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A2 Hosting The Best Hosting Platform For Bloggers And Business Owners

Posted in Blogging, Business/Sale, and Web Hosting

Last updated on December 30, 2024

A2 Hosting The Fast And Best Hosting Platform For Bloggers And Business Owners

A2 Hosting

After the shutting down of Google’s Knol page, we migrated our resources from the blogger platform to the WordPress platform.

With the help of my techie friend we migrated the resources to a shared platform and later after one year on one black Friday offer, we shifted it to another famous hosting platform named Bluehost and we opted for a 3-year subscription.

But sad to say just after one year the trouble started with some security issues and we opted out from that hosting platform and shifted to A2 Hosting. 


Since then there was no trouble we faced and A2 Hosting is giving a wonderful service and I would like to recommend it to my fellow bloggers around the world to opt for this service.

Presently they are offering a 86% discount to its customers, and you can avail of this offer by clicking on this link:

Celebrate this earth week with A2 Hosting and avail this amazing offer. via Philipscom Associates #phillipscomviews Share on X

A2 Hosting Black Friday Deals

Save Up to 86% Off) From A2 Hosting Now

A2 Hosting best hosting

A2 Hosting The Best Hosting PlatformA2 Hosting Is Famous For Its Speed

Yes, the first and foremost part of this hosting platform is its speed.

A2 Hosting The Best Hosting PlatformSpeed is a vital part of any website or blog.  If a visitor comes to your page and the page loading is taking time the visitor leaves that page and goes to other places.

To avoid this tendency you must have a high-speed hosting platform.  A2 Hosting is the best hosting platform now with high speed and you can go for it.

Your site speed definitely impacts your SEO rankings, bounce rate, visitor’s satisfaction, and above all it leads your conversion rate.

In short, web hosting speed is an important factor in getting more conversions, engagement, and Revenue.

Not only that Google too counts this as a ranking factor.

A2Hosting is the best hosting plan available for all your website needs. Via Share on X

After the introduction of Solid State Drive (SSD) Railgun Optimizer and pre-configured server at its shared hosting plan A2 Hosting speed is not second to any other hosting platforms.  Indeed for speed, it is the  number  one in the market.

A2 Hosting Check out the findings

From my own experience and some of the top online experts, testimonies reveal that it is one of the top and best-hosting sites in relation to speed.  Also, it has a lot of reliability in many areas of web hosting.

A2 Hosting Is An Established Platform

Many online users and professional bloggers like Erik Emanuelli, Jerry Low, Lisa Sicard, John Paul Aguiar, and many other well-known professional bloggers in the blogging industry are using this platform and recommend it to their clients.  It has a good standing in the industry from the beginning.

From my experience, I can very well say that it is a very reliable platform and  I always recommend this site to my clients as well as to my online friends and fellow bloggers for the smooth functioning of their website.

In the initial stage, this was known as Iniquinet and later it was named A2 Hosting.  Since its inception in the year 2001, it is doing a tremendous service to the online community.

A2 Hosting Customer Service is Praiseworthy

A2 Hosting is well-known for its dedicated customer service team otherwise known as ‘Guru Crew’ Support Team.  Their relentless service in every area is worth notable.A2 Hosting The Best Hosting Platform Indeed it has a dedicated team for 24 x 7 service.  Their live chat session is really a highly rated one.

The follow-up via email too is really fantastic and worth mentioning.

Your email queries are well attended to on time according to our requirements.

A prompt reply is delivered within a short span of time to our email.  Some hosters are least bothered to attend our email queries once they sold their products.

I have had some bad experiences with my previous hosting platforms, they do not even respond to our urgent queries via email and their support teams are really useless and boring.

But at A2 hosting the support team is quick in replying or attending to your problems.

A2 Hosting Present Packages

A2 Hosting The Best Hosting Platform

There are many different wonderful options available now with A2 Hosting.

It has shared web hosting, or in other words known as virtual web hosting.

