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A Brief History Of Drupal Open Source Software – An [Infographic]

Posted in Blogging, infographic, Technology/Software, and WordPress And SEO

Last updated on September 17, 2018

Last updated on September 14, 2018.

The rise and rise of Drupal open source software

Drupal open source software is used for creating, editing and publishing the content for websites. The major reason behind Drupal’s widespread popularity is the security, versatility and regular community updates.

How the story started

Drupal was the brainchild of 2 students of the University of Antwerp- Dries Buytaert and Hans Snijder. The university didn’t have a reliable internet connection. So in order to share the ADSL modem connection of Hans among a few students, they set up a wireless bridge.

As the things worked they realized the need for improving their idea. It graduated to a small news site when Dries decided to use the web board. It allowed the students to socialize with each other and share different types of information.

After graduating, Dries brought a domain name and put the site online so that the friends should stay in touch. It was actually a revolutionary decision that eventually resulted in the birth of powerful CMS Drupal. In 2001 the software behind was released. It graduated from the experimentation platform that allowed the other to modify or extend its functionality and adding new features. The idea was to help the people in the exploration of new web developments path.

Drupal the open source software is the brainchild of 2 students of the University of Antwerp. Read more @ Philipscom Share on X

The Present

Today Drupal is maintained by a number of expert programmers and community members who keep in adding/suggesting new features, recognize and patch up security vulnerabilities and develop a number of specific modules to help the users.

The major bodies/events 

DrupalCon: Conference of Drupal community that is held twice every year. In this conference, a large number of Drupal communities meet and discuss various pertinent issues related to the use and scope of Drupal and to discuss other important issues. The was actually aimed at empowering the people to explore new ways of web development. It was an experimental platform that could be extended and modified by the users.

Drupal Association: Drupal Association was earlier known as Drupal Inc. In July 2011 the name was changed and responsibilities multiplied. Today Drupal Association is responsible for proper maintenance of

  •    DrupalCons
  •    Drupal.Org
  •    Community Cultivation Grants
  •    Global Training days
CMS Website Services

Courtesy of: CMS Website Services 

Disclaimer:  This is a guest contribution to Philipscom and the tips tricks, strategies mentioned in it does not reflect the view and opinions of P V Ariel or Philipscom blog. For More Information Read This


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  1. Chery Schmidt
    Chery Schmidt

    Hello Philip! What a great review of Drupal my friend! Thanks for sharing.. Chery :))

    May 25, 2017
    • Hi Chery,
      What a joy to see you here again.
      Thanks a lot for the kind words.
      Have a good day.

      May 26, 2017
  2. Hi Philip,
    Absolutely fascinating to read the story of Drupal, especially the origin of the name.

    I had heard about Drupal, but never taken the trouble to find out more.

    Thanks for sharing,

    Joy – Blogging After Dark

    May 26, 2017
    • Hi Joy,
      Thanks a lot for sharing your experience in this regard. Yes, it’s indeed an interesting beginning of wonderful platform.
      Thanks for your time.
      Have a good day.

      May 26, 2017
    • Hi Joy,
      Glad to see you here again.
      Nice to know that you got some new information from this infographic.
      Keep sharing.
      Have a great day.
      Best Regards.

      May 26, 2017
  3. Hi Philip,

    I love the infographic and the data you put in it. However, I don’t know much about drupal but after looking at this infographic. My doubts are clear now.

    You show’d the history of drupal.

    Thanks for sharing. :)

    May 26, 2017
    • Hello Prayas,
      A warm welcome to our page.
      Glad to know that you like the post and found informative.
      Keep visiting.
      Have a wonderful and profitable day.

      May 26, 2017
  4. Mandy Allen
    Mandy Allen

    I completely love infographics and this one is just perfect for taking us through the journey of Drupal. Thanks for sharing!

    Enjoy the journey!

    May 27, 2017
    • Hi Mandy,
      So glad to see you here again. :-)
      Thanks for your valuable feedback.
      Keep sharing.
      May you have a great Sunday.
      ~ Philip

      May 28, 2017
  5. Sobat

    Drupal, oh so drupal.. (IMO, means hard to learn, because I’m not a pure programmer).
    A powerful cms, but so hard to manage (again, it’s only my view).
    But once you can handle the drupal, you are rocks.

    May 28, 2017
  6. Hi Philip. I started using Drupal when I needed more functions than the plain html sites I’d been building. It was great for membership sites but in those days all Drupal sites looked much alike. Then I discovered WordPress which suited most of my needs and were easier to design. With the increased popularity of Facebook Groups, participation in the membership groups declined and I closed them down.

    I must take another look to see how Drupal has developed over time. Thank you for the review.

    May 28, 2017
    • Philip Verghese 'Ariel'
      Philip Verghese 'Ariel'

      Hi Sue,
      Thank you for your valuable presence with your experience with Drupal.
      In fact, Drupal has come a long way to the present stage. It’s stage of history reveals it all. Check out you will find it.
      Thanks again for your valuable feedback.
      Keep sharing.
      Have a great and profitable week ahead.
      Best Regards

      May 28, 2017
  7. Hi Philip

    This is just a great look at drupal. Personally, i used to believe that drupal is very difficult to use till today.

    Thanks for sharing. Take care

    June 6, 2017
    • Hi Ikechi,
      Happy to see you after a bit gap. :-)
      Glad that you like the post.
      Yes, it is an easy to use platform.
      Thanks for your time again.

      June 6, 2017
  8. stickman

    The information you share is very useful. It is closely related to my work and has helped me grow. Thank you!

    July 7, 2017
  9. Lubna Shahzadi
    Lubna Shahzadi

    I love info graphics and this one is just perfect for taking us through the journey of Drupe. Thanks for sharing!

    Enjoy the journey!

    July 11, 2017
  10. ALi Raza
    ALi Raza

    Worth Reading , Drupal is one of the best CMS than Word Press

    Eid Mubarak Sms in Urdu

    July 12, 2017
  11. madalin stunt cars 2
    madalin stunt cars 2

    Thanks a lot for sharing your experience in this regard. Yes, it’s indeed an interesting beginning of wonderful platform.

    August 9, 2017
  12. The knowledge you share really changes me in life, I sincerely thank you for the things you have done, sure your blog will help more people.

    October 2, 2017
  13. Clara J
    Clara J

    Excellent post with a lot of information. Thanks for sharing us, its very helpful for me. I have bookmarked to check out new stuff you post. Keep sharing more such information ?
    All good wishes

    November 19, 2021

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