like this. It is a great way to show your appreciation towards those who supported you in blogging. Glad to see many of the big names in blogging like Harleena Mam, Mi Muba, Brent Jones and the likes mentioned you in their websites.
Hoping to come back soon to read all your updates in this blog.
Thanks once again for the wonderful gesture of appreciation and also for the kind mention of my name in the post.
Hi Reji,
Nice to see you here again after a bit gap!
Good to know that you are back to pavilion!
Thanks for your appreciation and kind words.
In fact Reji I never thought of publishing such
a page,but as I mentioned elsewhere in the recent past
many of the bloggers even the reputed ones are acknowledging such activities of fellow bloggers, then I thought it;s a good way to acknowledge their relationship with me! Thus this post, But sad to say, I missed many of them in this post, since I could not keep or save such records, any ways i am intermittently doing a search and enquiry with my fellow bloggers to get inform about their kind mention
Thanks again Reji for your valuable response to my post
Keep visiting
May you have a great day
Season’s Greetings
~ Phil
Hi Philip,
It’s a huge list. You are featured on many big blogs and that really makes a difference . Even I will share your thoughts on my blog as soon as possible. Robin Khokhar recently posted…How can you make money by tutoring online?
Hi Robin.
Good to hear from you,
Thanks for your valuable time
Eagerly waiting for that moment
Please do inform.
Have wonderful time of blogging.
Keep sharing
Season’s Greetings to you.
Yes of course, how could you not be included on my blog posts, the inspiring men bloggers list, and so many others, as you mentioned. That is the power of the blogging community, isn’t it?
Hi Harleena,
What a joy to see you here again :-)
Yes, in fact those mentions about me and my page on your page made my blogging day more brighter!
Thank you so much for your kind encouragements. Of course many like me can wholeheartedly testify this about you and Vinay.
Keep up the good work my dear friends.
Wish you both a wonderful time of sharing and caring ahead.
Sincerely yours
~ Phil
Wow ,Philip ,
what a list :) nice to see me here as well among all this
great bloggers. I am happy to see you are being very famous, Philip
Thank you for including me .
Hi Erika,
Good to see you here again.
Yes, I am glad that I found you too on this ocean of blogging or internet LOL
Its indeed a great joy to do acknowledge that,
Keep going
May you have a wonderful time of blogging ahead
Keep sharing
Season’s Greetings
~ Philip
Hello Philip, Wow this is such a fantastic post, you my friend are thinking outside the box.
What a nice way to start my day..
Great share..
Thank YOU
Chery :)) Chery Schmidt recently posted…3 Tips To Help Get You Self-Disciplined Today
Hello Chery,
What a joy to see your face here again! :-)
Thanks for your kind support and share all over!
Keep up the good work
Nice that i met you and you did some wonderful job to me on my pages.
How can i forget that wonderful Guest post on Avtaar pics and its importance in blogging
That is indeed an evergreen subject. Thanks Chery for that amazing post.once again
May you have a great day
Season’s Greetings
~ Philip
Hi Philip Sir,
Many congratulations from my side!
You’re truly growing faster :)
Keep moving and inspiring us!
Have a wonderful weekend. :-)
~ Muhammad A Muhammad Ahmad recently posted…How to Earn Money by URL Shortening sites
Hi Muhammand my young boy from PAK!! :-) :-) :-)
Thanks a lot for your kind visit again!
And ha, for the encouraging words
Keep sharing
Good Wishes
~ PHilip
Hi Hamim.
Thanks for your visit again,
Its really good to hear from you.
That was indeed a great joy to share about my presence on my fellow bloggers page! :-)
yes, good, wish you the same
Keep visiting
Season’s Greetings
~ Philip
Hi Philip
Much impressive and it shows your strong networking and also your performance that can’t be overlooked by influencer bloggers.
I remembers in so many expert roundup posts I been so proud to be with you in the list while in many others you with so many others shared your views on concerned topic.
Now blogging does not remain publishing on your own blog; this is an era of online socializing as much as one can and you are doing great in this field.
Big congrats for doing this job so fantastically.
Many thanks for sharing. Mi Muba recently posted…How to get 165 high quality dofollow backlinks with Visme?
Hi Mi,
What a pleasant surprise to see you again on my page after a long gap!
I am so glad to note that the restrictions to visit my page is eliminated now!!!
I was really wondering how come that happened, Anyways I am glad that now you are able to visit.
Thank you Sir for your relentless support to me in my blogging journey, I still remember and thank you for the way in which you supported me in my blogging journey in my ups and downs!
Thanks again for the uplifting words and the wonderful insight you brought in thru this feedback
Yes, I am so proud to be by the side of you Sir, Keep helping and supporting fellow bloggers.