It is a web hosting where individual hosting accounts are stored on a single web server, all of which share the same system resources like disk, space, data transfer, and server processing power.

Shared hosting offers an affordable option to run your website, and it all related server hosting costs is shared and distributed among other users on the physical machine.

A2 Hosting has three different options, they are LITE, SWIFT, and TURBO.  Like other hosting companies it focuses on unlimited options with this plan.

These plans come with unlimited storage and transfer, plus free SSL and SSD with user-friendly cPanel which any layman can operate.

In addition to this A2 Hosting’s other options like Swift and Turbo plans provide unlimited websites and databases.

It offers a wonderful option of the Money Back policy too.Black Friday Offer You can integrate A2 Hosting with Joomla, Drupal, and WordPress irrespective of your present account.  Also, it can integrate basic shopping cart applications for a merchant website.

It has data centers in different locations in Asia, Amsterdam, Singapore, and Michigan with the primary data center.

Philipscom is currently hosting a WordPress site on A2 Hosting’s  Server and with full confidence, we can say it is amazing and meet all our web needs.

In fact, we are thrilled with the pre-tuned performance and pre-configured site caching, both of which contribute to site loading times at high speed!

Shared Hosting solutions are the perfect high-speed and user-friendly solution for our website.

As the company claims, “Each Shared Hosting account is fine-tuned for the best performance and reliability.”

We experienced this and recommend this to our clients and friends!A2 Hosting The Best Hosting PlatformWhile shared hosting is the most popular option, there are other choices you can go with.

Yes, you can also go with Unmanaged or Managed VPS hosting, Reseller Hosting, Dedicated Server Hosting with A2 Hosting.

A2 Hostings Shared Hosting solutions are the perfect high speed and user-friendly solution for any website. Share on X

A2 Hosting Is An Eco-Friendly Best Hosting Platform

Last but not least it is the best hosting platform with an eco-friendly system.

As we all very well aware that our environment is getting polluted every day.   

One of the major causes of this global warming is the excess usage of different gadgets and the usage of the Internet.

According to a recent survey, Internet usage is fast growing at an alarming rate of 600% to 900% every year.

If this level continues no doubt the web hosting’s energy emission keeps on increasing at an alarming rate and that will become one of the major pollution sources and will further damage our environment.

We need to concern about this alarming growth of global warming and should think and act seriously to curtail this consumption as much as we can.

What the industries say about A2 Hosting Service Provider 

A2 hosting best hosting service providerWe the online users can do a vital part in curtailing this alarming growth by using eco-friendly web hosting platforms and green web host services.

I am happy to know that A2Hosting is an eco-friendly web hosting and it also allows their employees to work remotely from their homes to avoid unwanted carbon emissions.

Their primary goal is to offer blazingly fast and ultra-reliable solutions which are an amazing thing to note in this time of Global Warming.

Join eco-friendly web hosting platforms like A2 Hosting and be part of saving our environment. via Share on X

Philipscom website is a multi-niche site that gives much importance to Global Warming and Environment (you can read many such environment-related posts elsewhere on these pages)

I encourage my fellow beings to opt for such eco-friendly hosting sites.  I recommend you to join this cause of curtailing the global ommissions by buying this wonderful product from A2Hosting.

A2 Hosting The Upcoming Features 

As part of A2Hosting’s commitment to providing its subscribers the most up to date hosting environment, they are planning to star upgrade their hosting platform to cPanel 78 LTS.

This upgrade will provide its customers with added functionality like GIT support, enhanced security, and most importantly improve the user experience.

To order and know more about A2 Hosting Click on the image given below:

Please Note That The  links given above carry my affiliate link:

If you purchase by using this link, it will credit me as your referrer and I will get a small commission and that helps me to keep this site live. 

Your support in this regard is highly appreciated!

Buying via this link doesn’t cost you more, Instead, you get the lowest possible price 

You can click on the below image to get this offer.


Reviews About A2 Hosting Posted on TrustPilot And WebHostingGeek

Check out more features of A2 Hosting from this infographic.


