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12 Ways to Ace Any College Essays

Posted in Education, and English Language

Last updated on April 13, 2018

12 Vital Ways to Ace Any College Essays

12 tips that can help you approach your college essays more systematically. Ideas that other writers ace their writing assignments. Learn what other writers do.

College Essays Matter – A Lot

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Most of the colleges today require students to write an essay before they can get in. Why? Are they trying to evaluate your writing skills? Not really! College essays reveal some very important aspects about the student to the college administrators. These are hidden personality traits that the college administrators are trying to dig out.

A lot of people try to perfect the language of the essay. A common point of worry for many is who can proofread my essay. But the real deal of the success of the essay lies somewhere else. Here are a few article writing tips and tricks that experts swear by to ace any writing assignment.

Tips to Ace Your College Essays

Build an Idea

The first thing that you should do is build an idea. You may have a topic on hand but before you sit down to write about it, spend some time contemplating it. You need to first identify what you are going to include in the essay. Also, select a particular tone that you would follow. This process will help you clear the clutter and get some clarity on the topic before you start writing.

Amazing article writing tips and tricks that experts swear... via @PVAriel Share on X

Create a Structure

Now that you know what you want to write, you need to create a structure that you would like to follow. The most common structure that is followed in writing an article is:

  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Conclusion

The introduction part slowly introduces the readers to your thought process and the topic. The body is where all the elaboration happens and all the arguments are presented. This section can contain bullet points, tables, infographics, etc. The conclusion is where a seamless end is brought to the topic.

Write an Engaging Introduction

It need not be reiterated that the quality of the introduction of your article will determine how much of it will be read by your audience. If you can’t engage your audience from the first paragraph itself, then you have lost their attention.

Instead of using a standard introduction style, some professional writers tend to use anecdotes or snippets of stories. These short stories help them catch the attention of their audience. From there on they are hooked and end up reading the whole piece.

12 Vital Ways to Ace Any College Essays. via @pvariel Share on X

Create Multiple Drafts

If you are required to write an essay with a certain word count limit, then you should ideally let your first draft just flow without worrying about it. Most writers end up writing multiple drafts before they have the final copy ready. Do not restrict your first draft with anything because the first draft will get your thoughts on the paper. You can then, later on, worry about rearranging it, editing it, or even elaborating it if needed.

Focus on Readability

Those days of Victorian English are long gone in the past. Today, the attention span of readers is very short – almost as short as goldfish memory! So, no matter how great your concept is, you have to simplify it for the readers. Long drawn sentences will get your readers lost. So, try to keep your sentences short and precise.

In the world of digital content, experts believe that a sentence with 10 words has the ideal length. This helps keep the audience engaged and create an impact.

Break Monotony

Nothing can be more boring than an essay that follows a monotonous flow. Such essays also get overlooked quite easily. So, think of how you can break the monotony of how the content flows. You can add in a few bullet points, make a table or a graph, or even add an infographic. The break of visual and reading monotony will make the essay interesting.

Use Credible Sources

Writing an article involves a lot of research. During this research, you may come across quotes or data points that are worth a mention. If you are plan on including them, then make sure that you mention the resource. Nobody would believe any kind of statistics if they are not followed by a reference to a credible source. It would also make you look honest and sincere and not as someone who is just cooking up things for own benefit.

Add a Piece of You









A lot of people say that one should always write for the audience. One has to understand who their audience is and then write the article so that it is relevant to them and engaging as well. This is true and cannot be argued upon. However, this does not mean you do not reflect yourself anywhere. A good way to establish a balance here is to add a touch of your own personality and thought process in the article. You can add your own opinions or ideas in the article.

Get Feedback

Having confidence in your own writing is good. But being overconfident is not going to help. So, before you submit the final draft of your essay you can seek feedback. Share your final draft with your mentors or friends who you believe will give you an honest opinion and give suggestions for improvement. Never rush into submitting something unless you are close to the deadline!

Writing an article or a college essay does take time and effort. But check out these easy steps via @pvariel Share on X

Read Yourself

Another important thing that you should do before you submit the final draft is read the article yourself. Since, you would have already spent hours editing it and rewriting it, reading it one more time may sound like an effort. But remember earlier you were reading it from your own point of view. Now read it as a reader and make notes of the experience. This can help you make one more round of changes.

Include Emotions

If you want your article or essay to be a big hit, then you need to get your readers engaged. This can only be done if there is an element of emotion involved. So, think of ideas to appeal to the emotional side of your readers.

You also should know what kind of emotions you want to incite. Some articles create a warm and cozy feeling while some create a sense of longing. Some people also harp on panic and caution to keep readers engaged. So, think of the emotion that will keep your readers reading and try to draw that out.

Be Creative

If you have it in you to stray away from the tried and tested and use a different approach don’t hold back. Be as creative as possible in writing the headline, introduction, or even the conclusion. Remember, there is no perfect way of writing anything.



Writing an article or a college essay does take time and effort. It is not some incoherent scribbling that is going to help you ace your way through. You need to use a more systematic approach. Use the tips that we have shared and see the difference. It will not only help you write better but it will also help you write faster.

college essays
College Essays


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  1. Joyce Blass
    Joyce Blass

    Great tips! I agree to all of these especially with creating multiple drafts. I used to always worry about the word count and guess what– I always end up having a trashy essay! I learned to just let it all flow naturally and do the editing afterwards. Thanks for sharing this!

    January 15, 2018
    • Hi Joyce,
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      Thanks for sharing your experience.
      Keep visiting.
      ~ Philip

      January 15, 2018
  2. Subway Surfers Mod Apk
    Subway Surfers Mod Apk

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    Zack Knight

    March 2, 2018
  3. Ellie Neilson
    Ellie Neilson

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    April 1, 2018

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