I appreciate you for this type of helping nature towards the fellow bloggers/
May you have a great day
Season’s Greetings to you and yours Sir,
Take Care
~ Phil
Hi Phillip,
I am not surprised you have been featured in so many blogs. Your contributions on platforms like have been awesome and just about any blogger would like to have you as a guest.
Congratulations for being featured in so many places out there. Keep up with the good work and continue adding value to the blogosphere!
Hi Sunny,
What a joy to see you here again,
I am so glad to read your encouraging words
Yes, the association with Kingged is definitely be one of my great turning point in my blogging Journey
Thanks Sunny for all your support you and Kingsley rendered to me during those periods.
I really appreciate and thank you all
May you have a great week ahead
Season’s Greetings
~ Beat Regards
~ Philip
Indeed an impressive post, You are one of my favorite blogger form India and of course inspiration for many others. You have been featured on so many blogs and you really deserve it.
Hi Mairaj,
Thank you once again for your relentless support to me and my page,
Nice to know that you like my pages.
Keep visiting keep sharing’May you have a great time of blogging ahead.
Best Regards
~ Philip
Hi Philip, Great post and huge list of bloggers. Yes in this field we face good and bad experience. Felt happy for you as you are one of the successful and top 10 blogger now. Thanks for sharing
Congratulations and what an accomplishment to have so many wonderful bloggers include you in their posts. You are definitely getting your brand and your name out there by providing great information and resources to others.
Hi Monna,
Nice to hear from you again,
Thanks for the encouraging words.
I am so glad to share something about PAC too!
Though some of the clips are not available i posted it,
Have a great day
Keep sharing
Season’s Greeetings to you and yours. :-)
~ Philip
Thank you so much for answering in my expert roundup. You gave me a good, detailed answer. Anytime when I’m going to make another roundup, where you are going to be a good fit, I’m going to invite you. I’m glad I met you. You are such a nice and helpful person :)
Hi Minuca,
What a joy to meet you on my page again,
Thank you so much for the kind words,
In fact i am so thankful that you added my opinion
though i was bit late in attending to your reply.
Happy again to note that I am in your good book!! LOL
Keep sharing
Keep up the good work
All good wishes
~ Philip
I am not surprised that you have been featured in so many blogs. You are an inspiration to your generation. Love your blog and your writing style too and I am glad that I have known you.
It was great to be featured in your blog. Thank you so much and have a wonderful week.
Hi Bro. Ikechi,
It’s indeed a great joy to see you here on my page again,
Thank you very much for your kind visit and relentless supports you extended to me during my blogging journey. I remember all that with a heartfelt thanks.
Keep up the good work my dear friend,
I am glad that I met you on this internet world.
Keep sharing,
Have a great week ahead
Best Regards
~ Philip
Hi Nik,
What a Joy to see you on my page,
I appreciate your valuable time here, :-)
Yes, that roundup was indeed a wonderful and informative one.
Keep sharing
Hope you may have a great weekend.
~ Philip
I really appreciate you Bro. PV !!
Your page is featured on so many blogs with lot of information,
this really shows you are one among the great bloggers in the blogging world!
Also will read all of your interview posts, will make it soon as possible.
Appreciate your hard work in this informative blog.
Keep sharing, we read !!
Hi Kartik,
Thank you so much for your kind visit and for the encouraging words.
I appreciate your valuable time and for the wonderful insight you brought in.
Glad to note that you liked my posts and happy to note that you do visit again,
Keep in touch
May you have a wonderful and joyous weekend
Best Regards
~ Philip
Hi Sue,
What a joy to see you on my page,
Thanks a lot for your valuable time.
I am glad that you liked it,
Yes, it is indeed a great privilege to be on your esteemed page, :-)
Hope you may have a wonderful and blessed weekend.
Keep sharing
Best regards
~ Philip
Amazing personalities likes to read your blog and keep in touch with people like you. And in return, surely they like to feature you in their blogs. This happens because you are such an inspirational dude to everyone who come in contact with you. Nice to know and read more about you and your page. Thank you so much..
Keep writing.
Prince thank you very much for your visit to my page and for the kind words.
I appreciate your valuable presence.
Keep visiting
Keep sharing
May you have a great weekend
~ Philip
Always great to connect with you and mention you. Thanks for sharing it here.
Have a nice week ahead!
Naman Kumar recently posted…Grammarly Review : Best Grammar Checker Tool For Writers
Hi Naman thanks for your loving notes.
Nice that i met you on this ocean called Internet
Keep sharing
Season’s Greetings
Have a nice day
Thanks for linking to the roundup post, Philip! Grateful that you contributed.