Last updated on: Nov. 25, 2024.


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A2 Hosting The Best Hosting Platform

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  1. Nice Sharing…As you pointed out, “A2 Hosting is well-known for its dedicated customer service team otherwise known as ‘Guru Crew’ Support Team. Their relentless service in every area is worth notable. Indeed it has a dedicated team for 24 x 7 service. Their live chat session is really a high rated one and of course, follow up via email too is really fantastic and worth mentioning.” I fully agree with these statements.
    Keep writing such informative reviews.

    November 27, 2017
  2. Hi Philip Sir,
    I heard many good things from you about A2hosting after you opted for it. It is glad to know that many other bloggers especially top bloggers like Erik Emanuelli, John Paul, Lisa Sicard and others are using this wonderful platform for their websites.
    I think I should give it a try.
    Thanks for the sharing such a lot of information about this hosting platform
    Have a good week ahead.

    November 27, 2017
  3. Fully informative topics about A2 Hosting, A2 Hosting is very popular for cloud VPS, Price is affordable, the Support system is good as well as there live chat. For WordPress website’s hosting is the specialty of A2 Hosting. And yes I fully agree with these statements.

    November 27, 2017
    • Vikas

      the most informative and helpful article, Thanks for sharing

      December 16, 2020
  4. David Ovist
    David Ovist

    hey your Article A2 Hosting The Best Hosting Platform-Black Friday and Cyber Monday Hosting offers is The Best I have Post a Links Related to your article. I Agree with your statements which provide you with your article

    November 28, 2017
  5. P.Nikhil Kumar
    P.Nikhil Kumar

    Hi Philip!
    Thanks for sharing this valuable information. But there are many more people who provide even more cheap hosting plans. And if we go for this deal, Will there be a good customer care?

    November 28, 2017
  6. Blogger Bape
    Blogger Bape

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    did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to

    the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as

    much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.

    July 5, 2018
  7. HostiServer

    Hi Philip!
    I am a new business owner. I love your article. This line sounds good (It offers a wonderful option of Money Back policy too.) I hope to see more useful information from you.

    July 19, 2018
  8. Joseph

    Is this hosting still reliable? I want to move my website to WordPress.

    Help please

    January 31, 2019
  9. Subham Sahuwala
    Subham Sahuwala

    This is a timely post to me, In fact, I was looking for on A2 hosting first hand experience.
    Thanks for such a detailed explanation/review on this amazing platform for bloggers.
    keep writing such informative posts in future too.

    January 31, 2019
  10. Chinni

    Hey Phil,
    Indeed a great review about A2 Hosting.
    This platform looks like a great hosting platform.
    As you mentioned the speed and security is really wonderful.
    Thanks for sharing such an informative and useful article keep posting the articles every day so that your visitors will get more information in this regard.
    Sanskar School Delhi

    February 2, 2019
  11. Mouth Wash
    Mouth Wash

    Web development is easy but maintaining the site and keeping it up to date along with the latest Google SEO changes is another thing. Always remember, you need someone to take care of this hectic job.

    February 4, 2019
  12. Renjit

    Wow, this is really a great article!
    A2 Hosting looks like a wonderful site and I need to check more from this site.
    Will surely check these tips to gain more subscribers!
    Thank you so much! Keep on writing and more SUCH powerful and value added posts! ?

    February 6, 2019
  13. Ricardo

    I’ll take a look at that host. I need to improve the speed of my sites.

    February 25, 2019
  14. Sunil Barad
    Sunil Barad

    Thanks for such this indepth review on A2Hosting. I was searching for on A2 facilitating direct involvement. You very well explained all the features of this wonderful hosting platform.
    thanks again for sharing such an article.

    April 2, 2019
  15. Pankaj Grover
    Pankaj Grover

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    Keep sharing. Will come again.