Brent Jones recently posted…70 Freelancers Reveal Their Best Source of New Business
Hi Brent,
What a joy to see you on my page again!
It is indeed a great privilege to meet you and associated with you.
Thanks a lot for all your kind co-operation in this regard,
Nice that i could contribute my mite too in your prestigious project!
Keep Going
All Good wishes And Season’s Greetings!
~ Phil
Hey Philip sir,
You deserve it and I think there are many bloggers like me who want to learn from you. I have read many of these blogs and I see you and Harleena ma’am everywhere. I would like to learn how do you manage this and how anyone could be so good at networking?

Yogesh Shinde
Yogesh Shinde recently posted…Neil Gaiman Inspirational and Motivational Quotes, Books and Speech For Writers and Bloggers
Hi Yogesh,
Thanks a lot for your kind presence and good words about me and my networking,
This is nothing but the continuous struggle of a blogger LOL
Or I can put it this way, A kind of consistency on the things you wish to do!!! LOL
Good to know about your curiosity.
Keep going
Good wishes
~ Philip
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Hi Brother Phil,
Thank you very much for publishing a post like this. It is a great way to show your appreciation towards those who supported you in blogging. Glad to see many of the big names in blogging like Harleena Mam, Mi Muba, Brent Jones and the likes mentioned you in their websites.
Hoping to come back soon to read all your updates in this blog.
Thanks once again for the wonderful gesture of appreciation and also for the kind mention of my name in the post.
Keep sharing your wonderful insights.
Have a great time blogging.
Reji Stephenson

Reji Stephenson recently posted…Top blogs about blogging to follow from India
Hi Reji,
Nice to see you here again after a bit gap!
Good to know that you are back to pavilion!
Thanks for your appreciation and kind words.
In fact Reji I never thought of publishing such
a page,but as I mentioned elsewhere in the recent past
many of the bloggers even the reputed ones are acknowledging such activities of fellow bloggers, then I thought it;s a good way to acknowledge their relationship with me! Thus this post, But sad to say, I missed many of them in this post, since I could not keep or save such records, any ways i am intermittently doing a search and enquiry with my fellow bloggers to get inform about their kind mention
Thanks again Reji for your valuable response to my post
Keep visiting
May you have a great day
Season’s Greetings
~ Phil
Hi Philip,

It’s a huge list. You are featured on many big blogs and that really makes a difference . Even I will share your thoughts on my blog as soon as possible.
Robin Khokhar recently posted…How can you make money by tutoring online?
Hi Robin.
Good to hear from you,
Thanks for your valuable time
Eagerly waiting for that moment
Please do inform.
Have wonderful time of blogging.
Keep sharing
Season’s Greetings to you.
Hi Phil,
Yes of course, how could you not be included on my blog posts, the inspiring men bloggers list, and so many others, as you mentioned. That is the power of the blogging community, isn’t it?
Good to see you listed all over – keep going!
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead :-)