    April 3, 2019
  16. saikumar ganji
    saikumar ganji

    Fully informative topics about A2 Hosting, Thank you for providing this information

    April 3, 2019
  17. Sourabh Biswas
    Sourabh Biswas

    This looks like a wonderful hosting platform.
    Well presented review. Will check this out and share with my friends on internet.
    Keep sharing such useful reviews through your websites.
    All the best.

    July 17, 2019
  18. Shristi Patni
    Shristi Patni

    Hi Philip!
    Thanks for sharing this valuable information.
    This looks like a wonderful hosting plan.
    Will check and share.
    Keep writing

    July 18, 2019
  19. Thank you for sharing this website. I want to make a website. so i need a good hosting service. So i think this article help me a lot.

    August 2, 2019
  20. Purnendu Das
    Purnendu Das

    Hey Philip!

    I am another entrepreneur. I adore your article. This line sounds great (It offers an awesome choice of Money Back strategy as well.) I want to see progressively valuable data from you.


    August 12, 2019
    • Hi Nik,
      Yes, Four years back I was using Bluehost and I faced a worst experience with them and got back my two years subscription from them after a big struggle।
      In fact they are the worst hosters in the market।
      It’s good only for their affiliates।
      Better save your data and change your hosting platform।
      Have a great weekend।

      October 26, 2019
  21. narendra singh
    narendra singh

    Very informative article for a new blogger like me..
    Good to know more about this wonderful hosting platform.
    Thanks for this info sharing.

    October 31, 2019
  22. John Jackson
    John Jackson

    Very interesting, good job and thanks for sharing such a good article. Your content is so convincing that I never stop myself to say something about it. You’re doing a great job. Keep it up

    December 5, 2019
  23. John

    Excellent article about hosting, im using namecheap. You make some really good points and offer some great tips! Ive done fairly well this year using facebook marketing and now putting that money in to bitcoin, hyperinflation is coming and bitcoin was built as a solution for exactly whats happening now. Exciting time to be alive isnt it,..!

    May 23, 2020
  24. Moccasin

    Seriously, I am looking for some hosting platform to launch my new website. Your article solves my problem. A2 Hosting Platform looks like an amazing platform
    We’ll surely try this.

    Thank you so much for providing such amazing content.

    November 12, 2021
  25. Nikhil Webasha
    Nikhil Webasha

    Thanks for sharing this useful information about A2 Hosting Platform.
    Looks liked it’s an amazing platform for bloggers and other onlinee and offline business owners. I really like it thank you so much.
    Keep sharing
    All the Best.

    November 13, 2021
  26. Divya

    Thank You For Sharing Great Information By You. Thank you again

    December 1, 2021
  27. Jackson.

    Excellent blog about hosting. your content is very convincing and informative. we are providing a New Food Concepts Together With Gzooh Kitchens We’re Helping New Business Pursuits The Rive Across North America

    January 5, 2022
  28. Amir Kami
    Amir Kami

    Great share.
    A lot of information you shared about this amazing platform called A2 Hosting keep up the good work keep sharing i appreciate your hard work.
    With all good wishes.

    January 14, 2022
  29. Malik

    Very Informative. Thanks a lot for giving us such amazing information. Highly recommended..

    January 15, 2022
  30. Chitiz Agrawal
    Chitiz Agrawal

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    as human tendency always be find new offer bargaining point of view
    thanks for blog as a wonderful thoughts you shared.
    Keep sharing
    Best wishes

    January 18, 2022
  31. Albert Dmenzel
    Albert Dmenzel

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    This looks a wonderful hosting platform.
    We’ll surely check the credentials.
    Thanks for sharing.

    January 31, 2022
  32. trupti

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    November 25, 2024
  33. Amber Alle
    Amber Alle

    I found the blog is very useful. Thank you for shriang this article.
    Looks like A2Hosting is one of the best hosting platforms in the field.
    Keep sharing more such information to the blogging community.

    November 25, 2024
  34. pratiksha

    I appreciate your blog because it led me in the right direction. Please continue, keep up the good work. All the best.

    November 25, 2024

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