Harleena Singh recently posted…How To Achieve Self-Mastery By Leveraging Your Mind
Hi Harleena,
What a joy to see you here again :-)
Yes, in fact those mentions about me and my page on your page made my blogging day more brighter!
Thank you so much for your kind encouragements. Of course many like me can wholeheartedly testify this about you and Vinay.
Keep up the good work my dear friends.
Wish you both a wonderful time of sharing and caring ahead.
Sincerely yours
~ Phil
Wow ,Philip ,
what a list :) nice to see me here as well among all this
great bloggers. I am happy to see you are being very famous, Philip
Thank you for including me .
Hi Erika,
Good to see you here again.
Yes, I am glad that I found you too on this ocean of blogging or internet LOL
Its indeed a great joy to do acknowledge that,
Keep going
May you have a wonderful time of blogging ahead
Keep sharing
Season’s Greetings
~ Philip
Hello Philip, Wow this is such a fantastic post, you my friend are thinking outside the box.

What a nice way to start my day..
Great share..
Thank YOU
Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted…3 Tips To Help Get You Self-Disciplined Today
Hello Chery,
What a joy to see your face here again! :-)
Thanks for your kind support and share all over!
Keep up the good work
Nice that i met you and you did some wonderful job to me on my pages.
How can i forget that wonderful Guest post on Avtaar pics and its importance in blogging
That is indeed an evergreen subject. Thanks Chery for that amazing post.once again
May you have a great day
Season’s Greetings
~ Philip
Hello Philip! Welcome to a new week-month my friend!! Thanks for the invite here again today. I just love this post..
Keep up the great work!!
Chery :))
Hi Philip Sir,

Many congratulations from my side!
You’re truly growing faster :)
Keep moving and inspiring us!
Have a wonderful weekend. :-)
~ Muhammad A
Muhammad Ahmad recently posted…How to Earn Money by URL Shortening sites
Hi Muhammand my young boy from PAK!! :-) :-) :-)
Thanks a lot for your kind visit again!
And ha, for the encouraging words
Keep sharing
Good Wishes
~ PHilip
Huge list.

You have been featured on so many websites.
Thanks for this huge roundup.
Hope you have a great weekend ahead.
Hamim recently posted…Thrive Content Builder Review and Tutorial 2016 Edition
Hi Hamim.
Thanks for your visit again,
Its really good to hear from you.
That was indeed a great joy to share about my presence on my fellow bloggers page! :-)
yes, good, wish you the same
Keep visiting
Season’s Greetings
~ Philip
Hi Philip

Much impressive and it shows your strong networking and also your performance that can’t be overlooked by influencer bloggers.
I remembers in so many expert roundup posts I been so proud to be with you in the list while in many others you with so many others shared your views on concerned topic.
Now blogging does not remain publishing on your own blog; this is an era of online socializing as much as one can and you are doing great in this field.
Big congrats for doing this job so fantastically.
Many thanks for sharing.
Mi Muba recently posted…How to get 165 high quality dofollow backlinks with Visme?
Hi Mi,
What a pleasant surprise to see you again on my page after a long gap!
I am so glad to note that the restrictions to visit my page is eliminated now!!!
I was really wondering how come that happened, Anyways I am glad that now you are able to visit.
Thank you Sir for your relentless support to me in my blogging journey, I still remember and thank you for the way in which you supported me in my blogging journey in my ups and downs!
Thanks again for the uplifting words and the wonderful insight you brought in thru this feedback
Yes, I am so proud to be by the side of you Sir, Keep helping and supporting fellow bloggers.
I appreciate you for this type of helping nature towards the fellow bloggers/
May you have a great day
Season’s Greetings to you and yours Sir,
Take Care
~ Phil
Hi Phillip,
I am not surprised you have been featured in so many blogs. Your contributions on platforms like have been awesome and just about any blogger would like to have you as a guest.
Congratulations for being featured in so many places out there. Keep up with the good work and continue adding value to the blogosphere!
Hi Sunny,
What a joy to see you here again,
I am so glad to read your encouraging words
Yes, the association with Kingged is definitely be one of my great turning point in my blogging Journey
Thanks Sunny for all your support you and Kingsley rendered to me during those periods.
I really appreciate and thank you all
May you have a great week ahead
Season’s Greetings
~ Beat Regards
~ Philip
Hi Philip,
Indeed an impressive post, You are one of my favorite blogger form India and of course inspiration for many others. You have been featured on so many blogs and you really deserve it.
Thanks for this huge roundup.
Keep sharing :)

MMairaj recently posted…10 Essential WordPress Comment Plugins for Bloggers
Hi Mairaj,
Thank you once again for your relentless support to me and my page,
Nice to know that you like my pages.
Keep visiting keep sharing’May you have a great time of blogging ahead.
Best Regards
~ Philip
Hi Philip, Great post and huge list of bloggers. Yes in this field we face good and bad experience. Felt happy for you as you are one of the successful and top 10 blogger now. Thanks for sharing
Hi Sazia,
So glad to see you here again.
Thanks for your kind words too.
Oh No, just attempting to be there!
Have a great week ahead
~ Phil
Hi Philip,
Congratulations and what an accomplishment to have so many wonderful bloggers include you in their posts. You are definitely getting your brand and your name out there by providing great information and resources to others.
Have a wonderful new week.
Hi Monna,
Nice to hear from you again,
Thanks for the encouraging words.
I am so glad to share something about PAC too!
Though some of the clips are not available i posted it,
Have a great day
Keep sharing
Season’s Greeetings to you and yours. :-)
~ Philip
Hi Philip,
Thank you so much for answering in my expert roundup. You gave me a good, detailed answer. Anytime when I’m going to make another roundup, where you are going to be a good fit, I’m going to invite you. I’m glad I met you. You are such a nice and helpful person :)
Take care,
Hi Minuca,
What a joy to meet you on my page again,
Thank you so much for the kind words,
In fact i am so thankful that you added my opinion
though i was bit late in attending to your reply.
Happy again to note that I am in your good book!! LOL
Keep sharing
Keep up the good work
All good wishes
~ Philip
Hi Philip
I am not surprised that you have been featured in so many blogs. You are an inspiration to your generation. Love your blog and your writing style too and I am glad that I have known you.
It was great to be featured in your blog. Thank you so much and have a wonderful week.
Thanks for sharing. Take Care
Hi Bro. Ikechi,
It’s indeed a great joy to see you here on my page again,
Thank you very much for your kind visit and relentless supports you extended to me during my blogging journey. I remember all that with a heartfelt thanks.
Keep up the good work my dear friend,
I am glad that I met you on this internet world.
Keep sharing,
Have a great week ahead
Best Regards
~ Philip
Thanks for the mention, Philip! I’m glad you enjoyed my roundups :)
Keep up the good work yourself, man!
Hi Nik,
What a Joy to see you on my page,
I appreciate your valuable time here, :-)
Yes, that roundup was indeed a wonderful and informative one.
Keep sharing
Hope you may have a great weekend.
~ Philip
I really appreciate you Bro. PV !!
Your page is featured on so many blogs with lot of information,
this really shows you are one among the great bloggers in the blogging world!
Also will read all of your interview posts, will make it soon as possible.
Appreciate your hard work in this informative blog.
Keep sharing, we read !!

– Karthik
Karthik Linga recently posted…Top 7 SEO Tricks That You Did Not Know About
Hi Kartik,
Thank you so much for your kind visit and for the encouraging words.
I appreciate your valuable time and for the wonderful insight you brought in.
Glad to note that you liked my posts and happy to note that you do visit again,
Keep in touch
May you have a wonderful and joyous weekend
Best Regards
~ Philip
This is an impressive list! It was a pleasure to have you on the blog, PV.
Hi Sue,
What a joy to see you on my page,
Thanks a lot for your valuable time.
I am glad that you liked it,
Yes, it is indeed a great privilege to be on your esteemed page, :-)
Hope you may have a wonderful and blessed weekend.
Keep sharing
Best regards
~ Philip
Amazing personalities likes to read your blog and keep in touch with people like you. And in return, surely they like to feature you in their blogs. This happens because you are such an inspirational dude to everyone who come in contact with you. Nice to know and read more about you and your page. Thank you so much..
Keep writing.
Prince Ramgarhia recently posted…Punjabi Status for Whatsapp

Prince thank you very much for your visit to my page and for the kind words.
I appreciate your valuable presence.
Keep visiting
Keep sharing
May you have a great weekend
~ Philip